🧵 Quantum macroscopic effect
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 02:10:36 UTC No. 16487392
Alright, my proposition is that smoke sychronizes with brain frequency.
During my tests, I stay in a closed space with no wind and no moving of any sort.
I use thick incences that produce more smoke.
Alright, so, in my observations I see that as soon as smoke gets into laminar flow it automatically connects with the brain. (I wonder what would happen if there were two people, how the smoke would behave).
When your brain is under more beta frequencies, the smoke usually has less phases and it is harder to see any abnormal paterns.
But the magic starts when the brain kinda relaxes and lowers it's frequency to alpha. The smoke that was under LAMINAR FLOW starts changing phases and creating rings and spirals that all people are used to see.
These spirals and rings are connected to the brain and and synchronize with it's frequencies. When one is able to focus and and starts to understand what is happening, the smoke assumes forms and shapes that WOULDN'T be there otherwise. The brain can even manipulate and twist shapes with it's thoughts.
I have been doing this for a while but never got to film it yet, as im not rich and would possibly need to have expensive cameras that can slow down time, as these are really subtle things. I encourage other people to try it out and discuss about it.
Since the beginning my studies have led me to WAVE FUNCTION COLAPSE. The idea is that under laminar flow, the smoke assumes a function pattern that is broken as soon as someone OBSERVES it. Exactly like quantum phenomena, but this can actually be seen in a macroscopic environment.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 02:25:34 UTC No. 16487404
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 02:32:49 UTC No. 16487410
Ive thought many times in the beginning about it being something that I "want to see" but it just also makes sense in a physical sense.
You can call me crazy... many people were called crazy for their ideas before.
What are the implications of it being true though? What would it mean in physics?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 02:36:15 UTC No. 16487413
And do you know the best part? Anyone can try it at home and test and see for themselvs. It's not some super expensive experiment that can only be done by PHD scientists.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:02:04 UTC No. 16487425
Humans are extremely good at recognizing patterns. But that comes at a cost. Your brain will often report patterns even when there are none. It's called pareidolia.
Smoke motion is so complex and chaotic that your brain mistakes small random changes as something that has some meaning. If you don't have a mental condition, try thinking critically about what you're experiencing. It may be hard as you feel like you made a big discovery that makes you special. But being able to do so is an important thing for a person who tries to research anything, let alone such questionable topic.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:22:24 UTC No. 16487447
It might be a good discovery but it might be of no use afterall. And I don't wanna feel special also, as you can see i posted anonymous on a website.
You are right about pereidolia and spotting patterns. But I have seen (or believe to have seen) the smoke creating patterns that would be IMPOSSIBLE otherwise. And twisting it and transforming subtlety.
It is hard to think critically about your own doings. thus Im really asking for help of anyone. If more people come to the same conclusion it can be proven correct.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:36:54 UTC No. 16487469
Bro, i know how it all sounds i guess, but believe me, when I say im also trying to be skeptic.
Umbada religion from brasil, uses smoke to "sense" the environment and feel when people are changing their behavior and becoming "possessed" by spiritis (whatever it means, i dont quite believe and dont know how it works exactly).
Also there are many stories about indigenous people using smoke to tell tales and "create images".
It kinda makes sense with the things I supposedly see, but Im trying from a science perspective and methodic way.
If it were to be crazy about it, Id go as far as saying it is possible to HEAL people, because it could be used to see their brain patterns and "inside" their heads what is the problem.
But let's stay skeptic, one thing at a time. One of the things that puzzles me more about this is not even the quantum phenomenoma per se. It is that somehow it happens instantaneously. The smoke changes and connects with synchronicity. And we were made to believe nothing travels faster than the speed of light. But of course, these are all supositions...
