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Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 04:10:57 UTC No. 16492413
How do you explain anti-space colonization sentiment?
Can it really be explained by people just being unironically stupid?
>uh yeah we're just suppose to uh, stay on earth forever until the end of time, because uh, well space is like impossible or something idk
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 04:25:06 UTC No. 16492431
these people think the earth is 2000 years old and if you fly up high enough you'll get to heaven
also half this board are these people
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 04:53:22 UTC No. 16492464
because some people don't care about the future
even more people don't care about a future they won't live to see
their defense is to ridicule anyone who cares about the future
the boomers won't live to see the future
the niggers simply exist to stunt White progress
the jews are too superstitious
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 05:05:46 UTC No. 16492469
Terra-formation of Mars is a literal pipe dream as the magnetic field of the planet is not sufficient to maintain a human habitable atmosphere.
I guess the argument I'd make against space colonization is that it's likely a pipedream, and is more likely to end up being a waste of resources and money laundering scheme than anything actually scientifically/historically meaningful. It is not the 1960's when the space race was happening. We are in an era where the "next frontier" is the first group of people to commit suicide via a one way ticket to Mars with no coherent plan of what to do when they get there.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 05:10:06 UTC No. 16492473
colonising space makes extinction nearly impossible
>likely to end up being a waste of resources
this is one of those things where it's just worth trying
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 05:15:38 UTC No. 16492477
> colonising space makes extinction nearly impossible
Sure, in your sci-fi fantasy scenario where we are able to make the first steps without destroying ourselves first. That's the part that I think is very unlikely. I think we are literally thousands of times more likely to fuck ourselves up trying to do something insane (like fix a definitionally uninhabitable wasteland like mars when we can't even manage earth properly), than we are to make it to the point where we have significant permanent human settlement outside of Earth.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 05:25:38 UTC No. 16492482
are you suggesting we are likely to go extinct on earth [math]by[/math] trying to colonise mars, or while colonising mars?
the former is retarded
we don't have to fix mars - we can live in e.g. lava tubes, where we don't have to tackle radiation, atmosphere, or cold
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 05:32:44 UTC No. 16492486
> are you suggesting we are likely to go extinct on earth by trying to colonise mars, or while colonising mars?
1) I think trying to colonize mars will never work due to factors beyond human control (the lack of a Paleo-magnetic field capable of sustaining an atmosphere in the presence of solar radiation). As a result, the only possible benefits we will ever get from efforts put into it will be from the efforts put into scientific development, not the actual colonization of Mars (which will never happen).
2) I think if you tell people that there is an exit ramp when there isn't, they will be less likely to actually take seriously the problems we need to solve on Earth. You're essentially giving people a false hope of an escape from consequences for not taking seriously the resource management problems we have here by promising them a land of milk and honey somewhere else.
3) I think it is very likely to lead towards massive corruption and fraud if we actually seriously devote resources to it. You're essentially allowing for free real estate for scientistism scammers to sell fake achievements to people who don't know any better (like yourself, evidently).
Pretending that we will be able to make humans be able to sustainably live in lava bubbles on a planet with no atmosphere, meanwhile we can't even prevent ourselves from irrevocably destroying ecosystems here on earth is suicidally retarded.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:22:40 UTC No. 16492521
take the ISS and put it in a lava tube on mars
then instead of shipping new modules to make a bigger ISS, just dig into the cave walls
>uhh it just won't work, okay?
before you mention the atmosphere again, i don't care about the atmosphere. the atmosphere is irrelevant. nobody serious wants to terraform mars.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:23:42 UTC No. 16492524
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:30:52 UTC No. 16492529
Do you understand how the ISS works on any level? The ISS is only able to produce oxygen because there is a significant water vapor concentration in the Earth's atmosphere. Without having a significant atmosphere, even at the elevation of the ISS, they would have no mechanism of producing oxygen via hydrolysis.
You say you don't care about the atmosphere, and your reasoning is literally the reason it will never work. You have so little investment in this idea beyond your star trek fantasy that you haven't even bothered to take a look at how the current space technology we have functions. The ISS couldn't work on Mars because without hydrolysis, we'd have no mechanism to produce oxygen. Without either atmospheric water or liquid water (neither of which exist in any significant quantity on Mars afaik) you'd run out of oxygen within hours.
You're a fucking larper pretending that your magical thinking will lead to space colonization. And you have the fucking nerve to claim that others are shortsighted when they actually look into this issue and conclude you're a retard for ever thinking it was possible.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:33:12 UTC No. 16492532
Electrolysis of H20, not hydrolysis* oops.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:34:14 UTC No. 16492533
that's where you're wrong - there is ice at the poles
i expect a prompt apology
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:39:00 UTC No. 16492536
You're a dipshit. Firstly, from what we can tell, most of that ice is c02 ice.
Secondly, it needs to be liquid water or water vapor for electrolysis to work. So what, your plan is to get there, hope we have enough water to generate oxygen and then in a mad dash try to harvest enough ice to later melt to generate oxygen? This also then has to serve as both the sole source of water on the planet and the source of oxygen.
How long is this actually sustainable?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:45:58 UTC No. 16492538
the ice caps are mostly water ice, but there is dry ice too
you would have to melt and collect the water before you go, or take a lot with you
>how long is this actually sustainable
for a good population? decades at least, probably centuries, but i'm not calculating it now
from there you either try to switch to photosynthesis, or collect water from the outer solar system (which to be fair would take decades or centuries)
nothing you have mentioned is actually prohibitive
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:47:18 UTC No. 16492540
Correction: Most of the ice on the surface is c02 ice. There's definitely water in large quantities on the poles if we can successfully tunnel 8-10m deep into the c02 ice to get to it.
That is presuming we would have enough water to sustain oxygen production to even get to that point.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:49:22 UTC No. 16492542
> nothing you have mentioned is actually prohibitive
You are assuming we have some magical mechanism by which we can even get to the point where we are sustainably harvesting water ice. There's already 20 layers of "no, we won't solve that you fucking retard" in the way first.
You might as well hope that we'll have robots do all of the building and initial setup. It will make just as much sense.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:52:41 UTC No. 16492548
> nothing you have mentioned is actually prohibitive
Just actually use your brain for a second. We are currently incapable of even doing the very basics of sustainably managing resources on a planet we literally have spent millions of years being adapted to with an essentially endless supply of oxygen, carbon and water. How on Earth do you think we're going to manage that in a place where the only possible water source is also the only possible oxygen source, there is no mechanism of producing reliable food, and there's no primary energy source production such that we can establish bases of operation.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:54:43 UTC No. 16492549
tunneling is something we might be actually able to automate
again, not prohibitive
>you might as well hope robots will do all of the building
find a hole in the ground, drop your prebuilt modules into it, cover it with dust/gravel
drill a hole so you can extract your water ice
THEN you bring people with copious resources
>waaa humans are so bad and evil and stupid and we are destroying earth and that means you cannot go to the moon because niggers are starving (gorging themselves to death)
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:56:14 UTC No. 16492551
but we did go to the moon, despite ignoring "problems" on earth: >>16492464 picrel
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:59:57 UTC No. 16492553
> waaa humans are so bad and evil and stupid and...
I'm not talking about some pie in the sky climate change thing you moron. I'm talking about we are literally destroying our primary food production in the ocean and wrecking the ecosystems that sustain us. It's not just a moral thing, we're being retarded in a way that is very likely to make us go extinct if we aren't much smarter about resource management.
> find a hole in the ground, drop your prebuilt modules into it, cover it with dust/gravel
drill a hole so you can extract your water ice
Okay, so your fantasy requires we already have some massive machinery entirely remotely managed for decades prior to humans even trying? What other crack pipe ideas do you have?
> tunneling is something we might be actually able to automate
again, not prohibitive
Tunnelling doesn't solve the problem you moron. The problem is that we need to get to the point where "tunnelling" is even on the menu. We won't get there because to get to the point where we can begin to prepare for the establishment of the infrastructure, you'd need to already have the infrastructure there to support it. It's a circular fantasy that requires deus ex machina bullshit to explain how it even begins.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:07:16 UTC No. 16492559
shut up about infrastructure
you're inventing more imaginary barriers to convince yourself it can't be done
you build a drill and attach it to a base/stand
you drop it on the land/ice you want to drill into
it drills
if it's legitimately just ice, you could drop a hot thing on it for the same effect
again. not. prohibitive.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:09:47 UTC No. 16492562
> you build a drill and attach it to a base/stand
> you drop it on the land/ice you want to drill into
Who is "you" and how are "you building it" or "dropping it." Are we building it on earth and then shipping it there to somehow be remotely assembled, or are we expecting that we already have some number of people there in a way that they can build and deploy it there? Are magical terminator robots doing the building and dropping of the drill?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:11:27 UTC No. 16492564
as i explained HERE: >>16492549
you do all this, THEN you bring people
this should be left as an exercise for the reader, but unfortunately the reader is retarded
you drop it the same way you drop anything else onto mars
do you need me to find a picture of a mars rover? which one?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:18:53 UTC No. 16492566
> you drop it the same way you drop anything else onto mars
do you need me to find a picture of a mars rover? which one?
You braindead nigger. The mars rover is a fucking toy smaller than a car and only needs enough energy to sustain a small amount of navigation and robotic arm manipulation.
You're talking about an industrial scale drilling rig capable of harvesting enough water ice to sustain being used for both primary oxygen and primary water production for early human inhabitants. You recognize there's a categorical difference between sending a single small prebuilt vehicle smaller than a car in a capsule to Mars and sending a fucking industrial drilling rig, right?
That isn't a problem of degree it's a problem where we aren't even in the right order of magnitude yet.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:35:35 UTC No. 16492571
no you moron
you drill a hole so that the water ice is accessible when the people come
i.e. not hidden under 8m of dry ice
you don't need an industrial scale drilling rig for a dozen people
you don't [math]start[/math] by trying to support thousands of people
once you have a dozen people, you can start building all this infrastructure you keep thinking i'm talking about or assuming already exists
you have failed to mention anything prohibitive, and i'm going to bed
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:42:00 UTC No. 16492574
Okay, let's pretend you get a dozen people there. You somehow via magic, hopes and dreams manage getting them oxygen.
How do you feed them? They aren't coming back home after a few months like the ISS. You can't just resupply them food as it literally takes years to get it to them and they will starve within weeks if they run out.
You start out with a dozen people who have touched down, some capsule small enough that a small drilling robot can harvest enough water ice to sustain oxygen, and then what?
What is the mechanism you go from supporting a dozen people to actually supporting a self-sustaining population with self-sustaining essential resource gathering? We're already engaging in 20 layers of magical thinking and story telling, might as well complete the farcical fantasy.
What's the next step? What do these dozen people do that magically leads to self sustaining resource production and population maintaining infrastructure?
Until you address that question, it's literally just an expensive way for people to commit suicide on a different planet.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:50:43 UTC No. 16492580
>Without having a significant atmosphere, even at the elevation of the ISS, they would have no mechanism of producing oxygen via hydrolysis.
lol no, the iss does not scoop its water out of the upper atmosphere. all water used on iss is delivered on ships from earth.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:56:37 UTC No. 16492583
You are correct. I was misreading the term "atmosphere" in the ECLSS atmospheric harvesting. It passively harvests water vapor within the ISS's internal atmosphere as part of their oxygen harvesting via water reclamation. That is not atmospheric from earth.
That makes things even worse, as it essentially implies that without guaranteed supplies from earth on a regular interval it would never be able to begin.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:59:35 UTC No. 16492584
I'm spiteful and I want your genetic lineage ended for being a Reddit space guy.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 14:54:31 UTC No. 16492835
Same shit different day. Before ships the same people were saying we weren't meant to swim, before planes we weren't meant to fly, etc.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:59:57 UTC No. 16492909
Do you recognize the categorical difference between "can we temporarily travel via airplane/boat" and "can we permanently establish off world colonies that people live their entire lives on?"
People are right to doubt the claims of people who sell you a fantasy they can't explain how they will deliver.
🗑️ Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:59:17 UTC No. 16493536
lmao that the ppl obsessed with space crap are literally Alex jones tier schizos
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:51:16 UTC No. 16493629
>implying that space can be colonized
Just because your grandparents crossed the sea to kill some indians it doesn't mean you can conquer planets.
🗑️ Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 05:11:17 UTC No. 16493748
its irrational of you to expect that Alex jones tier schizos would have the ability to have intelligent thoughts. people with defective brains have dumb thoughts and behave stupidly
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 05:18:14 UTC No. 16493755
space colonization is obviously the future, it's just too many steps ahead now. you know algebra ii and are asking about string theory. colonizing, say, Antarctica or Greenland are more realistic challenges, because the available oxygen and water make them actually possibly colonizable within 100 years, whereas even Mars is easily 250+years of development.
astronauts studied by NASA lose a decade of bone strength permanently if they're out there for a year. Mars is five years away with no stop offs. We literally physically don't know how anyone could get there without being permanently reduced to senior citizen levels yet. There's so many problems to solve even the richest people on earth couldn't do something like the movie the Martian yet.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:21:44 UTC No. 16493786
>Just because your grandparents crossed the sea to kill some indians it doesn't mean you can conquer planets.
