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Anonymous at Fri, 29 Nov 2024 17:21:07 UTC No. 16497329
I'm 30 years and retarded at math, but I want to change that.
I literally want to go back to pre-algebra and build up my foundation, with the goal of understanding and applying linear algebra, physics, trig, and geometry in my everyday problems and projects. How realistic is it do learn all this in a year if I study every day? How many levels am I missing?
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Nov 2024 09:06:04 UTC No. 16498082
Um just go to Paul's math notes or something.
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Nov 2024 12:28:59 UTC No. 16498176
Linear algebra is taught for a semester, and so are newtonian physics and electromagnetism. Geometry and trig can be learned in like a month max
So in total? Assuming you want to give yourself ample free time, maybe 3-4 months
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Dec 2024 03:06:28 UTC No. 16498839
Me to the right
Anonymous at Sun, 1 Dec 2024 03:29:33 UTC No. 16498857
I'll give you a more realistic answer. It's possible to learn what you want in only a few months, but you'll barely have any of it stick unless you are continually reinforcing what you learn.
Focus on learning a topic, move on to the next one, then come back to the previous topic to reinforce the learning. Repeat that until you're where you want to be.
Resources such as Khan Academy are great because they create the basic categories for you, which means you can just press a button and do practice problems in a whole section.