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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Is this podcast /sci/ approved?

Anonymous No. 16553626

He talks to literally everyone, from mainstream physicists like Susskind, to nobodies with offbeat theories, and even woo woo people like Ruper Sheldrake. He gives them all unbiased consideration and isn't afraid to go into technical detail.

Theories of Everything is having big impact on the scientific community, exposing both academics and the public to ideas that would otherwise never get past the gatekeepers of academia.

What do you think of this podcast, /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16554103

He knows his stuff. I like him and I'm just worried he'll get cancelled by the left. Chris Langan had that controversy about comparing blacks to godzillas and if someone like professor dave finds out...

Anonymous No. 16554107

Jumanji is safe because his guests are the buffer.

Anonymous No. 16554111

The dude does have some sort of education in physics. He had a video about some professor at Harvard who recently published something he discovered, in that he found a way to use non-markovian mathematics to describe quantum mechanics in a way that sort of demystifies stuff like interference or the collapse of the wave function and other things (it doesn't remove probability).

Cool stuff like this at least give his podcast some reason to listen to

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Anonymous No. 16554119

>Jumanji is safe bec-ACK

Anonymous No. 16554120

i love toes

Anonymous No. 16554141

>He talks to literally everyone
Did he talk to Sabine? If not he's a nobody.

Anonymous No. 16554167

Can you link this vid? I can't find it anywhere.