🧵 Why are scientists so beta?
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 20:45:25 UTC No. 16491934
99.99% of all STEM people seems to be no different from latte chugging liberals, just weak crybabies that can be bullied into doing anything by the strong of the world, total slaves to the establishment, zero will-to-power. Is there something within the frame of scientific thinking that makes men cowards? Why are the wielders of technomagic such pussies when the nature of reality is laid bare before them for the taking? Why do none of them wish to direct their incredible potential to rule the mindless throngs of neurotypicals and make the Earth great?
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 21:58:40 UTC No. 16492009
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 04:46:26 UTC No. 16492459
High interest in technology and science often arises from social isolation or at least lack of extraordinarity in other areas contemporaries find praiseworthy, basically you get no praise in other areas so you find your niche, wich ends up being high grades or appearing intellectually superior, a vast majority of scientist arise from this phenomenon, meaning most scientist are spineless and seek others approval more than your average person.
AND if by some miracle a strong willed scientist-to-be is born, it will be shaped by all the beta scientist it meets along the way, and be half forced to become beta too or appear to be at least.
Yes also, jews
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:15:16 UTC No. 16492517
"publish or perish" and 'hive mind' are very real things... if one isn't born into extreme wealth you can forget about becoming a daring evil scientist, if attempt it without first being filthy rich it's a guaranteed one-way ticket to speedy ostracization and looking for new career... real life isn't anything like capeshit.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 14:59:35 UTC No. 16492836
It’s just the system at work. It used to be that scientific pursuit was entertainment reserved for the clergy and the aristocracy. As the technological system has become intertwined with scientific pursuit, the latter became a slave to the former. Instead of the elite doing science for the lulz, we now have a rigid, government-controlled system that values “le applications” and “le utility” over Truths about Nature. Those unlucky enough to carry the splendor of yore, the ones >>16492459 describes, are ostracized by complacent, oversocialized bugs to whom social approval in the form of grades and shiny diplomas overshadows intrinsic curiosity. The System does not approve of individuality in any form, so the only people who remain entrenched into the scientific milieu are libtarded beta faggots with zero individual thought. Just do as told, be a part of the hive and “collaborate”.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:04:06 UTC No. 16492922
>The System does not approve of individuality in any form
and the really fucked up part in the U.S. is how the primary creed is "muh individuality"... it's a hellish dichotomy.
Selective individuality:
>lowest common denominator issues = individuality to the MAX!
>shit that actually matters and changes the world = fuck you and your individuality, get in line or gtfo!
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:59:44 UTC No. 16492996
School success selects for three things
Intelligence (to a certain degree)
Work ethic
Compliance with authority
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:55:31 UTC No. 16493190
>Intelligence (to a certain degree)
>Work ethic
>Compliance with authority
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 03:36:07 UTC No. 16493658
Is there really a solution to this though?, i think that the spreading of science research so that any layman who puts the work in can contribute is a good thing, and you can't really distribute funds without any "quality criteria" system to choose which research to give it to, the problem is the institutions behind this "quality criteria" system, often they are non-scientist making these desicions and lefties to boot, which heavily restricts research which is too "amoral", "speculative" or just simply goes against current consensus.
How could we ever change these institutions for the better, and if we did how could we effectively avoid funding straight up dumb ass research?
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 04:01:45 UTC No. 16493690
Weightlifting, MMA, and basic fab shop should be required curriculum for all STEM degrees. A strong man that has the ability to physically defend himself and build things with his hands will be far more confident in every aspect of his life than a thin wristed onions chugging fag. If all scientists had to hit 1/2/3/4 and win a sparring match before they got their doctorate, they'd probably be less likely to be bullied by the establishment in their scientific endeavors as well.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 04:08:34 UTC No. 16493700
altough i agree with the sentiment what good would that do? lol, if we implemented that the funding would go towards the more faggoty bunch that managed to graduate and are currently working, which would in turn incentivize non-fags to become fag-like to get funding and actually do research.