🗑️ 🧵 The Paradox of Human Evolution
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:05:19 UTC No. 16550185
Still no valid evidence why or how humans evolved intelligence. No other species has even come close to trying. Evolution is fake, fake and gay.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:23:22 UTC No. 16550202
they needed intelligence to make tools to hunt animals. transitioning from frugivore to carnivore is what drove the emergence of intelligence.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:29:32 UTC No. 16550206
>No other species has even come close to trying
>what are apes
>what are dolphins
>what are elephants
>what are octopuses
>what are crows
>what are ravens
>what are african grey parrots
>what is your mom (heavy emphasis on "trying")
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:48:44 UTC No. 16550219
All the explanations use this circular logic. Humans needed money so we evolved ATMs for arms to shoot cash out and now we have all the money we need. Chimps eat meat, they love it. They hunt. They don't have stone tipped spears, never will. I just watched an hour long lecture from a liberal professor. Claims Lucy evolved hips to carry more stuff on the Savannah. Circular logic, animal wants to do X, magically evolves body modification Y to make it happen.
No tool kits, AKA making tools with tools and taking those tools with you. The best these groups get is using the environment in an unchanged way to solve simple one step problems. Wake me up when they nap flint into points and make war.
Chimps don't care for their elderly, Homo Erectus did. Elder chimps starve to death. Dolphins have no real culture or complex language. Sure my dog is smart and I know what she means when she makes noises but it's not language, just simple one dimensional sounds linked to simple emotions.
I have personal experience with crows/ravens and I lived in a house with an African Grey Parrot. Both are about as smart as a retarded 2 year old with a drinking problem. Wake me up when they write Plato's cave.
See folks all you ever get are canned talking points from Wikipedia and they all fall apart with basic logic and some digging.
Did you all know there is basically ZERO FOSSIL RECORDS of the evolution of Chimps and Gorilla? We have tons more fossil records of early hominids than any record of the other Great Apes. That in and of itself is very strange.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:57:21 UTC No. 16550226
still makes no sense why other animals didn't do it.
>they needed intelligence to make tools to hunt animals
and there was no reason to evolve past that, like with other apes.
no other animal goes through drastic changes when on brink of extinction, they just die out, because it doesn't matter if they die out.
not even close faggot. all those animals are retarded like every other animal.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:57:46 UTC No. 16550227
>Oh you're stupid, we have hominid fossils because they used caves as shelter and no other apes did. Caves preserve the bones better.....OK wise guy. That proves my point. Why were archaic hominids smart enough to figure out using a cave as shelter, an easy and smart thing to do, but still to this day other Great Apes have not? Why are Chimps too fucking stupid to use a cave as shelter? I mean there must have been hundreds of thousands of years of humans living in caves, apes watched us do it, still didn't try it.
>Oh you're stupid, chimps don't need to live in caves, they are made to live in the trees.
More circular logic. It's fucking cold and wet in the trees with some bullshit leaf nest. Or sleep on the dirty ground where you get eaten. Of course it's better to sleep in a cave but Chimps never tried, never evolved, just sit in a tree for 3 million years. So how and why did humans evolve intelligence so strong and so fast growing that we now have dueling cock rockets racing to Mars. Literally this week two separate massive cock like rockets are launching, Chimps still can't nap flint or figure out how to use a cave as shelter.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 11:58:00 UTC No. 16550228
>it can't happen!
>there's no evidence!
>it's fake!
Wow, that sure convinced me! Why don't you publish your reasoning in a scientific journal and get a nobel prize?
