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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16523772

Christmas - edition
previous >>16520465

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Anonymous No. 16523774


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Anonymous No. 16523789

>nooo rockets aren’t legos!
>you can’t just combine 9 tanks from rockets you already have to make a new rocket!
>wahh! stop it!

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christmas hat.png

Anonymous No. 16523793

Last year's edition

Anonymous No. 16523795

>2021 was 4 years ago
Let me off this ride

Anonymous No. 16523800

Merry Christmas /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16523801

>8 H-1 and 6 RL10s
The fuck was Von Braun doing

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Anonymous No. 16523804

Merry Christmas, fellow illegitimate children of Elon Musk.

Anonymous No. 16523805

>starship still hasn't delivered any useful payload

Anonymous No. 16523808

a banana is useful

Anonymous No. 16523810

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me...

Anonymous No. 16523811

The r&d had already been done and the engines already existed. Same reason he threw redstone and jupiter tanks together and that becomes the new rocket stage.

Anonymous No. 16523812

It was to irradiated to be safe to eat

Anonymous No. 16523818

BO is launching New glenn in december 31

Anonymous No. 16523819

Slower than it should have, but still doing better than certain others.

Anonymous No. 16523823

A delay that was foreseen

Anonymous No. 16523836

I havent paid attention since the november hop. whats new? did I miss another hop? has jeff send anything to orbit yet?

Anonymous No. 16523837

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16523839

Someone got a stocking full of coal

Anonymous No. 16523840

fuck who?

Anonymous No. 16523859

Yeah me, the Titan colonist

Anonymous No. 16523861

do they ever let you out of the mines? Not like it would matter, you can't see anything outside

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Anonymous No. 16523882

Anonymous No. 16523883

total artemis death

Anonymous No. 16523884

>he did not answer any of the questions
why do celebrities, rich people and politicians do this?
I keep noticing this in interviews and debates. I guess it's hard to come up with an answer for certain questions when you're live, but no such excuse exists on social media

Anonymous No. 16523886

>Elon thinks of human beings in computer terminology

Says it all really, also he's clearly never heard of neuroplasticity (beyond the misconceptions it seems)

Anonymous No. 16523887

I've decided that I won't be voting for Elon again next election.

Anonymous No. 16523890

He answered the question diplomatically. No CEO worth their salt is going to make any definitive statements that imply poaching of talent from other named companies in similar fields/sectors. That's asking for a needless letter from the lawyers between either corp, and unnecessary opportunities for journalistic vultures to wet their beaks.

Anonymous No. 16523892

eh my read of his reply is that everyone at boeing is BLOATpilled and thus are worthless

Anonymous No. 16523895

I can't believe we have to log out elon musk, disable the cpu cores, bring a towel and babelfish him. (bullet to the cranium)

Anonymous No. 16523904

he is running companies trying to do a mission, not a daycare center

Anonymous No. 16523908

Akshully, they weren't literally 9 rockets strapped together (it's not that easy in rocketry, btw), they just used the same tooling.

Anonymous No. 16523909

"Fuck it we need a testbed now".

Anonymous No. 16523911

engine ID pls

Anonymous No. 16523912

The answer was "no, they're worthless, but I don't want to be so blunt"

Anonymous No. 16523913

Looks like an old J-2 to me, might be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16523914

elon never does answer questions, mostly because the retards asking are missing the big picture entirely

Anonymous No. 16523917
>TONIGHT: Awaiting the possible arrival of the beginning of a CME train (multiple CMEs, one after another) from Active Region 3932 that started on the 22nd. CME influences at Earth are expected over the next few days until Saturday

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Anonymous No. 16523919

Disproven, Marscuck.

Anonymous No. 16523922

I reallt hate the way Elon talks about "spreading and preserving consciousness". I get that he's trying to be le unique tech guy, but it's so creepy and cringey. Just say you want to spread mankind throughout the cosmos like a normal fucking person.

Anonymous No. 16523925

He's not a normal person. Normal people don't achieve so much as Musk.

Anonymous No. 16523931


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Anonymous No. 16523940


Anonymous No. 16523942

tape outgassing sleigh drive

Anonymous No. 16523943

it's powered by astronaut emerald miners

Anonymous No. 16523949

Power comes in the form of gaslighting and saying whatever the fuck you want regardless of whatever question might have been asked of you. This is probably what makes successful people successful. If you dominate a conversation or debate, you’re probably also going to dominate a business deal or political rally or celebrity attention and become a sort of celebrity, rich person, or politician

Anonymous No. 16523965


Anonymous No. 16523967

>outcome of any given company is the vector sum of the people within it

did he just forget that there are external factors that effect a company outside it's membership
would Tesla be the same company it is now without federal subsidies and tax credits, would SpaceX be in the position it is now without the work of many tens of thousands others in the decades of the 20th century
not a chance

Anonymous No. 16523969


Copernican principle is BTFO for all time.

Anonymous No. 16523976

He is being extra retarded tonight it’s kind of concerning

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Anonymous No. 16523979

Elon Musk couldn't hold a candle to a super genius such as yourself

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Anonymous No. 16523980

>anon post 1 hour old
>elon post 42 min old
he is among us bros

Anonymous No. 16523987

It’s Christmas cheer give him a break.

Anonymous No. 16523991

its only going to get worse

Anonymous No. 16523994

>Grinch disguises himself as Santa to ruin Christmas
>Elon dons Santa outfit
*shakes head*

Anonymous No. 16523999

no I'm not

Anonymous No. 16524001

elon is literally the grinch + scrooge + the warlock from santa claus is coming to town all rolled up in one big bad tamale

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Anonymous No. 16524005

Any suggestions for making rough calculations for theoretical spacecraft?I want to schizophrenically estimate what kind of spacecraft could be assembled in orbit using Starship launches but I don't have a good framework to determine the mass of things like fuel tanks or hab modules. I need to know mass do I can calculate dv

Anonymous No. 16524007

Those external factors exist for all companies around the same time period.

The better question is if some other company started at the same place and time would they achieve the same level of success? or at the very least would success be more evenly distributed?

Clearly the answer is no. BO and SpaceX started around the same time. Yet SpaceX dominates.
Same with Tesla, all the EV incentives existed for all auto manufacturers. Yet Tesla managed to be ahead in EVs for a decade and turn a profit, something established and other upcoming manufacturers have failed to do despite being offered everything Tesla has.

Anonymous No. 16524008

Luckily we already have lots of examples of space-worthy fuel tanks and hab modules.
Dry/wet mass of rocket stages and mass of ISS modules (pick your favorite for both) will be good enough for a rough estimate.
All very easily located info, and extrapolatable to theoretical module sizes.

Anonymous No. 16524009

I think Atomic Rockets might have some calculators that could help you.

Anonymous No. 16524019

not all the factors apply to all the companies, a lot changes based on their field
that's a naieve take on the corporate topology
geography itself lends certain areas a qualitative advantage over others, but the global economy is not necessarily reflective of this for other reasons, including national borders and relative development

Anonymous No. 16524020

It was a stupid question

Anonymous No. 16524044

>not all the factors apply to all the companies, a lot changes based on their field
That's why I compared like for like. BO and SpaceX are the same field.
>geography itself lends certain areas a qualitative advantage over others,
Tesla should have failed compared to others who outsourced to other countries with established supply lines. Building in the USA was not a competitive advantage, for lithium batteries especially at the time.
Gigafactory Nevada should have not worked.

Anonymous No. 16524050

External factors do not change the company's core goals, only its available means and obstacles to achieving them.

Anonymous No. 16524080

Regulatory optimization works the same for tesla as any other vehicle manufacturer. The difference is that tesla was starting from scratch and (under elon) refused to be a bitch to the unions.
I'm convinced that a well-established union will add 30-60% overhead to any business, for no perceivable benefit to the workers.

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Anonymous No. 16524167

/sfg/ está muerto...

Anonymous No. 16524173

External factors cant be controlled. So its useless to blame/rely on them. What can be controlled are the only thing that matters. So individual effort, individual direction, organizational effort, organizational direction. Thats all it matters.

Tesla getting tax credit meant for GM/Ford/Chryslers doesn't mean much. Their cars were bought by technological and wealthy already. When the $40K car came, it was already priced as other new car average pricing. Now the pricing of their cars are down to $35K or even $25K (if you look at their inventory for used). Thats before all the tax credits. With tax credits, these go down into $15-20K.

SpaceX was funded by Musk himself for the first few years. It wasn't until they were very near and proved they could deliver stuff to space successfuly that they got any contract. You dont cry about subsidies for McDonalds when the local police buy their burgers from there.

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Anonymous No. 16524175

christmas was a success. now we look foward to a happy new year, and a great year it will surely be

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Anonymous No. 16524176

Merry Christmas /sfg/
-watches you masturbate from spehs

Anonymous No. 16524179

Talking about workforce churn at spacex
Will spacex run out of motivated engineers willing to work 70hr a week at some point?

Anonymous No. 16524180

working 6 full days a week is pretty normal, its not like its physical work

Anonymous No. 16524181


Anonymous No. 16524182

is this the famous Jersey Drone?

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Anonymous No. 16524186

little late

Anonymous No. 16524188

all I want for Christmas is...

Anonymous No. 16524189

Nope. Not what the paper even claimed.

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Anonymous No. 16524193

an FAA license to suck on those tiddies?

Anonymous No. 16524197

It was implied

Anonymous No. 16524200

Nope. They literally just replaced the standard model dark energy (a cosmological constant) with something more complicated and speculative (back reaction). It's not a new idea, but in the decades since the idea emerged proponents have not even proven the effect exists at all, even just in theory.

Anonymous No. 16524202

Im playing Warframe

Anonymous No. 16524204

Both models of cosmology have plenty of bandaides. Inflation is awfully convenient in ΛCDM, time dilation near perfectly masking the inhomogeneities from our vantage point is awfully convenient in Timescape. I for one hope inflation gets BTFO in my lifetime. The cosmological constant is nice, if it's actually a constant. It feels less like one these days with the measurement disagreements. Should be clear within a decade.

Anonymous No. 16524208

>it is hard to teach old dogs new tricks
He already answered it. The people that work at Boeing run on different OS and are old and cant change their mindset.

Anonymous No. 16524210

not all of mankind is conscious, subhumans should never be allowed on the mars list.

Anonymous No. 16524211

Beginning to think Musk belongs on the blacklist to be dësú

Anonymous No. 16524212

he is more conscious than you, so i don't think so.

Anonymous No. 16524233

When you lead a colonisation effort, you can describe it your way

Anonymous No. 16524250

Inflation is only needed when one wants to fit large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background, which this paper doesn't look at. It's looking at one tiny dataset in complete isolation and declaring it's better.
The big problem with the Timescape model is it's a massive fudge. They don't know if this effect exists at all in GR, they have been trying to prove it for decades. There are good arguments that it doesn't exist at all. So they have no idea how this effect should behave, but they guess that if it looks like this then it would explain acceleration. But that's circular. There is still no evidence for the effect, experimentally or theoretically.

Anonymous No. 16524256

Got any thoughts on cosmological coupling?

Anonymous No. 16524263

When do you think starship will start carrying commercial payloads

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SLS and starship ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16524264

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Anonymous No. 16524272

>It’s Electrifying: Starship’s Upgraded Payload Deployment System

Read and discuss, niggas

Anonymous No. 16524277

it's already been discussed, you should've been there when it happened.

Anonymous No. 16524279

>article published an hour ago
>already discussed

Anonymous No. 16524281

the changes to starship's payload bay have already been discussed endlessly, that you needed an article to prompt discussion is your disability, not mine.

Anonymous No. 16524283

you are mentally disabled

Anonymous No. 16524284

you seem very upset, are you accusing me of this because i pointed out your disability? you're copying what i said.

Anonymous No. 16524288

not a single person on /sfg/ has put 2 and 2 together like this article has. If you were a daily reader of this thread you'd know that payload section is 2 rings shorter than previous. But you probably wouldn't know unless you're a ring watching autist that the new forward domes are significantly flatter, AND that the nosecone internals have more useable space. So despite surface level impressions being that the payload has been totally neutered on v2 ship (5 rings down to 3), it's actually similar because of optimisations made elsewhere

Anonymous No. 16524290

i specifically remember people discussing the flatter upper dome causing this lack of payload decrease in literally the previous thread, you need to pay better attention.

Anonymous No. 16524294

it's already been discussed, what are you tards salivating on about?

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Anonymous No. 16524298

no I came up with that myself

Anonymous No. 16524299

yes and this article is in a series of articles where that previous commentary was lifted from, which referred to this article

Anonymous No. 16524300

>inn our upcoming article
which is this article >>16524272
2 was about the tanks, 3 is about the payload bay specifically

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Anonymous No. 16524302

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Anonymous No. 16524303

> As discussed in our nosecone article, the tapered nosecone structure is the same shape and size between the two versions of the ship, however, the internal structure has been changed to utilize low-profile internal stringers that greatly reduce the impingement on the payload volume.
>As a result of these changes on the newer ships, the lower half of the nosecone has largely been opened up for cargo use.

Anonymous No. 16524307

he's just trying not to be racist against machine intelligence.

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Anonymous No. 16524309

>If you've noticed a theme here, you're not wrong. Everything related to the new payload bay is about deleting dead space. While, yes, the new payload bay is technically smaller, the areas that SpaceX has deleted weren't being used to begin with. Since SpaceX really only utilized the cylindrical area on the older ship design, the new payload bay is roughly that size.
>It's actually slightly larger.

new payload bay is apparently slightly larger lol

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Anonymous No. 16524310

old v new - 40 starlinks vs 54 on v2

Anonymous No. 16524313

thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16524315

Pretty big improvement in packing. So each one is, what, one and a half tons?

