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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16486064

>white women have the same spatial iq as black men.
Biofags, explain what causes this

Anonymous No. 16486074

Purely socioeconomic factors.

Anonymous No. 16486221

super-archaic erectoid dna contamination
watch the whole video

Anonymous No. 16486534

Now compare with asians

Anonymous No. 16486558

The difference between men and women's spatial IQ is genetic and there is no denying that. Ample evidence cross-culturally and in line with the Wilson effect has shown this to be true, especially since some of these differences are close to a standard deviation. This means that I'm fairly certain no socioeconomic factors have caused this black-white gap as well, unless those IQ deficits are caused by black men smoking a cigarette made of lead everyday before work. If only these people studied black women to show the true extent of this, but you can imagine its even worse.

Anonymous No. 16486774

show black women

Anonymous No. 16486860

But the graph shows that it is clearly consistently higher? Even niggers of gender are more intelligent than niggers.

Anonymous No. 16487112

Source for the graph?

raphael No. 16487291

prob even lower

raphael No. 16487292

which race is the wilson effect the most common? or its a general phenomenon?

Anonymous No. 16488818

Reverse image search it

Anonymous No. 16488941

They are the most educated group in America, their spatial IQ is likely in the 200s.

Anonymous No. 16489094

I reverse image searched it and the most I got was a Twitter account that linked a study that didn't have this graph and was only about sex differences.

Anonymous No. 16489330

Spatial iq is positively correlated with neanderthal ancestry. Blacks have no neanderthal ancestry. Asians have the most.

Anonymous No. 16490129

Seems like some twitter user made it, he seems to be the origin of the chart.

Anonymous No. 16490272

according to science blacks so.

Anonymous No. 16490350

>The researchers found that African individuals on average had significantly more Neanderthal DNA than previously thought—about 17 megabases (Mb) worth

>After correcting for that bias, the new study found similar amounts of Neanderthal DNA in Europeans and Asians—51 and 55 Mb, respectively.

So? Europeans and Asians still have way more.

Anonymous No. 16490353

>Blacks have no neanderthal ancestry.
nta, but he clearly brought that up to dispute the claim that blacks did not possess any neanderthal ancestry, nothing more.

Anonymous No. 16490971

I thought black men were supposed to have the most since they are sportsball champions as a result of their inherent racial superiority?

Anonymous No. 16490979

If this were true, then white women dominating the wnba would be so typical that caitlin clark wouldn't have been newsworthy.

Raphael No. 16491026

Savior complex maxing

Anonymous No. 16491049

It's not a complex to recognize facts, Black women are the most educated group in America.

Anonymous No. 16491056

That's quite the indictment of the American education system then.

Anonymous No. 16491062

It's an observation of Black women's success, chud.

Anonymous No. 16491458


Raphael No. 16492332

Black women are retarded

Anonymous No. 16492340

>Chud's opinion vs Reality
Reality won, again.

Anonymous No. 16492359

Evidently not if they are getting more degrees than white men. You don’t need to be a genius for an arts degree but you do need to be in the average range.

I know you racists won’t change your minds but thankfully most people don’t think like you.

Black women are a demographic that cannot win no matter what they do. They are some of the most disrespected people in the world.

Anonymous No. 16492369

>most people don’t think like you.
>Black women are a demographic that cannot win no matter what they do. They are some of the most disrespected people in the world.
How do you hold both of these claims to be true?

Anonymous No. 16492370

They get affirmative action every step of the way retard. Average IQ for black americans is 85 and this has been steady for almost a century. Then there are traditional observations saying the same.

Anonymous No. 16492395

You don’t understand affirmative action if you really think that.
85 is not retarded, you seem to not understand this. People with iqs in that range are capable of more than you seem to think, especially if they are highly conscientious.
There is also still a percentage of black people with higher iqs than that as well of course.

We don’t all need to be stem majors in this life, we don’t all need high intelligence..

Anonymous No. 16492423

You don't think ones IQ plays an important role in determining whether one is being truly conscientious or just selfish?

Anonymous No. 16492434

Conscientiousness is a personality trait akin to ‘grit’. It’s what makes someone a hard worker- this is independent of intelligence.
Explain how you’ve conflated this with selfishness.

Anonymous No. 16492609

People with lower IQs are less capable at abstract thought and thus less capable of being able to take the feelings of others into consideration, so they would be more likely to be selfish than actually conscientious.