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:07:34 UTC No. 16550230
it's obvious humans were created by the jewish god (source: my favorite jewish book)
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:12:58 UTC No. 16550233
>animal wants to do X, magically evolves body modification Y to make it happen
that's how evolution works if it's just a body change, but animals evolved stuff that makes no sense like completely new organs and systems to support them.
bad analogy. how many caves are in a rain forest? caves are rare and most humans definitely didn't live in caves.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:15:45 UTC No. 16550235
chimps are protected from rain with fur and trees. chimps are protected from predators by being in trees. their food source is in trees. why would they live in caves? if they had any caves in the first place.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:18:38 UTC No. 16550237
>Did you all know there is basically ZERO FOSSIL RECORDS of the evolution of Chimps and Gorilla?
it depends where they live. pretty sure bones of small animals don't fossilize well in a rain forest.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:28:29 UTC No. 16550242
>no other animal came even close to developing intelligence
>they did though [examples]
>that's not REAL intelligence
Appeal to purity, moving the goalposts, plus i fucked your mom last night. Argument over, you lost, i won, you can now proceed with feeble damage control if you really need to, I'll allow it but won't reply.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:29:31 UTC No. 16550243
Teleological arguments
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:51:20 UTC No. 16550320
Most of these arguments could be applied to the average American
>Have you ever made a tool from scratch that worked?
>When was the last time you told your mom you love her?
>What was the greatest philosophical work you personally wrote?
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:03:33 UTC No. 16550403
Because they haven't, only I did, I am special and exceptional, and I chose to do nothing because some jew will steal it and claim he did it
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:31:12 UTC No. 16550447
intelligence is ability to develop new behavior that helps you fix some problem you're having. some animals do that
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:38:38 UTC No. 16550770
I’ll give you another one
>Be species X with 20 chromosomes
>Oopsy! Suddenly evolve into species Y with 21 chromosomes
>Even though this makes you retarded, infertile, or both
>Even though if this could actually happen, you’d expect to find tons of functional individuals with all sorts of different chromosome counts, just like we find with other mutations
I’ve never seen a serious scientist even try to address this. I don’t think they have an answer.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:46:39 UTC No. 16550780
>makes you retarded, infertile, or both
>expect to find tons
What? These two are obvious contradictions.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:49:00 UTC No. 16550786
>Even though this makes you retarded, infertile, or both
Yeah and they die out. And once in a million there are twin brother and sister with a real good 21th chromosome.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:55:32 UTC No. 16550796
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 21:18:45 UTC No. 16551044
>Claims Lucy evolved hips to carry more stuff on the Savannah. Circular logic, animal wants to do X, magically evolves body modification Y to make it happen.
Idk which professor was that but things are often said that way for simplicity, but it's often misleading as you just pointed out. What he probably meant was, out of several possible mutations, the ones which gave bigger hips were selected for survival because they could adapt to the environment because they could carry stuff. The ones with smaller hips weren't fit for survival so they disappeared slowly.
So they're no magical evolution, there are different evolutions and the advantageous ones survive. The results look magical. Easiest example to see is evolution of some viruses in human. Their RNA polymerase are garbage so the offsprings have widely varying mutations. In the body environment, the immune system attacks and destroys some strains and fails to attack others. These missed viruses then further multiply and cause symptoms. The overall process looks like virus is magically changing it's proteins eg capsid to evade the immune system and being more virulent.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 08:39:38 UTC No. 16553421
If species develop different numbers of chromosomes through random mutation and natural selection, we’d need to see it happening frequently, and with typically little impact on the individual, i.e. exactly the same as other types of mutations. But we don’t see that. It’s rare and incredibly harmful 99%+ of the time.
So how can an entire species develop the “mutation” of having a new number of chromosomes? Where are the examples of a species in transition - with many members having a different number of chromosomes?
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 10:43:35 UTC No. 16553516
>Claims Lucy evolved hips to carry more stuff on the Savannah. Circular logic, animal wants to do X, magically evolves body modification Y to make it happen
Thank you for demonstrating that you are retarded. Lucy specifically didn’t evolve to do anything, that’s not something that happens on an individual level. They didn’t evolve to walk upright because they wanted to carry tools either. They started to walk upright because that is better for seeing over long grass on the savannah, which is why modern chimps in dry grasslands stand upright more often than rainforest chimps. Standing upright more frees up your hands to carry tools more, it’s an indirect advantage gained from a trait developed by a different selection pressure. That’s not circular logic, you’re just an idiot
>No tool kits, AKA making tools with tools and taking those tools with you
>The best these groups get is using the environment in an unchanged way to solve simple one step problems
Corvids, monkeys, etc all cache and reuse tools
>Did you all know there is basically ZERO FOSSIL RECORDS of the evolution of Chimps and Gorilla?
