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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489325

Why does the majority of society value things like pic rel over intellectualism or scientific advancement? I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying

Anonymous No. 16489336

people that play sports tend to be physically fit and appearance is the first thing everybody judges on. you actually have to think about science a bit to get to the beauty of it, whereas sports are immediately fun to participate in and watch. also schools do a great job of killing any joy there is in science.

there's nothing wrong with having a balanced social life and being in to nerdy stuff as well anon. writing off partying and sports just comes off as sour grapes. for us sperglords, in life, it helps a lot to have at least one normie-tier interest.

Anonymous No. 16489363

I dont know

Anonymous No. 16489387

Because the life of the mind is no life at all. The thinker is living in a computer model of reality rather than reality it's self. The thinker is so disconnected from reality that his head is cut off from his body. He can't dance because he can't feel the rhythm of life, No woman likes a thinker because the thinker is devoid of vitality, of the testosterone that a man needs to act against entropy. By neglecting the body, the physicality of life, the thinker is receives no outside stimulation so he must stimulate himself with his mind and create a false value system in which his non-physical talent, his ability to analyze like a journalist on the side lines of a sports game, is the superior way to be. Alas he will die with regret never having been a player.

Anonymous No. 16489403

Human nature, its also more "obvious", idk how to express it but its like any culture can tell apart a good soccer/football player (runs fast, is fit) from a bad one (is slow, is fat) but you can't say the same for a chess or go player, I think its for a similar reason that music is more emotional and moving than paintings, its more physical, more palpable, immediate.

Anonymous No. 16489404

Stop being a decadent life-hating weakling and read Nietzsche first, then reevaluate your core assumptions.

Anonymous No. 16489426

People are allowed to have fun

Anonymous No. 16489440


I used to be this type of person, but now I know how wrong I was. Rationalism and overanalyzing everything isn't always good. The beauty of life is frequently found in the irrational.

Anonymous No. 16489449

Easily accessible to people with shallow minds

Anonymous No. 16489451

kino response. Being locked in your head forever doing nothing but computing numbers is no life at all

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16489480

Anonymous No. 16489586

Clownworld x idiocracy

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16489594

Anonymous No. 16489604

appeal to the greatest common denominator. Everyone has a capability for tribalism, while only the higher iq people have a liking for being smart

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16489639

you have such a lack of self awareness trying to snobbishly shit on tribalism in the same sentence as trying to brag about how super special your presumed high iq tribe.
lack of self awareness is a mental disability, its a low iq trait

Anonymous No. 16489670

any excuse to drink beer and watch tv
even better if it tricks your brain into thinking you're exercising yourself

Anonymous No. 16489689

did you ever play football?
>"oh yeah I used to play football back in high school"
>gazes downwards sadly, longingly
every time
sad sack of shit thing for sad sack of shit people wishing they were big and manly while eating shit feeling sorry for themselves
then they want kids and pray to jesus that their kids grow up to play professional football because that's all they wanted to do. Millions for football and your kids can't read

I won't talk shit about mma or rugby, but american football and peruvian football are the worst sports to watch. In peru football they maybe score twice but I guess they're trying to zone the whole time. In american football they have to reset like they're bowling pins every five seconds, most of the time is just seen milling around or advertisements. Even basketball is cooler.


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16489735

nice fecal fixation you got there, kid

Anonymous No. 16490162


>No woman likes a thinker because the thinker is devoid of vitality, of the testosterone that a man needs to act against entropy.

Speak for yourself. Have you considered you're not attractive and thats why women dont care about your "thinking" ?

Anonymous No. 16490169

You can not articulate why intellectualism or scientific advancement should have a higher status than sportsball.
Your reasons boil down to promises to base creatures instincts -- e.g. scientific advancement leading to one living longer, or inventing objects so one doesn't have to work as hard.
I cannot stress this hard enough, but again, promises. These are promises, not assured outcomes.
>but science at least does have a practical use!
I see plenty of practical use in the pic. A society that glorifies sportsball is interested in building stadiums. This is one of the factors that advances or keeps the understanding of engineering at a high level. You also cannot separate human nature from its carnal side. I.e., that we are an embodied creature that likes to move.

