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๐Ÿงต Engines of Prosperity: Templates for the Information Age

Anonymous No. 16491349

What are Your Ideas for Prosperity?

Anonymous No. 16491381

If company pays more % of their profit in wages to employees, they pay less taxes, if they pay employees less, they should pay more taxes.

Anonymous No. 16491383


Anonymous No. 16491384

If Nations have a Market Cap, due to setting Marey caps, the People get the Overflow No. 16491386

If Nations have a Market Cap, Due to setting Market Caps, and Profiting from Market Caps, The People Get the Overflow

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16491393

Hey is white sharia a heinous joke from ironman?

Anonymous No. 16491503


Anonymous No. 16491513

People's Mint

Anonymous No. 16491572

Better trade

Anonymous No. 16491832

Better Inventions and Degrees

Anonymous No. 16492222

Updating Practices

Anonymous No. 16492291

Opposites of "and then the brain no longer produces consciousness"

I mean, High Consciousness

Anonymous No. 16492432

More gold mines
Simian serfdom

Anonymous No. 16492439

Ethos and Rights Advancements Standardisations

Anonymous No. 16492443

Peace Cascades

Anonymous No. 16492444

Monkey mayhem

Anonymous No. 16492447

>>16492444 (checked)
Ape Anarchy

Anonymous No. 16492448


Anonymous No. 16492449

Oh f*#$%

Anonymous No. 16492451

Sorry chud, the future is primate

Anonymous No. 16492455

holy bujeezus that was a close 'un

Anonymous No. 16493789


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16493794

9.2% of Earth is in extreme poverty
So Charities for Every Country, not only one that banned scams and lost a significant GDP%

Here's to Brighter Futures!

Will U.B.I. Solve those extreme poverties?

Anonymous No. 16493799

every few years you kill the extreme outliers with prejudice.

Anonymous No. 16493802

4d investments.
Steins gate done Properly.
Every freaking fiction done Ulti and Properly.

Anonymous No. 16493817

Why are you nerds so obsessed with reading? It's just a paper with text on it. Take your niquill and go ni ni you book freaks

Anonymous No. 16493819

Dear diary, today an poster was a fag

Anonymous No. 16493820

They want it done properly

Anonymous No. 16493822

You will be offered training. From super soldier, hacker to philosopher, advisor

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Anonymous No. 16493824

These aren't the sorts of dogs you find sitting on an old woman's lap. These are highly rare highly sophisticated highly apt training courses. More than professional

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16493844

What a fag it is too

Anonymous No. 16493845

Don't want Your R4-1 Paradigm enforced slaverinng

Anonymous No. 16493846

>Don't want Your R3-1 Paradigm enforced slavering

Anonymous No. 16493847

Is that the Planetary Governers Plan from watching Stellaris?
(Planetrary Governer is a Stellaris Position, not Real Earth)

Anonymous No. 16493848

Its pretty much impossible for all countries to prosper, or for all regions of a country to prosper. Most cities that have ever existed became ghost towns, failure is much more common than success.

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Anonymous No. 16493856

Is something wrong with you? Something in your 2D soul?

'Say you had an artifact. You time travelled to the future to get the same artifact, and went back to the present. You have two artifacts.'

Anonymous No. 16493906

Not really Solutionful Prosperists?

Anonymous No. 16493991

Those people are less only because of inflation, they ware people under $2 20 years ago, and they compare them to people under $2 now, which is more extreme poverty than before.

Also U.B.I. doesn't solve extreme poverty, and I don't think somebody should be giving money to extrapoor, they are essentially useless.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16494161

>and I don't think somebody should be giving money to extrapoor, they are essentially useless.
Why do you make such baseless statements? Theres at best some correlation between being useless and being poor, it cant be a 100% match.
Theres such a thing as bad luck and things happening in your life that are not in your control, including serious accidents or wars. People that were once productive and had money can simply lose it all.

Anonymous No. 16494165

Why do you make such baseless statements? Theres at best some correlation between being useless and being poor, it cant be a 100% match.
Theres such a thing as bad luck and things happening in your life that are not in your control, for example wars. Many people are healthy, smart and capable of working but find themselves isolated in destroyed shitholes.
Of course, this isnt an universal conditions. Theres no excuses for strong and healthy people living in advanced societies being seriously poor.

Anonymous No. 16494394

remove intrest, just print money and give it to people in need.

Anonymous No. 16494465

I just... I'm racist. I've had my experience with minorities, I have good ones and bad ones, mostly good are Euro-Africans in Netherlands, and mostly bad are fresh wave of migrants.