This is just bullshit you made up
>We have tons more fossil records of early hominids than any record of the other Great Apes. That in and of itself is very strange
The great apes ARE hominids retard. Hominidae includes humans, gorillas, chimps, orangutans and everything in between
>Of course it's better to sleep in a cave but Chimps never tried, never evolved, just sit in a tree for 3 million years
Maybe because chimps don’t live in places with caves? Baboons do and they use caves all the time
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 10:48:17 UTC No. 16553520
>If species develop different numbers of chromosomes through random mutation and natural selection, we’d need to see it happening frequently, and with typically little impact on the individual, i.e. exactly the same as other types of mutations. But we don’t see that
We do see that. In particular it happens in insects all the time
>So how can an entire species develop the “mutation” of having a new number of chromosomes?
Chromosomes can fuse and split, there is a reason zebras have half as many chromosomes as horses despite being in the same genus
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:01:08 UTC No. 16553530
>intelligence. No other species has even come close
Humans have absolutely identical intelligence as all other animals do, same behavioral patterns, same reactions, values, life purposes, etc., which is a solid prove that there is a common universal gene among all species, that is responsible for all these features to appear in any embryo(similarly, the universal common genes that form body segments and are biologically the same no matter of which animal(or human) has them.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:07:18 UTC No. 16553533
>animal wants to do X, magically evolves body modification Y to make it happen
Quantum biology.
Animals use it since ages.
/pol/ is smarter than all of you brainlets at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:10:31 UTC No. 16553536
>Evolution is fake, fake and gay.
we created a species in a lab so we proved it true. sorry (endosymbiosis)
as for conscioucness of humans, this is still a mystery, it its most likely quantum in nature and then shaped by language affecting our left hemisphere. (bicameral mind)
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 12:55:35 UTC No. 16553630
>ITT: retards who don't understand natural selection filters out low-performing and incompatible traits
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 13:15:05 UTC No. 16553654
you are a retard if you can't understand how the real evolution doesn't make sense
>natural selection filters out low-performing and incompatible traits
that's not the point you retarded NPC
why aren't all animals super intelligent then you retarded NPC
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 13:58:07 UTC No. 16553711
-why aren't all animals super intelligent?
-why aren't other apes super intelligent?
if you can't explain it then according your NPC logic you are a retard
>natural selection
can't explain the real evolution you retard
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 14:22:57 UTC No. 16553729
>anon uses last 100 years of DNA study and doesn't see THAT many changes
>doesn't understand how long 1.5 billion years is.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 15:48:04 UTC No. 16553830
It's honestly incomprehensible how millions of years of evolution could generate something like anon.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:36:04 UTC No. 16553898
it was drugs, simple as
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:42:25 UTC No. 16553903
Because intelligence never entered the equations for them. Kinda like how it never could have happened for you, except I'm sure somewhere down the line dolphins could evolve to understand written language or something.
Ridicule aside, cognition requires, as far as we've seen, a vastly different neurological structure from what animals are likely to evolve; that it even happened at all is honestly a series of miracles rolled out over millions of years, no doubt mutually motivational to our physiology (opposable thumbs, upright mobility, sudden jumps in cranial developments) and behavior (long-distance migration, tool-making, oral history, advanced pattern recognition)
>why aren't other primates super intelligent?
there's evidence we had a number of subspecies, both in h. sapiens and h. erectus before they died off
there's nothing guaranteeing the scales tip towards intelligence for any living creature, and certainly nothing motivating it. it's pure chance and intelligence is a very rare thing.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:43:25 UTC No. 16553904
aka you can't explain it
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:58:56 UTC No. 16554008
>No other species has even come close to trying.
>ignores Ants
>capable of agriculture via fungi
>capable of animal husbandry via aphids
>capable of massive underground colonial structures to house up to 10 million ants
>capable of collective intelligence that capable of puzzle solving
>several species of ants have been given the mirror test and passed it
If humans weren't around and those fuckers were just a few inches bigger they would mog the entire planet.