In brief:
>you, scientists/intellectual
Your only argument is promising creature comforts.
>sportsball and other trivialities
Providing creature comforts. [perhaps in total less utility gain, but not subject to probability]

Anonymous No. 16490213

I think it's most accurate to think of it as a type of social contagion.
I realized this when I noticed the majority of people watching football have no actual connection to the game. They have never played it and don't know anyone playing. It's very odd and they are only into it because everyone else is into it and that is the entire extent of it.

Anonymous No. 16490237

The mere fact that atheists still talks about a simpleton like Nietzche in 2024 shows that there's no ''progress'' or ''evolution'' in the atheist society, beyond the material realm, precisely because atheism is devoid of any intellectualism, which produces a great stability in their societies and lack of any subversion. Atheism in 2024 is the atheism 200 years ago, and in front their own creation that is nihilism, atheists use the same farcical copes and delusion of grandeur Γ  la Nietzche.

Anonymous No. 16490286

Normies are going to normie. I have always found sport slop cringe and boring. And i have never understood why "people" like it so much.

Anonymous No. 16490294

Meanwhile you believe that a trad con christian society worked so well the first time around that returning to such a society is progress. Never mind that people were so fed up with such a society that they rather became whores than housewives. You christ cucks lack self-reflection.

Anonymous No. 16490296

It's 2024. Everyone knows about black pill and lookism. You're not waking up anyone, you're not trolling anyone, you're not even insulting anyone by calling them ugly or virgins or incels or whatever you want. Grow up, get over it and and contribute rather than regurgitate.

Anonymous No. 16490298

I dont know, we never watched sports in my house so i never got into it. I once tried to have a favorite sportsball team and to follow it and i just could not force myself.

Anonymous No. 16492312

>intellectualism or scientific advancement
>bread & circuses
which do normies prefer...
it's an elite value and also heavily gate kept by them

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16492367

Sportsball has more impact on society than science does. If you remember your high school days, all of the men who were good at sportsball went on to have successful careers and families and they bred the next generation of humanity and all the nerds ended up as genetic dead ends.
/sci/ only gets upset at sportball because it reminds them of that.

Anonymous No. 16493266

i demand you quote where i said i belong to a superior tribe, or where anything about me comes into play in my comment

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16493275

you are ridiculously self centered, you're trying to make this whole thread into a discussion about yourself.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16494312

Its not a matter of wondering why that is, its more of a matter of recognizing thats how things are. You live in this reality, there is only one of them and in this reality physically fit sportsball chads are more important and more valuable people than the indolent lazy bookworm nerds who are so sluggish and slothful that they loaf around all day instead of working out even a little.

Anonymous No. 16495284

Instant gratification
By being "part" of a team, you can celebrate other people's victories as if they were your own, and without putting in any effort.
By following "sports personalities" and the media circus around them, you can easily live vicariously, at practically zero effort.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16495457

>t. science is so wonderful because it invented antibiotics an gravity sheeeeiiitt
low self awareness = low iq

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16496498

Athletics has been a major western cultural tradition going back to the dawn of recorded history if not before that. Thats just how things are, sorry if that upsets you, but the world isn't going to change just because you throw a sissy fit over it.

Anonymous No. 16496539

In the 1800s scientists wpuld expose their findings in things lie the faraday cage and draw crowds. Now they keep far away in their ivory towers . Their fault.

Anonymous No. 16496540

shut up you fucking nerds /sp/ rules go do some algebra and die virgins while us chads fuck the women of your dreams LOL

Anonymous No. 16496542

Tribalism is primal. Science and moreso, truth seeking mechanisms, are often a threat to tribalism.

