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Anonymous No. 16488856

Is it okay to talk about racial theories on this board? I don't know where else to fit them, but will it just be
>posts theories involving race
>Oh you're le heckin hitler

Anonymous No. 16489368

she looks stinky but alert

Anonymous No. 16489377

Don't worry this board is full of academics who believe in critical race theory.

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Anonymous No. 16489392

Dysgenic breeding due to dysgenic selection pressures created by civilization can affect all races.

Anonymous No. 16489397

>actually justa armchair wishful thinking
sure, thats what this website is all about

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Anonymous No. 16490050

the book of genesis accurately shows human races and where/how they diverged. Egyptians were some how aware of all other races despite geographic location. fake data shows humans leaving up the nile through the levant but in reality humanity started in the levant/Mesopotamia just like the bible says.

mitochondrial mutation shows humans are only 10,000 years old. all the time lines fit with the account of genesis. also genesis writer some how has knowledge of the fact humans used to only eat plants yet le heckin scientist tell us it was 200k years ago. how did the genesis writer know this then?

Anonymous No. 16490291

If you post something that says White people are intellectually gifted, I won't devote many resources to try and disprove you, no matter how ridiculous your evidence appears to be.

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Anonymous No. 16491508

Oh look a christ retard speaks.
>b-b-b- how trust brain
The answer is YES/NO.

>b-b-b brain
Is your brain perfect?
Is you memory perfect?
Do you make mistakes in thinking?

If you are a real human being you answer NO to all of them so a fact we know our brain are unreliable. This is not even going into the creation/evolution split.

So either you literally deny reality on a hardcore christian level and think your brain is perfect despite the answer being NO...

Or you admit what is the truth.

Now since we established the facts you are shitting yourself over the contradictions of how a perfect god create you so imperfectly and why your brain/mind is so shit.

While evolution explain it perfectly.

You also now need to struggle how the fuck can souls be even real if brain damage destroys the mind proving that souls can not exist.

>b-b-b- trust
What else can I do? Besides knowing your mind is flawed you can use techniques to mitigate the errors and have error correction.

>b-b-b-b- 100% perfect trust!
Does not exist however evolution forced your brain in a certain direction and it has some benefits.

What is your story that a perfect flawless infinitely perfect all powerful and all knowing being farted itself into existence out of nothing and has no errors?

While you try to answer this I remind you that the bible 100% clearly states that god is a fucken retard who has multiple mental disorders and severe dementia, your god of the bible can not fucken remember what he did say to humans and literally admits that human minds are superior to gods mind.

So the bible says that humans are superior to god...
How do you even deal with this, god is inferior to humans in all aspects. We literally have bible stories where humans correct god and god like the old Alzheimer riddled far admits that humans are right and he made a mistake.

Your bible your religion! It is impossible to be a christian.