Anonymous No. 16524318

roughly 0.02 cubic kilometres

Anonymous No. 16524323

It can now do 2 bananas to orbit

Anonymous No. 16524327

it can do 2 50 ton bananas to orbit yes. because the payload capacity is 100 tons

Anonymous No. 16524329

So how will it carry anything but starlinks

Anonymous No. 16524334

That’s the funny part, it won’t

Anonymous No. 16524335

I kind of doubt there will be a block 2 starship with a generic payload bay at all
they have a lot of v2 launches to do for starlink which will create massive revenues down the line
they don't really need other payloads in the short term
HLS and a tanker starship are a different matter though, maybe those are done on the block 2 starship

Anonymous No. 16524343

the slider doesn't work, please repost properly

Anonymous No. 16524346

In which context?
You have Gupta writing these papers about physical constants coupled to expansion. His ideas very quickly run into problems with the lunar raging data, and I'm sure there are other issues. The biggest problem is he never clearly motivated the need for these extra complications (on top of expansion), his original argument is based on how early galaxies seen by JWST need more time to form. So he assumes 27 Gyrs, but doesn't motivate if the galaxies really need an extra 15 Gyr to form. And why this number exactly?
There is also the idea that black holes are cosmologically coupled to expansion and could act as a cosmological constant. But it's not theoretically motivated at all, and the "observational" evidence strongly depends on how galaxies evolve. Particularly supermassive black holes. It's more convoluting two things that aren't understood to make them one thing, but having no idea how it could work. There are some papers claiming the idea is violated by other data, but the original team doesn't seem very interested in explaining those things. This idea is not taken very seriously, most astronomers probably didn't see Gupta's paper.

Anonymous No. 16524348

Did Elon just pull a rug on us?

Anonymous No. 16524350

how many tons is 1km^3?

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Anonymous No. 16524353
>Pad B Major Progress + Flight 7 News | 4 Weeks of Major Change! | RGV Starbase Flyover Update 68

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Anonymous No. 16524354

what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16524356

No that happened a long time ago; you are just happening to notice for the first time lol

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Anonymous No. 16524360

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16524362

don’t bring the discussion here man; I’m not putting up with this indiafication of elonshtien muskberg. He just wants wage slaves he can pay pennies on the dollar for it’s really that simple

Anonymous No. 16524363

where are gathered together one or two spehs nurds, there he is in their midst

Anonymous No. 16524365

>don’t bring the discussion here man
so you are only willing to listen to positive talk about him. got it.

Anonymous No. 16524370

>bait posed as innocuous question
Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16524386

Anonymous No. 16524413

Looks like Mars will be populated by purely Indians

Anonymous No. 16524422

I don't think Mars is going to need that many software engineers, not at the start at least

Anonymous No. 16524424

Highly skilled colonists (they all agreed to work for absolutely no pay)

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Anonymous No. 16524425

new banana-shaped starlinks

Anonymous No. 16524426

very cute. I would help SLS get to space [spoiler]also take upskirt photos even if I disintegrate seconds later[/spoiler]
what's the source for this?

Anonymous No. 16524428

Doge team getting slammed over the H-1B visa comments
Looks like the relationship is coming to a close soon.

mars is scrubbed soon

Anonymous No. 16524431

They delved too greedily and too deep

Anonymous No. 16524434

lol, it's even worse
Trump's admin is controlled by visajeets and tech oligarchs

Anonymous No. 16524441

I’m bored. Why aren’t there any rockets launching?

Anonymous No. 16524446

Too many Americans voting for prom queens and not enough indian visas to get the flight software working at this time!

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pov year 2038 col....jpg

Anonymous No. 16524449

because we must suffer due to the zombification of the average person. If all of mankind had the drive for space exploration, we'd be seeing hourly launches to other star systems since last century

Anonymous No. 16524452

Why did Elon pick Christmas of all possible times to out and declare he gives zero fucks about the American working public and is content to replace them with Indian wageslaves if it suits him? It certainly did not help that all of the cretins he has employed at X also came out of the woodwork to formally declare they hate White people and want to see them ethnically erased.

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Anonymous No. 16524458


Anonymous No. 16524463

This guy’s getting sent back too, idc anymore I’m sick of it. America is for americans

Anonymous No. 16524467

You fucking know the vast majority of the people we're talking about are not educated Europeans but 115IQ jeets from Technical Institute of Mumbai, that are ONLY being imported to undercut STEM wages and work-life norms. I am all for bringing in the cream of the crop but that is absolutely not the issue, and these people are duplicitously pretending it is to deflect criticism.

Anonymous No. 16524473

>115IQ jeets

Most H1B jeets are using fraudulent credentials.

Anonymous No. 16524479

Rightist infighting just as fun as leftist infighting to watch

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Anonymous No. 16524483

well anon?

Anonymous No. 16524488

There is guaranteed to be a major falling out between Elon/Vivek and Trump. Vivek just made the most tone deaf post essentially stating (White) American workers have a 'culture' that doesn't prioritize academic success, which is why they need to be replaced with uncapped H1B's. Fucking disgusting and more or less in my view affirms that Vivek is driven by the same petty resentment toward WASP Americans that every ethnic striver enclave is.

Anonymous No. 16524489

rocket lab

Anonymous No. 16524491

is he wrong about the first part though? I'm under the impression american kids want to become tiktok stars, not astronauts or engineers

Anonymous No. 16524492

And on fucking christmas too lmao.

Anonymous No. 16524493

Ariane + Russia is going to be minimal on its own, and I don’t know about the SAARS but I haven’t heard anything about ISRO wanting to ramp up launch cadence in 2025.
ULA claims they want to ramp up launch cadence but they don’t have customers besides Kuiper which seems to be in eternal limbo land.
Rocket Lab I can see. They had a healthy launch cadence this year, relatively speaking. I’m not bullish on that though.
Starship is ehhh. It’ll launch quite a bit but I don’t think it will be more than 12, 13… maybe 14 launches and that’s pushing it

Anonymous No. 16524497

Yes he’s fucking wrong

Anonymous No. 16524500

Yes he absolutely is wrong, and you can't simultaneously take the position that DEI is shutting out heritage Americans from professional positions, and that they simply don't make the cut and need to be replaced with H1B's from India. It's complete nonsense, and it's not borne out by any real figures either. Was America simply not competitive before the 1990's? It's total fucking nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16524502

Yup he is wrong here are some good insights into why

Anonymous No. 16524503

It's a good thing you chuds aren't running SpaceX holy shit

Anonymous No. 16524505

When's the next tape outgassing drive launch?

Anonymous No. 16524506

Just do it in kerbal space program

Anonymous No. 16524507

>It's a good thing you chuds aren't running SpaceX holy shit
It's a good thing SpaceX is covered under ITAR and Elong can't import vast swathes of wageslaves he can goad into 80 hour work weeks.

Anonymous No. 16524509

Well, they launched 13 this year or something? How many test launches can SpaceX cram in now that the government is no longer fucking them without lube?

Anonymous No. 16524510

Idk I gave up following meme mcculloch. He is taking his sweet ass time, and I can only put up with error bars and broken cubesats for so long before losing complete interest lol

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Anonymous No. 16524514

>/sfg/ performs a hostile takeover of all spaceX assets
>first order of business: blowing up FAA HQ
what next? assume that we have a few months before the government realizes we don't actually possess any functioning russian black market nukes hidden in all major cities and sends the army to kill us

Anonymous No. 16524517

none of those addressed the point
it was basically conceding it and saying that culture matters more than economic prosperity
okay, people are fine becoming mechanics and not engineers, but how does that help with the lack of engineers- problem?

Anonymous No. 16524518

Exactly. I’m doing a long-term projection here but I predict the eventual “downfall” of SpaceX (a la how Boeing and other legacy oldspace companies have fallen from grace) will be when Elon gets too greedy and too much gets outsourced and suddenly they aren’t trying to own the market, they’re instead trying to latch onto the government’s tit with ludicrous contracts while minmaxxing pay to indian wagies.
Right now their model works because they get all do these excited STEM american grads who want to slave away for low pay, because they love the goal of the company. Musk will want more though. More hours. Less pay. This is unsustainable for an American who wants any sort of comfortable life. It’s fine for a foreigner who is just gonna wire the money home because USD ¢50 is a fortune where they come from

Anonymous No. 16524520

maybe 10 in 2025
so it might be close, but I still think there are going to be more electron launches in 2025 than starship launches
in 2026 Starship should hopefully have higher cadence

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Anonymous No. 16524525

There's so much shit going into space nowadays, how is it so hard to get one little drive up there. Especially as there's supposedly a bunch just sitting around in a box somewhere.

Anonymous No. 16524530

>why is it hard to put scam shit in orbit
gee anon I dunno

Anonymous No. 16524533

And you think that flooding the country with jeets is a solution to that problem? It worked so well for Canada and UK, didn't it?

Anonymous No. 16524538

This is the one going up on Transport 12 I think, be fucking patient ffs

Anonymous No. 16524541

are there really people in this general who believe it's not a scam? i thought they were just joking.

Anonymous No. 16524542

no, but that is not what Musk is talking about
he is talking about getting the 0.1% top talent
if the H-1B system is getting misused by indian visa mills or whatever then fix that
don't throw out the baby with the bathwater
and fix the education system as well, but that is not going to help on the short term

Anonymous No. 16524543

>We are expecting a total of 1.75mN of thrust (0.75mN from one Drive and 1mN from the other Drive). Of course this is a test and we look forward to measuring how much thrust they actually produce--if any--in space.

Anonymous No. 16524544

>then fix that
wishful thinking
Since jeets are already present in his admin then you can be damn sure that the system is going to be abused by them.

Anonymous No. 16524545

>--if any-
s over

Anonymous No. 16524546

Like 3 or 4 years ago I’d say there were a lot of hopeful optimists. But the passage of time with almost zero results has burnt that kindling out and now nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16524547


Anonymous No. 16524548

I want some funny memedrive to turn out to be real if that counts. I also really believe Mcculloch believes.

Anonymous No. 16524550

Only reason I'm still following memecullough is it would be extremely funny if the drive turns out to work and dark energy and dark matter are disproven too which seems more and more likely, i dont even care if his theory is the correct one either

Just would be funny to see total BTFO of the mainstream science "consensus"

Anonymous No. 16524551

poo in loos aren't working at SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16524553

I was wondering how SpaceX might fall eventually and that seems really plausible, damn

Anonymous No. 16524554

This whole debate is a nonstarter because there already is a specific classification for that 0.1%, the O-1 visa. What we've seen instead is 'high skilled' immigration being used as a cover for undercutting the wages of the American middle and upper middle class. As a Canadian the equivalent has been absolutely fucking disastrous, we've seen no growth or new business, wages have fallen in the gutter and Indian ethnic nepotism has locked us out of entire fields of work. All this is major lawsuits waiting to happen in the near future and was sold to us under the pretense of bringing in elite talent.

Anonymous No. 16524555

Why couldn't it have gone up on the previous one? iirc the first went up on 9 or 10 and there's been at least one more since then.
It seems like a lot of work just for a scam. Plus I doubt the company that carried the first drive to space would say that they fucked up their satellite just to cover up that the memedrive didn't work

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Anonymous No. 16524556

Anonymous No. 16524558

Went up on 10, host sat failed to establish ground contact, this is their second attempt there was nothing else since that

Anonymous No. 16524559

>not straight
it's fucking over

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Anonymous No. 16524560

Tick tock

Anonymous No. 16524562

QI is Zubrin approved lmao

I never worshiped him like some of you did for a time so this is hilarious

Anonymous No. 16524563

Skilled immigrant labor moment

Anonymous No. 16524565

spacex needs higher quality pathmakers

Anonymous No. 16524567

That was a year ago and they really couldn't find a random cubesat to slap an engine on?

Anonymous No. 16524568

No? This is barely crackpot territory as it is they're lucky they found one lol

Anonymous No. 16524578

15 Russia + 5 Ariane + 5 ISRO (+/- a few on any of those) is likely and will easily beat any of the others

Anonymous No. 16524581

SpaceX is held back by ITAR you dumb fuck

Anonymous No. 16524582

retards eating other retards' shit eating other retards' shit

Anonymous No. 16524587

I like that theory.

Anonymous No. 16524594

density * 1 km^3

Anonymous No. 16524596

Dark energy isnt real and cosmological constant was disproven. It's gotta be this

Anonymous No. 16524600

okay but how many kilograms? surely /sfg/ can answer something so simple?

Anonymous No. 16524604

d kg where d is density in kg / km^3

Anonymous No. 16524607

okay wise guy, now give me some numbers. no one goes to a supermarket and asks for d liters of milk

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Anonymous No. 16524609

>/v/tards saying shit like this for half a thread
Why do some people just fucking snap at the very mention of space colonization?

Anonymous No. 16524610

It really doesn't matter. All SpaceX had to do is last long enough. Space is bigger than one company

Anonymous No. 16524615

>External factors cant be controlled.

but they can be factored into your adaptive processes
the fact is, internal culture and talent are not the only variables at play
that's not to say they are irrelevant, far from it
but you will only get so far if your industry faces pressure from the government or even society and the natural environment

your company can be doing just fine until a natural disaster, grid failure, or invasion wipes out your infrastructure

Anonymous No. 16524618

If they want to show their model is actually viable then they should be simultaneously fitting all cosmological data. They are looking at one tiny dataset, which on its own can't even measure the Hubble constant. It's entirely premature to say it's time your a fundamental shift when you are looking at one tiny part of all that is known. And it's rather stupid, the model was designed to behave like dark energy. So of course it does that.
And the entire model is just speculation. Based on the assumption that averaging in GR misses out some magical physics. But they have still never proven this, even just theoretically.
Also people have looked for inhomogeneous expansion and not found any evidence of it.