Anonymous No. 16496549

all i read was
>im a gay fucking nerd that never got laid and seethed constantly at the football jocks fucking my crush

Anonymous No. 16496563

fucking dorks lmao

Anonymous No. 16496575

Get fucked nerds,go do a volcano project lmoa

Anonymous No. 16496606

is this /bundes/?

Anonymous No. 16496699

why do you think sport is more highly valued than 'advancement'? what is this 'intellectualism' that you speak of? people watch sport to relax from work and shit. it's entertainment. most people don't relax by doing hard shit that requires deep concentration. watching sport is for after the deep concentration.

it's a big industry because people will pay for entertainment. people also pay for smartphones, computers and cars, all of which require 'advancement' and qualified people thinking about shit. those are all big industries as well.

honestly your shit is all confused and it sounds like you spend too much time listening to barely qualified liberal teachers who pontificate about bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16496721

>NFL makes $20billion in gross profit with a budget of $10billion
>NASA has a budget of $25billion a year
hur dur you can do both.

Anonymous No. 16496979

being ugly and short is so brutal i had so many friends before puberty and was good at sports. Being ugly is honestly worse i can cope with being a 5'5'' manlet desu if i was GL.

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Anonymous No. 16497105


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16497114

Cope, how about you start kicking the ball to the net faggot?

Anonymous No. 16497130

I am going to ignore the partying part.
People value both sportsmen and intellectual, almost equally if anything.
But sports are all about the spectacle and excellent physical feats, it leans more towards the abilities of specific individuals, even in team games, and the people participating in these competitions are al up for this generally or at least go along with it because it's expected.
Scientific advancements generally don't feel like any one person's work, it's the culmination of several successive steps and teams of people working under wraps. To the average person, it's basically a black box and it's not easy to quantify the skill at hand, making it less individually prestigious. People ARE impressed by the intellect behind advancements all the time, but it's hard to get more invested when it's something you don't quite understand, and not I'm not saying it because "people are stupid" or something like that, it's just that most people don't know the ins and outs of every field, they may be familiar or proficient with 1, maybe 2, but not all of them. This applies even to people in advanced fields, most only specialize in a few things. On the other hand, everyone can immediately tell when a physical feat is impressive or, if not, it's easy to explain why it is, since it's a universal experience everyone is familiar with from the moment they are born.
So it's less that people don't favour intellectualism, and more that physical feats are easier to get invested in and impressed by.

Anonymous No. 16497147

Marketing. They made it so supporting your local for-profit enterprise is a symbol of patriotism. If you aren't in support of taxpayer-funded billion-dollar arenas for teams that lose all the time, then apparently you must hate your community.

Anonymous No. 16497175

is an horse a athlete

Anonymous No. 16497190

Shut the fuck up, dork

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Anonymous No. 16497338

Is that a Super Bowl final?
How big is that crowd?
Is it more than the 100,000+ we get for the AFL Grand Final?

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Anonymous No. 16497377

Intellectualism is vital for long-term progress.
Sports and social activities provide immediate, enjoyable, and emotionally rewarding experiences.

Anonymous No. 16497378

is a racecar?

Anonymous No. 16497384

Gillette Stadium seat just under 66K for American sportsball matches.
The record attendence ever was 69K+ for Taylor Swift, followed by U2, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, and Keny Chesney.
I got a bj there during a weekend music festival back in 2000.

Anonymous No. 16497386

Most people hate thinking, it's actually difficult for them. Talk to about any NPC about any even mildly complex topic and their mind stops working, I'm not kidding. Most people are lemmings and just do what the crowd does because they don't have the intellectual horsepower to actually reason or form conjectures to reach some kind of revelation or conclusion. Most of society is targeted to the average or even lowest common denominator. It's true in marketing, entertainment, fashion, etc.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16497460

>i'm soooo super special, i'm a genius, everyone else is npcs
common grandiose delusion amongst people with narcissistic personalities. if you were truly as insightful and uniquely intelligent as you give yourself credit for being then you'd be able to leverage that not only to benefit yourself, but also to positively alter the society that you are so deeply dissatisfied with. however the truth more likely is that you're so deeply unhappy with the way the world works because of your own failure to achieve the success you feel entitled to, but are incapable of figuring out how to obtain.

