๐งต Recycling plastic and paper is retarded
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:06:37 UTC No. 16487808
You can't recycle plastic and paper infinitely and like 90% of the shit you throw the recycling cannot be recycled. It's just a ploy to make retards feel good for themselves and not feel guilty about using plastic.
I fucking hate these types of useless retards that feel they accomplish something by recycling or being "environment aware" fuck off cunt.
Only usefull recycling is metal or glass. Rest should not be recycled or it should be made something like biofuel or fertilizer maybe.
Fuck these retards I tell you. Because of these retards we still don't use nuclear power, waste time on "recycling" instead of "reusing" and my balls are still full of microplastics.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 14:55:12 UTC No. 16487901
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 15:08:20 UTC No. 16487920
Both paper and plastic make sense to be recycled or incinerated, so long as you get the consumer to sort them. Recycling was made up by the plastic industry to make more plastic but it still makes sense. What dumb people (like you) think is pretty irrelevant, if you seethe or onions over pointless things you are equally tarded.
Nuclear isn't commercially viable and has nothing to do with recycling plastic or paper, but you are free to start up a nuclear firm if you believe differently.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 15:20:26 UTC No. 16487933
> Nuclear isn't commercially viable
But far lower yielding solar and wind is viable? Sure, if Elon says it, it must be true. The nuclear is far more effective and efficient. It requires more upfront investment and sheer efficiency of it makes it a military target.
> Both paper and plastic make sense to be recycled
It does not. You can't infinitely recycle them. You are still polluting the environment but since it has a round, green logo your tard brain can not grasp it.
The plastic bottles should be replaced by superior glass ones by goverment mandate. But the glass deposit should be paid 100% back. But this won't happen due to green washing plastic/oil lobby and their tard followers.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 15:28:05 UTC No. 16487943
Compost paper and stop buying plastic. Nuclear is retarded because it's payback time is more than a decade, many plants aren't decommissioned properly, and a lot of waste is improperly stored.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Nov 2024 23:51:40 UTC No. 16488534
But anon, think of how GOOD you feel when you throw them in the blue bin. You're saving the heckin Earth!
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:07:38 UTC No. 16488556
Plastic basically does not recycle at all. There are way too many different types of plastic and additives to plastic to make recycling effective. Paper doesn't recycle to white paper, but it's fine for cardboard. Cardboard recycles pretty well. It doesn't recycle infinitely, but cardboard can be recycled around 20 times before the fibers get too thin. The shear amount of cardboard we use for online shopping necessitates recycling.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Nov 2024 03:24:39 UTC No. 16488752
>be kid
>at walmart shopping for school supplies with mom
>buy the notebooks made with recycled paper because yay polar bears
>get to school
>open notebook
>every page is gray
>paper is excessively shiny and smooth and a pencil tip slides right over it barely making a mark
>erasing anything shreds the paper surface to the point that it can't be written on anymore
Never again.