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🗑️ 🧵 What is causing all the heart attacks in Seattle?

Anonymous No. 16486999

A peer-reviewed study has found a jaw-dropping 1,236% surge in excess heart attack deaths among King County's 2.2 million residents.

2020: 11 excess heart attack deaths
2021: 75 excess heart attack deaths
2022: 111 excess heart attack deaths
2023: 147 excess heart attack deaths
A 1,236% increase compared to 2020.

Moreover, cardiac arrest deaths, in general, rose about 25% from 2020 to 2023.
In the same time frame, King County's population shrunk slightly. Reflecting on this alarming data, Dr. Peter McCullough said, “So it looks like the vaccines are the smoking gun.” “This is now fully peer-reviewed in the emergency medicine literature. We've messaged the Medic One unit in Seattle. They clearly need to do more research to figure out how soon these vaccines were administered and to whom.”

>Excess cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality after COVID-19 vaccination in King County, Washington

Anonymous No. 16487001

Probably global warming. Or racism.

Anonymous No. 16487350


Anonymous No. 16487353

Not the vax that's for sure.

Anonymous No. 16487419

wildfire smoke, which 10 years ago was a non-issue but every subsequent year has gotten worse than the last (mostly canada's doing, btw)

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Anonymous No. 16487441

The idea that global warming is causing more wildfires is a falsehood created by data manipulation. In reality wildfires have fallen off massively over the past century. And because there is more CO2 in the atmosphere what little forest does burn grows back faster than it used to.
Adding CO2 to the atmosphere has made nature healthier than ever before

Anonymous No. 16487501

people are injecting more meth

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16487504

Go back to your containment board, incel.

Anonymous No. 16487506

This. Op is a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16487535

sure am glad i'm not vax'd

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sage No. 16487582

I want to feel bad for heart attack victims but then I remember that they don't suffer anymore, unlike OP who is constantly stressed out about things he himself imagined.
Scientists were yapping about rising heart disease problems for over a hundred years now, but you didn't care until Covid-19.

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sage No. 16487585

By the way, heart is linked to your mind, stress and schizophrenia is known to make people live short lives, don't worry OP, you will get your sweet release soon even if you didn't take the vaccine, because your mental illness does more damage than the spike protein could.

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Anonymous No. 16487597

"Doctor" McCullough should be locked up. Retarded fucking grifter.

Anonymous No. 16487608

this, now please stop talking about the vax it makes me uncomfortable

Anonymous No. 16487782

>literally anything happens
>McCullough: “it was the vax! I’m still relevant right guys!!!!”

Anonymous No. 16488035

Hand waiving away acute temporal condition. Sorry chud, this is a safe space for science, not for you to scream nothing ever happens.

Anonymous No. 16488117

Probably fent usage increase
Since we cannot directly get the numbers of fent/street drug users, maybe increase of heart would be a reliable estimate for increase in fent users. Of course this has to be verified by toxicology report

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Anonymous No. 16488141

Anonymous No. 16488312

if you want intellectually honest take, the ones dying are retarded gymfags who "are real men and need no rest for 2 weeks after vaccine" or 666lbs beasts, both cases are good riddance.

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Anonymous No. 16488465

>toxicology report

Anonymous No. 16488473

Not a 1000 percent

Blame anything with at least a 50% of the population involved

This vax retards make more sense

Anonymous No. 16488532

Safe and Effective

Anonymous No. 16488536

>RFK jr
Doofus hack

Anonymous No. 16488544

hot showers + coffee

Anonymous No. 16488637

and there's more but it won't make a difference to a shill

Anonymous No. 16488981

Yea, but we know exactly how it's linked:
Haloperidol causes 8 fold increase in ROS.
Every anti-psychotic prolongs Qt interval.

Anonymous No. 16488984

fentanyl or something like that

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Anonymous No. 16489562

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Anonymous No. 16489730

uh oh vaxxisters…this can't be happening

Anonymous No. 16489772

I'm not sure but as an article of faith I'm sure it cannot be vaccines.

Anonymous No. 16490163

>Sean Adl-tabatabai
Go back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16490343

If you cut fentanyl with tanshione it'll dissappear.

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Lipid Nanoparticl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16490620

Anonymous No. 16490896

another death note dropped, this time in Seattle

Anonymous No. 16491157

it was an untested vaccine made in a way that no vaccine was ever made before, given to people with no prior experience transporting/administering it. don't be a scientologist and just trust everyone who is a doctor just because thats what is expected. theres some great doctors and some really shitty doctors, and some great vaccines as well as shitty ones, and this was a shitty one.