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Anonymous No. 16497693

We have to go back.

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Anonymous No. 16497752

nice fantasy. here's what it really looked like

Anonymous No. 16497778

I've dreamed about making an animation studio like it was the 60s again. No computers in the office at all, only phones. Making totally awesome traditionally animated films again. At least that would serve a purpose, doing math on a giant board just seems difficulty for no reason.
Oh no, someone that actually existed. Lets complain about it endlessly.

Anonymous No. 16497779

I know you're trolling but both are staged photos that don't make sense. The top one is actually in a parking lot and isn't how any sane team would have worked. The bottom one of course is Hollywood's agitprop.

Anonymous No. 16497875

>white men DIDNT use a chalkboard to analyze orbits
at least make the bait believable

Anonymous No. 16497972

Look at all those dumb white men not knowing they're going to be replaced by a pocket calculator.

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Anonymous No. 16497998

Be less disingenuous with your bait. They didn't do calculations in the parking lot but that's where the photograph was made. Everyone and everything on the board is for show. For fuck's sake, you can see the lines for parking spaces painted on the asphalt. Nothing about the image makes sense from any practical workflow. It's a staged image to impress Joe and Jane Average in Kansas. How stupid and low IQ do you have to be to not see through it? I'm starting to wonder if you're not even trolling but are just plain stupid.

Anonymous No. 16498094

Not even remotely true, pocket calculators replaced maybe slide rules and the armies of female computers that used to be the mainstay of calculation work.

Anonymous No. 16498098

New proposed motto of /sci/
>make women calculators/computers again

Anonymous No. 16498122

Cope more whitey. Theyre just writing down coordinates. Imagine needing 6 white people to do the most basic shit which is printed on the back of any engineering textbook.

Anonymous No. 16498126

I don't see how this is relevant to my point?

Anonymous No. 16498128

Leave the wacko shit for the sfg threads. We have a specific thread for this type of wacko academic nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16498147

Blackboards are obsolete, we should just link students with instructional videos. A.I assistants should be available to answer questions and new/hard questions should be given to T.As telecommuting from Bangu. This will reduce human workload in teaching by 99.9%

Anonymous No. 16498171

Modern day classrooms/lecture rooms are not equipped with chalk boards. Fuck this shit

Anonymous No. 16498180

whiteboards/blackboards the same. Stupid and obsolete technology.

Anonymous No. 16498234

OP wants to back to a time when white men did calculations with chalk and a blackboard. Nothing you said is even remotely close to the intent.

Anonymous No. 16498237

>Posts still from fake movie about 0.01% of the scientific population "at the time."
Keep dilating.

Anonymous No. 16498240

>Blackboards are obsolete
False. Math academics still use blackboards, to the point they are obsessed with a niche brand of Japanese chalk:

Anonymous No. 16498242

>whiteboards/blackboards the same.
In the sense they require writing on a flat surface. Chalk and blackboard is the superior system.

Anonymous No. 16498276

>Math academics still use blackboards,
Its still obsolete. The entire profession of teaching is obsolete.
You just have to create videos and then let millions of studets watch them. The computers do all the work of talking and showing images, you dont have to draw shit anymore.
>In the sense they require writing on a flat surface.
theres no need to do this at all. a computer screen will show you anything
A conference room at a company does need a blackboard because they discuss new issue, and so does the office of a researcher. A classroom doesnt, because its its the same lecture repeated hundreds of times

Anonymous No. 16498280

>Its still obsolete. The entire profession of teaching is obsolete.
Yup. You're retarded.

Anonymous No. 16498288

chalk unironically feels amazing for doing maths/physics
same reason i buy physical books when i'm serious about learning. the feel of something in your hands helps with memory and understanding
whiteboards/ebooks/computers can never compare because they strip out all the SOVL

Anonymous No. 16498316

Why do you need a person to teach yet another differential class lecture? It has been done to death. You can either just film one class and distribute the video, or make something with higher quality. The material doesnt change, it can just be distributed electronically.
A classroom isnt a place to argue about new ideas.

Anonymous No. 16498340

Found the everybodyCanLearn Khan Academy tardJeet

Anonymous No. 16498360

Im not a jeet, but its true that anyone can learn through watching videos. You still need to take tests and study, but theres no point in sitting in class listening to some retard chalk up an equation when you can just see a video with the same material.
>the feel of some
Faggots like you turn teaching into a fetish.

Anonymous No. 16498399

>walks up to a blackboard
>immediately thinks about cock
who's the homosexual here?

Anonymous No. 16498731

> They didn't do calculations in the parking lot but that's where the photograph was made
the photograph shows them doing just that though.

Anonymous No. 16498732

did they really draw every frame?

Anonymous No. 16498734


Anonymous No. 16498738

they used a lot of stills and transparencies

Anonymous No. 16498868

They were outside because it was too hot indoors

Anonymous No. 16499429

You've completely missed the point of the OP.

Anonymous No. 16499547

I dont care about the OP, i can make my own point. And the point im making is that blackboards/whiteboards are obsolete in a teaching setting. They still make sense in research and in a corporate meeting.
Teaching as a job is obsolete. Any teacher can be replaced by a computer or VHS player.
Chalk and blackboards were first made obsolete with the invention of transparencies.

Anonymous No. 16500359

literally every frame. You have your keyframers that do the big movements and your inbetweeners that do the drawings to fill in the animation gaps. They are inked and painted on transparencies and overlayed on hand painted backgrounds. They used film to capture actresses doing the movements as reference.

Snow white is a gorgeous film but it almost bankrupted disney. That's when you got the xerox era where they could just skip a lot of the drawing on cels and copy them over using xerorx machines. That's why everything looks so sketchy in films like 101 dalmatians and robin hood.

but running an old animation studio would be amazing. my ex was an animator for My Little Pony films and they used rigged drawings for all their animations and tweening for the movements. Modern animation looks awful because of it but it costs like 1/1000th of what it use to.

Anonymous No. 16500372

>I dont care about the OP, i can make my own point.
You're such a big boy!

Anonymous No. 16500757

Doubt an asphalt parking lot in Houston, Texas is going to be a chill place to work, especially in those clothes.

Anonymous No. 16500836

We have to go black.

Anonymous No. 16501181

No denying that the job of calculator was almost exclusively for women. Calculating was even considered a feminine job. They all got replaced by some silicon pretty quickly though.

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Anonymous No. 16501182

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16502176

What? Women can't count.