Anonymous No. 16524622

honestly thought that the PEZ frame would be integrated into the structure as a load bearing component like the tesla battery packs are moving to. Maybe the weight of 54 starlinks isnt enough to cap out the weight and thus drymass doesnt matter as much?

Anonymous No. 16524625

If my stake to a claim of Martian soil were recognized by the company, and I were to be guaranteed shares in the future of the colony, and there were some reasonable chance of a return trip to Earth at some point, then I would go and work diligently without any salary so long as the launch and amenities were entirely comped.

Also I would never accept indebted servitude.

Anonymous No. 16524629

Have you never heard of crab mentality?

Anonymous No. 16524630

Of course I know of that, but these people act as if their mother got insulted when they see something about space colonization.

Anonymous No. 16524631

>Rightist infighting
I'm a leftist (not a "US democrat" leftist, but an actual leftist) and I feel bad for the american workers that voted to put elon and trump in government.
they were supposed to be nationalists... like, who in their right mind would think that of the richest capitalist in the US or a TV star?

Anonymous No. 16524632

They just want to fit in. They see anti-space narratives a lot now so they try to invent new ones to be liked

Anonymous No. 16524636

This is a fantastical unrealistic hypothetical btw

Anonymous No. 16524638

>he is talking about getting the 0.1% top talent
he's using the arguments that support that to promote indian immigration.
no, they won't get top talent, they will get even more indians to replace american workers.

Anonymous No. 16524639

Neither Elon or Trump are advocating infinite H1B visas for pajeets, that is being done by the pajeets in various advisory positions.

Anonymous No. 16524641

Once you get one Indian in a position of corporate power, he'll hire 1000 more
This will be a good point for Trump to firmly put Musk in his place and reassert dominance, which he will have to do sooner or later. This will be better for Musk too. He's getting too sidetracked on this stuff and needs to focus on SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16524643

I'm sorry anon, but the topic of this whole discussion (that started in twitter and goes way beyond 4chan) is INDIAN MIGRATION.
you can keep coping forever, but that won't change things.

Anonymous No. 16524646

>It seems like a lot of work just for a scam.
If it was real why wouldn't they just publish their lab experiments?
Remember all the bullshit with the original EMdrive, all the experimental claims? People were publishing bullshit results because they didn't treat their results with skepticism, Eagleworks in particular. Given that it is apparently very easy to obtain false thrust readings, what is the probability that this unknown company has done everything right and it really works? I'd say very low, especially when they haven't published any real results.
If they could publish convincing, thorough and repeatable tests they would be showered in money (see the DARPA grant). Fuck having a tiny hosted payload on a cubesat, they could build their own satellite.
Whether or not it's a deliberate scam doesn't really matter, I'm quite certain they don't have the skills to determine if it really works or not.

Anonymous No. 16524653

Why should staking a claim or recieving shares in a company for services rendered be unrealistic?

After all, there is Earthly precedent for these practises.
Musk himself gave shares in his company (namely stock options in SpaceX) to his employees.

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Anonymous No. 16524665

Elon Musk is your favorite person in the whole wide world. You love him.

Anonymous No. 16524677

Hopeful pessimists*
>It isn't going to work but it would be fucking hilarious and awesome if it did.

Anonymous No. 16524702

It took me like 10 seconds to see the pit mosnter

Anonymous No. 16524710
Holy fucking shit
Planet X orbit discovered

Anonymous No. 16524711

You mean Planet IX

Anonymous No. 16524712

He paid for a launch last year and the satellite bus had electrical issues, 100% not his fault. The next open slot from that rideshare provider (given for free) was a year later and he wasn't going to pay for another launch for no reason.

I don't really believe his drive will work but there's nothing shady about this sequence of events, it's just bad luck

Anonymous No. 16524726

You mean planet XVIII

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Anonymous No. 16524730


Anonymous No. 16524734

I miss the time when games like half life could blow my mind.

Anonymous No. 16524744

>you can sue the government for destroying the country with mass immigration
lol no
it just won't be your country anymore
We call it progress

Anonymous No. 16524750

whoops! looks like China ends the year with a launch failure. A Lijian-1 (= kinetica-1) appears to have failed just after the third stage ignited.

Anonymous No. 16524753

We just need to cap off the year with a nice New Glenn failure and we can finally close the book on this year

Anonymous No. 16524761

well I wouldn't say Vivek is super wrong
How many fucking normies watch negroball sports ?

Anonymous No. 16524762

I want to fuck the rocket

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Anonymous No. 16524765

anecdote vs

Anonymous No. 16524768

in absolute numbers there are 300 times the young people in india than in Germany

Anonymous No. 16524769

Then why does China account for 12% of the beneficiaries?

Anonymous No. 16524775

I'm getting very angry at Elon, at this point he's getting in the way of Mars himself. What kind of moron thinks his proposal will get us a Mars colony? Very glad for ITAR, probably the only reason his rockets work at this rate.
As an aside, all the space posting Canadians on Xitter need to be beaten.

Anonymous No. 16524778

because chinese don't all learn english in school and its a real country so they don't wanna leave

Anonymous No. 16524781

Flight software is like the single best example of white American superiority. Astra flight software could handle the absurd edge conditions of the BLM Shuffle with some basic C++ on Yocto/Linux on cheap ARM boards. Pooeing RCS code did the Designated Shitting Shuffle on THREE consecutive test flights and stranded a crew on the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16524782

Those two idiot canadians are getting blacklisted from space

Anonymous No. 16524783

which one

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canadian healthcare.jpg

Anonymous No. 16524789

All Canadians are spiritually black anyways.

Anonymous No. 16524792

What does Vivek even do anyways, looks like he's some sorta medical tech patent grifter

Anonymous No. 16524795

Call center manager

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Anonymous No. 16524798

Anonymous No. 16524800


Anonymous No. 16524803

Kinetica 1 launch may have failed
>Someone (apparently the company tracking the satellites?) actually posted a stream on TikTok; things seems to have got wrong right after 3rd stage ignition if the telemetry is right, but the rocket cam was transmitting intermittently so it's unclear.

Anonymous No. 16524805

>Sam Nunberg
>Nunberg was born to a Jewish family

Anonymous No. 16524817

Anonymous No. 16524830

We've known that Elon is a furchad for years

Anonymous No. 16524832

based af honestly

Anonymous No. 16524842

certified hood classic

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Anonymous No. 16524845

Just in. Elon realized that masses are idiots.

Anonymous No. 16524847

I regret voting Elon.

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Anonymous No. 16524850

That company is the same company that put out this. I'm not sure they've ever made anything real that does stuff, or are actually in that business.

Anonymous No. 16524852

No they cant. No one on Earth has any choice in being born here and not some another planet. Nor being part of the human species, speaking English, being alive today, etc. Thats just circumstances that's given. You then do the best of it by working hard. Thats always been the case. Its only the communist ideology that says you shouldnt work and success dont matter.

Anonymous No. 16524855

Narrative setting

Anonymous No. 16524857

damn right I don’t like indians. hope all that jeet labor bites them in the ass

Anonymous No. 16524858

>business owner wants to import all his workers because its cheaper

Anonymous No. 16524860

Based elon.

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Anonymous No. 16524863


Anonymous No. 16524864

Anyone who doesn't hate jeets hasn't worked with them enough

Anonymous No. 16524869

This guy is originally from crapto twitter and he used to suck up to SBF constantly. Now he sucks up to Elon. People saying he's indian. Of course he is. All they do is suck up and flatter to get ahead.

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maga fell for it ....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16524886

>the Elon Musk general becomes the Elon Musk haters general as soon as Elon starts defending mass indian immigration
this is some really funny shit. if even this thread is starting to hate Elon, I can't only imagine how much people will hate him from now on... IF they remember, of course.

Anonymous No. 16524889

Unfortunately for you, right wing people are not so easy to manipulate as you would like. It's not as simple as "hate Elon" or "love Elon"

Anonymous No. 16524893

Never bet against elon.

Anonymous No. 16524895

I love Elon even more now
t. unironic third worlder

Anonymous No. 16524897

>Unfortunately for you, right wing people are not so easy to manipulate as you would like
anon, it's obvious to anyone who understands how things work that Elon loves jeets (as do other tech leaders), yet here we are...
if this is not being easy to manipulate, then you are at least unable to cope with cognitive dissonances

Anonymous No. 16524902

wrong again

Anonymous No. 16524903

Did you know you can disagree with people without hating them? It's true.

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Anonymous No. 16524904

I once witnessed Elon Musk beat an infant to death with a baseball bat.

Anonymous No. 16524906

Of course he loves jeets
How is that supposed to change our opinion of him here in the Space'Flight General forum?

Anonymous No. 16524907

Attempted consensus-cracking in progress

Anonymous No. 16524911

You have to pick a side

Anonymous No. 16524912

same. funny how much fake shit happens

Anonymous No. 16524914

I hate the Indian not because he is a pajeet, but because he is an Earther.

Anonymous No. 16524915

I did pick a side: the H1-B program sucks and is abused to depress wages. If recruiting top talent is the goal, then they should have no issue with increasing the minimum compensation for applicants double the industry average.

Anonymous No. 16524916

that infant? Me

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Anonymous No. 16524919

this is now canon

Anonymous No. 16524920

Ai cant generate a jeet on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16524922

This means that you also hate the American people...

Anonymous No. 16524923

>society needs engineers!
>engineers make the same as a truck driver

Anonymous No. 16524924

The United States exists for the sole purpose of creating self-sufficient colonies on the Moon and Mars. It would not bother me one bit if it fell apart once the loonies and martians were able to manufacture their own microchips.

Anonymous No. 16524925

You're canadian?

Anonymous No. 16524928

The first person to die on the moon will be a Chinese.

Anonymous No. 16524929

Shot by someone from the US outpost

Anonymous No. 16524931

a bullet coming all the way from LEO? based americans

Anonymous No. 16524934

They targeted /sfg/.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little (you) saying we did.

Anonymous No. 16524937

>who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing
I thought you were gonna mention tankwatching there.

Anonymous No. 16524944
it's over

Anonymous No. 16524946

I hate contextless x links
is it even spaceflgt

Anonymous No. 16524947

It's Elon on cocaine, he's gone mad

Anonymous No. 16524951

Holy fuck it's over

Anonymous No. 16524952

inb4 the US is flooded with South African immigrants. elon playing 6d chess

Anonymous No. 16524965

Musk was denied O-1

Anonymous No. 16524969

so this is all out of revenge then
don't mess with the musk

Anonymous No. 16524975


Anonymous No. 16524981

wow on the spaces Elon said
>"Im tired and angry because I didn't get to play video games"

We are not going to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16524985

in 1991

Anonymous No. 16524986

Immigrants a great, stay mad B^)

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Anonymous No. 16524987

>Elon arguing for opening floodgates to jeet *legal* immigration
Very bold of him.
So far you had the left cheering to assassinate billionaires.
Now the right is about to join in.

Not the "bring the country together" moment we were hoping for, but in retrospect it was inevitable.

Anonymous No. 16524989

They can come but they have to come LEGALLY

Anonymous No. 16524994

>surely this will be the end of Musk, says increasingly nervous man for the 17th time this year

Anonymous No. 16525000

Space mission to Planet X?

Anonymous No. 16525002

trips of falsehood
there is no planet X unless you mean Eris

Anonymous No. 16525004

Are there Indians there?

Anonymous No. 16525014

ppanet X has been discovered. read the thread

Anonymous No. 16525020

It's True

Anonymous No. 16525024

I agree with the right right, if you don't have the skilled native, then take the time to train the natives skills, instead of brain draining welders from mexico and tech from india. The exact same shit happens in my country, it is cheaper and easier to import immigrants, but ultimately it is just going to make things worse long term.

Musk doesn't care about long term because he is a CEO, he cares about money and results now! Glad he is dropping his right-wing veneer so people see what he is, just like any other CEO.

Anonymous No. 16525029

Nah, this is Elon being forced to reconcile his wishes with the grim political reality of importing your workforce. Jobs are the coin of the realm in politics. If he had a non-bullshit reason to be bringing in foreign workers he'd be giving it. (Which he did, but not in the context of SpaceX.) He's running out of rockstar employees to hire because everyone else is jealously guarding theirs, or even pre-emptively hiring them out of school even if they aren't needed. But Elon's management techniques can't handle dealing with the second-tier employees available in the US -- he can't tolerate slower mediocrity like oldspace when he knows faster and more expensive has greater returns.

If he's desperate, he might resort to setting up a welfare daycare for US citizens hired at a 1:1 pay scale parity with the imports. Imagine the line for winning that lottery and proudly getting paid for being a moron.

Anonymous No. 16525031

I would 100% line up

Anonymous No. 16525033

wrong again
I cant find any serious paper claiming that it has been found

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Anonymous No. 16525036

He's also disingenuously framing the matter as if it's about elite talent, which is already covered under a separate visa classification. What he's actually interested in is cheap Indian wagies to undercut white collar Americans. It's even more disgusting that he spent the better part of the last two years insisting that White Americans have been methodically dispossessed from STEM (which is true), only to backpedal and instead take the position that we're merely stupid and lazy when it suits him. Lost every ounce of respect I had for his character. That said he's a capable executive.

Anonymous No. 16525037

you can't train IQ (i.e. "talent")
we would need genetic engineering or something like that

Anonymous No. 16525039

>He's also disingenuously framing the matter as if it's about elite talent, which is already covered under a separate visa classification.
no it isn't, O-1 ís for people who have already done exceptional work, not for elite talent i.e. IQ
the requirements for O-1 is something like multiple patents (so you would have to have already worked for a while), multiple high impact papers, leading some science institute, some prestigious prize etc
i.e. people that are already established

Anonymous No. 16525040

The issue on twitter hasn't been about elite talent. The discussion was over uncapping H1b's, which are absolutely not representative of elite talent, and which there exists a plethora of public data for. There are literal H1b positions for entry level accountants and engineers. Elon quickly realized NO ONE was going to support him in this and backpedalled, pretending the discussion was about 'elite talent,' when a separate visa classification already exists for that specific type of person!