Anonymous No. 16492679

You appear to fundamentally misunderstand conscientiousness

Anonymous No. 16492680

No u

Anonymous No. 16492684

What do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16492697

It's called being a spastic and taking your spastication out on others. Ignore him

Anonymous No. 16492708

>African individuals
Africa is huge are we talking about North Africans or gorilla niggers?

Anonymous No. 16492764

Kinesthetic sense is different than spatial awareness

Anonymous No. 16492767

Not him, but conscientiousness is more similar in meaning to 'disciplined' than it is to 'considerate'

Anonymous No. 16492940

Oh, that makes sense, thank you for the clarification.

raphael No. 16493288

>socioeconomic factors

yeah anon you dont know shit nigga

imagine thinking pre frontal cortex physiology is impacted by income and zip code

Anonymous No. 16493307

White women are held back by misogyny, Black men are held back by racism.

raphael No. 16493323

you are retarded as shit

Anonymous No. 16493329

Nice chimp-out response.

Anonymous No. 16493382

Racism + sexism = whiteness

Anonymous No. 16493797

Something I never hear about is why that is the case, why does racism and sexism exist? Why did men and specifically white men come out on top? Maybe because they are simply better in intellect and survival? If anything else, surely the fact that your people were so weak and pathetic to be conquered by others and then oppressed by them isn't necessarily a refection on the colonizers, but your people, who failed to advance past hunter-gatherer. As for men, patriarchy is natural, there has never been a matriarchy, and to say otherwise is delusional. Women simply seek out the most fit men, who then rule society, also the variability in the male intellect plays a role.

Anonymous No. 16493855

And this perfectly embodies whiteness >>16493797

raphael No. 16493864

liberal retard fuck off this board

Anonymous No. 16493909

>And this perfectly embodies whiteness

>No rebuttal other than you're white

Looks like I win.

Anonymous No. 16493915

that's because they are made for each other

Anonymous No. 16493990

autist detected

Anonymous No. 16494440

>huh, I'm being called out for dehumanizing people?
>hehe guess that means I won the argument!
Whiteness, everybody...

Raphael No. 16494646


Just say you can’t take facts

Anonymous No. 16494699

>J-just say you can't take facts
>N-n-no! Black women are not the most educated group in America!

Anonymous No. 16494893

doesn't the prefrontal cortex get fucked by malnutrition (impaired synaptic growth/neutral connectivity in PFC), stress from immediate survival (chronic exposure fucks cortisol levels/neurons), heighted amygdala from unsafe environment, poor lacking resources which leads into being a retard unable to understand what is actually happening to them so they blame it on racism or jews. also microplastics.

raphael No. 16494973

yes and nutrition can gain +- iq by 2 points FSIQ

raphael No. 16495333

appeal to probability nigga

Anonymous No. 16495338

Women are children, they're perpetual teenagers, like kids but with cunning and a sex drive. In other words, awful. They're mortality is humean, whereas males are kantians. Humean morality is indefensible and is why so many women do terrible things to themselves ans others, because it felt OK in the moment, so it was OK.
I genuinely believe we won't survive for much longer as a species unless we fix female deficits with selective eugenic breeding to weed out the insanity within them.

women definitely possess less moral faculty then men, thanks to their regrettable inheritance of psychological emotionalism. Men through milliena have worked hard to create a bubble of unreality where women could live, a place of complete safety from the hostile world, but women have been luxuriously insulated from the perils of the real world for so long their instincts have drifted without the correcting hand of mother nature, and thus we have unintentionally bred women who are delusional and fundamentally unstable. Women are sadly closer to the beasts then men are. I hope one day corrective eugenic breeding will improve the faculties of man and who sorely need it the most, women. I have dreams that we're all one day akin to the elves from the LOTR, beautiful, impeccably moral, wise and thriving with ease.

raphael No. 16495349

TLDR; women are stupid

Raphael No. 16495396

You don’t know shit the average nigger is 83 FSIQ so women are prob 86-90 which is shit white men are 97

Raphael No. 16495463

85 is horrible that’s the average janitor

Anonymous No. 16498165

How many black women have you interacted with in your life?

Anonymous No. 16498170

My interactions do not decide objective reality, a group that possesses the most education is an intelligent one, black women are that group. Cope and seethe about it.

