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Anonymous No. 16495250

Earth is not a globe for the simple fact that there is no physical barrier between our atmosphere and "the vacuum of space".

Anonymous No. 16495263

why does air pressure get lower with altitude?

Anonymous No. 16495267

>why does air pressure get lower with altitude?

Anonymous No. 16495272

Non sequitur

Anonymous No. 16495369

There is no barrier between the many hundreds times more pressure at the bottom of the ocean and the regular pressure at sea level.

Anonymous No. 16495378

Correct for some definitions of 'globe' but incorrect for the relevant definition of globe.

Anonymous No. 16495392

so why would it go into space and not stay 'down'?

Anonymous No. 16495551

>there is no physical barrier between our atmosphere and "the vacuum of space".
Why should there be?

Anonymous No. 16495556

so sun is expanding?
if not, its probably gravity.

Anonymous No. 16495557


Retards are incapable of thinking on a scale where gradient lengths would come into play.

Anonymous No. 16495565

but all the heavy stuff wants to stay on the ground right? how is it you think that without a container to keep it down there it will go into space?

thats what flerfs are always saying - no air pressure without a container. But why is a container required if the heavy gases want to stay down anyway?

Anonymous No. 16495660

earth is a lot dustier than these shops portray.

Anonymous No. 16495679

>why does air pressure get lower with altitude?
Is the fact that water pressure gets higher at deeper waters a proof of globe ore of a noGlobe?

Anonymous No. 16495682

Water pressure increase at greater depth because there’s more water weighing down on you. What is pushing on air in the opposite direction to make it less dense?

Anonymous No. 16495689

Makes zero sense. You literally have 4000 psi right next to 14 psi. But you have the balls to complain about 14 psi next to 0 psi.
Stupid globetard

Anonymous No. 16495877


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Anonymous No. 16495892

Heaps can't be real either.

Anonymous No. 16495923

>Why is there is no physical barrier between the earth and the physical barrier that separates earth from space?
There is, its called the magnetosphere.