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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Do /sci/entists hate money?

Anonymous No. 16491269

Explain to me in exquisite detail why there is basically no research into procedures to enhance the erect length of the male member in otherwise healthy individuals?
There's a gorillion dollars of research put into obscure cases like severe pharmacologically untreatable ED, micro, and trans folx getting one built from sratch.
But despite it being something at least 25% of the male population would immediately pay the price of a car for if you could reproducibly lengthen a fellas pecker by .5 inches, there's literally nothing being done by big pharma.

Male baldness for example, is also merely cosmetic and has billions poured into just about every avenue.

I suspect it's because they think that given the amount of blood in nerves its impossible/highly dangerous, but still, given the potential profit its a bit wild there's not a single schizo out there working on it.

Anonymous No. 16491271

Mines big enough. Sometimes I worry I'm going to hurt your mom.

Anonymous No. 16491345

You'd have to revert the organ to an infantile stage, then regrow it to adult size with the proper cocktail of hormones
You would genuinely make trillions, between the troon surgeries and dicklet therapy, if you could figure this out

Anonymous No. 16491370

It's hard. The dick is a delicate and complicated organ. You can't just pump silicon into it like fake tits (actually people do it and it looks hideous). Also men do not want an enhanced dick that doesn't work properly and give them pleasure properly, or that doesn't look right. If you think about it, all plastic surgery tech is extremely crude. You can imagine fanciful tech like >>16491345, which is fine, but we aren't remotely close to doing anything like that.

Anonymous No. 16491371

ITT: sub 14" microdicklets

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Anonymous No. 16491432

>perfect hot dog
>no ketchup

Anonymous No. 16491449

Apply topical testosterone gel every day and stretch it flaccid for 30 seconds every time you take a piss. You'll cripple your bodies ability to create test, so it's a long term solution, but you'll gain several inches

Anonymous No. 16491493

it's crazy difficult. like making a real hoverboard that can move across any surface and isn't just a bunch of loud fans

Anonymous No. 16491809

Look up tensile stretching. It works. I gained 1.5 inches this way but I did it very slowly over two years. I can see why doctors don't recommend it though because it would be extremely easy to damage your dick this way if you're not careful. Go slowly, be patient and don't overdo it. A millimeter per month is a reasonable rate of progress.