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Anonymous No. 16498197

>N-n-no! Black women are not the most educated group in America!

That would be Asian males good xir, try again.

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Anonymous No. 16498343

OK mysoginistic.
Picrel is computress. These women at JPL did all the calculations instead of computers during the GOlden Age of Space Exploration.
When space exploration could get us to the moon and we can't anymore, now that we have a mjority of men in aerospace.

How do you explain that?

Anonymous No. 16498347

But now we have more women in aerospace than ever before. Not all aerospace was in manual repetitive computing by using punch cards

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Anonymous No. 16498356

You're right, there was also coding involved. PIcrel related.

Seriously, Studies of IQ and Math and women fron last decade have on the contrary demonstrated:
-women just as good or little less at grunt math devs;
-women less at spatial references;
-women way better at intuition.

Hint: non-low hanging fruits today in Math are all about intuition, just as wasSrinivasa Ramanujan already about.

OP is mysogin jeet.

Anonymous No. 16498361

Hahaha, aerospace now has more women than ever before. There were more female programmers because men fought in ww2 and there was a shortage of labour in this field. Nasa in 1960s had way less women working in it than nasa today. This is just a fact. After creation of Fortran and other languages that didn't require so much repetition programming field became male, because it needed more creativity

Anonymous No. 16498365

Uh, hidden figures told me a group of black women did the computing tho? So why is there only one in this picture? Who are these white women, what is there role here?

Anonymous No. 16498374

from paragraph 3 of page 3 of 9 of this study :
Translation in English:
"Certain questions also reveal differences in treatment:
course questions are more often answered by boys, who go a little further on average than boys
girls in the subject; functional studies seem better mastered by boys, calculation questions
best done by girls. With open questions, girls understand the result better. However, they
make more errors in logic and mathematical formalism. However, these observations must be addressed
cautiously given the sample size."

"With open questions, girls understand the result better" i.e: they are more Creative.

Anonymous No. 16498375

Creativity in making things up and creativity in constructing structures are two different things. Also it's amusing that you've ignored anything I said about nasa. You are inconsistent, unlogical

Anonymous No. 16498381

From (OP): "white women have the same spatial iq as black men."

White women:
- Ada Lovelace
- Emmy Noether
- Sofia Kovalevskaya
- Sophie Germain
- Hypatia
- Katherine Johnson
- Maria Gaetana Agnesi
- Maryam Mirzakhani
- Julia Robinson

Taku Yanagisawa solved first the Navier-Stokes equation for 2D.

Lest not we forget the woman Mileva Maric who did all the math for the Einstein's relativity demonstration, albeit blackmailing him after divorce into revealing it if he didn't pay up.

Anonymous No. 16498386

From (OP): "white women have the same spatial iq as black men."

White women:
- Mary Cartwright
- Émilie du Châtelet
- Florence Nightingale
- Marjorie Lee Browne
- Caroline Herschel
- Euphemia Haynes
- Mary Everest Boole
- Mary Somerville
- Shafi Goldwasser
- Dorothy Vaughan
- Ingrid Daubechies
- Anna Nagurney
- Christine Ladd-Franklin
- Hertha Ayrton
- Hypatia Of Alexandria (350 To 370-415)

Anonymous No. 16498387

(OP) Watch and seeth:

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Anonymous No. 16498394

This roastie is really mad haha

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Anonymous No. 16498420

Consult the chart roastie. You can have superiority in coding according to the chart, mainly because I dont care for code monkeys. But in arithmetic reasoning women are out paced by men. This meta analysis used almost 8,000 data participants to measure the actual intelligence factor that determines arithmetic reasoning compared to your 2,350 prep students.

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Anonymous No. 16498422


Nope, not mad.

Just disapproving the Asian tard (OP) who said ">white women have the same spatial iq as black men."

Above link is white woman who studies Math at Princeton and studies Math at Harvard.

Where did tard (OP) study Math, again?

Anonymous No. 16498424

Oops typo

meant 16,000

Anonymous No. 16498426

Whites are the best race, everyone else gets angry at them out of petty jealousy

Anonymous No. 16498508

No wonder logic isn't a female thing if their brain produces posts like this

Anonymous No. 16498526

Then why the low birth rates?

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Anonymous No. 16498538

Jews are actually the best. Whites are 2nd.

