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๐Ÿงต /sci/ vs 4chan tournament thread

Anonymous No. 16541935

Once again /sci/ will be playing in this winter's elite cup. As per the previous poll last summer we'll be combining the suggestion thread and roster poll thread into one instead of running two separate threads. Once we have a decent number of suggestions I'll drop the poll.

>what the fuck is this autism
>what is /sci/'s current roster
>what's going on this winter

Anonymous No. 16541938

Before the tranitors deleted the last thread we had already gotten suggestions to rename Musk to "Operation Pooperclip" and for a new player about >Boeing's engineering failures

Anonymous No. 16541978

A couple of /sfg/ suggestions
Total Beetle Death
Remove Atmosphere
Krystal Posting
Destination: Mars
Shuttle Derived Ball System

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Anonymous No. 16542027

We're gonna win, and we're gonna win big

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Anonymous No. 16542045

>/sci/ vs 4chan
Um, isn't /sci/ part of 4chan? I keep looking up at the URL and getting confused.

Anonymous No. 16542073

You should be smart enough to infer that "4chan" in this case means the "rest of 4chan" but I guess that's too much to ask of a frog poster :^)

Anonymous No. 16542103

Dude, this is /sci/. Sets that contain themselves as subsets don't both us.

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The goal that sav....webm

Anonymous No. 16542142

I'm not going to make an exhaustive list of all the 31 other teams

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Anonymous No. 16542191

>operation pooperclip

Anonymous No. 16542194

If we end up playing /pol/ I might just change his name for one match regardless, like how we changed Hawking's name for the group stage games last winter .

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Anonymous No. 16542506

I know /sci/ has been slower than normal as of late so I'll give things a few more house before I post the poll

Anonymous No. 16542647

>operation pooperclip
Rename the CS Pleb to this

Anonymous No. 16543187

Here's the poll ttps://

Anonymous No. 16543498

submitted. if my feedback isnt taken into account, i will kill you

Anonymous No. 16543500

>Add Richard Dawkins to the team
Dawkins was a player, but he hasn't been on the team in a decade

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Anonymous No. 16543729

I proposed a chant of Everyday Astronaut saying "that's insane" and similar however I'm too lazy to do that. If anyone would also find that funny feel free to try your hand at it (mostly to be found in the factory tours, especially the latest Starbase one. Livestreams, too).

Anonymous No. 16543731

I'll fuck around with it in tenacity and see if I can make something work

Anonymous No. 16544105

i was drunk when i filled it out. idk whenever i see dawkins anywhere i laugh

Anonymous No. 16544118

>Halftime entertainment ideas
This is actually a very good one, but the problem is that we don't know who we're playing until after the draw. I do have ideas for pre-game hyp and half-time shows, but editing those videos are time consuming.

Anonymous No. 16544359

Halftime show idea
Fast forwarded version of an entire MIT opencourseware course's lecture videos

Anonymous No. 16545232

Maybe the rocket equation should be a player

Anonymous No. 16545617

There is nothing stopping us from having Konstantin Tsiolkovsky with the Rocket Equation floating behind him.

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Anonymous No. 16546318

Would be fun. Shirt name would have to be "retard filter".

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Anonymous No. 16546322

As long as we don't move to a PES without portraits after we're done with 17, I can even crop that pic in order to use it as a portrait on the tactics screen.

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Anonymous No. 16546564

Closing the poll, full results here:
Tooker is out with only 3 votes to stay on, and will be replaced by the to be named >Boeing player with 7.
At 5 votes out of 9, Aspie African will be renamed to Operation Pooperclip, but only for this season.
YSBATST will become Captain with the most medal votes (8) , I'll have to figure out a tie breaker between Von Braun (currently a Silver) and Richard Feynman (currently a gold) with 7 each.

The Group Stage draw is this Sunday, group stage begins the Friday the 24th.

Anonymous No. 16546604

For Boeing maybe something that refers to the McD-D merger, like Boeing's Mc(Donnell-)Doom?

Anonymous No. 16546613

That's what I was thinking since its most salient to all of Boeing's fuck ups since.