Anonymous No. 16525041

Do you have a job? 60% of the economy is midwits taking paychecks for no work at all. why work at spacex when UBI already exists? fix your work ethic wigger trash

Anonymous No. 16525042

It's trying consensus crack

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Anonymous No. 16525043

We don't need H1b's to take up entry level accounting positions. Don't try to fucking frame this as 'elite talent' when this is on the table. This is about undercutting American wages and work-life norms.

Anonymous No. 16525044


Anonymous No. 16525045

Thank you for exposing yourself you resentful, ugly shitskin.

Anonymous No. 16525046

They are needed. you being a mexican mongrol is ironic, but go off king

Anonymous No. 16525048

Looks like someone has no arguments lmao. I forgot /sfg/ was just about fellating Musk

Anonymous No. 16525049

Imagine being this lazy. YWNGTS

Anonymous No. 16525050

What will it take for this shitty general to drop the culture wars crap and realize we're in a class war
>muh mars
There isn't going to BE a Mars you stupid slut

Anonymous No. 16525051

does it though? Musk was denied O-1
and you know even as a entry level engineer you have differences in talent (IQ), even at that level people aren't fungible
a midwit retard engineer with no work experience is unlikely to be as capable as a high IQ engineer with no work experience
the H1B is probably misused, but a bunch of people come through with it that go on to become exceptional talent, but would not have been eligble for O-1 at that point

the larger problem I think is that not enough americans study engineering, so there aren't enough of the very best for Musks needs, people go study law or finance or something instead
Musk has been saying this for a long time now, there are too many MBAs and not enough engineers
but that isn't a problem that is going to be fixed overnight

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Painting of Elon ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16525052

>I forgot /sfg/ was just about fellating Musk
How did you forget that? Are you a subtard?

Anonymous No. 16525053

You have exactly zero arguments. This is not elite talent, verifiably. Elon lied and then backpedalled. Get fucked.

Anonymous No. 16525054

Sorry chuddy, but Elon isn't hiring accountants in Rhode Island.

Anonymous No. 16525055

Musk is talking about needing elite talent, the fact that H-1B is also used for non-elite talent doesn't eliminate the fact that it is *also* used for elite talent

Anonymous No. 16525056

>the larger problem I think is that not enough americans study engineering
Wrong. Aerospace engineers are hilariously under-employed because nobody wants to hire entry level for anything. It's impossible to get your foot in the door because it isn't fucking open to people who don't have work experience.

Anonymous No. 16525059

Former Musk fan here, not gonna lie it's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously though we can't let this guy keep the Moon contract.

Anonymous No. 16525060

>Gee look at this one outlier, it sure does make the rule doesn't it?
>the H1B is probably misused
Not probably, it is misused and its being used specifically to staff entry and mid level white collar positions, which even being ungenerous, there are more than sufficient Americans to staff.
>a midwit retard engineer with no work experience is unlikely to be as capable as a high IQ engineer with no work experience
I don't disagree.

Anonymous No. 16525062

It's a free country

Anonymous No. 16525063

He's talking about elite talent, but the actual policy proposal is over uncapping h1b's which are by and large not representative of elite talent. You can literally go and find the types of positions that are being staffed.

Anonymous No. 16525064

The USA can be considered an expendable stage. Refurbishment not required.

Anonymous No. 16525070

i love incredible india

Anonymous No. 16525075

>He's talking about elite talent, but the actual policy proposal is over uncapping h1b's which are by and large not representative of elite talent. You can literally go and find the types of positions that are being staffed.

I suggest changing the bargaining position: you can have uncapped H-1B visas if you are also required to pay them double the average salary in the position as the minimum starting wage.

Anonymous No. 16525076

Indians really are like vastly less capable Jews. They have the same overweening ethnic narcissism combined with the same nebbish sensibility that comes with being a displaced commercial people, which fundamentally exists as a middle man and dependent on an 'other' which they view as an inferior. Where they fail is in utterly lacking any sort of endearing qualities, and in being so overtly transparent to the point of comedy. They couldn't hide their resentments if they tried, and at the slightlest prodding you see them come out with the most delusional self aggrandizing and vitriolic remarks. Truly a cursed people.

Anonymous No. 16525077

or just keep the immigrants out, get rid of taxes, and pay me (a white guy) triple

Anonymous No. 16525078

A modest proposal. I agree with this.

Anonymous No. 16525079

increase the minimum wage, but only for indians lol

Anonymous No. 16525080

Uncapped H-1B visas, but India excluded.

Anonymous No. 16525081

If the purpose is to undermine the compensation of workers, forcing people to pay extra for overseas talent eliminates the incentives to hire for anything but talent, which will gradually lift all wages in the field.

Anonymous No. 16525083

Good idea.

Anonymous No. 16525084

Indian Americans are already ranked the highest in per capita income and median income in the United States you fucking DUMBASS

Anonymous No. 16525085

If they earn it, they earn it; it'll represent a modest bump of H1B visa applicant compensation if that's the case. It also means that anyone just hiring Indians because they're Indian and don't want to hire non-Indians will have to pay out the nose to do it. There are people trying to extend the H-1B system to government jobs, for fuck sake.

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Anonymous No. 16525087

If you force companies to pay indians more, they will gladly pay them more

Anonymous No. 16525088

>oh boy i haven't checked /sfg/ in a bit
>boy i sure hope elon is focusing on spaceflight and not cringe politics
WHY just shut your fucking mouth and work on the rocket you sperg

Anonymous No. 16525089

it's the jews, it's always been the jews

Anonymous No. 16525090

>If you force companies to pay indians more, they will gladly pay them more
Then I propose an addition: all job openings must be public, the duration of their existence must be public, the resume count must be public, and the number of interviews given must be public. It will reveal exactly the kind of hiring practices being used and open the door for lawsuits for unlawful discrimination. Plus it'll make shareholders upset if people are preferentially hiring expensive workers for no good reasons.

Anonymous No. 16525092

We need DEI but for white people

Anonymous No. 16525095

What we need is to prosecute fake job openings and re-shoring of manufacturing so that real economic output takes over again, so we can begin returning to the norm of single income households supporting a family of four+ individuals. The annihilation of worker compensation and destruction of free time in households, which besides producing a general sense of hopelessness, is the number one driver of the population crisis we're now seeing.

Anonymous No. 16525096

Sounds like you need to kill more CEOs (literally in IRL)

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Anonymous No. 16525098

Dinosaurs are cooler than space.
/dinosaur general/ - dg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16525099

In all seriousness, education needs to be revamped to be more supportive of men and boys, and higher education needs to be kneecapped for being a stupid investment that mostly exists to create pro-socialist political classes.

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Anonymous No. 16525100

Anonymous No. 16525102

Somehow, the education was in more or less good shape until 70s. Whatever worked back then should be brought back.

Anonymous No. 16525103

In all seriousness, education needs to be revamped to be more supportive of men and boys, and higher education needs to be kneecapped for being a stupid investment. Doing both in conjunction will help produce people who are both less defeated and more interested in building the good future that Elon Musk is trying to create with SpaceX and his other companies.

Anonymous No. 16525106

>Somehow, the education was in more or less good shape until 70s.
it was a generational thing
probably micro plastics in the brains

Anonymous No. 16525107

WW2 killed the weak men

Anonymous No. 16525108

Weak men don't fight wars.

Anonymous No. 16525110

Jimmy Carter was the greatest president in modern history

Anonymous No. 16525123

He was a shit president, but I have to give him credit, he is the only president who personally climbed into a failing nuclear reactor to disassemble it from the inside.

Anonymous No. 16525124

Brown v. Board of Education is at fault.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16525127

uppity white niggas in the thread

Anonymous No. 16525129

Ahhh I now understand why his kid is a troon

Anonymous No. 16525132

There is no one else with the drive, workflow, and wealth that Elon has. All he had to do was not be an autistic retard.

Anonymous No. 16525135

I would riot if the first flag on Mars is not a white or European country.

Anonymous No. 16525138

>all Americans have the same income range
If the jeets are mostly in expensive areas like California, that will skew the numbers.

Anonymous No. 16525140

Not entirely true. America made elon, elon didn’t make america. The vacuum will always be filled by successful talent eventually

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Anonymous No. 16525152

Anonymous No. 16525158

can you retarded faggot tourists talk about spaceflight instead?

Anonymous No. 16525164

Wow this sure is a lot of earther problems. Total white collar american death if it gets us one day closer to mars.

Anonymous No. 16525165

you seem to know about this, so much that you even have a name for it...
have you ever been to the Eglin AFB by chance?

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Anonymous No. 16525169

imagine being this naive

Anonymous No. 16525171

What naivete? The obvious explanation is that they can't find people from the highly limited selection criteria that involves not wanting to train anybody.

Anonymous No. 16525173

yeah they suck

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Anonymous No. 16525175

What are the odds of ITAR being dropped?

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Anonymous No. 16525176

they'd rather hire liars, I guess

Anonymous No. 16525179

>south indian
What's even the difference? Was that post also written by a jeet?

Anonymous No. 16525180

It's entirely likely that the hiring manager was also Indian.

Anonymous No. 16525181

someone posted a HLS related FCC license with a digram directly before you posted this

Anonymous No. 16525182

Obvious ragebait

Blaming race, blaming HR, "south indian". Obviously handcrafted to bait as many people as possible

Anonymous No. 16525183

>"uuuhhh but ONE of the posts was about spaceflight, checkmate!"
you're retarded

Anonymous No. 16525186

xjeets lol

Anonymous No. 16525188

the thread was apparently deleted but you can find the user and some references to his friend in his post history

but anyway, I'll stop with the jeet hate

Anonymous No. 16525190

you're part of the problem by not taking the high ground and discussing spaceflight when the opportunity arises

>The maximum range of operation [ for astronaut EVAs on the surface of the moon ] for the UHF system is a radius of 2 km from the lander
>dual radars for lunar landing, 3 antennas per radar
>using wifi 5ghz (802.11ac) on the surface to transmit high res video and imagery

>lander will have two propellant transfers from the depot; one in LEO and then another later top up in an elliptical orbit with an apogee between 10500km and 150000km to improve delta v margins for the rest of the mission

Anonymous No. 16525197

>pretending to be this retarded AND gay
Low IQ will not be tolerated on the red world.

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anime new glenn.jpg

Anonymous No. 16525207

>the lib rocket launches January 6th

Anonymous No. 16525209

They were so adamant about launching before 2024 ends. Oh well. If I MUST give them credit: I’ll at least say it seems like Limp told everyone to get to fucking work. Bob Smith was a huge cog that did nothing but below the whole company down; he ran the place like Honeywell aka old space

Anonymous No. 16525215

>subhumans should never be allowed on the mars list
But Elon loves his jeets

Anonymous No. 16525229

The US is not white, the flag on the moon, and the flag that will be on mars are from a non-white country, chud

Anonymous No. 16525254

The flag on the moon was of a white nation. The same flag on Mars will not be of a white nation.

Anonymous No. 16525256

The US was established and built by whites, the Apollo program was ran entirely by white men, and the only people to have step foot on Luna are white men.

I'm going to be physically sick when I first hear "It's good to be black on the Moon".

Anonymous No. 16525260

I have no idea what people are mad about now

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Anonymous No. 16525262

Icy plumes being expelled from Enceladus, captured by the Cassini spacecraft

Anonymous No. 16525263

consider yourself lucky

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Anonymous No. 16525264

NGL, living on Enceladus seems comfy. I once had a dream where I landed on an icy world. It was the most surreal and profound dream I have ever had. I imagine Enceladus would feel similar to that. Standing on any of the Saturnian moons seems more comfy than the Jovian moons in my opinion.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16525267

It could have been a simple fix. But elon has dug his heels in – and vivek poured gasoline on the fire. And now musk is not only tripling down (again; on an otherwise stupid issue he could easily fix by saying he misspoke or whatever) and now there are claims of elon suspending people, demonetizing them, and now even some (imo speculative and probably wrong) rumors of Musk going into twitter spaces with an alt and stirring the pot. And all of his jeet employees have been trolling for engagement bait which is making everyone just get more frustrated at the apparent lack of empathy to the struggling middle class american.
Lots of goodwill being burned here lol. Musk is smart but he can be socially inept. He can’t read the room (autism) and he thinks being a quirky fence-sitting troll will make it all blow over; but then he lashes out at his opposition

Anonymous No. 16525271

It's more that I can see people are mad about something, but I have no idea what was actually said. I just see a bunch of stuff about Indians or something

Anonymous No. 16525280
Heatshield article for ship v2 is up. The last article of the series

Anonymous No. 16525286

>A new airspace advisory has been posted today stating that Starship test flight 7 is scheduled for 4:00 pm to 5:37 pm (97 minute window) on January 10th with backups on the following days.
Two weeks starts now

Anonymous No. 16525294

I hope it fails an ascent inshallah

Anonymous No. 16525302

>pretending to be retarded
Elon and the rest of techjeets wants to import even more indians.

Anonymous No. 16525307

Muttrica was built by jews

Anonymous No. 16525311

Say what you want about EU immigration, economic and other policies, but at least we aren't outsourcing our WEF ruling class and upper management to people openly racist towards our ethnicity.

Anonymous No. 16525314

No you’re just replacing the entire population which is arguably just as bad if not worse

Anonymous No. 16525320

I feel sick to my stomach. I'm 90% sure Elon is losing it from drugs in a way you usually don't recover from. If we lose Mars to fucking Ketamine I'm applying to the DEA. Is anyone else here concerned? Anyone that also lost loved ones to drugs seeing the similarities? I feel ill

Anonymous No. 16525324

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16525329

I'm the first one. Not concern trolling or whatever. Genuinely concerned.

