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Anonymous No. 16495427

WTF is 3-NOP (3-Nitrooxypropanol) and is it safe to be putting in the food supply?

Anonymous No. 16495509

>long chemical name means it must be toxic!!!
It’s literally just a chemical found in edible red seaweed

Anonymous No. 16495512

Having cows produce less methane just means farmers have to worry about bloat killing their cows

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Anonymous No. 16495524

>WTF is 3-NOP (3-Nitrooxypropanol) and is it safe to be putting in the food supply?

But.. But... the cows fart too much!

Seriously... THIS is their reason.

Anonymous No. 16495547

Anyone calling anything "toxic" without specifying dosage is a fool who has never even saw a toxicology book, let alone read one.

Anonymous No. 16495553

>red seaweed

Anonymous No. 16495567

This fag isn't even Swedish

Anonymous No. 16495598


Anonymous No. 16495602

water is toxic if you drink 4 gallons of it

Anonymous No. 16495605

I've drunk at least four gallons of water this week and I feel fine.

Anonymous No. 16495607

in a day

Anonymous No. 16495611

I'm not that thirsty

Anonymous No. 16495635

I hate this "le cows are heckin co2 facterinos! ban them now!" soiboi shit. Properly managed, a cow sequesters far more carbon into the soil via manure and urine than it will ever produce by burping and farting. This anti cow, anti red meat shit feels like either a cult (vegans much?) or some kind of indirect pr campaign for lab grown meat or fake meat corps

Anonymous No. 16495644

No it isn’t. You can eat red seaweed yourself, a cow that weighs half a tonne isn’t going to have an issue

Anonymous No. 16495645

It's just another psyop by large companies to shift the blame off themselves

Anonymous No. 16495647

Methane and CO2 aren’t the same thing

Anonymous No. 16495649


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Anonymous No. 16495657

But the CHEMICALS man


Anonymous No. 16495664

>Palmaria pulmata (Dulse) - edible red seaweed, one of the most commonly eaten marine plants
>Asparagopsis taxiformis - edible red seaweed, delicacy in Hawaii
>Pyropia Yezoensis (Nori) - edible red seaweed, common in Japan
>Hizikia fusiforme (Hijiki) - edible brown seaweed, eaten in Asian countries
>Chondrus chrispus (Irish moss) - edible brown seaweed, believed to be medicinal

Anonymous No. 16495665

See >>16495512

Anonymous No. 16495670

>bloat is produced by excessive methane buildup in the gut
You mean having cows produce less methane just means farmers DON’T have to worry about bloat killing their cows?

Anonymous No. 16495671

funny troll, almost as good as "how to make crystals"

Anonymous No. 16495675

You’re welcome to believe that

Anonymous No. 16495676

Yes actually

Anonymous No. 16495697

I've been eating seaweed for years since I got an iodine deficiency. My TSH comes back great around 0.9-1.1 every time. Don't believe the tards badmouthing seaweed unless you have some thyroid condition where iodine is contraindicated.

Anonymous No. 16495709


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Anonymous No. 16495718

>it's just saxitoxin produced by natural algae, what do you care goy?

Anonymous No. 16495768

Saw a video of a cow that was laying on its side in agony because it was so bloated. A veterinarian came out a punctured it to release the gas. I swear you could smell it through YouTube. A few minutes later enough gas had escaped for the cow to be able to stand up again.

Anonymous No. 16495770

>saxitoxin C10H17N7O4
>3-Nitrooxypropanol C3H7NO4

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Anonymous No. 16495849

Boeing: We lost 6 billion dollars, but no cows farted, so there.

Anonymous No. 16495850

Mercury, lead, plutonium to name a few.

Anonymous No. 16495852

I bet leaches would have whistled out their buttholes. A lot funnier than stabbing a cow that can't fart. I mean wtf is with the state of veterinary medicine where you're best idea is to stab a cow? Whoopie-cushion leaches would be hysterical.

Anonymous No. 16495863

If you actually fed them a proper diet you wouldn’t have to worry about it

Anonymous No. 16495865

Tell that to the farmers