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Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:28:53 UTC No. 16496919
How the fuck did the "we evolved to have smaller jaws" argument become the paradigm to explain widespread dental malocclusion when it's been known since Weston A Price that it's a modern problem? We know from the skull record that it correlates to the industrial revolution pretty heavily, and we can see from tribal societies that have adopted the western diet the same problems start occurring.
>B-but it runs in families
Yeah and if kids were all sat in wheelchairs and never used their legs, I'm sure the ones that develop fucked up legs would be part hereditary as well. Since when has susceptibility to a problem mean it's genetics causing the problem? How do they explain it proliferating through the population every generation too, more and more kids needing braces every year?
And what's with the visceral hatred dentists have for the competing theories for this? What's the possible harm for the ideal being widespread? It's not like vaccine misinformation where it could lead to harm. They can still rip out premolars and give braces in the short term until another solution is found. Yet they ostracize people that spread the theory of malocclusion being due to improper jaw development due to soft foods or mouthbreathing, excluding them from conferences, and shit talk Weston A Price constantly. This is all despite them by their own admissions being woefully ignorant about the functions of nearby organs like the tongue, jaw, nose, etc.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:45:12 UTC No. 16496931
>until another solution is found
MK-677, kek.
>t. had jaw gainz
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:55:06 UTC No. 16496937
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:51:59 UTC No. 16496989
It runs in families because a dumb fuck mother who feeds her kids soft baby food while not providing any opportunity for chewy foods
a) will produce also a dumbfuck daughter
b) it's the only thing the dumbfuck daughter "knows" (even if she does not remember, at least via cultural osmosis like observing her mother feed the kids like that)
c) it is explicitly taught by the dumbfuck mother to the daughter. As in, she sits her down and explains to her "this is how you feed an infant".
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:53:00 UTC No. 16496990
Forgot to add, I meant to say "has the risk of any of these 3 possibilities"
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 14:26:42 UTC No. 16497183
>Why do dentists oppose something that threatens their profits
There you go. That's why.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 16:42:55 UTC No. 16497273
True and real.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 17:05:37 UTC No. 16497312
This shows we must genetically engineer humans to cope with the modern diet.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 17:30:35 UTC No. 16497341
Thanks, OP/Anon. Big thinks for a comfy thinking day.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 17:33:39 UTC No. 16497349
>malnutrition leads to poor growth
stop the fucking presses