Anonymous No. 16525331

don't reply to the schizo

Anonymous No. 16525336

Anonymous No. 16525348

>you will share air with a thousand unwashed jeets
Mars is cancelled

Anonymous No. 16525351

You could say it's a Musk off moment

Anonymous No. 16525352

I just want the Starship to work man

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Anonymous No. 16525357

>Here's your city of a million people bro
The future of consciousness is secured!

Anonymous No. 16525359

The result is pretty much the same. Low IQ browns masses turning modern cities into third world shitholes.
At least jeets won't stage terrorist attacks.
Not cancelled, but it's now going to have a designated shitting street.

Anonymous No. 16525369

Oh come on not much else is going on lol. I think it highlights a bigger problem: whether it’s indians or automation or AI, our future is probably going to be highlighted by corporations going all-in trying to maximize work through cheap indentured labor or outright slave labor through teslabots that do what humans do but don’t need an annual salary.

The “star trek” utopian future has computers doing a bunch of the work, leaving leisure time for humans; But IRL it’s going to instead likely be a tankage of jobs, everyone realizing they can’t make a liveable wage, people stop having children because of shittier quality of life. It’s dire.
I’d work as a colonist on the moon or mars for practically nothing as long as I had food and board. Essentially a jamestown or boston or whatever. But that’s an exception because you’re busting your butt for the “cathedral” i.e. you might not see the fruits of your labor in your lifetime but you are excited to be there and work on it nonetheless. This is good. It’s not a healthy way to live a life in Earth, though, especially for the middle and lower class. I hope it gets sorted out! If not I’m buying my way to an off-world colony if it’s a possibility

Anonymous No. 16525373

got pdf?
what's the "final tanking orbit"

Anonymous No. 16525380

Looks like elon made the internet mad again.

Anonymous No. 16525389

>the internet
The guy has the President's ear and made it clear he considers my homeland to be nothing but an economic zone.

Anonymous No. 16525391

If the “cathedral" is just another valueless economic zone that imports thirdies and bows to Israel then what is it worth?

Anonymous No. 16525392

Whatever gets us to Mars. I would let him kill my whole family if it got us one day closer to Mars

Anonymous No. 16525393

Your just mad because elon&that indian dude called you lazy.

Anonymous No. 16525394

Watching Elon and Vivek try to explain their rationale about importing foreign born talent, to the America First crowd, has been absolutely lol.

Mars is American with some broken Russian Rovers.

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Anonymous No. 16525395


Anonymous No. 16525397

Who is "us" in that case?
Not sure what you're referring to but Vivek being anywhere near a position of power should frighten anyone who isn't Indian. Elon's comments I can write off as Tesla advertising (never seen a Tesla absent a jeet) but Vivek is a racial supremacist

Anonymous No. 16525412

im pissing myself in fear. white people arent smart enough to surpass incredible india

Anonymous No. 16525414

white people arent smart enough to stop invasion disguised as diversity, yeah. welcome to the last half century

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Anonymous No. 16525425

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Anonymous No. 16525448


Anonymous No. 16525451

Land of the free, home of the indians
You know this vivek guy is 100% a goddamn grifter, thats what is wrong with Republicans

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Anonymous No. 16525468

New Glenn launch license

Anonymous No. 16525469

are they really going to attempt a landing first test ololl?

Anonymous No. 16525473

it's going to be a glorious explosion. although maybe not, NS lands alright

Anonymous No. 16525474

It's going to be hover landing, so they can easily redirect it if something goes wrong

Anonymous No. 16525476

yes and it will go perfectly

Anonymous No. 16525478

Looks kino, grimepunk future

Anonymous No. 16525480

That G-String HL2 mod was no mere game, but a vision of the future.

Anonymous No. 16525485

didn't you watch/read The Martian? Mars NEEDS poo!

Anonymous No. 16525488

Perijeet lmao

Anonymous No. 16525492

I think so as well and it’s going to make me seethe kek

Anonymous No. 16525494

kek titancucks btfo

Anonymous No. 16525496

¿Inglés, por favor?

Anonymous No. 16525497

perigee is a perijeet

Anonymous No. 16525499 it's live

Anonymous No. 16525500

lol Musk is literally shadowbanning people just for disagreeing with him
what a manbaby, grow the fuck up

you know, ketamine is actually pretty based
it's got some negative side effects, but that shit does help people
but you aren't supposed to use that shit every day, it's a powerful dissociative

when people say Elon is "out of touch", they mean he's dissociated
bubble boy mentality

Anonymous No. 16525502

He's a great example of "what the lack of pussy does to mf"

Anonymous No. 16525504

and also hard drugs

Anonymous No. 16525507

Oh, that faggot. There was something annoying about him, glad to see my suspicions being confirmed.

Anonymous No. 16525509

ban all right wingers from twitter

Anonymous No. 16525510

idk about that
he seems to have lots of poon on tap at any given time

rather I think he's just sperging out because he's not used to so many people challenging his hot takes all at the same time, and way too fixated on social media for his own good
either that, or his whole schpiel about Americans being frozen out of tech was just that and he never really meant it

that kind of duplicitous two-faced chicanery is not unknown among assburger afflicted individuals

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Anonymous No. 16525516

The NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAAR) satellite is a joint project between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to study Earth's surface and interior. The satellite is designed to scan Earth's land and ice twice every 12 days to measure changes in the planet's ecosystems, ice sheets, and solid Earth.

Anonymous No. 16525518

>future first trillionaire
>has sex with movie stars
>has many children
>idol to millions or even billions
>no pussy
if he wants it he's getting it

how fucking unachievable do you have to imagine it is if even Elon can't laid?
Who would be getting laid? Only rapists?

Anonymous No. 16525524

>his whole schpiel about Americans being frozen out of tech was just that and he never really meant it
It's crazy that he knows this is true yet still thinks the solution is importing more replacements. Every White guy in tech has some story about being passed over or shafted. Before the mid 90's the entire field was White European (yes that includes Europeanized Jews) and those people laid the literal foundations of the entire field. The idea that suddenly the same people are not capable of contributing for some reason is outrageous. We have Alan Turing, Neumann, Donald Knuth, Dennis Ritchie, John Carmack, Bjarne Stroustrup, every Silicon Valley founder, the designers behind every successful gaming franchise created before 2005, etc...

Anonymous No. 16525526

>With a total cost estimated at US$1.5 billion, NISAR is likely to be the world's most expensive Earth-imaging satellite.
> Launched by an Indian rocket

Anonymous No. 16525529

This isn't real

Anonymous No. 16525530


Anonymous No. 16525532

did it even static fire yet?

Anonymous No. 16525535

The entire for you yesterday was filled with sycophants who were getting mercilessly hammered in the replies. Musk at the very least 'deboosted' accounts criticizing him.

Anonymous No. 16525536

Maybe stop disagreeing with him? Have they thought of that?

Anonymous No. 16525537

the only places that shadowban me are places like jewtube and other extremely pozzed social media platforms.

Anonymous No. 16525538

Are you trying to fit in?

Anonymous No. 16525540

Yes, how am I doing?

Anonymous No. 16525547

Great! Keep trying to turn the gen against SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16525548

Then why are these chuds all over my feed?

Anonymous No. 16525549

>for you
This is crafted specifically for you. Mine wasn't that way

Anonymous No. 16525550

>m-musk is a fascist
>he's only in favor of what benefits him
yes very based

Anonymous No. 16525551

Why would someone who knows they are correct be afraid of critique enough to go out of their way to deplatform people?
This is an old story, and is the very reason Musk justified his purchase of twatter.

That problem isn't relegated to the tech industry.
HR departments nationwide are staffed by gender studies majors of a particular variety, most of their job is done by AI algorithms and a huge number of job listings are literally just fake and put out to con shareholders into thinking the company is actually growing.

Their indoctrinization, red team blue team mentality applied to sexual and racial identity, has done extraordinary damage to the social fabric.

Anonymous No. 16525552

Because they have actual organic engagement which Musk probably realized was a losing battle. X was literally banning accounts yesterday and removing people's verified. Musk then went on to say you'd be deboosted if 'credible' accounts muted or blocked you. Immediately after this he walked back the original argument and proceeded to start Milton Friedman posting in the vain hope of recovering some goodwill. Incredibly pathetic display.

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Anonymous No. 16525554

So Qianfan, a few months ago we learnt that different batches are being built by 2 companies, GENESAT and SECM, with each currently being contracted for an initial run of 324 satellites each..

It turns out that each company has an entirely different design, not just for the bus, but even the telecom payload! And they both have almost entirely different industrial chains. What a mess.

Anonymous No. 16525557

>More non-whites in schools
>More women

"What happened to all the driven talented engineers?"

Meanwhile UPS drivers now make 49$ an hour

Anonymous No. 16525559

>Incredibly pathetic display.
Oh jeez you're right
I'm now a Blorgin Blumpkin

Anonymous No. 16525561

It was a pathetic display, stop fellating Musk. He fucked up.

Anonymous No. 16525562

Musk was forced to buy Twitter, everything he has said about it since is reverse-justified cope

Anonymous No. 16525563

So they arent shadowbanned

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Anonymous No. 16525565

>stop fellating Musk

Anonymous No. 16525566

>stop fellating Musk
You'd like that, wouldn't you
You'd love so much to crack this sweet, fat consensus

Anonymous No. 16525567

Titanchads will sell their atmosphere for profit.

Anonymous No. 16525568

Is this the level you discord trannies are reduced to
>No! Comply! I'm in charge here!

Anonymous No. 16525570

Why is it always a gay projection?

Anonymous No. 16525571

musk does need to stfu

Anonymous No. 16525572

>consensus cracking
How do you incels even know that phrase
Fuck you
This is a stupid general anyway

Anonymous No. 16525575

For the record, I'm not even opposed to legal immigration from India.

India has been openly cooperating with the United States since Obama.
They had an entire mountaineering division exposed to Chinese microwave weapons (the first such field deployment in human history) after the ridiculous medieval warfare hand to hand combat they did for a few months because using firearms would be too escalatory went in their favor and they took the high ground.
Literally hundreds if not thousands of Indians and Chinese were smashing each other with spiked two handed clubs and swords in the mountains over a border dispute.

It doesn't really need to be expanded though, moreover training programs for Americans shouldn't be neglected in favor of importing labor which will only drive down wages.
Neglecting training programs is how we got in this situation.

the consensus doesn't exist on this point
why are you pretending it does unless you're literally paid to

Anonymous No. 16525577

>consensus doesn't exist on this point
I mean the consensus that space colonisation is a good thing.
Marxists are trying to use our (merited) disgust for Indians to make space colonisation seem like a scam and boring.

Anonymous No. 16525578

He’s acting out of character right now it’s weird and bizarre. I’m not even talking about his stance necessarily, moreso the way he’s reacting to it. He’s lashing out and being petty. I wonder if something in his personal life is going on

Anonymous No. 16525579

How about we just don't have mass third world immigration, and don't turn into foreigners in our own homes?
India only has a small % of people that are "white adjacent" first world types, the rest are 80 IQ thirdies

Anonymous No. 16525581

It's been hilarious watching the plebbit crowd do a complete 180 on immigration just because of Musk. That man has a very special power of making people angry. If he were to found a vaccine company or something, I'm sure they would go full anti-vax lmao.

Anonymous No. 16525582

musk? lashing out and being petty? I never!

Anonymous No. 16525586

>the consensus that space colonisation is a good

nobody who isn't a foreign agent or deluded by such an actor says the we into spess program is bad
clearly spess has important and valuable roggs we could le use to build big thing that gaan

Anonymous No. 16525589

>He’s lashing out and being petty
Musk? No way
Fuck maybe I was wrong about space travel, if the boss of space is acting this way

Anonymous No. 16525590

>spess program
Found the intruder
This is a space colonisation board, not a dead end "space program" board

Anonymous No. 16525593

It's the drugs. I'm concerned in general.

Anonymous No. 16525595

found the intruder
programming is a no no word

Anonymous No. 16525596

You can look up the H-1B data, it's all public. They're not bringing 0.1% of top talent, in most cases it's cheap labor from India.

Anonymous No. 16525598

>cheap labor
getting payed double the avg US income

Anonymous No. 16525601

Oh my, a C/C++ programmer with several years experience! This is absolutely the kind of top talent that will make or break America

Anonymous No. 16525603

below average in their industry

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Anonymous No. 16525604

Except they're not fuckhead. The median wage in Austin is 65k. These are literally middle/upper middle class wages in any major American city

Anonymous No. 16525606

any chance they are doing real world tests with both designs before choosing the winner?

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Anonymous No. 16525609

Pardon, I sent the wrong image.

Anonymous No. 16525613

lol. It was the plan all along. He doesn't need your approval anymore; the election is over.

Anonymous No. 16525614

It isn't possible to bring Elon back to reality. For thirty years he's been told he's wrong about things he's right about. Now when he's wrong about something and someone tells him he's wrong, do you think he would entertain that concept for a single second? He's 53. His neuroplasticity is gone. This version of Elon is the one we're stuck with forever. Eternally a 14yo Ben Shapiro subscriber with the inability to conceive that he could be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16525615

yeah I know
H-1B program has been criticised heavily for many years
Trump even tried to curtail that practice in his first administration by restricting their issuance

to my mind, it's very possible Musk simply wasn't paying close enough attention to that issue while it was happening
or he just forgot, which is understandable because it was many years ago

Anonymous No. 16525617

Pretty good pay desu
just about right you mean. it's called the invisible hand
surprise! managers make more

Anonymous No. 16525618

>Eternally a 14yo Ben Shapiro subscriber with the inability to conceive that he could be wrong.
Is that a problem?

