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🧵 Maths

Anonymous No. 16555156

Hello everyone, I am new here.
I came to this channel looking for some help. I've been barely passing maths for three years, or sometimes I can't. I've been doing well in maths for three years now. It's a subject that I really like, but I'm bad at it. Last year I had to choose a course of study I didn't want because I was afraid of maths, as you read, afraid.
If anyone reading this has any videos, tips, tricks for learning maths, anything, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much everyone reading this, have a nice day.

Translated with DeepL

Anonymous No. 16555179

Tip #1: be autistic

Anonymous No. 16555184

Delusional. Autistic people have lower IQs and have a much harder time with mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16555185

IQ doesn’t correlate with autism. Both high and low IQ people can be autistic.

Anonymous No. 16555271

IQ tests are often less accurate for autistics, and plus even adjusted for intelligence, generally autistics are better at math than neurotypicals.

Also, my area of math (Logic) is 60% autistic.