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:48:07 UTC No. 16487481
Damn nigga, you high AF
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 03:55:46 UTC No. 16487485
i dont smoke weed and havent drink alcohol in a while or have ever used any meds at all. I am a simples guy with an interest in science
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 04:00:01 UTC No. 16487489
Its like they use "broader properties" of the smoke effects to do their thing. Just by instinct. But maybe never occured to them to prove mathematically what they already know and do in an ever greater way, while im occupied by trying to find a camera to photograph the smallest of curves and make lots of calculations to try and prove that it couldn't be there naturally.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 06:07:32 UTC No. 16487566
>walls of text
yeah not gonna bother with this one
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 06:55:48 UTC No. 16487591
I think OP is correct, being a heavy smoker i have noticed this multiple time
also the volume of smoke behave like a whole, something like a bose einstein condensate
(when the disruption happen, it "break" and disturb the flow instantly, at least much faster than the speed of the flow would allow)
i think the turbulence problem is key because thats the only phenomenon i can think of that exist in the macro scale and extend smoothly down to the molecular level
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 06:56:55 UTC No. 16487593
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:09:22 UTC No. 16487692
interesting point. The volume behave like a whole! I forgot about this. it's crazy to see all of it, let's say a 10 or 20cm wall of smoke acting like a big pattern, and it changes instantly to another shape as a whole. This is marvelous to see. But it seems WAY HARDER to happen, and I have no idea how to set things or prepare for that to happen, It happened by chance with me a few times.
Like in your pic, I concentrate my studies in it's laminar phase, because it's the most easy to spot the patterns, the more phases it has, the more pronounced some effects become.
It still possible to see (let's call brain patterns), brain patterns in transitional state, the part where ring and shapes take form, but harder to notice id say.
i never used reddit, i just wrote that way because it seemed terrible to write all of it as one text. I also never post on 4chan, Im a /pol/ lurker.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 16:50:23 UTC No. 16488020
>It is that somehow it happens instantaneously. The smoke changes and connects with synchronicity. And we were made to believe nothing travels faster than the speed of light.
Do you think the speed of light is about the speed of a dog so you can tell the difference at point blank range?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:09:03 UTC No. 16488252
we both seem to observe the same things, let me rephrase it : in some cases, in a convection smoke plume, when the flow is stable (nice von Kármán vortex), for reasons (you say minds effect), the flow seems break into chaos, everywhere at the same time, like if a shockwave was going trough the entire volume of fluid, affecting each point of it at the same time
the smoke plume seem to act like a single object (quantum entanglement ?) where every particule is linked together
heres how i learned to reproduce this : you need to hold your smoke source is your hand, and focus to keep it steady, with minimal perturbation from yourself (don't breath on it)
if you are steady enough the laminar/Kármán vortex pattern will grow like in my pic, and sometimes it will produce the effect described
you have to hold the source in your hand
thats where i am sceptical of the mind effect things, with my protocol, i think the perturbation/disturbance come from a little mechanical movement from my hand effecting the source point of the smoke
but even if i dismiss the idea that it could be a mind/observation effect, that doesn't make it less interisting, because what you can notice when this happen is that a small variation at the source affect the whole system much faster that the rate of convection motion would allow (something like 1 or 2 meter per second i would estimate for a smoke plume)
what i am conviced is that our understanding of fluid mechanics is incomplete, and that the turbulence problem cannot be solve with classic newtonian mechanics (dry water)
maybe turbulence is a quantum macro effect
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:30:49 UTC No. 16488287
you are right. but it seems, at least, instantaneous. Probably something to do with entanglement. Sorry for my convictions, All i want is really to just understand it more.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:40:03 UTC No. 16488300
>Alright, my proposition is that smoke sychronizes with brain frequency.
god fucking damn it i hate this fucking board
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:41:49 UTC No. 16488305
>but even if i dismiss the idea that it could be a mind/observation effect, that doesn't make it less interisting, because what you can notice when this happen is that a small variation at the source affect the whole system much faster that the rate of convection motion would allow (something like 1 or 2 meter per second i would estimate for a smoke plume)
AMAZING, im really thrilled for someone having come with marvelous observations.
I understand what you say about holding in your hand and fearing that it might be happening my movement from you, but as you described, the effect still happens in the WHOLE plume of smoke, what sounds counter-intuitive, it only could happen and be like that IF all of it were behaving as a "single object" a WAVE, thus collapsing the wave function.