Anonymous No. 16525619

>Pretty good pay desu
It's not, and you've already walked back from "getting payed double the avg US income" so I accept your ceding the argument.

Anonymous No. 16525622

Russia launched 17 times this year. India launched 4. Ariane 6 plans 6 launches in 2025. So I think the last option

Anonymous No. 16525626

>I'm concerned
Of course you are, concern troll

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Anonymous No. 16525627

oof, ya tried. I forgot to say more than double the avg

Anonymous No. 16525630

You are talking about a completely separate matter you disingenuous shithead. The point of discussion was whether h1b workings being imported represented elite talent, or the .1% as the anon you replied to originally stated. You retorted that the H1b wages were double the average income. If you meant something else I cannot read your fucking mind. The fact is H1b employees are being imported to work what are middle and upper middle class jobs, which by no means represent the .1%, as shown by the wages of h1b applications which I just sent. Elon wants more of these because he wants to undercut middle class wages. You are brown, and go fuck yourself.

Anonymous No. 16525631

if only we had more high income indian grifters coming into our country

We don't need American doctors or engineers or business executives, only indians and asians

Anonymous No. 16525635

So much this

Anonymous No. 16525637

Not readin allat

Anonymous No. 16525641

TLDR: you are brown. You will be going back soon.

Anonymous No. 16525642

>too many hard words, jeet can't understand

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Anonymous No. 16525643

Hello China!

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India Is Crowded.jpg

Anonymous No. 16525645

The first words spoken on Mars will be in Hindi.

Anonymous No. 16525646

holy shit just blow up the rocket at this point

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Anonymous No. 16525651


Anonymous No. 16525656

If only jeets put as much effort into reading comprehension as they do spelling.

Anonymous No. 16525658

civ nat boomers see nothing wrong with this

Anonymous No. 16525668

Subcontinentals that migrate here have an incredibly depressing culture of banal status striving, that comes out in a bizarre obsession with things like work hours, rote memorization and imitation of European intellectualism. What they will never understand is European excellence comes from its love of leisure and 'fun' and it's also why they will never be able to mimic European's ability to innovate, and will forever remain a commercial, striving middleman.

Anonymous No. 16525669

>banal status striving
That's exactly what >>16525651
feels like lol

Anonymous No. 16525672

As well as the whites opting out of the meaningless competition since its full of non-whites jerking each other off
Same with American sports

Anonymous No. 16525675

Yes that's exactly what it is. They are not capable of innovating because they are unwilling to ever step outside of a very narrowly defined status frame, which by and large is an emulation of 20th Century European norms. It's why they are always used as some kind of middle man. They don't question assumptions and never take risks. This sort of mentality is really perfect for a middle man. It's a similar phenomena with 'tiger moms' who presume that forcing their children to rote memorize Bach will make them a musical genius. Everything they do will always be informed by Europeans and by the mix of their feelings of inferiority/superiority to Europeans.

Anonymous No. 16525680

The amount of white cope and seethe ITT is amazing

Anonymous No. 16525681

not anymore lmao

Anonymous No. 16525682


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40k eldar crystals.png

Anonymous No. 16525683

Whites = Eldar
Indians = Imperium
Chinese = Tau

Anonymous No. 16525685

elon musk = tony stark
donald trump = captain america
pajeet = thanos

Anonymous No. 16525687

wiped his ass! yowza~

Anonymous No. 16525688

Finnanon are you here?

Anonymous No. 16525689

Fuck all of you

Anonymous No. 16525701

>gets banned from the discord
>has melty in thread
sorry guys

Anonymous No. 16525702

So much Timmy seethe ITT

Anonymous No. 16525704

Elon = Abbadon the Despoiler
USA = Cadia
H1-B program = 13th Black Crusade

Anonymous No. 16525705

Atleast come up with a pejorative that wasn't lifted from blacks.

Anonymous No. 16525706

These companies also want employees to move across the country to their work, a lot easier to get a foreign migrant to come settle in Austin or whatever random place than to get an American who grew up in Wisconsin to move down to Texas

Anonymous No. 16525708

Elon plans on fitting his H1B imports with Cortical Bypass devices so they can work 24/7
This is what Neuralink is really for

Anonymous No. 16525710

wow it's more damage control
imagine that

Anonymous No. 16525711

Elon wants to flood the country with jeets... I don't know if I can be an elonsoldier anymore....

Anonymous No. 16525713

They have an insane inferiority complex

Anonymous No. 16525714

redpilled pattern noticer detected

the chipping will continue until morale improves

Anonymous No. 16525716

L2 posted proof that H1B registrations submitted using Starlink are all getting automatically approved.

Anonymous No. 16525718

SpaceX is an indian company

Anonymous No. 16525719

Anonymous No. 16525720

Automatic approval of H1B applications if the applicant agrees to servitorization on arrival

Anonymous No. 16525727

Neu Glenn static fire in about 10-15 minutes

Anonymous No. 16525730

it was called off like 45 minutes ago, they got cold feet

Anonymous No. 16525732

They're doing another attempt, supposedly it's the 6th one today.

Anonymous No. 16525734

Damn What is their problem

Anonymous No. 16525735

space is hard

Anonymous No. 16525737

1 minute (maybe)

Anonymous No. 16525740

or not

Anonymous No. 16525741

why is it glowing

Anonymous No. 16525743

this thread is the only time I *ever* use y**t*b* embed links

Anonymous No. 16525745

The ember of the mandate of Heaven, now that Elon Musk lost that it has transferred to Jeff

Anonymous No. 16525746

It's excess LNG being burnt.

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Anonymous No. 16525749

anyone else seeing these hovering lights?

Anonymous No. 16525750

Nah, you're just imagining things

Anonymous No. 16525752

I can see them but I can't indentify them

Anonymous No. 16525753

It’s so funny how they chose hydrolox upper stages but GS2 is so massive that the tank mass itself eats WELL into any benefit the hydrogen affords. Literally would get better performance past LEO if it had common methalox fuel kek

Anonymous No. 16525756

Seems anomalous

Anonymous No. 16525759

The old space memes of "high energy 2nd stages" because single launch deep space probes are what you design your rocket around

Reuse will likely unironically not be worth it for Blue

Anonymous No. 16525768

is it just me or has the amount of people pretending to be retarded and doing literally nothing other than baitposting and pretending to be brown people increased in the past few years?
i know pretending to be retarded has always been a thing, but it wasn't nearly this pervasive and obnoxious 10 years ago. is this some new generation of mentally ill zoomers with no actual sense of humor who just want to be annoying constantly? feels like mosquitos buzzing around everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16525769

Lighten up we are whimsical in this general. You better take your sensitive ass back to /stg/

Anonymous No. 16525770

>pretending to be brown people
Are you delusional about the demographics of the world or the country?
Young people on the internet are 90% brown

Anonymous No. 16525771

You guys are going to want to REDACTED Elon after having 100k jeets dumped in your town. t. Canada. He is going to fill starships with pajeets because they are easily biddable slave class. Man fuck this shit.

Anonymous No. 16525772

It's not just you but to be fair the number of brown people on the internet has increased a lot since the early days.

Anonymous No. 16525775

there are dudes with professorships at leading universities doing orders of magnitude more difficult and obscure technical work in computer science and software engineering and making sweet fuck all difference

Anonymous No. 16525776

He will simply add a coprocessor with the appropriate functions to compensate (maybe 10 years or so after they've already been tested on other people)

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Anonymous No. 16525777


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Anonymous No. 16525779

Anonymous No. 16525780

Only took them 4 years, my God

Anonymous No. 16525781

is he wrong though?

Anonymous No. 16525782

Pretty long burn

Anonymous No. 16525783

Yes he’s wrong

Anonymous No. 16525786

Him just entertaining the thought alone is enough to piss me off. It isn’t about scouting the top 0.01% of talent and bringing them into our country for the benefit of all. Elon wants the ultimate workforce of long hours with no pay and he’s subverting american ideals and acting like everyone is racist for not wanting this. First time he’s ever done something that has genuinely made me upset

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Anonymous No. 16525789

Anonymous No. 16525791

NSF and Labpadre cams are reliable in one aspect: stuttering the EXACT moment something interesting happens

Anonymous No. 16525794

kek remember during the hop campaign when labpadre and estronaut cams would regularly stream for like 8 hours nonstop only to lose connection four seconds before flight

Anonymous No. 16525797


Anonymous No. 16525798

>he’s subverting american ideals
Earther ideals are irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16525799


Anonymous No. 16525800

For real dude. Guess he has been part of the gaynigger cabal all along, probably was optimistic to think he could be a rogue player at that level. Fuck.

Enjoy your entire habitat smelling like curry and rancid body odour. Libfucks are right, we DO need to fix urf first, just not the way they are thinking of.

Anonymous No. 16525801

>we DO need to fix urf first
And there it is

Anonymous No. 16525802

Samefagging on /sci/sfg/ is a new low

Anonymous No. 16525804

Our rulers have watched the third world 5x in population while our population hasn't budged
and their solution is to import the third world here

We call it progress

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Anonymous No. 16525807

Good morning saar will you be shitting on Utopia Planitia this morning?

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16525809

Nice try, idiot

Anonymous No. 16525817

>Our rulers have watched the third world 5x in population while our population hasn't budged
That's because a dollar an hour in 1970 is worth $8.13 an hour now. The non-farm federal minimum wage was $1 at the time, but quickly got bumped up to $1.60 ($13 an hour today). The average mechanic made the equivalent of $35.60 an hour; it's $24.97 now. The working class, trades, and skilled laborers alike have been hit unbelievably hard by the government's policies and the changes that have come upon society over the last sixty years, and the last fifty in particular.

Anonymous No. 16525819

Blorigin actually did something!

Anonymous No. 16525822


Anonymous No. 16525824

this is in no way out of character for him, how long have you been following? its not really even very petty by his standards

Anonymous No. 16525827

>The average mechanic made the equivalent of $35.60 an hour; it's $24.97 now

Now put the wage equivalents in gold value KEK

Anonymous No. 16525828

>Starship needs to be refueled 2 times from a full depot in two different orbits

Holy shit, it is unironically over.

Anonymous No. 16525833

I'm not sure what that's meant to show. The inflation-adjusted price of gold in 1970 was about $300 an ounce. It's close to $2,500 an ounce today. There's not a lot of historical stability to the price, and it's close to but still about $200 short of the all time peak value in 1980.

Anonymous No. 16525837

He is talking about the gold standard, and that if we had stayed on it we'd all be making thousands of dollars an hour equivalently due to the dollar being pegged to the price of gold.

Anonymous No. 16525838

>The inflation-adjusted price of gold in 1970 was about $300 an ounce

It closed the year at $35 an ounce, now it is $2600. True dollar inflation of 7400%. Now apply that to what a mechanic should be making to buy the same amount of gold (supply constrained asset, money since the dawn of time) today.

Anonymous No. 16525839

None of the current valuations of gold would have existed without the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.

Anonymous No. 16525840

How would it be worth less if it was being actively used as a currency instead of being a schizo hoarding investment and industrial use metal? Especially since the latter forces would still be in play. If anything it would be worth fantastically more.

Anonymous No. 16525841


Erm, they killed it so they could print infinite money for their friends which is why everyone makes survival money now rather than being able to buy a house after waging for a few years.

Anonymous No. 16525842

Because the money supply itself has also gone up exponentially and turned shit into investment vehicles, giving rise to Line Go Up economics. All modern economic theory is a fucked up mess that tried to figure out how to create growth without actually doing anything.

Anonymous No. 16525849

trees generate electricity, in part, because they are tall
this quality creates a current because of the difference in charge potential along the object being a factor of overall length
to say nothing of those qualities which allow the root system to absorb water as it flows past, including capillary action, which is critical to the entire life process of the organism to begin with

Anonymous No. 16525850

nothingburger, the equivalent of the nascar fuel guys leaving the fuel rig hooked up as the car drives away to make sure the tanks are topped off. There's no good reason to not do this when you have a refilling architecture

Anonymous No. 16525858

Anonymous No. 16525860

Im a hater but that’s some kino red/orange and blue lighting

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Anonymous No. 16525861

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Anonymous No. 16525862


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Anonymous No. 16525863

Anonymous No. 16525864

Only 99 hours until 2025
Looks like Blorigin failed!

Anonymous No. 16525867

The proper next step is a full duration static fire
followed by hops
followed by an expendable launch since this is an old rocket version and you'll have had plenty of updates to it along the way

Anonymous No. 16525880

He doesn't follow Elon Musk, he's an agent sent here to sow discord

Anonymous No. 16525882

my god, they actually did something

Anonymous No. 16525884


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Anonymous No. 16525887

Chris Bergin on L2 said yesterday that if the SF went well, a launch could come s early as Monday

Anonymous No. 16525890


Anonymous No. 16525891

>MAGA turning on him
>Blorgin gradually making strides, ferociously
The walls are closing in for Musk

Anonymous No. 16525892

Ive always been a Boeing fan. You cant say that out loud on /sfg/ but these days cancel culture is on the way out. I LOVE BOEING

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Anonymous No. 16525896

the sheer height of rocket stacks cause a dangerous buildup of static electricity depending on atmospheric conditions
which is a hazard, and factors into the favorable weather conditions for launch

>Photo of lightning striking the launch pad during the AC-67 accident. The rocket was struck by triggered lightning during the 1987 mishap. Credit: NASA

Anonymous No. 16525897

the lightning caused no harm just screwed up the computers thoughever
Thats a design issue

Anonymous No. 16525898

this is boring, i want you to bring back the ASWESPEAKposting, it was way funnier than this.

Anonymous No. 16525899

being tall is a design issue, yes.
this is why short kings reign supreme.

