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๐Ÿงต I'm experiencing real time anomaly

Anonymous No. 16491496

Hi. I know this sounds crazy, but it's happening for real right now to me. I'm experiencing a real time anomaly in my home.

When I'm outside my home, time is normal. When I'm doing my usual business, I'm always done at 12 as usual. But at home, time starts running faster.

I always buy the same amount of alcohol and it always lasts until 10 in the evening. So I know when it's 10 even without looking at my watch.

The last two days the pattern changed. I have bought the same amount of alcohol as usual, was drinking at the same speed as usual, but alcohol lasted until 12 at midnight. It's two more hours.

I don't have heavy drinks to get drunk. I just drink wine and beer for the pleasure of drinking when using internet. So I was not drunk.

This happens only at home. All my usual activities outside home still take the same usual amount of time.

I have no idea how this is possible. Every last two days evening two hours just disappear.

Anonymous No. 16491502

Do You and ur ilk steal time and time throttle?
Do You have a new holoseal?

Anonymous No. 16491504

Only thing I know, before this happened I was joking that I am too lazy to switch my watch to winter time, so now I'm living in another time dimension.

Anonymous No. 16491505

>know this sounds crazy
Who tf are You addressing?
There should be multiple, nonmaladaptive, time funs per New Gods
Not some dweeb that reads nonmaladaptive as normaladaptive as per an elephant in the brain

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Anonymous No. 16491506

Yah man, blue stars man
Good one*

Anonymous No. 16491507

Hey man, what SHOULD All-Access Be CloudOpped? No. 16491509

In Support*

Anonymous No. 16491827

Anybody else wants to join?

Anonymous No. 16492031

I need help. Anybody can explain this anomaly?

Anonymous No. 16492058

Update. It's the 3rd day of my time anomaly. My alcohol still lasted until 12 hours midnight. I don't understand how this is possible. This is scary.

Anonymous No. 16492077

You are describing symptoms of a beginning alcohol addiction. Stop drinking for three months right now. See what happens.

Anonymous No. 16492777

Anybody else wants to participate?

Anonymous No. 16492855

Autistic retard.

Anonymous No. 16493021

Update. Today, alcohol lasted as usual, until 10 in the evening. Looks like the time anomaly is over. It's sad that nobody gets that what what happened was fucking real.

Anonymous No. 16493030

I am experiencing a time anomaly too! Recently time is disappearing, whenever I take my normal amount of fentanyl for the evening the clock goes by faster than normal. It's as if my time was transferred to you! My highs aren't lasting as long too, which sucks :(

Anonymous No. 16493200

Update. This evening my alcohol lasted until 10 in the evening, as usual before getting weird. Looks like the time anomaly has ended. Anyway, what happened was very weird.

Anonymous No. 16493971

You blacked out, common drunkard experience

Anonymous No. 16494010

What are you doing here, idiot?

Anonymous No. 16494444

Update. Today it's normal as usual. My alcohol lasted until 10 in the evening, as always. Looks like the time anomaly ended. I'm sorry that nobody understood that this was something serious.

Anonymous No. 16494531

Check ur CO2 levels