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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16553397

/sci/ was wrong... AGAIN.

Anonymous No. 16553413

Global warming/climate change hysteria was btfo 15 years ago when it was conclusively proven that over ocean readings were being "calibrated" in the satellites when they didn't need it over land targets.

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random bullshit go.jpg

Anonymous No. 16554070

>Atmosphere saturated with carbon dioxide
That's retarded though. If that was true then either dry ice or liquid CO2 would have to be stable at atmospheric conditions. If more was pushed into air, then it would rain down like water/snow, hard to say which, as you'd have to throw currently known properties of CO2 out of the window anyway

Anonymous No. 16554076


Anonymous No. 16554080

ITT: OP attempts to redefine /sci/ as anti-/sci/ shills.

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Anonymous No. 16554085

Well said, Anon. You the Real Real MVP.

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Anonymous No. 16554194


Anonymous No. 16554355

you aren't capable of comprehending whats being said in the article OP pic refers to because you don't have the relevant scientific education and background knowledge in the topic being discussed, it is only via dunning-krugerism that you presume you understand the topic being discussed.

Anonymous No. 16554462

>You can't understand the invalid, incorrect conclusions of a retracted paper!
>But I, SchizoMan, am able to comprwhend due to the largeness of my brain's mind.
>As measured by my perfect 100 IQ.

Anonymous No. 16554490

so more carbon emissions... will raise earth's temperature? I'm struggling to understand what exactly sci was wrong about here.

Anonymous No. 16554509

>Science is whatever I agree with.

Anonymous No. 16554513

Correction: They think science is whatever the blue people agree with.

Anonymous No. 16554577

>more carbon emissions won't make any difference
You have attention deficiency.

Anonymous No. 16554580

The paper was retracted because it proved the prevailing theory wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16554584

>The paper was retracted because it proved the prevailing theory wrong.
More likely than not.

Anonymous No. 16554658

you are dealing with retarded /pol/tards...

Anonymous No. 16554680

>i agree with the retracted paper
>ergo, it is science