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Anonymous No. 16489168

According to pisa, academic performance among 15 years olds is falling dramatically among most countries in the world. Especially it's falling catastrophically among developed nations in western Europe and north America.

Anonymous No. 16489204

Likely due to economic inequality, systematic racism, and sexism.

Anonymous No. 16489221

yes it's just social economic factors, despite the increasing spending on schools and minorities

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Women teachers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16489399

It's actually the reason, but not in a way you would except

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16489409

dysgenic breeding = no more civilization
leftist ideology = product of dysgenic breeding, accelerates the decline.

Anonymous No. 16489508

What happened to Albania?

Anonymous No. 16489566

Kids have never had more access to learning material and tools than they do now.
A motivated high school student can pretty much learn anything they want from online sources.
A kid in a 3rd world shit hole can access a complete western high school curriculum for free.
The problem is 100% societal and cultural, in terms of status and income we don't value education or prioritize the right kind of education and culturally we have been (((corrupted))) into dopamine hedonists.

Anonymous No. 16489609


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muy bonito primer....jpg

Anonymous No. 16489617

nice infographic anon, first place

Anonymous No. 16489681

What happened to albanians?

Anonymous No. 16490232


Anonymous No. 16490235

>shut down all the schools over a disease that young people are practically immune to

Anonymous No. 16490453

Props to Japan for carrying civilization

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16490585

>Especially it's falling catastrophically among developed nations in western Europe and north America.
Thats what happens when you import millions of third worlders. Check out the demographics of 15 year olds in the European and North American countries in question, its majority non-Whites.

Japan doesn't have the massive immigration White countries have yet, but its being pushed on them and they will eventually suffer the same fate

Anonymous No. 16490656

>change in mean

Anonymous No. 16490670


Anonymous No. 16490675

Explain Iceland, which is 99% white European

Anonymous No. 16491407

Yes, and?

Anonymous No. 16491822

Israel is almost entirely a soup of people from everywhere and it barely lost any progress.

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Anonymous No. 16491828

t. Cattle


Anonymous No. 16491869

Purely socioeconomic factors

Anonymous No. 16491870


Anonymous No. 16491872

but anon think of all the 70 year old marxist schoolteachers

Anonymous No. 16491874

everyone is a retard playing with their phones.

Anonymous No. 16491876

Being genuine here when I say 90% of it is phones and the internet.

Anonymous No. 16492616

Israel is also on decline

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oced pisa math gap.png

Anonymous No. 16492661


Its funny that the more sexist a country is towards girls, the better girls do compared to boys in math. Lets institute the Handmaid's tale so we can get more women in STEM.

Anonymous No. 16493073

Based we need it to make stem more diverse

Anonymous No. 16493920


Anonymous No. 16493961

How to raise an academically successful kid in todays’s world:
1) Make sure you and your partner have high IQs
2) Keep tablets and electronic devices away from them during their early development
3) Read to them and encourage critical thinking/logical abilities
4) Be a good role model and instill strong moral values

Anonymous No. 16495057

You are an idiot

Anonymous No. 16495814

It's long lasting trend

Anonymous No. 16497063

What are consequences of it?

Anonymous No. 16497667

>the 90th percentile of israeli and italian students being that high. Let me guess... it's the ashkenazis in the former and northern italians in the latter, right?

Anonymous No. 16499397


Anonymous No. 16500468


Anonymous No. 16500472

pol brainrot

Anonymous No. 16500509

the internet

Anonymous No. 16501157


Anonymous No. 16501212


Anonymous No. 16501787

You are a retard

Anonymous No. 16503433


Anonymous No. 16503467

Two factors
>"At-risk vulnerable communities" members
>Mass entertainment
Mass entertainment is something people don't really talk about as much as they should. As it becomes more efficient you learn to dig less, and this makes you less creative and less focused.
The more entertainment holds your hand the less thinking you do in the meantime. This was true for television and radio, now it's true for video games and youtube. "Discovery" is a big part of actually being interested in something. If it's just given to you for free you might just passively consume it instead of really digging into it and thinking about it.
Oh yeah, and I guess there's a 3rd
Social + societal breakdown is a long-term problem, it doesn't just go away after a "return to normal."

Anonymous No. 16503468

Purely socioeconomic factors

Anonymous No. 16505498

Zoomers think only about skibidi toilets

Anonymous No. 16505509

>import 6 billion mexicans and africans
>bUt WhY aRe TeSt ScOrEs FaLling?!?!?!