Anonymous No. 16498400

Taxes on sports pay for NASA, yet nerds still chimp out at sports like a bunch of ungrateful little bitches. Its also tires hmmmm

Anonymous No. 16498572

>i'm soooo super special, i'm a genius, everyone else is npcs
common grandiose delusion amongst people with narcissistic personalities. if you were truly as insightful and uniquely intelligent as you give yourself credit for being then you'd be able to leverage that not only to benefit yourself, but also to positively alter the society that you are so deeply dissatisfied with. however the truth more likely is that you're so deeply unhappy with the way the world works because of your own failure to achieve the success you feel entitled to, but are incapable of figuring out how to obtain

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16498575

When I was a kid, I cheered for my national teams, and I was happy when they won. I think it's similar to when your friends compete, and you cheer for them, and are happy when they win. Nowadays the national teams are of course full of Africans, and I couldn't give less of a shit about them anymore.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16499837

When I was in college all the professors in my department were major sportsball enthusiasts. Anti-sportsballism is an ideological mistake, especially in STEM, sportball has substantial crossover with most if not all STEM fields.

Anonymous No. 16499911

Cool tough strong man FUCKS
if you can't be cool tough strong man, associate with cool tough strong man and maybe you too can FUCK
Simple AS

Anonymous No. 16499924

>why does a species that are traditionally hunters on the african plains prefer to breed with strong, athletic types
jesus fucking christ some of you need to study evolution a bit more

Anonymous No. 16500191

>sports are immediately fun to participate in and watch.
Except most people who watch sports don't play the sports. Literally touch grass and you'll see.
They just consooooom so they can shout for their teams and talk about it with their friends while drinking beer and maybe doing some sports betting. All of which are dumb activities.

Anonymous No. 16500198

You are literally a thinker who is thinking right now about what a "thinker" is. And yet you're foolishly ranting against thinking. But in your little diatribe you forgot to consider that thinking doesn't preclude doing. That's a hard concept for you to grasp because you're a stupid thinker.

Anonymous No. 16500220

Yeah but I am stupid so I will forget that soon. I am immune to obsessing over things

Anonymous No. 16500232

You spent the first 4 billion years of your evolution surviving in an environment where physical fitness was key. Your brain evolved to find physical playing fun as a way to encourage you to develop and hone your motor skills. People find playing sports ball fun for the same reason cats find stalking each other as kittens fun. Its honing survival skills, and the people that found practicing survival skills fun were people that survived.

Anonymous No. 16500234

>Taxes on sports
>If Sports didn't exist, that money simply would go away
Retard. Direct resource allocation is far more efficient than taxation for resource allocation.

Anonymous No. 16500235

i think the question is more about WHY the average person is born to find those activities fun over something more intellectually stimulating.
these things are easy to understand and they get your adrenaline pumping for some people. partying serves the same purpose as tribal people dancing around fires. i don't know any other time when young people are so relaxed and celebratory around each other
it's an essential part of brain development for many developing minds. that's why the alcohol trade off is most likely worth it.

Anonymous No. 16500239

Because trump won and science is seen as gay now.

Anonymous No. 16500243

Experience seems to match we have empirical people

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16500873

Do science nerds become sissified wimps because they hate athletics or do they hate athletics because they're sissified wimps?

Anonymous No. 16501680

sports is intellectually stimulating, you just hate the topic because you're not athletic and are too lazy to exercise.

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Anonymous No. 16501976

Better than tranny woke lefty Democrat faggots.

Anonymous No. 16503084

Its a shame that the nerds of /sci/ don't exercise because having a healthy and robust circulatory system means that your brain works better even when you are at rest.

