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๐Ÿงต Psychology questions

Anonymous No. 16496499

Why is there an overlap between genius and mental illness? What does schizophrenia, for example, do to the brain that gives people with it unnatural skill in complex creation?

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Anonymous No. 16496507

Schizophrenia is technically irrational genius.
When things are going well, it's genius. If things are going on awful, then it's a sickness

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Anonymous No. 16496515

Schizophrenia is just when the person doesn't have good systems to have a grasp on their own psyche. They could be a genius in certain aspects but lack this one.
Schizophrenia is probably like being on meth 24/7

Anonymous No. 16496562

Im somewhat of a genius myself. Genius definitely is borderline mental illness or actual mental illness. Genius is not infallible or omniscient, its just having many ideas and high intelligence.

>High intelligence
This is classical high IQ. Anything above 120. The higher the IQ the harder it is to fit into normal society.

>Many ideas
Its not actually good ideas from the start. It just means that you have a high associative horizon which is related to divergent thinking. This means that you can generate many novel ideas/associations quickly, way beyond what other people can do. This also means that you are a misfit and create many wrong ideas.

Usually people have either high intelligence or many ideas. But sometimes you have both and that makes a genius. If you have both, then you have 2 reasons why you are unusal and diverge from normal society. This makes a genius life hard, lonely and bewildering.

The part associated with mental illnesses is the divergent thinking. There also isnt just one kind of it but many. Also you can only have so much intensity and stay sane, too much and you're insane.

For example, I have some concept/emotional blending (dont know if this is a term, I just invented it because it seems to fit) and borderline manic psychosis. I can choose to get myself "high" (no drugs involved) be extremely creative and loose touch with reality. If I always was in that state, people would call me insane. But I only do it in private.

I also have other mental issues I wont go into now. The only thing keeping me together is my high IQ (somewhere around 145 according to shit online tests).

Anonymous No. 16496568

Its a good thing only few people are geniuses. Society would collapse if that wasn't the case. If you look up the life histories of famous geniuses you see why

Anonymous No. 16496581

There is also some antisocial component involved. Society tends to want conformism and is appalled by any kind of radical novelty. Only if you are sufficiently antisocial you allow yourself to pursue your interests without caring too much for social repercussions. There is a huge space for new innovations that just would get culled by compliance to social norms and expectations: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered in."

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Anonymous No. 16496687

Mental illness gives you access to certain kinds of preverbal thinking, allowing for making novel association. Preverbal also means developmentally arrested. Baby language

Anonymous No. 16496731

there isn't
they are disabilities
they do not make you smarter
some people are smart in spite of them
go visit a fucking mental hospital and tell me about the geniuses you meet there

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Anonymous No. 16497008

High IQ (smart) alone doesnt make a genius. There are plenty of smart people that arent geniuses. A genius creates novel and useful ideas and inventions. Your average smart person is a NPC.

Anonymous No. 16497023

To illustrate my point: Lets assume for a moment that 130 IQ and above is a genius. That means 2% of the USA would be geniuses. 2% of the USA is 67 Million people. So you would have 67 Million geniuses in the USA alone. This is simply not true. High IQ alone is insufficient for genius.

Anonymous No. 16497038


here, is this what you want to hear? yes, you may find more novel thought processes in people who have things wrong with them. sometimes particularly novel thought processes result in innovation. in the vast majority of cases, they do not. likewise, i think that if you took the person who made the innovation and made them healthy, they would still be a "genius" by your retarded made up definition.

genius refers to exceptional intelligence. draw the "exceptional" line wherever you want to. the "tortured genius" and overlap between madness and brilliance or whatever is because people like narrative drama and these are the stories that get told.

go read about the guy that "A Beautiful Mind" was originally supposed to be about, Michael B. Laudor, and stop romanticizing schizophrenia

statistically, the siblings of mentally ill geniuses who are of similar intelligence but are not mentally ill have far better output than the mentally ill geniuses. i will cite sources if you actually give a fuck about this

t. psychotic crank :3

Anonymous No. 16497047

We'll see one day who was smart and who wasn't.

Anonymous No. 16497059

oh, okay, you don't want to talk about science or psychology at all, you want to masturbate about your someday comeuppance on the mongolian cartoons image board.

okay, anon! that's fine by me!

Anonymous No. 16497066

Just pointing out the inevitable trvth.

Anonymous No. 16497068

Everything's fine by you. You'd even let, I don't know, Obama, butt fuck you and you'd say 'hmm I'm fine'. You're no one. All you do is comply with what others are saying via 'fine', 'fine by me'. Everything's fine in your eyes. You're a happy Jewish tyrannist.

Anonymous No. 16497069

I know right. He's unintelligent. Certainly not a judge of people's intelligence. I ignored him

Anonymous No. 16497073

Momma left us Christmas presents under the tree.

Anonymous No. 16497080

you're right. i've ceded too much ground.

OP is a $racialslur

Anonymous No. 16497123

2% of 335 Million is 6.7 Million. But I do doubt there are that many anyway.

Anonymous No. 16497127

Finally somebody noticed. Of course I left it in there deliberately to test your attention. Genius don't make mistakes. I'm infallible basically. I didn't even shit my pants when I was a kid

Anonymous No. 16497208

> schizo is meth 24/7
Not at all.

It's nothing like ANY model psychosis. It's just being disconnected from reality.

Anonymous No. 16497211

More ideas, means bigger chance some of them are "delusional". That's pretty much it.

Anonymous No. 16497213

geniuses have better signal to noise ratio so they can recognize bad ideas better than dumb people who are usually outside the loop and lagging in thought, so this argument is retarded

Anonymous No. 16497215

You're too optimistic to perform in real world.

Anonymous No. 16497232

They have one order of magnitude better signal to noise, but two orders of maginitude more ideas than avg. humanoid.

Also it's important to note, that some "high IQ" people are still failing at novelty experience, because they if they aren't a little bit schizoid, have IQ on straight rails, no divergence, and something that seems irrational but it's true, they fail.

Anonymous No. 16497281

you distinction btn high iq and genius is retarded, genius is just the 145 iq cutoff, whether someone is schizophrenic, autistic or normie passing is irrelevant, geniuses come with many personalities, you have normie passing witten and wolfram kind and the perelman, nash crazy kinds. that's all there is to it, its not a far fetched thing to assume that they have the same personalities as the low iq

Anonymous No. 16497288

Soo you see things that aren't there... Surely you are genius not schizo.

Anonymous No. 16497300

yea like the retarded distinction btn high iq and genius that you keep parroting here, glad to see we are on the same page pseud