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๐Ÿงต What exactly is the number Pi?

Anonymous No. 16497007

Is it 3,1415... Or is something more, in your opinion?

Anonymous No. 16497026

It's the ratio between a circles circumference and diameter

Anonymous No. 16497153

It's certainly not either of the two on the left since you can't calculate an unending number of digits.

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Anonymous No. 16497170

why would you want to calculate it? a definition is enough to tell you what something is.

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Anonymous No. 16497278

> uses poorfag's decimal comma

Anonymous No. 16497332

It is the futile attempt to define a curve with an exact value, with a measurement meant only for straight lines

Anonymous No. 16497335

Wait until you learn about the proof that โˆš2 can't exist in our number scheme

Anonymous No. 16497428

All the cool constant are cool. pi is cool, e is cool. They are all cool. You feel me?

Anonymous No. 16497861

the mit janitor has the most correct definition.

Anonymous No. 16497862


Anonymous No. 16497939

What does that even mean?

Anonymous No. 16497965

What's wrong with the float if more digits literally cant be stored in the memory?

Anonymous No. 16498047

How can a circle's circumference be in ratio with its diameter?
It is the ratio of the areas of a square with side length 1 and a circle of radius 1.

Anonymous No. 16498733


OP is a fag as usual

Anonymous No. 16499077

It means diagonals can not ever be fully represented as ratios of the base square unit.

Anonymous No. 16499081

>How can a circle's circumference be in ratio with its diameter?
If you place a length of string across the diameter, it will take pi times as much string to exactly encircle the circumference.

Anonymous No. 16499101

Does that mean a circle with an algebraic radius has an undefined circumference? What are the mathematical implications of this

Anonymous No. 16499137


Anonymous No. 16499423

How do you arrange a piece of string into a circle?

Anonymous No. 16499938

Loop it.
Have you never even tied a shoe?

Anonymous No. 16499945

Do you know what a circle is?

Anonymous No. 16499946

Yea, a type of loop.

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Anonymous No. 16500009
