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🧵 Einstain is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16490354

Relativity is a absurd lie based on religious dogma of science (everything must be relative no objective speed REEE).

Einstainism has no basis in anything other then the cult of personality of Einstein.

If we did have the motivation and money we could use nuclear powered space ships to get close to 10% of light speed and make real measurements. Only these discoveries would be trivial and uninteresting to everyone.

Anonymous No. 16490430

It's just a convention because we can't measure our speed relative to the aether

Anonymous No. 16490443

Then why it is not told out loud

Tired of that bullshit 'there is no real frame'

Anonymous No. 16490456

I think a lot of people are under the impression that we disproved the aether and proved the invariance of the speed of light. However, that's not true. There's enough wiggle room to interpret it either way

Anonymous No. 16490496

>Tired of that bullshit 'there is no real frame'
Because Einstein like Freud is peak schizo bullshit peddled for the goy to worship.

Freud = Psychology
Einstein = Physics
Marx = Economics

And I do not need to tell you their racial background.

Anonymous No. 16491142

>And I do not need to tell you their racial background.

raphael No. 16491252

he is he just praffed physics then came up with some bullshit that allegedy works in implemented theory

Anonymous No. 16491260

they’re called gravity waves now and we measured them

Anonymous No. 16491491

Yes (((Austrian/German)))

Anonymous No. 16491494

They propagate with light speed. You can never find the speed of a medium using signals that travel with the propagation speed of that medium. You need a faster signal, which we don't have.

Anonymous No. 16491500

How do you know?

Anonymous No. 16491514

>You need a faster signal, which we don't have.
Ignoring Einstein Pilpul should it not be possible to accelerate any object beyond light speed? Only it takes a shit load of time and resources to do so, also it will disintegrate itself if it collides with any particle in the vacuum of space.

Anonymous No. 16491539

>should it not be possible to accelerate any object beyond light speed
Let's forget everything about relativity. Assume that all particles are actually waves in a medium and that the fastest waves/particles we know are moving with c. How could you push something past that limit? Nothing can catch up to a particles that already moves with c to give it a push and even if you managed to do that somehow the wave equation breaks down at that point and the particle would probably disintegrate or something

Anonymous No. 16491543

You can sync clock at half distance and carry it at same speed towards endpoint.

Anonymous No. 16491547

I'd need a drawing to understand what you mean.
Generally you can't sync clocks without knowing the one way the speed of light (which would be anisotropic if we're moving relative to an aether). But that's exactly what you're trying to measure in the first place. That's why Einstein explicitly wrote that his clock synchronization scheme is a convention and not something we measured or will ever be able to measure.