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🧵 Woman digs up paper from 1996 that proves lactose intolerants can drink milk to cure themselves

Anonymous No. 16488761

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Anonymous No. 16488766


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Anonymous No. 16488793

I’ve been watching her other videos. Not only is she cute but also very well spoken.

Anonymous No. 16488795

>lactose intolerance is caused by not enough enzymes to digest it
no shit

Anonymous No. 16488798

you and a million other simps. being a women is ez af.

Anonymous No. 16488915

i thought this was common knowledge

Anonymous No. 16488930

I had noticed myself that after not drinking milk for a long time I ended up having to rebuild full digestibility, but then again my genes were predisposed for it.

I wonder if this mechanism is what's happening in that small population i forgot where they could digest milk despite the lack of enzymes.

Anonymous No. 16488931

just drink yorghurt jeeze, there's no such thing as lactose intolerance when yorghurt cultures have all the bacteria to digest milk

Anonymous No. 16488960

>yorghurt cultures have all the bacteria to digest milk
Not enough to break down all the lactose content.

Anonymous No. 16489177

>muh mozzarella sticks
there's practically zero lactose in cheese

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maasai woman.jpg

Anonymous No. 16489198

>that small population i forgot
Maybe the Maasai? They mix the milk with cow's blood, maybe that helps somehow.

Anonymous No. 16489319

imagine the delicious aromas in the meanwhile

Anonymous No. 16489638

I don't think you should be considered a civilized human being if you cant drink full fat milk. And this is coming from an african

Anonymous No. 16489790

Doesn't this only work for white people though?
Like she can reactivate the production of the enzymes needed after a few weeks of chugging milk but other races won't see the same effect.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16489898

based afro. show butthole :3

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Anonymous No. 16489910


Anonymous No. 16489926

>practically zero lactose in cheese
That's only true for good cheese, hard cheeses, and you're right it's minuscule. Soft and/or cheap cheese however can have a considerable amount, the quick-turn-around cheap manufacturing methods especially leave more lactose in the final product. By weight there can be far more lactose in some specific cheeses when compared to milk. A single 1oz slice of shit-tier American "Cheese" can have as much lactose as a full cup of milk. I can excuse Ricotta and Cottage Cheese for their high lactose, but the extremely varied and potentially significant quantities found in American "Cheese" is evidence of the extremely cheap and fast way it's produced, which I find off-putting.

Anonymous No. 16489943

Naw, the Maasai are, if anything, more lactose-tolerant than others. Their diet is rich in lactose, fat and cholesterol, but despite that they have lower incidence of the most common health complications that come from that come from that sort of diet. It's really easy to find write-ups on this, it's been discussed since the 70s so there are plenty of studies and articles relating to it.

Anonymous No. 16489944

what exactly is the surprise here? she is obviously white and has the mutation. the only problem is that she didnt think of use it or lose it?

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Anonymous No. 16489949


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Anonymous No. 16490114


Anonymous No. 16490188

Everyone can digest raw milk just fine.
>But jews said its bad doe
They're retarded.