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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16496850

>you live at the pleasure of an infectious parasite
kek, you cuck.

Anonymous No. 16496856

Just play parasite eve bro

Anonymous No. 16496893

These things are so awesome

Anonymous No. 16496921

they work for us

Anonymous No. 16497471

Those little guys produce most of the ATP you use, who exactly is a parasite here

Anonymous No. 16497486

My mitochondria ranch, my choice.

Anonymous No. 16497488

what are they gonna do? unionize?

Anonymous No. 16497509

These are what give Jedi their force powers, right?

Anonymous No. 16497521

I don't know what this is

Anonymous No. 16497616

Powerhouse of the Cell™

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Anonymous No. 16497618

chloroplasts are not that much different from mitochondria.

what do I need to do to absorb chloroplasts the same way sea slugs do? pic related Would it ever be possible to have enough chloroplasts that you'd never need to eat for energy again? maybe just a little protein once a week, and then sit in the sun to all day to "eat" carbohydrates. Would sitting in the sun too long make you fat?

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Anonymous No. 16497619

wrong pic

Anonymous No. 16497649

It would probably slow you down and winter exists. Besides sea slug's area to body mass ratio is a lot lower than human so is the metabolic rate per mass.
Consider the size of land needed for subsistence divided by the efficiency of digestion now that suger flows in your blood. You will be bushier than your arms reach.