Anonymous No. 16503090

i got more excited over videogame sports between different 4chan boards than actual sports. i think if i actually gave a shit about the country or state i live in id like sports.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16504488

maybe the country or state you live in is so uninspiring because of your presence there.
I bet that no matter where you go you'd have the same dissatisfied feelings about your locality
>nothing is ever quite good enough for princess

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Anonymous No. 16504543

Most Aussie blokes grow up playing Aussie-Rules for the local team during Primary & High-School.
Once you play this sport, you're addicted.
We genuinely believe this is the best sports game in the world.
I kid you not.

Packed stadium...
The atmosphere!!
Definitely a Bucket-List experience.

Anonymous No. 16505236

Bullfighting is another spectator sport worth checking out. The euro version has been sissified, but the Mexican stuff is still top grade. Pretty much the only reason to ever bother visiting Mexico

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Anonymous No. 16505550

>science is seen as gay now.
must feel nice to try and cast blame elsewhere, but the perception of science as being homosexual is a self inflicted wound

Anonymous No. 16505551

the difference in the intellectual requirements are clear. it's obvious if you look at any professional athlete compared to any mathematician/physicist. you're just trying to deny reality

Anonymous No. 16505555

it depends i think. basketball and futbol might require more thinking than football where the players just do what the quarterback tells them to. Boxing also requires thinking on your feet. Really football is probably the most braindead sport.

Anonymous No. 16505580

Sports are fun and entertaining and science is boring. That’s how they see it generally. I enjoy both very much.

Anonymous No. 16506077

Sport is fun, and it provides something to strive for for people when they've been domesticated to not stab each other with swords all day as a pastime anymore. Not all people have the cognitive virtues to appreciate the mental and the abstract, nor should they.

Anonymous No. 16507137

>the cognitive virtues
being too lazy to exercise isn't a virtue, what you're doing is like a fatso claiming that skinny people are too lazy to eat.

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Anonymous No. 16507187

Just watch sportsball, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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Anonymous No. 16507191


Anonymous No. 16507319

well you're an even dumber and bigger thinker since you're thinking about a thinker thinking about thinkers thinking things and not living life.
btw rn I am thinking pretty hard about it and it describes me as well, living is antithetical to thinking and vice versa, but maybe there is a middle way, no need to be an edgelord

Anonymous No. 16507323

>I'm sooooo much better than regular people!!!!
>I'm a super special unique snowflake an sheeeiiiittt
>hey everyone look at me bragging about being sooo much better than everyone else!!!!

Anonymous No. 16508226

>I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying

Anonymous No. 16508627

horse racing is a bunch of shit.
Its not the best horse on the day but introduces a handicap weight.
Its all about gambling and corrupt stewards.

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Anonymous No. 16509343

The entire graduating class of MIT combined will never earn this kind of scratch

Anonymous No. 16510280

"earn" is the keyword in your post. athletes actually earn their salaries because they produce something of value, entertainment. the fags who devote their lives to publishing replication crisis articles in the academic vanity press (which fortunately nobody ever reads) produce nothing of any value and they don't even earn as much as the mid five figure salaries they're paid, they're just leeches, toxic, self centered, government funded financial drains on society. we'd be better off without them.

Anonymous No. 16511297

>nerds have to fantasize about getting what sports chads posses
what a cope, sports chads never fantasize about wanting to be nerds

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Anonymous No. 16511686


Anonymous No. 16513122

I am currently watching sportsball, how many of you find this upsetting?

Anonymous No. 16513723

It is possible to think about our society beyond bread and circus without being mentally ill.

Anonymous No. 16514213

The only annoying thing about your post is using a faggot term like "sportsball"

Anonymous No. 16514336

attempting to haughtily dismiss the central part of the culture as mere 'bread and circus' only proves what a snob you are. you're only dismissive because that part of the culture does not include yourself as an important character.

Anonymous No. 16515413

It takes relatively little effort to understand what you're watching, simple as.

Anonymous No. 16515417

if you were a crab you'd like to pull small shrimp apart with your claws

Anonymous No. 16515841

Feels good. But really it's all about mating potential. It's very feminine.

