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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต scientific racism

Anonymous No. 16494128

hello, i wonder if racism can be justified scientifically. which i have no idea where to research because google filter everything that seems politacally incorrect

i want unbaised resources on race and its association with intillegence

for example is there a gene that is associated with lower intelligence that is more common in one race than the other?

pls i want to understand this, and keep, history, crime stastics, cultural opinions out of this, just purely a scientific approach and include resources

Anonymous No. 16494134

on google you'll find only curated leftist results and 4chan will only give you curated right wing results. just go with your gut, no one can possibly read all there is to read about the topic, we live in a post-polymathy world unless you're very rich

Anonymous No. 16494135

Racism is a state of guilt, specifically white guilt. White guilt is not justified.

Anonymous No. 16494142

>keep, history, crime stastics, cultural opinions out of this
If you go into the topic with the idea that history and anthropology do not have a place in this discussion, then you've already made up your mind on the most important and complex aspect of the debate before you even got the introduction you're asking for.
Anyway, throw in "race iq" on google scholar and you'll find any resource anyone could link to. You'll learn more keywords as you go, such as "eduPGS."

Anonymous No. 16494144

i know, but on this topic 4chan is better than google merely bc it doesn't care about politcal correctness, so i no reason to not try here, actually ppl here helped me alot in math, especally book recommendation

serge lang: basic mathematics was so good i liked it, and i knew about it here

Anonymous No. 16494145

Intelligence is polygenic, meaning many different genes and gene variants contribute to cognitive performance. There are several hundred known SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, like having a T where a G should be) that are associated with higher intelligence that are also known to be more common in Europeans vs. Africans. However Polygenic Scores still can only explain about 15% of the variance in phenotypic expression. They also have limited predictive ability between significantly different population groups.

It's probably true that Africans have lower average intelligence, since it's been a well studied observation even with culturally unbiased IQ tests. That said, it would not be rational to hate all Black people, or assume they are all dumb. Asians generally have low average height, yet sometimes you get a Yao Ming (who was ironically the result of eugenics). You should treat people as individuals and give them a chance, since the prior probability for some trait based on your demographic background may be significantly different than your actual trait.

Anonymous No. 16494147

>history and anthropology do not have a place in this discussion
well, i know the histroy aspect of racism, i need the genetic one

but fine speak about histroy

i need genetic reseach on racism, it must be somewhere

Anonymous No. 16494148

Emil Kierkegaard is pretty good on the topic of genetics and human biodiversity.

Anonymous No. 16494151

>that are associated with higher intelligence that are also known to be more common in Europeans vs. Africans.
true, thats what i want a source on, i need it for my reseach

thanks fren!, i will check him out right now, i found smth on internet archive, well i feel dumb now, maybe i could have seached smth about scientific racism there instead of google

Anonymous No. 16494166

>i want unbaised resources on race and its association with intillegence
Nigger please

Anonymous No. 16494171

i'm white lol

Anonymous No. 16494175

Whites are so lazy and low IQ that they can't even use the Archives. We all observed it.
>i'm white lol
We know.

Anonymous No. 16494191

neil degrasse tyson hands wrote this post

Anonymous No. 16494204

Whites will not get the joke without a photo.
Use the Archives, young Ofey.

Anonymous No. 16494459

actually just psychology.
identification happens through shared characteristics.
but since you can never cover everyone in a community with this, populism uses characteristics that no one has in order to proclaim this as common ground.
and that is the moment when racism is born.
us against them.
>unlike them, people here are diligent, fair-skinned, decent.
>they are all stupid, lazy, criminal there.
thats why racism works so well with stupid people, because they are looking for a way to feel important due to a lack of self-esteem.
its basically the same with religion.
you create the feeling of a community while there probably isnt even one.

Anonymous No. 16496426

The idea of racism turns on the false, unscientific idea that humanity is a single species.

Anonymous No. 16496436

Whites and Jews can no longer even mate without IVF and CRISPR.
You're better off using orangutans and dolphins for Teslabot motion capture anyway.
Trust me. No one else. Just me. AMA.

Anonymous No. 16496440

try to separate a gene associated with increased intelligence from a gene associated with being White or asian...
look at culturally agnostic IQ tests like cattell culture fair, and average scores by race

Anonymous No. 16496442

also to avoid confusion, by asian i mean far east asian
shitskin rats or subcontinental subhumans need not apply

Anonymous No. 16496625

Intelligence is NOT darwinian fitness. Darwinian fitness is an observed, often times unpredictable, outcome. Racism as such is not scientific because it is not value neutral. Racism as a human behavior on the other hand can be studied. But once you study human behavior, you are biased. Experiments are non repeatable and the only possibility is the study of historical data.

Therefore scientific racism is a contradiction in terms.

Now the closest things to racism that are scientific are: kinselection and group selection.

