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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555336

How did a literal retard become the richest man in the world?

Anonymous No. 16555340

By having parents that are some of the richest people in the world.

Anonymous No. 16555343

>some of the richest people in the world
Clearly your parents were some of the dumbest in the world.

Anonymous No. 16555344

Even dumber retards buy his meme stocks
During the pandemic his net worth skyrocketed after his low iq shareholders didnt realize that after a stock split the value of each stock was supposed to split as well, so overnight elon became twice as rich

Anonymous No. 16555346

There are thousands people like that and they don't become the richest men in the world.

Anonymous No. 16555347

>How did a literal retard become the richest man in the world?
Show us some of your many inventions and original discoveries!

Anonymous No. 16555348

he looks sympathetic that's it. normalfag retards only judge people based on how they look. he looks like a normal retard other retards can relate to and he told them what they wanted to hear.

Anonymous No. 16555349

Why did you quite OP?

Anonymous No. 16555350

>I set my Tesla on fire when he backed Orange Man Bad.

Anonymous No. 16555351

>Show us some of your many inventions and original discoveries!
show us elon's you massive faggot

Anonymous No. 16555353

By being such an egotist that he couldn't tell that any of his ideas was crazy, but then he got lucky by hiring some actual smart engineers.

Anonymous No. 16555354

Did you forget your meds today?

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Anonymous No. 16555355

Elon is rich.
You are poor as fuck because you're stupid and useless.
Your hate is driven by jealousy.
And that's why you got pissed when I asked you to justify your elitism.

Anonymous No. 16555358

>Elon is rich.
And you are poor.
And a pajeet.

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Anonymous No. 16555361

>And you are poor.
I'm not the one whining like a little bitch because someone has more money than I do.

Anonymous No. 16555367

So jeet confirmed.

Anonymous No. 16555368

That was the best retort you could come up with?

Anonymous No. 16555370

Well, you're an ugly smelly brown jeet.
Nothing can redeem (kek) that.

Anonymous No. 16555371

You just described the entire voter base of the democrat party.

Anonymous No. 16555375

It's so funny when you jeets think it's only about your skin color.

Anonymous No. 16555380

>da jeets and da joos

Anonymous No. 16555382

What are you yelling at me for? I'm not the one who like musk. I was just pointing out that almost everyone on the left is brown.

Anonymous No. 16555384

He's fat ugly and stupid. His life sucks ass and no amount of money will change that. He got his ass beat as a kid and he's still mentally incapable because of it.

Anonymous No. 16555386

>He got his ass beat as a kid
Assuming he didn't made it up as well to gain sympathy.

Anonymous No. 16555390

>He's fat ugly and stupid.
At least he knows how to use punctuation.

Anonymous No. 16555392

The story is he made fun of some kid whose dad had just committed suicide. The wikipedia has been edited to omit that and make Elon look like the victim.

Anonymous No. 16555401

>Wikipedia is right-leaning.
Oh Margaret.

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Anonymous No. 16555429

He married and impregnated a virgin 22yo model

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Anonymous No. 16555431

Also had 6 children with a stacy

Anonymous No. 16555465

>meme stocks
Tesla profits increased by like 300% since 2019 so his "real" net worth must be around $100b

Anonymous No. 16555467

>His life sucks ass
Give this man more copium.

Anonymous No. 16555476

NTA but there isn't much difference between top billionaire and pleb if we both look at a phone or computer screen all day. what, food? break it down. sell billionaire lifestyle to us, let's see it. break your active billionaire's life to us, a week day by day of being active/doing shit. how does that look like, how does it feel?

Anonymous No. 16555482

Connection with Mossad

Anonymous No. 16555485

You need to pick better starting stats:

Anonymous No. 16555489

he has to lie about being good at games and spends all day posting on twitter, he's an autistic loser.

Anonymous No. 16555503

No u.

Anonymous No. 16555507


Anonymous No. 16555508

ye but is it an omelette du fromage thing or well thought out thing?

Anonymous No. 16555509


Anonymous No. 16555515

Would his life be better is he was good at vibeo gane?

Anonymous No. 16555543

>has to
No he doesn't which is why this "gamergate" is so weird.

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Anonymous No. 16555586

Anonymous No. 16555621

>vapid cunt
>"Elon is amazing"
>No he's not

Lol and you are never going to be rich. Who is really mad? You wish you could be a fat stupid loser and still have money too. Too bad the chances of that are nearly 0.

Anonymous No. 16555750


Anonymous No. 16555767

All he had to do was shut up on social media and people would continue to think he's iron man or something.

Anonymous No. 16555769

and how many billionaires do we have that did it without rich parents?

Anonymous No. 16555777

Parents gave his fat stacks and he invested in Paypal early. Everything after that is just lying to shareholder to pump Tesla stock.
For comparison of how much is brains and how much is starting funds I put $20 into crypto years ago, have cashed out $30k and still have $50k in the market. If I had put 107million into crypto I would be the worlds richest man without any other income from investment properties or owning businesses.

Anonymous No. 16555781

He loves the public stoplight too much to be one of the billionaires that says out of the media and he's too egotistical to handle any criticism.
If Musk got the same kind of shit Zuck did he would have a breakdown.

Anonymous No. 16555810

he is jewish

Anonymous No. 16555813

>you're literally hitler
>you're a jew
"2025 we have quantum computers and close to AGI" discourse

Anonymous No. 16555819

-200 dark iq

Anonymous No. 16555824

he really should have impregnated talulah

Anonymous No. 16555836

edison reincarnation

Anonymous No. 16555846

it's hilarious to me how he's successfully managed to convince normalfags he's autistic and not just a fucking retard