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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16489592

this is what happens when you substitute a false premise like 'peer review' for the scientific method

reality is not a democracy, you don't get to vote to determine the truth the way the sheltered, entitled pseudoscientists of academia claim they can

Anonymous No. 16490121

peer review doesnt work, has never worked, will never work.

Anonymous No. 16490123

Peer review is merely a consensus on interpretations of data. Nothing more, nothing less.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16490132

its a lot more than that, peer review also determines what data is gathered to begin with since research grant applications also go through the peer review process

Anonymous No. 16490160


its basically ad populum fallacy. no wonder most scientist in this century are terrified of philosophers.

Anonymous No. 16490202

Grant proposals aren't granted by your peers. They're granted by retards who accept whatever the peer reviewed consensus says is sexy.

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Anonymous No. 16490321

cringe thread.
only because humans are fallible does this process have flaws.
we have nothing better and we will never have anything better.
so stop being faggots and move to topics we can work on.

Anonymous No. 16490617

You have been refuted.

Anonymous No. 16490626

means taboos aren't researched or discussed, such as genetic diversity of humans leading to socioeconomic outcomes

Anonymous No. 16490633

>the scientific method
that doesn't solve anything. people need IQ and moral integrity. evil retards can use the scientific method too.

Anonymous No. 16490659

Even watching the remake of the cosmos show, they make an episode specifically stating that "science" has been used for political agendas since the beginning of time.

You fags act like whenever there is some kind of scandal it's a bad thing. It's just proof that people are scrutinizing studies to a greater degree then ever before.

Anonymous No. 16490733

And how will allowing people to publish any nonsense improve replication?

And how else do you allocate funding? It's not a scientific question.

Anonymous No. 16491261

maybe read his post again nigger.

replication is necessary for science.

there is currently no requirement for replication when publishing research.

Anonymous No. 16491353

Oh yeah, let me read it again.
Oh, that explained absolutely fucking nothing. OP attacks peer review without explaining any alternative scenario.

>there is currently no requirement for replication when publishing research.
I didn't say there was. Read my post again.

Anonymous No. 16491360

Oh dear, I thought the internet was dead, not stupid. WAHHHHH

Anonymous No. 16491375

Why is it such a burden to explain your argument? I don't understand what you or OP thinks will magically happen if peer review disappears. I don't think you know either. OP giving one word answers only demonstrates his lack of thought on the topic.

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Anonymous No. 16491438

I keked

Anonymous No. 16491453

On linear regression the R^2 would show that correlation was shit, what is that image trying to show?

Anonymous No. 16491465

>OP attacks peer review without explaining any alternative scenario.
and exactly this was his intention. hes is a retarded faggot, anon. or a bot. or both.

Anonymous No. 16491495

Soientists will never admit peer review is a recent concept and that "science" worked just fine before it. If anything peer review is what's killing science.
>But muh advancements in technology!
That's the tech sector and requires parents, not peer review. It's not science.

Anonymous No. 16491499

You still didn't answer my questions:

>And how will allowing people to publish any nonsense improve replication?

>And how else do you allocate funding?

Anonymous No. 16491574

throw away your tech if you believe science is not working.
protip: if you dont do it, you believe in science.
now be a angry retard somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16491575

hey I just found out when I mention putins dick is small /pol/ threads finally get deleted.
fucking top kek

Anonymous No. 16491577

I had a paper I spent 6 months on rejected by the reviewers. Wanna kms

Anonymous No. 16491632

Zoomer take.

Anonymous No. 16491656

Peer review isnt some kind of alternative to the scientific method. Its just a filter to decide what gets published in some specific journal. You can publish your research online and have the world replicate it. No one reads papers anyway

Anonymous No. 16491663

You probably don't even know what regression is lol

Anonymous No. 16491777

>what's the r-squared value?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16491878

scientists don't invent technology, other people do that. scientists only claim that they do because they have nothing worthwhile of their own to brag about. stealing credit for things other people have done is intellectual property theft

Anonymous No. 16491884

this offends the /pol/tard.

Anonymous No. 16491984

This. If your work does not result in new tech, you're not a scientist.

Anonymous No. 16492071

It did work when academia was still a high-stakes, gate-kept ivory tower.

Anonymous No. 16492074

Bullshit. Peer review currently means you know the reviewers, the reviewers know you, and if you're publishing in their fields they will destroy your paper, if not, they'll make you cite their papers to gain le h index.