Anonymous No. 16498541

to busy doing important things

Anonymous No. 16498725

>Spatial iq
Is that supposed to be sports playing?

Anonymous No. 16498872

Too busy posting on a Mongolian basket weaving website?

Anonymous No. 16498969

Nope and the best jews (ashkenazis) owe their superiority to other jews to European admixture.

Anonymous No. 16498972

lurk moar

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Anonymous No. 16499034

Jews are superior by any reasonable metric. They are the single most powerful power-block in the West despite being hardly 1% of the population, they are massively overrepresented in intellectual achievement, they practically run Hollywood, the media (specially the liberal media) etc.

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iq distribution.png

Anonymous No. 16499038

>- Ada Lovelace

Men have more variability in iq, so women are more likely to have an Iq in the 98-105 range then men.

men are more likely to have an iq above 130+ by a factor of 5. There are 5 times as many men with iq's above 140 then women.

source for graph: cambridge.

Anonymous No. 16499245

The woman on the bottom left ruins it, too ugly.

raphael No. 16500250


raphael No. 16500262

i will

Anonymous No. 16500722

Let the thread die, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16500858

Never believe a roastie

Anonymous No. 16501037

>women way better at intuition.
Can you explain what you mean by this? I'm genuinely curious as to what this is a measure of and why you believe that this would apply to viable discoveries in mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16501040

Actually according to psychology, men are more intuitive than women

Anonymous No. 16501042

>You can have superiority in coding according to the chart
Lol, 'coding' certainly isn't what you think it is in the context of these tests. If it actually involved something like "writing out code in a programming language to solve a given task", boys would absolutely murder girls at it.

If you actually look at what this means, it makes way more sense that it would be the kind of thing that girls do better on. You can see here:
>Coding measures visual-motor dexterity, associative nonverbal learning, and nonverbal short-term memory. Fine-motor dexterity, speed, accuracy and ability to manipulate a pencil contribute to task success; perceptual organization is also important.

Anonymous No. 16501046

>Coding measures visual-motor dexterity, associative nonverbal learning, and nonverbal short-term memory. Fine-motor dexterity, speed, accuracy and ability to manipulate a pencil contribute to task success; perceptual organization is also important.

Ah, so useless shit like "Manipulating a pencil correctly". Never mind, girls aren't good at much if anything then.

Anonymous No. 16501322

Also important to remember IQ is a proxy and not one and the same with intelligence. So other intangibles associated with having a great mind are also far more common in males as well.

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Anonymous No. 16501937

(OP) is a tiny dick raging Asian.
See picrel of 2000 women with higher IQ than OP.

Anonymous No. 16501956

and an army of conformist midwitted white men and women run the country and tolerate this jewish supremacy 4chan retards love to whine about, the typical know it all youtube creator archetype who are almost always libertarian or center leftists, which makes me wonder whether they are aware they are the bunch that basically allow capitalism to go on

Anonymous No. 16501960

Autism. Cute.

Anonymous No. 16502046

How do you know he is Asian?

Anonymous No. 16502548

This is sci, being Asian is a good thing here.
>tiny dick
Again, this is sci.

Anonymous No. 16502889

you're a subhuman and can't read the graph correctly

🗑️ raphael No. 16502980


Anonymous No. 16503091


🗑️ raphael No. 16503117

how am i a cunt?

Anonymous No. 16503127


🗑️ raphael No. 16503129

lol get mad nigga

Anonymous No. 16504548

He is smart

Anonymous No. 16505441

>Something I never hear about is why that is the case, why does racism and sexism exist?
It's because the white males genetics are recessive and biologically inferior. Your entire lineage gets wiped out in one generation of race mixing.

Anonymous No. 16505524

I bet many 3rd world countries are beyond fixable too bc of the iq deficient. The average brown person is not smart at all. They run their scoities the same way they run their families and companies. It's why they are all dysfunctional. I havnt been to every brown country in the world but I've been to minority cities and Mexico and cuba. Everything is dysfunctional. Their families. Their bussinesses. Their politics. Their law enforcement. EVERYTHING is dysfunctional. White people have no idea how stupid these people are and it's a giant suprise when they actually interact with these "PEOPLE".

Anonymous No. 16505558

Lol she was confirmed to have done nothing and just sucked off her husband (also her boss) for credit