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🗑️ 🧵 Human female clones with male genitalia

Anonymous No. 16490361

AI chat said that it is technically possible to create human female clones with male genitalia by genetically modifying their DNA. This means they will be real women with penises.

If it's physically possible, men willing to have sex with them would be considered gay or straight?

Will this kind of clones become popular because exotic, or will they still be considered freaks like ladyboys?

Anonymous No. 16490362

Why are you pushing the transhumanist' agenda?

Anonymous No. 16490422

That's just conflating semantics. Woman =/= Female. Genders =/= sexes. Hermaphrodites are of both sexes. They can have both or partial genitalia. That's not even getting into Chimerism. Like, are you masturbating or are you jerking off the twin you assimilated in the womb?

I think there's more nuance to sexual identity as well. It's like with animal taxonomy. It's not all physical. The biggest difference between coyotes and wolves is their hunting and social behavior.

On top of that, gay men don't need to have sex to be gay. Sex isn't a qualifier. Needless to say, virgins aren't sexualy active but form an identity regardless.

Here's the thing with collective nouns. They exist by virtue of plurality. You're not male because you have a penis. You are male because there are other humans - other lifeforms, really - that also have a penis. The group has to exist for you to be included in it, right?

Besides, with cloning technology it's only a matter of time before these organs become vestigial. Then the only thing distinguishing men and women would behavior differences.
OR! You never know; penises could evolve additional functions and become wifi "hotspot" antennas so the terms "gay" or "straight" takes on a completely different meaning depending on they willingly service and who even has the capacity to utilizes them.

Anonymous No. 16490568

>"The world according to me"
Ok chief.

Anonymous No. 16490789

Hi tranny. Are you still unable to understand the difference between a male XY and a female XX, even if she has a genetically modified penis?

Anonymous No. 16490876

The understanding is that sex chromosomes are instructional blueprints that express themselves at different stages of development. It's entirely possible for the Y chromosome to remain dormant in a person their entire life. And that person would undoubtedly be identified as a woman.
Because gender is a social construct. They are women because people treat them as women.

There's a condition known as güevedoces (lit: testicals at 12) where a person is perceived to be a girl until puberty. They have Y chromosomes, they even have what are called "testicals", but they're internal. Classification and categorization is subject to change. Just like how Pluto was demoted to "Dwarf Planet"; these "testicals" and their function could be reevaluated and renamed.
Humans have lots of vestigial organs. Men have nipples. Some men even lactate. Science might find it prudent to reclassify them because of this trait. But science isn't society and genetic female, legal female, archetypal female, and femininity as an artistic form are all completely different concepts that might be difficult to grasp for people with associative vocabularies.

Anonymous No. 16490912

I'm talking about GMO human clones, retarded freak. Stop spamming my thread with delusional bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16490944

No, you're not. No, it isn't.
You might be a Reddit Moderator that's accustomed fabricating community discourse. But this is 4chan.

The questions in the OP are clearly about linguistics and terminology. And that's exactly what everyone in this thread is talking about. Which now includes your dumb ass "naming" a subject you haven't contributed shit too.

Anonymous No. 16490945

Suffer Not the Tranny to Live

Anonymous No. 16490965

It's impossible because they would lack the "femaleness" that a true female has.

Anonymous No. 16490972

They are real females, but with a penis. What exactly don't you understand? Do you understand they can do anything with GMO clones?

Anonymous No. 16490974

You've simply restated your position without contending with my post.
That is not an argument, therefore, I am claiming victory and exiting the thread now.

Anonymous No. 16491155

>AI chat said
Never imagined that whatever replaced google would be even stupider but here we are. You can't just slice out the "vagina" code from your DNA and swap it with some dude's "penis" code.

>If it's physically possible, men willing to have sex with them would be considered gay or straight?
It's well established that futa = straight.

Anonymous No. 16491408

Futa is a hermaphrodite. These are just females with male penises.

Anonymous No. 16491659

Are you this guy?:

Anonymous No. 16491662

Sorry referenced wrong post. Should be this: