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greenpeace loev co2.jpg

🗑️ 🧵 Why do so many people claim that CO2 is bad?

Anonymous No. 16493268

Adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes plants more productive, CO2 is plant food.
Adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes plants more disease resistant, since CO2 is plant food the plants become healthier and their immune systems become stronger as a result of that and plants require less fungicides & insecticides to grow.
Adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes plants require less water since plants lose water to evaporation from the same apertures they absorb CO2 through, thus adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes plants more drought resistant.

Anonymous No. 16493282

This guy was not the founder of Greenpeace, and he's in fact a paid shill for coal, oil companies and Monsanto among other things.

If you don't know who this fraud is, watch this video and you will remember how much of a meme fraud he is:

Anonymous No. 16493290

Wikipedia says he was a founding member of Greenpeace

Anonymous No. 16493293

what's the optimal level of atmospheric CO2 for human civilization?
wikipedia says he claims to be a founding member, but greenpeace itself and the other people who were around at the time dispute this.

Anonymous No. 16493316

Came here to post this. OP is a fag.

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CO2 famine.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16493331


Anonymous No. 16493356

that's way too high, you're getting into levels that cause measurable cognitive impairment at that point.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16493764

the atmosphere in your home and your classrooms is in that range and you don't notice it. you're extremely gullible if you believe any of the negative propaganda about co2.
you're not concerned about the issue enough to even own a co2 meter. if you truly cared you would move out of your urban pigsty, which always has elevated atmospheric co2 level and move somewhere rural where you would presume that you would be able to think better due to the much lower amount of co2 in the air in those regions. the room you are currently sitting in has a 4 digit co2 ppm. you probably don't even bother to have plants in there to sop up the co2, but you'll put effort into gretaesque internet virtue signaling on the topic regardless all that.

Anonymous No. 16493787

>if you truly cared you would move out of your urban pigsty, which always has elevated atmospheric co2 level and move somewhere rural where you would presume that you would be able to think better due to the much lower amount of co2 in the air in those regions.
the healthiest state is Colorado where everyone constantly expunges more CO2 than normal, and the worst places are shit holes like los Angeles where the air never clears of it

Anonymous No. 16493828

>This guy is not a commie terrorist
thanks I like him even more now

Anonymous No. 16493829

Une pipe

Anonymous No. 16493897

But I would love to know what your argument is. Is the brain adapting to higher CO2 levels after a while? What's the response to the data?

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Founders of Green....jpg

Anonymous No. 16493902


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16494857

funny seeing that pic below a bunch of links to censored posts

soicities are full of idiots, smart people live in rural locations

Anonymous No. 16494899

A billionaire’s bootlicker terrorist isn’t much better

Anonymous No. 16494901

>my mission is to turn around the idea that tsunamis are a natural disaster and somehow dangerous, when in FACT, water is the most important RESOURCE for all LIFE on earth and without it, this would be a dead planet!!!

Anonymous No. 16494916

co2 causes warming
warming causes droughts & wildfires

Anonymous No. 16494958

Tsunamis are a net positive for the entire human race.
>b-but that about people living in tropical climate
Tough shit.

Anonymous No. 16494971

Replace tsunamis with any other natural disaster and it’s the same shit retard

Anonymous No. 16495016

Natural disasters are just that - natural.

Anonymous No. 16495166

>Why do so many people claim that CO2 is bad?
claim? you mean measure. its a fact, kiddo.
and you cant refute facts, they dont care about your feeling or paid shilling.
and now we wait for the cringe replies.

Anonymous No. 16495584

None of those 3 assertions are accurate. Average annual burn acreage in the USA is presently 20% of what it was a century ago

Anonymous No. 16495667

Natural does not mean good you hippie scum

Anonymous No. 16495677

So man-made climate change is now good? Got it.