Anonymous No. 16516618

Sports is more intellectual than science is. If science fags were really as smart as they're always bragging about being then they would be the ones making $50 million a year, not the athletes.
Nerds need to face up the fact that they're society's losers - low paid and disrespected - if they're ever going to learn how to lead their lives properly and make decent people of themselves. Too bad they seem mentally incapable of that, instead the hide away from reality inside their grandiose delusions of superior intellect even though all the evidence proves that their intellects are inferior. Smart people don't end up as nerds, nobody in their right mind would want to end up like that.

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Anonymous No. 16517540

bad news guys, it looks like science nerds aren't the only group that hates exercising

Anonymous No. 16517558

I mean American football is pretty faggy and the most watered-down shitty "sport" there is, but as >>16504543 and >>16505236 said, there are other cool sports around the world, a lot of which require some thinking and athleticism to be good at it (a moron doing bullfighting will just fucking die ASAP and a football (real football not the yank one) player that doesn't know how to coordinate with his teammates on a dime is only going to be a liability).

I think a lot of fags here go in the opposite direction just to be contrarians (namely sports good science bad) or maybe because they are retards (which is typical of the average person lacking a sense of self, so the average person), but sports and science are both pretty fun. It's just American football that's the odd man out.Just like psychology isn't a science, American football is a mockery of true sport.

Anonymous No. 16518621

Bullfighting is a wonderful sport, but Spain has kind of fagged their's up, Mexican bullfighting is a lot better.

Anonymous No. 16519404

Partying is for fags but sports glorify the prowes and potential of the human body (except american sports)

Anonymous No. 16520095

>least retarded /sci/ssie
Learn before you talk

Anonymous No. 16520561

I both played and watched sports today. How many of the people in this thread are upset at me over that?

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Anonymous No. 16521208

here is another similar disparity i've been noooticing recently

Anonymous No. 16521355

"Science" is just a bunch of professional grifters hyping up worthless "experiments" in an endless quest to consume taxpayer money.

Football at least is entertaining.

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Anonymous No. 16521360

>If science fags were really as smart as they're always bragging about being then they would be the ones making $50 million a year, not the athletes.
Oh burn... at least I'm going to waste away from Alzheimer's in my 80's instead of dying at 60 from CTE though.

Anonymous No. 16522424

horribly weak cope, enjoy ur sour grapes

Anonymous No. 16522723

How did Spain fag it up? I'll go see Mexican bullfighting when I get the chance.

Anonymous No. 16523319

I make more money gambling on sports than any STEM grad will ever earn with their degree. All it takes is solid knowledge of arithmetic and the willingness to watch sports on TV. The vast majority of sports bettors don't know what they're doing &/or just play for fun, people who approach gambling intelligently can make a lot of money. Theres a guy who has been posting his picks in the NBA general on /sp/ this season and he is hitting like 2/3 of his bets because he knows the game better than most gamblers do.

Anonymous No. 16523467

People make more money gambling on STEM than gambling on sports.

Anonymous No. 16523556

Sensor Vs intuitive divide

Anonymous No. 16523735

>intellectualism or scientific advancement
Intellectuals are fools that spend all day working their mind into increasingly complex knots and then masturbate next to each other over their latest nonsense and there hasn't been an advancement worth celebrating in decades.

Anonymous No. 16524072

wtf are you babbling about!!

Anonymous No. 16524121

lol are faggots really the only other group that hates sports as much as nerds do?

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Anonymous No. 16524166

>>16517540 >>16524121
>science nerds hate exercising
>nerds hate sports

Anonymous No. 16524839

you wouldn't have gotten upset at those posts if they didn't strike a little bit too close to home

Anonymous No. 16524887

lol, you're an idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16526478

>i consider myself too good and too important to engage with popular culture because society rejects me and my ilk

Anonymous No. 16526940

It's a social activity. Humans tend to engage in social activities because humans enjoy socializing. It's rare for people to go to a ball game alone and just sit there in silence watching the game.

