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Anonymous No. 16491996

Genetic/Bio determinism is the coolest hypothesis. I love reading things related to it but cannot buy into it due to too much genomic variation it seems. I subtly wish it is true to a large degree in my personal time however.

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Anonymous No. 16492029

Really depends on what we're looking at.

Genetic factors absolutely exist to determine whether or not you'll stop producing the amino acid necessary to break down certain proteins, go bald, etc.

Beware ANY piece of "research" that tells you that genetics don't matter. That California liberal horse shit that wants to put all of humanity on a perfectly even playing field is cancer of the highest degree and only serves to hold everyone back.

Please excuse me I'm off to go get a bioluminescent ink tattoo of Zapp Branaganne humping Nibbler.

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Anonymous No. 16492061

What you're describing is true. For example these people want the .01 heredity to be true so bad they push literal mysical level solipsism.
picrel works at Harvard btw

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Anonymous No. 16492212

I don't know who those two are. Intelligence IS partially genetic. Environmental factors do matter greatly though, especially in formative years prior to puberty.

Probably the most well known is "Jeannie the Wild Child".
It's the case of a child who spent from age 0 to 12 tied to a potty chair and forced to sleep in a cage-crib. She was not taught a thing until what passed for Child Protective Services caught wind and collected her. From there various researchers did all sorts of things with her. No not rape (we don't think).

But yeah turns out you really only have from birth to puberty to shape a mind. After that it is excruciatingly difficult.

Look it up and watch if you dare. It is quite depressing.

Anonymous No. 16492415

>tattoo of Zapp Branaganne humping Nibbler.

Anonymous No. 16492422

I support eugenics to eliminate sōyjak posters for all eternity

Anonymous No. 16492424


Anonymous No. 16492460

>Environmental factors do matter greatly though, especially in formative years prior to puberty.
wrong. Trauma != an iq shift, and akshully the average found in adoption studies suggest that iq settles after childhood to roughly the same level as the biological parents by the early 20's. G factor is an extremely heritable trait and this has been proven a lot

Anonymous No. 16492854

no arrow therefore you look like that and say that