Kek it's EXACTLY because they did that, that I CAN conquer planets, I possess the requisite genes for marching upon Martian soil, you don't. This discussion is racial.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:26:33 UTC No. 16493793
If the gloves were off and nations shredded the antarctic treaty, it would be inhabited overnight. There are mountains of raw resources there held back because "muh ice" "muh penguins". BP would have mini nuke powered domes setup within the year.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:29:12 UTC No. 16493795
>astronauts studied by NASA lose a decade of bone strength permanently if they're out there for a year
Bone loss is LITERALLY a solved problem. Astronauts come back with no bone loss now thanks to NASA mongoloids giving them the appropriate exercise equipment 30 years later.
>Mars is five years away with no stop offs.
6 months on economical trajectory.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:39:23 UTC No. 16493800
Literal Christcucks. Bible-thumping Americans need to face the wall.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:42:15 UTC No. 16493804
Meds now
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 10:00:52 UTC No. 16493905
In that case, what are you waiting for? Launch into space already!
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 10:13:14 UTC No. 16493907
Soon, Brachycephalic. Soon.
🗑️ Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 04:49:02 UTC No. 16494862
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 05:46:44 UTC No. 16494887
We should send all the Indians to Mars
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 17:40:05 UTC No. 16495279
I’m one of those people, yes the Earth is flat and space is fake and homosexual ( it literally causes people to become gay and think they’re women when they’re men) Also the Earth is 6000 years old you silly goose.
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:08:29 UTC No. 16495307
>Astronauts come back with no bone loss now thanks to NASA mongoloids giving them the appropriate exercise equipment
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:22:19 UTC No. 16495328
>magnetic field
outed yourself as a retard, didn't read the rest. educate yourself on a topic before writing essays about it
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 20:22:54 UTC No. 16495406
>Magnetic field
Brainlet. It only comes into play on geological timescales. And there are ways around it
Not required. You can have pressurized bases. And paraterraforming is an option as well
You can melt water and you can convert co2 to oxygen. As well as get it from metal and silicon oxides
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:56:13 UTC No. 16495690
>spend your entire life living under 8ft of martian soil
>only time you ever see the sun is behind a permanent dusty overcast
>you will never again feel the warmth of the sun
>you will never again feel the wind
>you will never again see the ocean
no thanks
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:32:03 UTC No. 16496030
Gaia theory is an absolute fact of reality, and spacefags will be punished for trying to sully mother earth for the sake of fulfilling their greed and ambitions of ensuring every destination in the cosmos has the taint of humanity.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:57:06 UTC No. 16496075
>destroying earth is totally fine because maybe one day we will live in domes on mars
spacefags deserve the rope
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 12:29:57 UTC No. 16496115
The day we go to space is the day religions die.
Realizations will hit hard once we set foot on a celestial body.
>Gods chosen people
Genociding people over a minuscule piece of land when you can literally move to another planet
Uh-oh, earth definitely isn't flat and there doesn't seem to be any heaven the further we fly away from the ground
How do you even pray towards the qibla when you're on a completely different planet?
So much of this will just die, but the remaining survivors will go batshit insane qnd probably engage in acts of terrors or corruption targetting rockets, space agencies, or even space colonies.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 13:01:27 UTC No. 16496127
>in your sci-fi fantasy scenario where we are able to make the first steps without destroying ourselves first.
Nta but If we can’t expand into the cosmos then we’re all dead either way. Even if we save the earth it’s still going to get incinerated by the sun in however many millions of years. The fact is that the only way to fully mitigate existential risk is to become a species that is distributed across as many planetary systems as possible, as impossible as that task might seem.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 13:06:21 UTC No. 16496132
Is far from impossible we are far from developed enough as a species, people think is to hard to deal with other people
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 13:07:37 UTC No. 16496134
>How do you explain anti-space colonization sentiment?
Bitter sometimes semi-ironic sometimes unself-conscious contrarianism which has been demonstrated brilliantly already in this thread.
"Space is fake" is the same as an American teen claiming they/them want "death to USA". Doesn't mean anything. Just a performance by and for rebellious midwits. Only difference is that the latter is college undergrad and the former a 30ish year old failed gifted kid.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:02:14 UTC No. 16496203
It doesn't bother me because they're perfectly welcome to stay here