Anonymous No. 16496630


Anonymous No. 16496744

4chan has its own type of political correctness.

Anonymous No. 16497554

The funny thing is when the human genome was finally being sequenced, sociologists should have been chomping at the bit to use genetics to bury racism forever.
The fact that they haven't (and deliberately refuse to) tells me that they know that their entire field is pseudoscientific horseshit.

Anonymous No. 16497824

>It's probably true that Africans have lower average intelligence,
Agreed but one must understand when considering this is that it's a population level. It's like saying "men are taller than women" which is true in aggregate, but you can find a 6'5" woman or a 4'9" man.
In that regard it's not entirely fair to assume all blacks dumb or all asians smart as much as it's fair to assume a woman is 5'2" only to discover she's 6' and taller than you.

There is quite a stigma around such research even before the google censorship era. James Watson (discovered DNA) is notorious as a racist amongst biology research circles. I saw him speak once and he went on a rant against autists unironically (it was asking about computer people doing DNA type stuff on a panel, and he was like "keep those autists away from human genetic health). He was also antisemitic from what I heard in the speech. He got kicked out of cold spring for this.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16497889

>In that regard it's not entirely fair to assume all blacks dumb because the range of male and female height overlap
ridiculous tortured logic, just because the range of male and female height overlap in no way implies that the range of black and white IQs overlap.
the IQ range for blacks is 50-70, the IQ range for whites is 90-200

Anonymous No. 16498413

>i want unbaised resources on race and its association with intillegence
all races other than whites are low IQ
t. unbaised

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16499686

The fact that academia is incapable of differentiating between races when the question of intelligence is on the table proves that academia is either stupid or dishonest. either way that means it is useless and should never be taken at face value

Anonymous No. 16499755

the jewish supremacist cremieux on X will explain it to you

Anonymous No. 16499974

>Hello, I am losing an online debate that is all about treating others with respect and dignity and I can't find any credible scientific sources to back up my arguments so I'd like to know if there exist credible pieces of work to help me prove twitter users wrong.

Well first of all yes race is corelated with IQ, but IQ is a distribution. The reason you are frustrated with your stupid debates is that both you and the people you argue with are discussing about a topic that is fundamentally different. What you are trying to articulate isn't whether certain races have lower IQ, it's whether low IQ is a justification to deport/massacre/enslave entire populations, and the argument the opposing party is making is that 1. it is immoral to treat individuals based on a statistical metric and not on who they are as a person, and 2. low IQ does not justify hatred towards someone because otherwise half of the white population deserves to be treated like shit by 60~70% of the east asian population and no one would argue that asians deserve more than whites on the basis of their IQ only. This is a societal and philosophical issue, it's not science anymore.

Anonymous No. 16500195

Damn, busting out the old stuff?

Anonymous No. 16500483

>It's probably true that Africans have lower average intelligence, since it's been a well studied observation even with culturally unbiased IQ tests.
This becoming consensus would still have massive political implications, for example in immigration. Here you have to think in group characteristics, Europe is currently welcoming millions of immigrants, many from African countries.

Anonymous No. 16501667

>i wonder if racism can be justified scientifically.
yes, it can be justified scientifically.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16503251

If it couldn't be then science would have long since disproved racism, you know the university academics all want to.
The fact that they can't is glaring proof that racism is the one true ideology

Anonymous No. 16503523

Here is my view as a leftist.
The vast majority of arguments "debunking" races are political and largely bad faith, that just seemingly does seem to be the fact. The very common arguments is that Humans are 99% the same, but this is true for almost all species and subspecies, in fact, the genetic drift between the average Northern European, and the average Sub-Saharan African, is around 0.7%, which in any other species results in dozens of subspecies.
Another argument is that race science is arbitrary, but that argument is bad faith, because while classic race science was based on superficial features, we now have far more evidence based on genetics that do show large genetic and gene differences between ethnicities, and a lot of these genes are related to aggression and intelligence.
So from my view point, Races/Subspecies of human are real, and the arguments against them are politicial in nature, that said, "race science" uses a hammer for a job that requires a screwdriver. There is often more genetic drift between various African ethnicities, than even the general distance between various Europeans and various African groups.
Because there are different "races" as well, that doesn't mean we should treat people in shit ways. Also this again, mostly relates to general trends, I've met plenty of Africans who were incredibly intelligent people.

raphael No. 16504197

i have evidence of objective racism
fuck niggers

Anonymous No. 16504531

If you posted a photo of your mom you would have effectively delivered the same message.

raphael No. 16504544

why does that matter? my subjective experiences of skin color are irrelevant to objective reality

Anonymous No. 16504562


Anonymous No. 16505433

nobody read your self indulgent longwinded narcissistic wall of text

Anonymous No. 16505457

Fuck off and scientifically die