Anonymous No. 16492123

peer review was never meant to be a measure of proof, but just a way to subject a write-up to a sniff test by others who are skilled in the art. it's mostly political now, unfortunately, because the threat of being "cancelled" (including assault and job loss) is a somewhat recent phenomenon and academic types are generally spineless in the first place.
proof would be measured by how successfully the results claimed in a peer reviewed paper are replicated.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16492160

>peer review was never meant to be a measure of proof, but just a way to subject a write-up to a sniff test by others who are skilled in the art.
Wrong, it was always intended as a means of censoring nonconformists.

Anonymous No. 16492234

99% of whom are absolute crackpots.
notice the journal of analytical chemistry hasn't published alchemy.

Anonymous No. 16492563

>analyticAL CHEMistrY
that is weird

Anonymous No. 16492665

Your utopia already exists OP. It's called viXra, and anyone can submit whatever they want.

A quick perusal will demonstrate how utterly useless it is. It is filled with nonsense from crackpots, just mind diarrhea. And even if there are some gems in there, who have a serious paper which was blocked by the big bad reviewers, you're never going to find it under the mountain of shit.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16493546

>It is filled with nonsense from crackpots, just mind diarrhea.
how is that different from the replication crisis journals?

Anonymous No. 16493559

Less tax payer plundering.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16494514

They can't because the scientific method is a subset of Christianity. Only Christians are capable of employing the scientific method, it was developed by Christians based on the premise that Christians would be the ones using it.
Without the underpinnings of Christianity the scientific method ceases to function.

Anonymous No. 16494589

"Peer review is broken" is just code for "peer review rejected my obviously brilliant and super awesome ideas because they are afraid of my unquestionable genius and my larger-than-average penis!"

Is peer review perfect? Of course not, and there is always room for it to improve as a system of critique and evaluation. But it is a far, FAR superior alternative to the raw, unfiltered, unregulated cluster that passes for online journals of whatever-the-fuck.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16495736

>"Peer review is broken" is just code for "peer review rejected my obviously brilliant and super awesome ideas because they are afraid of my unquestionable genius and my larger-than-average penis!"
You should stop projecting your effeminate persecution complex and penis envy on everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16496038

Replication is a form of peer review, its just that after all the low hanging fruit was picked, science had to shift to more abstract theories which aren't so much physically replicated as that their logic is reviewed by "experts" who have proven their logical capabilities through academia and industry, so they couldn't just call it replication because just copy-pasting someone's logic to replicate their writings doesn't actually do much to confirm that their logic was reasonable.

Anonymous No. 16496108

It isn't logic. It doesn't detect fraud. It doesn't do anything but provide a means for unqualified gatekeeping. You have never participated in peer review and it shows.
Replication is not peer review.

Anonymous No. 16496188

>It doesn't detect fraud.
Do you have some data to back that up, or is this just your opinion?
And fraud isn't the only reason a paper could be wrong, you ignore the possibility of honest mistakes. Peer review offers an outside perspective to identify obvious errors before they are published. Removing that is only going to result in more wrong papers, which aren't attempted to be replicated because they are obviously wrong. It can also improve a paper by considering new perspectives on the arguments.
Then there are things like statistical analyses. Lots of numerical results are quantified with some significance, but that calculation is based on assumptions, which may be too simplistic.
>You have never participated in peer review and it shows.
How many papers have you personally reviewed? I can say I have reviewed 4, one of which the authors chose to retract after I pointed out their mistake. I did not reject it, I presented my argument and allowed them to amend it but they decided otherwise.

Also if you want to avoid peer review there are plenty of predatory journals out there for free thinkers. There is nothing stopping someone from putting a paper out there.

Anonymous No. 16496552

Do you have some data call >>16496108 into dispute, or is this just your opinion?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16497930

just my opinion

Anonymous No. 16498054

The scientific establishments today are just the modern versions of the religious establishments in the past.

Anonymous No. 16498255

My first paper was rejected by peer review, claiming that the model weโ€™d used for interpreting our probe data didnโ€™t apply to our case.

After reviewing all of our work it turned out they were right, we built a new probe, and used another model to run the same experiment and got a null result.

People make honest mistakes or use the wrong models or misinterpret results. Happens all the time. Thatโ€™s why you have a system in place for people to check each otherโ€™s work.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16498342

religious establishments in the past created all of the world's most admired architecture, inspired and funded the creation of the world's greatest works of art. academia does nothing of that sort

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Anonymous No. 16498820