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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16497193

Posting from /k/

I am very afraid of the rapid growth of AI and the use of technology based warfare. What's the best way I can fight electronic threats or block radio signals? How do you scramble radio signals or create a localized emp? I'm a very mechanical person, but electric is not my strong suit

Anonymous No. 16497196

Crank up electrical engines or large devices

Anonymous No. 16497308

Buy lead sheets and attach them to the insides of all of your clothing, especially the groin area.

Anonymous No. 16497315

>Posting from /k/
Reminder that Ukraine and Russia need to accept a peace deal.

Anonymous No. 16497317

As for AI drones, the only solution is anti drone drones.

Anonymous No. 16497328

acquire an old microwave, pref 1500w, and fit an adjustable parabola onto it and learn how to wield it like a ray gun

Anonymous No. 16497644

sir, this is the rocket watcher autism board. if you are looking people with at least some practical skills, ask /diy/ how to make a jammer. I think they have both an electronics and drone general

Anonymous No. 16497881

its not possible.

glows have hidden robotic armies hidden underground that fight with energy weapons and everything else you can and cant think of.

Anonymous No. 16497957

AI is just machine learning algorithm running on a graphics card. It's just a marketing word.