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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16495068

my mother is german/irish and my father italian. i'm having an identity crisis because these people were always opposed to each other in terms of religion and customs and i'm lost as to what to consider myself. i already got bullied off multiple sites asking this question for being pale yellow.

Anonymous No. 16495103

back to >>>/his/

Anonymous No. 16495214

>my mother is german/irish and my father italian.
Lots of yelling in your childhood. /sci/ can not help you, fren.

Anonymous No. 16497668

This is the sad result of miscegenation. You don't have an identity and you don't really exist. Many such cases (America). But it's not science.

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Anonymous No. 16497700

Anonymous No. 16498359

You sound like an ice cream, trying to figure out whether it should identify as milk, strawberries or sugar, because somebody wanted to know.

Maybe you're rather 'frozen dessert', even if this means to confuse the strawberries, because they don't get it's concept...?

Anonymous No. 16498479

If you contribute to society to a noticeable amount, people will overlook your ethnicity and associate you with your achievements. People who judge you for your involuntary existence are scapegoating.

Anonymous No. 16498501


Anonymous No. 16498894

Irish and Italian are Catholic. Germans are half Catholic half protestant. Therefore you are culturally 5/6 Catholic.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16498896

I don't like christcucks

Anonymous No. 16498910

>i'm lost as to what to consider myself


Ultra gay.

Anonymous No. 16498912

They got italians to be mexicans in 50s movies and nobody told the difference

Anonymous No. 16498920

Italians are both European and mostly unchanged since the Neolithic except by migration of other Europeans. There are slightly swarthy terroni with North African admixture, but it's smaller than /pol/ jokes and that test says you don't have any of it anyway.

Again, the best way to categorize you is "American."

Anonymous No. 16498922

pol says i do have it, it's just hidden in the italian category itself.

How do I cope knowing that even spaniards occupied by mudslimes for 700 years are closer to germans than me?

Anonymous No. 16498929

>pol says i do have it, it's just hidden in the italian category itself.

If that was true it wouldn't be declaring Greek ancestry separately.

>How do I cope knowing that even spaniards occupied by mudslimes for 700 years are closer to germans than me?
By putting Nordicist retardation away. You better not also be a LARPagan.