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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16496048

>gravity is a quality of density which is a quality of mass which is a quality of quantum particles interactions with the higgs field
there, i just solved it

Anonymous No. 16496049

show us the math, retard

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Anonymous No. 16496052


Anonymous No. 16496054

Then you're as useless as that Eric Weinstein kike.

Anonymous No. 16496055

>immediate pencildick seethe at his betters
im beggin ya to touch a tiddy

Anonymous No. 16496057

You will never be a physicist.

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Anonymous No. 16496058

>i will never have to beg the DEI university rep for a crumb of funding on "how physics is actually raysis"
thank god for that

Anonymous No. 16496059

Instead you'll make threads on /sci/ begging for positive recognition and never receiving any, because you're too retarded and useless even for 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16496060


Subatomic quantums x higgs particle / density(mass Γ— physical size/weight)

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16496061

>severely mentally ill man weeping and gnashing
keep oinking schizo im sure itll bring some meaning to your life lol

Anonymous No. 16496062

Goddamnit meant for>>16496059

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Anonymous No. 16496063

>4chan solved quantum gravity before billion dollar research facilities could

Anonymous No. 16496064

Doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16496066

Not all the mass of particles comes from the Higgs field. So no, you haven't solved anything.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16496067


Anonymous No. 16496068

the strong force imparting mass as well doesnt affect what OP said at all

Anonymous No. 16496069

>I've done nothing, please praise me for it!
Probably a product of a single mother.

Anonymous No. 16496071

based reductionist causing the resident schizo to have a melty

Anonymous No. 16496078

Yeah I assumed higgs interaction won't respond to a simple crash multiplication

What about density does that werks?

Or celestial weight to mysterious?

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Anonymous No. 16496112

>gravity is a quality of density which is a quality of mass
this is wrong
gravity depends on mass

its true that more dense object have more mass in smaller volumes but a less dense object with more volume(to the point it has more mass) has stronger gravity

saturn is an example of this, it has much less density than earth yet it has more gravity

show me where is density
gravity don't depend on density in the way u suggest

Anonymous No. 16496113

saturn is less dense than water
t.18 years old student

Anonymous No. 16496129

Gravity is a property of weight yes or no?

Anonymous No. 16496135

Assuming weight is a factor understanding gravity should be obvious

Anonymous No. 16496181

Literally all the things you mentioned except mass and density don’t exist.

Anonymous No. 16496193

But muh gravity quantum particles and higgs field

Anonymous No. 16496213

okay now explain what happens to that density when you overcome quark degeneracy pressure.

Anonymous No. 16496214


Anonymous No. 16496423

Particles have an intrinsic mass that has nothing to do with higgs or the strong force.

Anonymous No. 16496438


Anonymous No. 16496532

holy based

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differential for ....png

Anonymous No. 16497020

Why? Why does gravity occur? Not just, because mass, why because mass? What causes the mass to do that? What manifestation of physical reality cause objects to attract each other. You can say Higgs field, but then the question is "why does the Higgs field do that?" do you have an answer to that? The conventional answer by physicists right now is "the graviton", whats yours?

>gravity is a quality of density

Depends, they aren't mutually exclusive, one is just the manifestation of the other divided by volume. Its correct to say density when we are talking about divergence of a vector field because we talk about the flux of vectors through surfaces, and volumes are made up of surfaces. Not just vectors which point in certain directions towards mass.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16497029

Gravity actually has nothing to do with mass, you could vaporize all atomic nuclei on Earth with only the electrons remaining and the gravitational potential would remain the exact same, the nuclei are only needed to keep the electrons in one place so they don't just fly apart

Anonymous No. 16497067

What about vectors escaping mass?

Anonymous No. 16497071

What about fags not making posts on sci?

Anonymous No. 16497192

mass gradients cause time gradients cause curved space?

Anonymous No. 16497194

Mah god dey making real science?

Anonymous No. 16497248

I've already solved it years ago. The universe is a simulation, the reason why mass alters space-time is a simple if-then statement. Same for dark matter and dark energy.

Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16497307

You are failure, there are no if then statements in simulations, just switches, filters, maps and loops.

Anonymous No. 16498010

bumping to hopefully incite another schizo meltdown

Anonymous No. 16498019

Everything that has mass is subject to matter and thus subject to gravity. Gravity is part of our natural domain.

Anonymous No. 16498048

No. Reality is a quality of experience which is a quality of reality which is a quality of OP experience which Is... Gay

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utopian socialism.png

Anonymous No. 16498058

>F = G
I prefer A = G

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random nonsense.png

Anonymous No. 16498064