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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489031

If intelligence was genetic, there may be a baby who is more intelligent than our oldest and wisest. Obviously it's not genetic, and the information transfer and reception can be improved. Anyone with a healthy brain can become the most intelligent. Like me. I'm the most intelligent.

Anonymous No. 16489032

>If intelligence was genetic

Anonymous No. 16489037

It's was spastic.

Anonymous No. 16489038

Maybe intelligence isn't genetic but to really improve it you would need a lot of will power to make your brain go through the unnatural intellectual struggle everyday for many hours. And for me it doesn't seems like you can really improve your will power when you have a low will power to begin with because you lack will power to improve your will power.

Anonymous No. 16489057

Fag. Improving information transfer and receipt (intelligence) is easier than that, you just try to learn more.

Anonymous No. 16489141

>there may be a baby who is more intelligent than our oldest and wisest
Well, yeah? There are genius kids that can speak several languages fluently, you think a downie can compensate for that by living longer?

Anonymous No. 16489157

Who gives a shit. Language is a privilege, it's not much intelligence to speak multiple languages.

Anonymous No. 16489165

Except. Aliens. Don't. Care. They. Are. Only. As. Conscience. As. Us. And. Far. Superior. Technologically.

Anonymous No. 16489183

Poof 1
Poof 2
Poof 3

Anonymous No. 16489524

>If intelligence was genetic, there may be a baby who is more intelligent than our oldest and wisest
If it weren't for genetics, you would have the same intelligence as an ape because you wouldn't have a characteristic gene that distinguishes the human brain from that of other mammals.

Anonymous No. 16489549

>If height were genetic then a baby would grow without food anyway.

Anonymous No. 16489657

>If height was genetic, there may be a baby who is taller than our oldest and tallest. Obviously it's not genetic

Anonymous No. 16490588

Raise a dog as a human baby, then demonstrate it's human-level intelligence to prove intelligence is not genetic.

raphael No. 16491240

this tells anons iq prob 110

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Anonymous No. 16491318

>If belonging to a species was genetic, babies would emerge from the womb already looking like fully-grown and mature adults, but they don't, therefore it isn't.
(I'm just showing you how utterly retarded your "argument" is.)