I think, that U.B.I. shouldn't be a thing, they shouldn't give away money.

They should give away food vouchers, and all that U.B.I. should be tokenized so you can pick from pre-determined stuff. Like some food, electronics, ect...

If you want real money that can but crack, you should still work or invest something.

Anonymous No. 16494674

What's with audit the federal reserves and bank reserves instead of audit the mints?

Could work. Even if it didn't, can You reply with how much overflows per year, what it costs to do Your latter idea, and hmm... what else should be asked
Is it being modelled?
Could be progressive as a superhabitable Planets Venus Project Sets and so on might andor might not want to be tethered to those older paradigms, particularly that facet. Hmm hmm hmm

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Anonymous No. 16494806

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Anonymous No. 16494894

Better Wise Up

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Anonymous No. 16494903

Josh Peck Did!

'Satan, also known as the Devil (cf. a devil), is an entity in Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin and falsehood.'

Anonymous No. 16495047

Each Government Orchestrate Create. Nearly Each Government Has Elephant in the Brain Old Biases.
Go Figure.
Hopefully Even Better.

Anonymous No. 16495211

Is it looking that way?

Anonymous No. 16495561

Freeing Up Redundant Industries Work?
As per bullshit jobs, if valid
+ Fabricators
+ Self sustenance tech
- Negative programs (costing what?)
+ New advances
+ Each countries FDA equiv does its proper job

Anonymous No. 16495589

+ Proper Modern Eschatons Investments
- Draconian

Anonymous No. 16495618

- Economic saboteurs
+ Future Makers
+ Visionairies
+ Updates
- illegal financial consolidation
+ Legal Financial Developments

Anonymous No. 16495713

E.e.g. an obligate capturer
(Not some Terra nulian voodoo misinterpretation of what i just said, but what I just said ~)

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Anonymous No. 16495722

Vigorously pursuing good ideas. Having an understanding about cooperation and game theory.

Anonymous No. 16496151


Anonymous No. 16496349

>the past belonged to the warriors
>then came the merchants
>now the technocrats want to take power
Whats next, hippies?

Anonymous No. 16496925

~Topias or bust~

Anonymous No. 16496928

CrAt cRat CarT

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Anonymous No. 16497011

Free market capitalism. Any government spending is inefficient and takes money away from those that deserve it. The poorest person in capitalism is richer than the average communist slave.

Anonymous No. 16497030

>Free market capitalism.
What do You mean that's Your Prosperity Idea when โ… of Earth already is?

Anonymous No. 16497031

'Only about 40% of the words' countries have at least reasonably well-working, free-market capitalism because it is difficult to achieve' *

Anonymous No. 16497036

We dont have capitalism, we mostly have interventionism and borderline socialism. In capitalism there are no taxes at all. There are services that can be bought voluntarily. Free market also means free from government intervention.

Anonymous No. 16497173

Governments are the product of freedom of action. Most governments come to be because men organize into armies and simply create states. This is a violent act but a free act.
The idea of non-violence that libertarians always shill is self-defeating and not scientific. Its completely arbitrary, violence exists and has natural laws to regulate it such a deterrence and game theory in general, which states the conditions in which violence is the rational choice.

Anonymous No. 16497218

Isn't this exactly how corporate taxes work now?

Anonymous No. 16497220

I asked somewhere, and they told me, you can cut of wage as expense, but that's not "it".

Anonymous No. 16497799

+ Realise when black projects have been ridiculously funded enough for a little while
+ Reappropriate the funds and research and developments progress into topias and topianisations instead of ocracies and ocracyisations

Anonymous No. 16497803

>ยฑ Reappropriate the funds and research and developments progress into topias and topianisations instead of ocracies and ocracyisations

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Anonymous No. 16497805


Anonymous No. 16497808

Seriously, if you found the word planetary governer from a YouTube playlist, then made a planetary governer, then tried to enforce soldiery from a made up planetary governer, from someone's YouTube playlist...
No, thankyou

Anonymous No. 16498062

Any Ideas For Prosperity?

Anonymous No. 16498072

Are you stupid?
You dont need new ideas or innovation to create prosperity. The principles are extremely well known and any new ideas usually require experimentation and trials to test them, and almost always never work.

Anonymous No. 16498344

:v :v :v

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16498348


Anonymous No. 16498378

Where's Your Niscience?

Anonymous No. 16498930

I told You. Are You going to reply?

Lush | Loosh No. 16498940

+ Peacestasy

ยฑ Uncorrupt
ยฑ Deprisonify

Lush | Loosh No. 16498959

+ Depsuedify


Anonymous No. 16499308

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