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Anonymous No. 16491785

If the big bang is neither big nor a bang, what is it?

Anonymous No. 16491807

ur mum

Anonymous No. 16491820

The great vortex is a more suitable theory. It says we have all the source necessary to experience a simulation of a universe, but secretly we are just spinning around in a vortex.

Anonymous No. 16491908

>space has the apperance of expanding
>"what if we did the math backwards?"
>holy shit, everything would be in one spot!!
how is this not retard schizo logic?

Anonymous No. 16491958

Crazy part is I don't really think there is a beginning or a "big bang" the universe is too big and too incomprehensible to figure out if there was a beginning. Maybe it's just a endless time and space where things are reborn and die all the time.

Anonymous No. 16491963

The hit big bang successfully predicted the existence and detailed properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Decades later there are zero alternative models which can even explain it post hoc, much less predict it. And then it also explains the light element abundance.
And the big bang didn't happen in one point.

Anonymous No. 16491975

>big bang successfully predicted the existence and detailed properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background
what's mr big bang got to say about dark matter/energy? NOTHING!

Anonymous No. 16491982

Show me a simpler model which fits all the observations.

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Family Guy Big Ba....gif

Anonymous No. 16492527

We have been lied to about just about everything all our lives... why would the big bang idea be any different?