>what i am conviced is that our understanding of fluid mechanics is incomplete, and that the turbulence problem cannot be solve with classic newtonian mechanics (dry water)
maybe turbulence is a quantum macro effect
it indeed seems a quantum macro effect, but the turbulance part is where it seems to lose its properties hehehe, i can't make sense of any of it after it becomes turbulent, only during laminar and transitional states.
Amazing bro, im really happy to be having this conversation
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:44:26 UTC No. 16488310
what is your reason? what do you make of it?
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:26:27 UTC No. 16488683
just bring a scientist in to observe the process and since he despises you and your work it will interfere with it all
can't beat science
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:29:18 UTC No. 16488687
But if you can pass it off as a "superhuman power" you can try to win the million dollar bounty. You'll never actually claim the bounty though, because the masquerade serves us all supposedly.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 05:44:11 UTC No. 16488861
Only good post ITT. Mods need to learn how to do their jobs properly.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:22:07 UTC No. 16489295
it is no superpower, as you can see >>16488252
also have managed to observe the same, this is some property of quantum status
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:23:44 UTC No. 16489297
quantum states*
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:27:18 UTC No. 16489302
>Since the beginning my studies have led me to WAVE FUNCTION COLAPSE. The idea is that under laminar flow, the smoke assumes a function pattern that is broken as soon as someone OBSERVES it. Exactly like quantum phenomena, but this can actually be seen in a macroscopic environment.
really? the first thing you think is QM meme? its more likely to alpha low frequency waves hit the smoke and affect it, retard
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:34:53 UTC No. 16489312
are you a fucking woman, you talking about your psychoesotericism bullshit?
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:41:36 UTC No. 16489317
This is a classic correlation =/= causation situation, OP. What you are doing in this experiment is indirectly measuring the background universal randomizer.
The background universal randomizer is the force that causes the underlying randomness in the universe. We can not measure this force directly as no one has invented a randomeasurement device (randometer?). But we can measure its effects. Did this radioactive atom eject a neutron? Did the coin come up Heads? Did the Internet color ball change color? Did the smoke curl clockwise or anticlockwise? Did my rest-state alpha-waves go up or down?
All are indirectly measuring the background universal randomizer.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:43:09 UTC No. 16489320
yea, because everybody understand that alpha frequencies can affect stuff and how it happen, surely im a retard for not understanding it
what? psychoesotericism? i believe it to be science...
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:48:19 UTC No. 16489329
No, you can predict it, not define it.
Now you're freshest schizo of /sci/
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:50:22 UTC No. 16489331
you are not actually defining it, the wave is copying your brain. so technically it is not YOU doing it. at least its how it seems.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:51:54 UTC No. 16489335
i appreciate your input, thank you. But like i said, during my experiments, i see that you can twist, amplify and mess with the waves, expanding it a bit and "controlling" it with your brain.
i dislike the world control because what seems to be happening is that the wave will copy your brain pattern, so if you can understand even a little bit your pattern you can mess with the wave
plus, there are certainly other signs that are there and can certainly show that it is not a random process.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 17:03:08 UTC No. 16489346
You are altering the background universal randomizer with the smoke. You perceive this action as being caused by your mind. You have it reversed.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 17:05:50 UTC No. 16489353
please elaborate, but like >>16488252
said the whole plume of smoke behaves like a single wave, and that cannot be explained by randomness i believe
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 17:21:51 UTC No. 16489367
>The pond's surface is a lie.
The pond's surface is the only truth there is.
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 03:51:57 UTC No. 16491254
you should really try to capture this phenomenon on camera to at least have some supports to back your claims
minds effect on matter subject is wrongly looked down on, but is it slowly changing
you might be interested by this :
also remember, all truth passes through three stages
first, it is ridiculed
second, it is violently opposed
third, it is accepted as being self-evident
wish you many lucks with your research
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 12:28:28 UTC No. 16491530
thank you very much bro, i had seen before the chicken experiment but had forgot about it. This youtube session is nothing but amazing btw.
I really wish to get a camera to capture that but can't buy one at the moment, i have kids and money is short. But i encourage other people to try it out, especially the ones living in america and europe as i believe it would be much easier to get ahold of this resources.
