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🧵 How is Physics Girl not completely sarcopenic/osteopenic from two years of bed rest?

Anonymous No. 16491390

She claims she has Long COVID that's left her bed-ridden for two years.
My father was in the hospital for a month due to infections, and he was so frail after that he needed to go to a sub-acute rehab facility for almost two months.

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Anonymous No. 16491395

The CIA got to her.

Anonymous No. 16491396

It's because she's vegan.
One steak or a thick shake would sort her out in a jiffy.

Anonymous No. 16491399

because she's a grifter
she has over 16000 paid patreon members, which her channel made numerous drives for while she was 'sick'
>two years without uploading anything but raking in patreon cash
she is either mentally ill (long covid isn't real) or is grifting. considering the patreon connection, i'd say the latter

Anonymous No. 16491405

>16,000 members at a minimum of $4.50 a month each
Damn. For that kind of money I probably would lie and cheat. It might not even be illegal

Anonymous No. 16491430

Its the fucking vaccine, "long covid" is vaccine damage

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Anonymous No. 16491452

She had the audacity to wear a Patreon sleep mask in one of her gibz vidz, and reddit simps lapped it up.

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Anonymous No. 16491479

Because Patreon pays way better than youtube.

>almost every /sci/ tab I had open just simultaneously 404'd
new janny season

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Anonymous No. 16491546

Long COVID doesn't even exist.
She just found a way to get easy patreon money by pretending to be sick.

Anonymous No. 16491555

>post few videos from bed to coomer incel scifi söyboys
>Get billions patreon money
You are dumb as fuck. Remember: if you like science that doesn't make you smart.

Anonymous No. 16491588

>because she's a grifter
>but that's evil
The more you interact with your audiences the more you hate them.

Anonymous No. 16491599

>She's still doing her eyebrows

Anonymous No. 16491604

Munchhausen syndrome enabled and prolonged by simp paypiggies. If someone pays me to be bedridden with "general weakness" I sure as hell will discover that I really do have all sorts of symptoms I didn't even notice before, and treatment somehow just doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16491615

to be fair that’s an incompetent job she’s done

Anonymous No. 16491633

neets fear and respect this one simple trick.

Anonymous No. 16491683

Why would anyone pay a subscription when the content is free?

Anonymous No. 16491698

Lmao this is actual fraud

Anonymous No. 16491752

Imagine the psychology of the kind of simp who actually gives this lazy whore money.

Anonymous No. 16491754

If I took off the mask, would her grift die?

Anonymous No. 16491788

>stop uploading videos
>income increases 10 fold
She's actually genius.

Anonymous No. 16491839

I just saw they had a "long covid fundraiser" livestream some months ago, with a camera showing her laying in bed for 11 hours. Wonder how many of her simps jerked off to that.

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Anonymous No. 16491844

I just looked up her channel and saw the latest video with that smartereveryday fag and he showed a bit of her diet which consists of butternut squash and some kind of a "milk" shake made with coconut milk and chia + hemp seeds, the guy in the video even says it tastes like cardboard
her diet would indeed be the cause of this prolonged "illness"
btw it really baffles me how these I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE retards believe a vegan diet is healthy, much less a vegan diet like this, really quite interesting, sad and pathetic all at the same time
she's gonna die if that's all she eats and assuming she isn't grifting

Anonymous No. 16491917

It's a scam, she could be cured with a low dose of meth and a steak and eggs diet.

Anonymous No. 16492227

>eat weird trash
>stay in side all day laying down
Anybody would be unhealthy with this routine. IFLS libtards are so retarded, the can't simply eat normal food and get sunlight.

Anonymous No. 16492283

KEK the grift is so obvious
her channel uploads coincide with declines in patreon numbers. what a coincidence that she finally spoke after two years now that she's lost ~2k members this year

Anonymous No. 16492318

/ourgirl/ collier would never pull this shit

Anonymous No. 16492617

Good catch.

Anonymous No. 16492787

OP you don't know that hospitals make you sick?

Anonymous No. 16492860

Anybody remember that Munchausen woman who injected feces into her legs? She kept getting into the ER, and after years of it, she had to get her legs amputated.

At least this grifter bitch was smart enough to get rich off Patreon and not ACTUALLY make herself sick.

Anonymous No. 16492871

You need to go get a job and stop worrying about what other people are doing

Anonymous No. 16492911

Agreed she's a grifter. Possibly a genuine alcoholic looking at her face.

I also don't understand these chronic fatigue patients. I don't understand the medicines they are usually prescribed. Prozac? Seriously? The stuff we give people with disorders like PTSD to address behavioral excesses in anxiety responses? Anti-inflammatory meds which will get an injured athlete out of bed but won't get a couch potato off the sofa? If the problem really is just inflammation, sure they will help.

Have palliative doctors not seen what happens when some depressed dyke 'transitions' and gets put on an anabolic steroid?
Talk about go juice. They go from sleeping in bed all day to getting pounded on Grindr. Anabolic steroids, for better or worse, increase goal directed behavior.

Put physics girl on a girly anabolic steroid like Anavar. Maybe it increases suicidality, maybe it reduces fertility, but if you're bed ridden in the best years of your life, maybe the risk is worth it?

Anonymous No. 16493744

Roll of cash under her? Lol.

Anonymous No. 16493813

welcome to clown world
this situation shows the next phase for society : to put all the poor people in the VR world and let the rich coomers and whores enjoy the physical world. The disposable poor will have their society, own currencies and of course these currencies will be worthless compared to the real ones, only used to pay the monthly subscription to countless DRM-ridden services.
=>worthless digital dollar and UBI for billions of disposable coomers in VR life, used on e-whores, weed and videogames.

Anonymous No. 16493930

Most Münchhausen patients simply pretend to be sick. Actually making yourself sick in the outlier.