Anonymous No. 16525901

tall things are tall

static field buildup is a problem on Mars, where the solar winds cause the area under the lip of dunes and craters to build up a charge over time
such things would cause a rover to malfunction, or could represent a hitherto unknown threat to potential landing sites

Anonymous No. 16525902

>Elon revealed as my racial enemy
>Bezos launching
Not how I thought the year would close.

Anonymous No. 16525903

can we kill this retard already

Anonymous No. 16525905
>All seven engines performed nominally, firing for 24 seconds, including at 100% thrust for 13 seconds.
How do they fire at 100% thrust without the rocket going up?

Anonymous No. 16525906

the same thing happens on the moon, it were accounted for in the Apollo missions

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Anonymous No. 16525907

He seems to have been convinced that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Anonymous No. 16525908

Kill the Boer!

Anonymous No. 16525909

There is no quicker way to radicalise people than telling them that india is about to move in next door.

Anonymous No. 16525910

>that tweet
Is he backing down on the h1b shit? Thank god.

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Anonymous No. 16525912

>is he backing down on the h1b shit?

Lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16525915

holy shit stop talking about visas

Anonymous No. 16525916

>25 Dec
Old news

Anonymous No. 16525917

He will, he always finds a way to weasel out of things.
They call him the Teflon Elon

Anonymous No. 16525918

Thanks for volunteering your neighbourhood to be the next little Mumbai.

Anonymous No. 16525921

But the people with those visas are going to be the ones designing and building the rockets that your grandchildren are going to watch leave them behind.

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Anonymous No. 16525922

um excuse me but remember your heritage when it comes to foreign workers, /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16525924

>Elons first colonists are going to be jeets with faked degrees and jobs because they will do it for a fraction of the cost




Anonymous No. 16525925

All along Elon has been planning to export India to Mars, keeping Earth a paradise planet for the white race

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Anonymous No. 16525928


This r e p o r t discusses various mechanisms dousing buildup of E e l e c t r o - static charges on launch v e h i c l e s during normal f l i g h t operations, various discharge phenomena, some examples of p a s t f a i l u r e s which were (or may have been) due t o e l e c t r o s t a t i c e f f e c t s , means f o r reducing t h e p r o b a b i l i t y of such f a i l u r e s , and t h e need f o r and p o s s i b l e means f o r obtaining a d d i t i o n a l p e r t i n e n t data. As noted i n t h e r e p o r t , s u b s t a n t i a l e l e c t r o s t a t i c charges can b u i l d up on launch v e h i c l e s during normal f l i g h t operations due p r i n c i p a l l y t o induction e f f e c t s , engine-exhaust charging, and t r i b o e l e c t r i f i c a t i o n . These charges can produce spark, streamer, o r corona discharges. Spark and streamer discharges can t r i g g e r c e r t a i n e l e c t r o e x p l o s i v e devices, and a l l t h r e e types of discharges can produce anomalies i n s e n s i t i v e d i g i t a l c i r c u i t r y and n o i s e i n communication channels. E l e c t r o s t a t i c e f f e c t s have been blamed f o r two Minuteman f a i l u r e s and two Titan guidance anomalies. I n a d d i t i o n , they may have been involved i n two Scout f a i l u r e s . Careful bonding of a l l conductors probably would have prevented t h e s e d i f f i c u l t i e s . Similar measures s t u d i o u s l y applied can probably prevent f u t u r e d i f f i c u l t i e s from e l e c t r o s t a t i c discharges. To answer a l l t h e questions concerning e l e c t r o - static hazards , information from a d d i t i o n a l s t u d i e s and experiments would be required.

Anonymous No. 16525933

Fake tweet. Some Redditard cooked it up.

Anonymous No. 16525938


INTRODUCTION. e e e 0 e e e e e e o e 0 e o e e e 0 e e e e 0 0 I
S U M M A R Y o 0 o . o . ........................ 2
DISCUSSION............................. 4

Physical Background Information................ 4
Possible Charging Mechanisms............... 5
Induction Charging ................. 5
Engine-Exhaust Charging ............... 7
Triboelectric Charging e . . e . e e e e e . . . 10
High-Altitude Charging ............... 11

Types of Discharges that Can Occur. . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Sparks between Unbonded Conductors . e e . . . 12
Streamers from Insulators to Conductors ....... 14
Corona Discharge .................. 15
Recap .......................... 16

Review of Malfunctions P o s s i b l y Attributable to Electrostatic EffectsD.. ........................ 19
scout .......................... 19
Titan .......................... 21
Minuteman ........................ 23

CONCLUSIONS o e e e e o e e e e o o e o 0 o e . e e e e e 0 o 24
General............................ 24
Specific Questions ...................... 25
Can Proper Electrical Bonding and Shielding Eliminate
Most Electrostatic Hazards? e . . . e . e e . e . e 25
Can Sparks at Staging be Eliminated?. . . . . . . . . . . 25
Can Any Specific Procedure Guarantee Freedom from Electrically Induced Failures?. ............ 26
Will Additional Electrostatic Experiments Answer the Remaining Questions? .................. 26

............................ReFERENCESo 28

Anonymous No. 16525941

I n t h e p a s t , s e v e r a l launch vehicles--notably t h e Scout, Minuteman, and Titan--have experienced f a i l u r e s o r anomalies which might be a t t r i b u t a b l e t o e l e c t r o s t a t i c e f f e c t s . One e l e c t r o s t a t i c experiment w a s p r e v i o s l y p e r - formed on a NASA Scout launch with undercertain r e s u l t s . Other flight experiments are being considered. Because of some confusion concerning t h e h i s t o r y of p o s s i b l e anomalies and f a i l u r e s due to electrostatic e f f e c t s and because of u n c e r t a i n t y concerning t h e value of s p e c i f i c f u t u r e f l i g h t and l a b o r a t o r y experiments, t h i s r e p o r t w a s prepared t o provide a b a s i s f o r discussions between t h e NASA O f f i c e of Space Science and Applications (OSSA) Launch Vehicle and Propulsion Programs Division and t h e O f f i c e of Advanced Research and Technology, as w e l l as with NASA Centers and launch v e h i c l e p r o j e c t o f f i c e s .

Anonymous No. 16525943

y o u k n o w y o u canpost p d f s here, r i g h t?

Anonymous No. 16525944

But the fact that you thought it was real really says something about Elon's priorities

Anonymous No. 16525946

>mars's origin story in the expanse is going to come true
indians with texan accents soon
mars super power 2330

Anonymous No. 16525949

just tell where you got this, I'm mildly interested

Anonymous No. 16525954

>Mars is a bunch of blustering mystery meat military jingoists who are martially impotent and the whole planet government and military falls apart as soon as a happening happenings

Man this is making a lot of sense now

Anonymous No. 16525956

Your presumption of immediate belief speaks to your beliefs, not others'.

Anonymous No. 16525984

The Lunar Industrial Federation will be the dominant political and economic power of the next 2000 years.

Anonymous No. 16525989

Twenty years to static fire an orbit-capable rocket. Gradatim indeed.

Anonymous No. 16525993

it’s launching in 10 days
trust the plan

Anonymous No. 16525995

I just remembered James Webb 2. Has it been useful for anything?

Anonymous No. 16525996

At least he launches rockets, unlike Elon who does nothing but pick unwinnable political fights

Anonymous No. 16526000

>tfw watching musk meltdown over jeet1bs

Well bros, it's been a fun time thinking we could gtfo this planet and leave the stinking e*rther hordes behind, guess we do need a boogaloo first before it's space time.

Anonymous No. 16526004

Women of Reddit, how do I attract an aerospace cuter (also is a gamer)

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Anonymous No. 16526005

In actuality SpaceX has hired just 17 H-1B workers between 2011 and 2024. Someone community note this sperg.

Anonymous No. 16526006

Ok seriously tho what size penor is too big honestly
asking the aerospace cuters for replies only

Anonymous No. 16526007

I agree, let's march on Congress on Jan 6

Anonymous No. 16526008

Elon Musk has the most H-1B pajeets working for him than any other person, corpo in the US

Anonymous No. 16526010

there were some european guys very early on but I wouldn't have any idea what visa they would've been on

Anonymous No. 16526011

Every single Boogaloo that happened was nothing but a CIA niggerish PsyOp, sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 16526012

ok guess your habitat will smell like curry then

Anonymous No. 16526018

it’s over

Anonymous No. 16526019


Anonymous No. 16526020

Millions of people living in and deported to space (this makes earth better)

Anonymous No. 16526023

we will live forever on the moona

Anonymous No. 16526036

yea totally just because of the wide open immigration system

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Anonymous No. 16526038

>we should move polluting industry off earth and into space

Anonymous No. 16526040

now you might be onto something

Anonymous No. 16526043

Earth thereby becomes fully dependent on offworld manufacturing and loses almost all political relevance in fairly short order
(and that's a good thing)

Anonymous No. 16526044

Crazy how in the span of 24h, TED has gone from

Total Earther Death


Total Elon Death

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Anonymous No. 16526046

Anonymous No. 16526047


Anonymous No. 16526048

I don't give a shit about what you guys say, I still love elon, cope

Anonymous No. 16526054

Politics were a mistake, it always is.

Anonymous No. 16526055

fifty thousand Indians are being airdropped to your location

Anonymous No. 16526056

why are H1B allowed to stay forever ? Is that the point of the program ? Someone can live and work in the USA without ever having citizenship... just like most western expats..

The idea that you need to permanently import more brown people to fill various entry level jobs is nonsense

Anonymous No. 16526058

David Bowie and SpaceX was one of the best crossovers.
How can someone watch this and not tear up at the end?

Anonymous No. 16526060

Checking back in after 2 weeks, I didnt miss anything right?

Anonymous No. 16526062

Starship launch in 2 weeks and new gleen next week.

Anonymous No. 16526063

Close the tab and never come back anon, it's never been this over

Anonymous No. 16526064

Discord tranny raid

Anonymous No. 16526065

we will never get to mars without H1B indians

Anonymous No. 16526066

Elon has developed curry fever and lost all interest in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16526068

/sfg/ का पुनर्जन्म हुआ है!

Anonymous No. 16526069

Seems about right. Going from straight worship of him post election to what Ive seen are posts of Total Elon Death? Very unnatural, thank you for telling me. Ill be back in a day or two once this is over then.

Anonymous No. 16526071

wow it turns out that people hate it when space emperor suddenly switches positions from deport all illegals to import every indian. shocking.

Anonymous No. 16526072

You're mixing up your lore
Trump is the Emperor of All Mankind
His position hasn't changed
Elon is Lord Mechanicus, he's always wanted more worker drones

Anonymous No. 16526073

Worker drones need to be competent, Indians can't even maintain a website, let alone an offworld colony.

Anonymous No. 16526074

After brain-stapling they will be adequate and refurbishable workers

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Anonymous No. 16526080

luv launches
luv spacex
luv elon
simple as

Anonymous No. 16526081

same, holiday vacation
>come back
>president elon
>we're going to annex the rest of north america
i guess the moon will become the 60th state and mars the 61st

Anonymous No. 16526082

>wants moon and mars to be states and not independent
Get out

Anonymous No. 16526084

basado, us third worlders will reign over this solar system.

Anonymous No. 16526085

That is a lie. Do you make this lie?

Anonymous No. 16526086

The notion of first/third world will be obsolete once every country concedes to becoming a US state.

Anonymous No. 16526087

This will never happen even though it should.

Anonymous No. 16526088

First world - Mercury
Second world - Venus
Third world - urf
etc etc

Anonymous No. 16526089

It will happen after the Great Crusade is complete

Anonymous No. 16526091

>US imports more material goods than it exports to some countries
>This is called a trade deficit
>step 3: ??????
>therefore we are "subsidizing" those places
>step 4: ??????
>therefore those places should be our territory
wait we we can just buy a product from another country, and we get to keep the whole country?

Anonymous No. 16526092

You need to have an atmosphere to be a world
First world
Second world
Third world
>Earth (what a shithole)

Anonymous No. 16526093

g'night friends

Anonymous No. 16526095

see you tomorrow anon

Anonymous No. 16526096

good nighting saar, coin is going to mars

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princess bride fe....jpg

Anonymous No. 16526098

Dream of large women.

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Anonymous No. 16526102

wtf is this garbage? how do people get money for this?

Anonymous No. 16526104

Elon is a fucking hypocrite considering that SpaceX is subject to ITAR regulations and is forced to hire US citizens since rockets are considered military technology. SpaceX is where all the talented white male engineers went after getting pushed out of places like Boeing because of their DEI mandates, and it exists as a poster child for why we don't need more H1Bs. Elon is such a sperg who can't let things go, that he's actually going to try killing his golden goose by jeeting his own company.

t. engineer

Anonymous No. 16526105

immigrants bad

Anonymous No. 16526106

Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face

Anonymous No. 16526107

we need the fuck-you poster, where is he

Anonymous No. 16526109

there are many of us, i cannot participate now that elon wants to import all on india to shit on my street

Anonymous No. 16526114

will we break 300 launches globally next year?

Anonymous No. 16526116

good morning sirs

Anonymous No. 16526117

afaik they can't hire H-1B's for most things because of ITAR

Anonymous No. 16526119

why did europe develop ESA but we dont have other countries collabing with their space programs?

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Anonymous No. 16526133

Good morning saar.

Anonymous No. 16526134

elon msuk

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Anonymous No. 16526156


Anonymous No. 16526172

we just established that he hasn't launched a single orbital rocket in the last 20 years, shut your mouth.

Anonymous No. 16526175

this meme has so many hallucinations you can pretty much assume it was made by a seething leftist.

Anonymous No. 16526179

alright so at this point it's pretty clear there's some mentally ill zoomer obsessed with attention shitting up the general again.