Thank you for your support again
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 15:48:43 UTC No. 16491637
Ignore that guy. You should perform the experiment using different wave length light. You don't have to present evidence of your intuition, you just study it. Dont spoon feed söybabies
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 17:47:30 UTC No. 16491727
i dont want to ignore anyone here, specially one that has given advice and good info about it.
and what do you mean different wave lenght light? that i should try with light my experiment? but i dont think light would have different phases like you can see in smoke or switch like that. i guess its more stable. i dont know why smoke behaves like that or what needs to start having quantum effects. its so much we dont know... but its alright, im not taking anything here personally. i said im studying it for a while but its actually about 3 years and im not diligent with my work, so recently i barely have done anything, i thought about getting credits for it before and some money, but nowadays its just something cool to work on, like a hobby. thank you though
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 17:52:15 UTC No. 16491734
thats why i decided to share, it doesnt matter much what happens. i have given thought into it and critically analysed for long enough to be firm in my statements and doubtful of my findings.
if it gets proven correct, it would assure me that im on the right path with my studies.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 12:41:18 UTC No. 16492732
film yourself doing it then post it, otherwise it's run of the mill bullshit
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 14:14:05 UTC No. 16492814
i have an old cell phone with a terrible camera.
you can try it youself, its not difficult AT ALL. incenses are 5 dollars maximum, and its all you need. and of course, a quiet place with no wind or movement of any sort.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 14:15:31 UTC No. 16492815
i really want more people to try it out, so there can be discussion about it, maybe ideas as to how it happens, more minds trying to figure it out.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:25:34 UTC No. 16492867
In an unlikely case you're not trolling you have to humor people who are seriously interested in your discovery (in an unlikely case there are any). Capture whatever you can with a camera you have, do some finger tapping or something to represent your oh-so-important mental state. I really doubt anyone will believe you if you're not willing to show your great breakthrough in any way.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:41:41 UTC No. 16492889
>It is hard to think critically about your own doings. thus Im really asking for help of anyone. If more people come to the same conclusion it can be proven correct.
It sounds reasonable to believe there could be some general pattern the smoke diffuses into depending on the atmospheric conditions in the proximal environment.
I do know what you're talking about though(or I think I do), when I'm on psychedelics, I start to see webs of 3d shaped fractals appearing throughout the smoke. You don't even need smoke, even just regular air can produce a similar, less pronounced effect. And when there's big Thunderstorm weather, I think there's a perceptible difference that you can 'see' in the air, even if there's no rain present.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:49:19 UTC No. 16492897
Also if you happen to have a subwoofer, if you have smoke when the subwoofer is kickin' you can watch the smoke sort of 'dance' with the beat.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:56:30 UTC No. 16492901
you know, this sentence of yours made me remember another aspect of this. i concede that this may sound far fetched, but i was under the impression of it being true nevertheless.
Clouds on the sky can also transform and take varied shapes when you look at them. when you think you see a turtle or a rabbit or the clouds, it might not be just coincidence, it might be your mind really giving form to the clouds.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:59:52 UTC No. 16492908
nice to see more people coming with responses and ideas about it, even though what >>16492867
I wish to record it and give proof, i would have already done it if i could, and would probably have submitted it to some magazine to get credits for it, the reality is i dont think it would possible to see with bad cameras, so i never even bother to try it out. But many of the answers here already made more sure of the findings. thank you all guys, and im still expecting some of you that have good cameras to try it out and show us so we have some more base.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:02:14 UTC No. 16492913
if anyone has a family member that studies physics, or anyone visits a website that could help further the studies and people there would be willing to test, it would be much appreciated.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:34:38 UTC No. 16492961
If you want to make the smoke movement easily visible through the camera, you could try using Propylene Glycol(pretty sure that's the stuff I'm thinking about), get a waffle iron or just use a frying pan on the stove to heat it up which produces nice, cloudy 'smoke', like a fog machine.
You could maybe try to place a container like a box over it to try and condense a thick plume to hopefully make it easier for your camera to pick up.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 17:03:36 UTC No. 16493002