Anonymous No. 16505530

I have spend a fair amount of time reading /r/teachers posts to get an idea of what education is like today. Here are some of the big problems I am noticing, in no particular order of importance:

1. Behavioral issues are a much greater problem than they were in the 90s and early 2000s, and this can be attributed to a number of factors:
(a) The current generation of parents does not like to provide consequences to their children, and are more combative when confronted about their children's behavior by teachers.
(b) Administration is disincentivized against applying punishments, such as detention or out of school suspensions. Their performance is evaluated by how infrequently these occur, since higher numbers of punishment means there's high amounts of bad behavior, which means the school is doing poorly.
2. Students have received initial mal-education on reading thanks to attempts at innovating like the whole language approach (i.e. learning whole words instead of learning to sound them out.
3. Students who fail are often pushed along to the next grade, rather than being made to repeat grades. This has resulted in middle and high school students having the reading and math performance of elementary school students.
4. Assigning a failing grade is often much less common due to many schools adopting "no zero" policies. Basically, to prevent students' grades from deteriorating heavily from missing a small number of assignments, teachers in these schools are required to assign a minimum grade of 50% to any assignment, whether or not it has been turned in. This has resulted in students turning in very few assignments, learning absolutely nothing, and skirting by with a D or a C.
5. Phones have become a significant distraction in class, and enforcement of no phone policies has been lackluster. In some schools, it is up to the teacher to decide whether or not to enforce such a rule, leading to student preference for teachers who don't care.

Anonymous No. 16505532


Adding onto this...
6. Regular electronic use has destroyed students' attention spans, to the point where students may complain about being made to watch a video in class, since they cannot give attention to a video for an extended period of time.
7. Students do not read at home regularly, and thus do not get sufficient practice with reading.

Anonymous No. 16505570

its a racial issue when IQ's might be 5 points lower this generation due to non-whites

Anonymous No. 16506382

Actually no. Most migrants in uk are smarter than locals

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Anonymous No. 16506471

Do you guys actually take the time to research what you say or do you just say shit with confidence?

Anonymous No. 16506621

>A motivated high school student can pretty much learn anything they want from online sources.
Which is completely irrelevant because school curriculum does not care whether you understand what you learn, and not even whether you just merely "know" stuff, but only whether you can parrot it in the same exact way your teacher demands, and keep doing the same specific exercises just like a circus athlete does.
What school tests actually measure is not knowledge, but your ability at listening boring lectures and repeating meaningless mechanical tasks.

Anonymous No. 16506625

>academic performance
And nothing of value was lost.
Academic performance is garbage even more worthless than IQ at measuring actual intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16506779

Well, we all know math, science and reading is racist and created by white people. According to the DEI's latest CRT teachings in middle schools.

Anonymous No. 16507902

Look at Pisa data, it shows that uk migrant kids outperform locals. Your good goy points aren't as useful as pisa, because pisa shows wider range of abilities

Anonymous No. 16507922

>The problem is 100% societal and cultural, in terms of status and income we don't value education or prioritize the right kind of education and culturally we have been (((corrupted))) into dopamine hedonists.
Wealth and status naturally become more exclusive over time. It's easier to fall out of a higher echelon than it is to enter it. Combined with the fact that so much of America is anti-intellectual (which, let's be honest, is not the fault of some shady (((cabal))) any more than it is the pandemic of reactionary idiocy which has plagued this country since its inception), it's no wonder why we lag behind. We lucked out with midcentury innovation and rode the coattails of immigrants from a poisoned Europe. Meanwhile, Asian countries seek to work for the success we lucked ourselves into, and worst of all, when they earn it, they'll be that much more protective of it.

Anonymous No. 16508664

It's not academic performance

Anonymous No. 16510400


Anonymous No. 16510403

It's because the earlier in age you were when covid happened, the worst it had an impact on your performance and the longer it took for you to catch up, if even at all. Case closed.

Anonymous No. 16510407

What does that mean

Anonymous No. 16511614

You have no clue for a real reason

Anonymous No. 16511619

it's what >>16510403 says, the pandemic fucked a ton of kids. this was discussed many times during and after.

Anonymous No. 16511621

>pay teachers shit
>everyone with the brains and a grain of self-respect does something other than teaching
>why don't our kids learn anything?

Anonymous No. 16511624

>>pay teachers shit
Is that a new development explaining this drop in performance, or are you here just to proselytize your views?

Anonymous No. 16512884