Anonymous No. 16526180

>Satellites are now in reach of cryptobros
Unironically a good indication of the decreasing trend of launch costs. Within a few years it will be another order of magnitude cheaper

Anonymous No. 16526183

i think the tape outgassing drive scam actually getting not just one but two satellites was a pretty good indicator of just how cheap shit had gotten.

Anonymous No. 16526184

a group of 100 semi-wealthy upper middle class people could probably afford to pool enough money together to buy a cubesat rideshare on a falcon 9 at this point.

Anonymous No. 16526186

No, faggot. I just don't want non-whites in space. Is that clear?

Anonymous No. 16526187

Atmospheres are gay

Anonymous No. 16526189

you forget that that was going to happen anyway, did you forget about the picks for artemis, retard? no matter how much we might want to, mars is sadly not gonna be some white only paradise and this changes nothing about that.

Anonymous No. 16526191

Did you forget that Artemis isn't happening?

Also, I will riot if the first step on Mars is taken by a non-white. All those hundreds of years of hard work thrown away for some virtue signalling, and you just know the smug leftists will eat that shit up - "Ha! I bet the racists are mad now that... uhh... white men put an incompetent blacky on Mars!".

Space is the white man's domain. Always has, always will.

Anonymous No. 16526207

Im from argentina and thanks to Musk and Trump my dream to live in the US will come true! And you cant do anything to stop me chud!

Anonymous No. 16526216

>blue origin has 11,000 employees
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16526228

Why does it have to be one person? Half the regular posters are pissed at Elon right now

Anonymous No. 16526236

if mexicans built starship then why cant mexico into space

Anonymous No. 16526237

Wait what the actual fuck no way

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Anonymous No. 16526239

>>has many children
>>no pussy
So you want him to find a hag like Beños did?

Anonymous No. 16526241

>real world tests
This is the chinks, they're just going to throw them up there, fuck Kessler

Anonymous No. 16526244

>HR departments nationwide are staffed by gender studies majors of a particular variety
When is Elon going to realize how much of the problem is caused by femoids in HR?

Anonymous No. 16526248

i'm sure they were at first but now it's just a bunch of tardlings dragging it out for as long as possible because they are engagement addicted, they NEED there to be drama and cannot just enjoy spessflight.

Anonymous No. 16526254

feels like the attention seeking behaviour has only gotten worse over time, this place is starting to feel less like an imageboard and more like a reddit page.

Anonymous No. 16526261

Space is hard!

Anonymous No. 16526271

You know some people aren't here 24/7 and just want to join the conversation when they see it, right?

Anonymous No. 16526279

Correct. He's defending his jeet founder buddies and Tesla H1B wagies.

Anonymous No. 16526282

it's amazing how far /pcg/ has spread, wtf are ya doing here pankophile? why are you guys everywhere?

Anonymous No. 16526284

>some people aren't here 24/7
We don't need half-time players

Anonymous No. 16526286

such a beautiful rocket, can wait to see those BE-4s in flight

Anonymous No. 16526287

>i'm a newfag and i want constant baiting and attentiongrabbing behaviour because it soothes my stimulation-addicted brain
yeah that's not surprising.

Anonymous No. 16526304

take your meds, schizo

Anonymous No. 16526316

>Half the regular posters are pissed at Elon right now
I believe that that's what specific users wish to convey, certainly. There's an obvious narrative setting attempt in progress, I don't believe that it's reflective of reality.
>whoops drones aren't "it" anymore
>now it is Indians and Musk man!
After New Years it'll be something else and you'll all stop talking about the poos. >7 days.

Anonymous No. 16526319

basically, i'm sick of all these histrionic faggots whining about it for the next week when we all know that the ones spamming about it won't even remember it one month from now, no matter how strongly they feel about it now.

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Anonymous No. 16526327

Anonymous No. 16526329

wow, 5 whole launches

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Anonymous No. 16526331

Soyuz had a pretty light year overall

Anonymous No. 16526333

>Peregrine lander burns up
>last of the Delta IVs
>Crew stranded 8+ months
>last spooksat mission for Atlas
>observed exploding SRB nozzle
Some year

Anonymous No. 16526334

4/5 missions didn't have any problems with the rocket. For an operation run by weekend amateurs like ULA that's not that bad. I still think 20 launches next year might be getting a bit ambitious

Anonymous No. 16526347

>There's an obvious narrative setting attempt in progress
Yeah, by poos and Musk. This whole debacle was started by one smelly jeet boasting about his superior culture.

Anonymous No. 16526348

I hope we don’t find alien life, because if we do Elon will give them H1-Bs!

Anonymous No. 16526349

So what do you fellow anons think of rockets, space flight and shiet?

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Gaganyaan capsule.jpg

Anonymous No. 16526352

You'll burn out by next week.

Anyway New Glenn finally sharted out a static fire yesterday, how long until they try to finally achieve orbit after 20 years? I don't see any New Shepard flights between now and March listed on NSF, are they even getting customers on their carnival ride yet?
If we must talk about India, I'm at least interested in seeing the GaganYaan demo flight in February assuming it doesn't slip.

Anonymous No. 16526353

I frequently think about how much rockets suck and I hate that they’re mandatory for spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16526361

>The company has not disclosed a launch date for the inaugural flight, called NG-1. However, there is one airspace advisory for a New Glenn launch Jan. 6 between 1 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. Eastern, with a backup opportunity at the same time the next day.

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Anonymous No. 16526362

>I frequently think about how much rockets suck
don't we all anon, don't we all...

Anonymous No. 16526363

Maybe I will, but there was no need for Musk to act like the retard for the past few days.
>how long until they try to finally achieve orbit after 20 years
They're targeting 6th of January, aren't they? Anyway, after all that time I am honestly expecting a full success, including the landing/splashdown.

Anonymous No. 16526365

Can subtards go to Mars?

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Anonymous No. 16526367

look at that drip

Anonymous No. 16526368

>still going with that shitty meme
cringe and autistic

Anonymous No. 16526371

welcome to /sfg/!

Anonymous No. 16526372

>They're targeting 6th of January, aren't they?
Come on, you know that’s not happening. They’ll be luck to launch in Jan at all.

Anonymous No. 16526374

They hold the rocket down

Anonymous No. 16526381

(you) are, yes.

Anonymous No. 16526382

Maybe in 2026 after they've ferociously crawled a bit more.

Anonymous No. 16526387


Anonymous No. 16526388

I cry everytime I think of how far we could've been already not for the retarded normie and idiotic politics

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Anonymous No. 16526392

License has been granted. NG may go fully orbital before Starship.

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 16526394

Chinese spy disappeared at Starbase

Anonymous No. 16526397

dude probably just went swimming at the beach and got washed out to sea.

Anonymous No. 16526399

The guy is toast

Anonymous No. 16526401

Camped out inside Starship's cargo bay awaiting flight 7.

Anonymous No. 16526404

Caught trespassing and was forced into the cooling water piping.
Watch for a brief red mist from the deluge plate next test.

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Anonymous No. 16526406

Do you think there is intelligent life in Andromeda observing the Milky Way, wondering the same things we are? We will never ever interact or communicate with eachother, but we still think about eachother.

Anonymous No. 16526411

Andromeda is dead

Anonymous No. 16526412

Yes, and I hate it. There's way too much distance for lightspeed to be the limit, I propose that we violate the law and go check out the rest of the outer space in a more timely manner.

Anonymous No. 16526426

It ain't gonna gradatim itself

Anonymous No. 16526428

As no nation on earth has ratified the laws of physics, I feel it's safe to ignore them as unenforced.

Anonymous No. 16526429

Idk if the math would work out but I think maybe if you built a big enough orion ship and had enough nuclear fuel charges to do nonstop burns for like 28 years you could do a one-way trip through Andromeda. 1g constant acceleration. A two-way trip there and back again would take 56 years

Anonymous No. 16526433

you can transmit information as fast as you want but unfortunately you won’t be getting anything with mass above c.

Anonymous No. 16526436

If the first mission to mars is a woman or brownoid, then what will the second mission have to strive for? It's the main mission goal of Artemis after all

Anonymous No. 16526437

alright, so when (if?) the first new glenn launch reaches orbit, we're all going to collectively spam "welcome to the club" right?

Anonymous No. 16526441

orbit is easy. lets see it land and get re-used. remember, bo only wants to build 4 cores

Anonymous No. 16526443

>bo only wants to build 4 cores
this statement is false. Jeff talked at length in the estronaut tour about how you needed rate manufacturing, how making one batch of X ships and shutting down the factory was not a recipe for success. They plan to build 3 per year in the short term and scale.

Anonymous No. 16526444

You can't go faster than the light though...

Anonymous No. 16526448

so fucking unbelievably hot

Anonymous No. 16526449

Chance of Blorigin lunching this year?

>He thinks Elon and not the PR team wrote that

The case for increasing astronomy spending by an order of magnitude is pretty clear

Anonymous No. 16526456

I don't see why not

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Anonymous No. 16526459


Anonymous No. 16526483

I love Misato

Anonymous No. 16526485

Tesla has millions of hours of driving data from their cars, so the software is better than humans in situations that are well-represented in the data such as normal freeway driving. But because the software doesn't actually understand what it's doing, any event that is very uncommon (such as an overturned truck blocking a lane) can lead to the software catastrophically misreading the situation and killing people.

Anonymous No. 16526490

Space flight?

Anonymous No. 16526491

It would just stop

Anonymous No. 16526492

Price of mars is 2 million h1b jeets a year huh

Anonymous No. 16526493

>the entire world will soon be flooded with robots trained on Texan EV drivers

Anonymous No. 16526496

>the entire world will soon be flooded with robots trained to act like Texan EV drivers

Anonymous No. 16526499

No, the great filter is already long behind us and we're the first sentient life in the universe

Anonymous No. 16526504

Another boludo in this general? lmao, the world is such a small place. Vamos Milei, migo.

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Anonymous No. 16526507

Anonymous No. 16526508

I will refer to Elon as "the bringer of jeets" from now on.

Anonymous No. 16526509

Is the Bringer of Jeets still planning the next starship launch on january 10th?

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Anonymous No. 16526518

new hullo

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Anonymous No. 16526526

Anonymous No. 16526527

Did we get over the fact that Trump didn't witness the booster catch?

Anonymous No. 16526529

this can happen with a brain and natural human reaction behind the wheel as well

Anonymous No. 16526537

can you explain to me what this has to do with spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16526539

forced and unfunny

Anonymous No. 16526546

Elon is the common denominator so

Anonymous No. 16526551

not related to spaceflight in any way, talk about spaceflight instead.

Anonymous No. 16526552

Dutch faggot loves the curryniggers huh. Guess their unwashed shit covered butts gets him going. A real scatman

Anonymous No. 16526553

Can I at least talk About Elon Musk

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Anonymous No. 16526556

Only 10 more years. Time flies.

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Anonymous No. 16526558

Hexagon of the solar system

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Anonymous No. 16526561

Kinda disappointed by the lack of exoplanet science

Anonymous No. 16526569

sure, but if your previous example was an example of "talking about spaceflight", i should be able to post my opinion about the venom reboot movie without mentioning any rocketry whatsoever because that movies had a rocket in it.

Anonymous No. 16526571

I refuse to believe that.

Anonymous No. 16526572

What is there to research? We need bigger telescopes but no one wants to build them.

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Anonymous No. 16526574


Anonymous No. 16526576

we need bigger ships so that we can actually visit the places that these thing gawk at

Anonymous No. 16526580

ESO is building one right now

Anonymous No. 16526581

Technically a person could visit Andromeda within their life span since time would go slower in a super fast spaceship, but the people stuck on earth would never receive any information from that.

Anonymous No. 16526582

Since we don't know what the odds for life and civilization are, there is a possibility it's something that only happens about once per galaxy and our closest aliens are in Andromeda.

Anonymous No. 16526584

gm sers is the marscoin of the mooning yet

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Anonymous No. 16526585

Anonymous No. 16526595

when it launchuing

Anonymous No. 16526599

There's no official announcement yet, but there's an advisory posted for early on January 6th

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Anonymous No. 16526601

Good morning NISSAARS

Anonymous No. 16526602

Time dilation is such a mindfuck. You could be on a ship and arrive at Andromeda instaneously after achieving light speed, but back on Earth, 2.5 million years would've passed. And you'd have no way whatsoever of knowing what's changed, nor would humans on Earth be able to know what you're doing. Eventually we could have humans in different star systems, but communication between them becomes totally unfeasible, and you'd have self-contained pockets of human civilisations in every corner of the Milky Way, each with their own distinct culture, and you'd know nothing about any of them other than a few close neighbours within 20~ LY.

Anonymous No. 16526603

Ok. So the ESA is actually doing something useful, I will give them credit for this.

Anonymous No. 16526605


Anonymous No. 16526609

Daily reminder all JWST observations of Alpha Centauri so far (1) have yielded nothing because there were glitches or someshit

Anonymous No. 16526615

>he doesn't know about the Classified Briefings on JWST

Anonymous No. 16526621

NEW BREAD >>16526620
NEW BREAD >>16526620
NEW BREAD >>16526620

Anonymous No. 16526624

this is a blue board, pls don't use this type of language

Anonymous No. 16526625

ESA found evidence that Prometheus is real.

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Anonymous No. 16526631

What happened to this? Reference takes me to a dead page.

Anonymous No. 16526654

lol, find a per capita stat

Anonymous No. 16526735

Two weeks.

Anonymous No. 16526739

It's now called Epsilon Musky.

Anonymous No. 16526784

>be /sfg/
>spend months posting twatter screenshots every time Musk so much as takes a shit regardless of topic
>flagrantly propagandize him in thread after thread like they're paid

but when Musk very publically shits himself and looks like a retard for supporting H1B visas, which the Chinese used to steal trade secrets

every single time

Anonymous No. 16526804

>ground based

Anonymous No. 16526973

Nah, Teslas handle that just fine. Waymos not so much