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🧵 Should I go for my Master's?

Anonymous No. 16487238

I completed a Bachelor's in Healthcare Administration but couldn't find a job. I'm currently working as a Medical Assistant instead.

Should I go for a Master's in healthcare admin to get a job easier? Is it even worth it, or should I try to continue looking and hope I eventually find one?

Getting my Bachelor's was awful and I wanted to rip my hair out, so I would rather not do a Master's. But right now it seems like the easiest way to get a job.

Anonymous No. 16487283

Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

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Anonymous No. 16487345

I can’t imagine wasting your bachelor’s degree studying healthcare administration. Did you literally have zero interests outside what some outdated job report said?
Anyway yeah go get a masters because no one was ever going to let a 20-something be an administrator of anything

Anonymous No. 16487415

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