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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16492118

I’m handsome, scientifically explain why women don’t want to date me

Anonymous No. 16492141

That man is not handsome

Anonymous No. 16492143

I know but I am also he kinda is too stop lying

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Anonymous No. 16492149

>why women don’t want to date me

Stop talking about your level 83 Vorpal sword, it give females the ick.

Anonymous No. 16492264

Only being attractive works for women, never for the men.
This is not animal kingdom where the male species should be the better looking one.

If appreace is all you got, then learn to leverage that. if you cant then bad news for you...

Anonymous No. 16492368

>explain why women don’t want to date me
You are not handsome.
You probably aren't a jawlet, but that's like the bare minimum.
Maybe you are 6ft, but again, that's the bare minimum, what do you bring to the table that differentiates you between other non-jawlet non-manlets?

Anonymous No. 16492374

Then why have I been called handsome hot gorgeous cute and multiple things all throughout my life?

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Anonymous No. 16492397

You're a creepy awkward sperg with a tiny cock but you don't look horrible so people call you good looking because it's the only nice thing they can think of to say about you that's even remotely true.

Anonymous No. 16492454

saying he is not handsome is antisemitic. that may be illegal, depending on where you live.

Anonymous No. 16492474

I actually have a big cock though the sperg part is true

Anonymous No. 16492505

Because you are not handsome. If you really were, you would still get some attention from women even when you are the uttermost autist.

Anonymous No. 16492510

how tall are you and do you have any unusual smells or diets?

Anonymous No. 16492589

Start reading pickup artists. I know it's cringe but the stuff will change your life if you take it seriously. I recommend The Game by Neil Strauss. Also find a buddy to pick up girls with.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16492656

Wtf are you talking about? I would rather spend my time reading a math textbook than reading the bluepilled recommendations of low IQ people.