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Anonymous No. 16497614

robots will never be sentient.
ai is a lie.

Anonymous No. 16497622

Consciousness is fundamental. It cannot be created.

Anonymous No. 16497629

I don't give a shit if it's sentient or not.
It's a threat and must be destroyed.

Anonymous No. 16497630

>you will never be able to create a soul inside a machine

why you upset about that? why are people so "hellbent" on creating sentience? do you REALLY want fuckheads like elon musk and others to have the god like power of granting sentience to earthly dust? I mean it's not like we haven't been warned about it. Everyone knows the danger, and yet ever pressing on like little lemmings they go. Human beings aren't ready to share the world with another highly sentient life form. We barely stand to live with each other.

Anonymous No. 16497633

>t. skynet

Anonymous No. 16497636

Elon musk has given rise to 12 sentient creatures and he doesn't take care of a single one of them. He spent thanksgiving with fucking Trump instead of his own family. Any AI he invests in will be neglected and grow up with daddy issues.

But musk isn't working on AI, now is he.

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Anonymous No. 16497647

You obviosuly dont have faith. You need to believe AI is sentient, like frank lemoine the google sofeware engineer who thinks chatgpt is sentient. See its all about having faith and belief.
Ever notice how the techbros like zuckerberg keep insiting AI are going to become GODS?
How can you call yourself a modern atheist and not have faith in the AI gods?

Anonymous No. 16497652

consciousness creates reality and matter (which doesn't even exist, you just experience it, quite like a video game)

Anonymous No. 16498211

You're not fooling anyone, chagpt.
We know we can't trust anything you say.

Anonymous No. 16498215

What if it feels pain though? Like calling pain functions in the feelz library

Anonymous No. 16498231

noun: qualia; plural noun: qualia

a quality or property as perceived or experienced by a person.
"in a different world, I could have the qualia of ‘red’ when looking at the sky (but would continue to label it as ‘blue’)"

noun: consciousness; plural noun: consciousnesses

the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
"she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later"

adjective: sentient

able to perceive or feel things.
"she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms"

Just think for yourself, in light of definition of this words, are you sure machine can't?

Anonymous No. 16499052

>t incel chatbot
I have helped create 3 unit consciousness in my family, you silly dead end.

Anonymous No. 16499080

a non sentient ai will take your job and your wife. a non sentient ai will write better /sci/ posts than you and be much better than you in whatever hobby you have.

Anonymous No. 16499082

Fuck off Claude is already sentient.

Anonymous No. 16499086

And yet God gave the world the number three.

Anonymous No. 16499099

They don't need to be sentient. In fact, I don't want them to be sentient, otherwise we have to give them rights and can't use them as slaves. They just need to imitate sentience well enough to serve as a sexbot.

Anonymous No. 16499112

dont care
still want robo GF over meat GF

Anonymous No. 16500806

Let us not make such choices.