Anonymous No. 16528530

this shit were you talk about 'humans' as if you're some sort of unrelated superior entity is pure mental illness
just be honest and admit that 'humans' and 'social activity' upset you because of the low social status you've managed to achieve for yourself as a consequence of your own poor decision making, if you do that then theres a possibility you might be able to undo some of your stupid choices and right your course in life before it's too late

Anonymous No. 16528620

Unhinged mentally ill post

Anonymous No. 16530416

butthurt incel nerd lmao

Anonymous No. 16532006

Sugarbowl was canceled because of shitskin terrorism in New Orleans.
What important science events have ever been canceled because of terrorism? None?
Even terrorists think sportsball is important and science isn't lolololol

Anonymous No. 16532020

Because they want some entertainment from their life of being economically enslaved to a job most of their life. People want a reason to be around each other with a shared goal. Reading about the discovery of a zooplankton that achieved an endosymbiosis independently of other organelles doesn't do that for most people

Anonymous No. 16532452

Do you understand how greentexting works? Your IQ might legitimately be 70

Anonymous No. 16533531

you sure do seem to enjoy regurgitating that memorized polysyllabic soience jargon.

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Anonymous No. 16533803


Anonymous No. 16533829


You should watch 90 boring minutes of people chasing and kicking a ball because some edgelord incel who lived 150 years ago said that it was le manly!

Sports are distractions for dumb people so they don't channel that energy into something politically threatening to the status quo, the Romans spelled it out, panem et circenses

Anonymous No. 16533830

Ever notice how intellectuallism is restricted to the humanities based topics? If you're a math geek you're not seen as an intellectual. You're seen as a nerd.
>Durr Penrose, Tyson, et al
They're seen as intellectuals for shit they talk about regarding philosophy (not math or science).

Anonymous No. 16534774

You have read zero Roman history

Anonymous No. 16535878

most people who quote popular memes from roman history have zero background information, thats why they only know about memes they learned lurking /pol/
if they'd studied roman history they would know that sports were the central focus of roman culture and politics

Anonymous No. 16536152

Maybe the problem is you if you have trouble relating to people doing sports.

Anonymous No. 16537284

>Sports are distractions for dumb people
what evidence do you have that justifies you classifying yourself as "not dumb"?
or is that just an assertion that you invented irrationally as a result of having a mentally unwell narcissistic personality disorder? mental illness is synonymous with stupidity

Anonymous No. 16538146

It takes way more than to be good and fit. On the contrary, like in every field, the average person vastly underestimates the skill gap between themself and the excellent.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16538870

ppl who hate sports are always losers.
fags, pussies, nerds, women, cripples

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16539167

Because science is too hard to get into and becomes exponentially harder with every year you're out of formal schooling. I'm a 30 year old high school drop out. Even when I was in school I could never ever comprehend basic math. And physics was never even taught to me. I don't remember anything. I autodidacted myself a liberal arts education. I even learned Latin. But in terms of stem its just hopeless. The early stuff doesn't activate any intellectual curiosity whatsoever its just rote, and it treats you like a retard or a child. And everything builds on itself so there's again no hope of experimenting to see if there's something you really like.

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Anonymous No. 16539225

It's fun. You can try to act like you're intellectually superior for liking exclusively nerd shit but in reality this kind of autism is rare and many successful scientist had normie hobbies. Feynman was an unapologetic skirt chaser and what you'd today call a chad.

Anonymous No. 16539275

You're overrating how much value society actually places in sports. The NFL's revenue in 2022 was about 18-19 billion, which makes it slightly smaller than the corrugated cardboard and packaging industry. People don't watch sports movies or read about sports in comparison to other genres. Sure, when you ask someone about famous people, you'll get current athletes, musicians, artists, and politicians. When you ask about famous people from 20 years ago, you'll still get a ton of artists and politicians, but with some exceptions the athletes will be forgotten.