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🧵 /med/

Anonymous No. 16558986

Forensic medicine edition
Last one >>16542557

How hard is it to get a spot in forensics?

Anonymous No. 16558989

>We DO NOT give advice
>We DO NOT reply to psych patients
>We DO NOT welcome nursoids

Anonymous No. 16559064

>How hard is it to get a spot in forensics?
For you?

Anonymous No. 16559165

Shit on my dick

Anonymous No. 16560309

Diuretic? You mean my piss pills?

Anonymous No. 16560822

Not hard at all, just need to shoot your shots and try to know the right people

Anonymous No. 16560840

It seems like everyone in my class is doing electives, getting research positions and I'm just chilling. There's really nothing stand-out about me. That's fine r-right?

Anonymous No. 16560950

With steps being pass/fail now, unfortunately, you probably need to do more electives and shit to be competitive

Anonymous No. 16560991

what are you aiming for?

Anonymous No. 16560994

Pathology. I'm a DO student as well.

Anonymous No. 16560997

>I'm a DO student as well.

probably don't need research but you absolutely need to do multiple aways in 4th year.

same issue with neuro and psych, both still doable for DOs but match rates are tanking

Anonymous No. 16561275

Can I ask advice? I am hypomanic bipolar, I seldom ever get manic manic, so not often delusions or psychosis. I was given quetiapine, started on 25mg, we went to 300mg which was an awful experience of irritation and no sleep. Initially it worked well, kept me more positive and stable. But it's given me terrible brain fog and I sleep so often so we're moving to lamotrigine.

She wants me on an anti-depressant which I am concerned about. I also have very severe ADHD so she thinks it'll help with mood and productivity. But when I took SSRI's I first felt the mania, as well as awful side effects that lasted for months, and some years. That was after a few months on citalopram, and a few weeks on sertraline.

She now wants me on venlafaxine which is an SNRI, but I've been burnt by the anti-depressants really badly before and I feel foolish walking into this one, even on mood stabilisers. I've accepted my life as it is, I'm on government support, I can live like this. If it gets worse with more medicine I don't think I could continue. This feels like the frog-scorpion analogy and I made my concerns heard by she is determined I need an anti-depressant. Do I take it?

Anonymous No. 16561416

Want nicotine, me

Anonymous No. 16561646

I've been through the psych system myself as a patient. I'm not medically trained in any way.

My approach is to take what works for me. Currently I'm only taking an antidepressant and no antipsychotics. I was taking an antipsychotic recently (aripiprazole) but I hate the side effects. I was tired and I keep getting oculogyric crises (involuntary eye movements), even as the drug is leaving my system.

If a doctor isn't listening to you then fuck them. Fuck all psychiatrists in fact. I did have one who I felt listened to me. But a lot of them don't give a shit.

When they tell you to take something say to them "you take it first. Prove that this is a good thing to take. Then I'll take it." It's ludicrous that psychiatrists think they own your life. Psychiatry is an immoral joke.

Voluntary psychiatry can be okay I think, if the patient enters into it by themselves, but involuntary psychiatry is immoral.

Anonymous No. 16561789

Don't care. Here's your straight jacket and meds.

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Anonymous No. 16561803

I just got banned off /fit/ for making a thread about the Cochran trial, so what do you guys think... insulin murder or accidental letrozole overdose?

Anonymous No. 16561805

Believe me doc, I'm well aware that many of you couldn't give the slightest shit about psych patients

I will spend my time talking to other psych patients about how we can get compensation for the crimes done to us

Anonymous No. 16561846

reminder that we do not reply to psych patients

Anonymous No. 16561857

Oh man a med thread. Sup nerds

Surgery in the mothafuckin house. ED can suck my ass and balls and RNs aren't human beings.

Anonymous No. 16561859

I'm a D.O. as well but in surgery. I dunno man I loved path but how is AI gonna effect the job outlook? Same with rads...

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Anonymous No. 16561861

As an Aromatase Inhibitor language model, small molecule selective androgen receptor modulator drugs such as RAD-140 and RAD-150 could potentially lead to a downturn in your job prospects by making prospective patients less frail.

Anonymous No. 16561862

This is exactly the kind of stigmatisation that makes me despise psychiatrists and the entire mental health system

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_pol_ - The male ....png

Anonymous No. 16561897

big if true...

Anonymous No. 16561899

It's true, they're all stupid cunts. I've seen them hurt many patients and then pretend it never happened.

OB's favorite cases?
1. Transecting R ureter
2. Transecting L uretere
3. Cannulating aorta with lap trocar

Anonymous No. 16561900

>/fit/ - Health & Fitness
>/fit/ - Fitness
has been one of the biggest mistakes in 4chan history

Anonymous No. 16562039

Which is the greater evil? The OB resident or the L&D nurse?

Anonymous No. 16562226

midwives are the worst. At least O&Gs have done medicine. Midwives believe all sorts of bullshit and whisper it into vulnerable mothers' ears.

Anonymous No. 16562227

Also they're absolute cunts to med students on obstetrics.

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Anonymous No. 16562242

>last one: (you)
midwives are based so long as youre a pregnant woman

Anonymous No. 16562260

shut the fuck up avatar fag
you will never be a doctor

Anonymous No. 16562262


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Anonymous No. 16562274 :)

Anonymous No. 16562328

So before my first use of Condyline paint for my genital warts i read the pamphlet and it says i must not use it on the face, this is after asking my GP how I may treat the virus which im confident has spread to my lips and she recommended this. Is this normal for GPs to just recommend something and hoping you read the pamphlet which may go against their advice?

Anonymous No. 16562331

Do not put it on your lips it is for treating anogenital warts

Anonymous No. 16562353

I don't know if I just have bad luck with GPs but the guy i saw around 15 years ago prescribed me an anti-fungal creme that does nothing to warts, tomorrow I'm going to one of the other GPs at the same practice to get a second opinion since the first one literally couldn't see the warts starting to come through my lips even with a device.
And sorry if this counts as asking for advice but I thought 15 years of untreated might be a concern (i hope its not) but the GP didn't raise an eyebrow or say anything, if there was a shred of concern would they mention it or do GPs just generally not mention anything in case the patient freaks out?

Anonymous No. 16563107

What's your favorite gold standard treatment that research has shown isn't all that helpful but still done just because its theoretically better than doing nothing. For me? It's TPA

Anonymous No. 16563109


Anonymous No. 16563470

I have a friend with a fistula that the hospital refuses to remove even though he never uses it and never wants to after having used it once and him describing the experience as beyond hellish.
He says its limiting his life because he has to be rather careful with it and cant lift anything so he has asked me if I could amputate his forearm.
What's the best way to go about this? Just speedrun surgeon style?

Anonymous No. 16563494

Duct tape and cryotherapy are pretty much the top two treatments for warts according to the literature. They also each have a lot more off-label uses than you can find on PubMed.

My EMS instructor was such a big fan of this shit he had it written into his living will to use it despite any contraindications if he had a stroke. I just take prophylactic bromelain and weigh about half as much as him now, kek.

Anonymous No. 16563572

I would be shocked if anyone ever respected that request. I wouldn't push TPA in a stroke patient with a concurrent head bleed, gi bleed, recent cranial surgery etc and those are contraindications.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16563573


Anonymous No. 16563607

thanks now everyone thinks that im listening to porn

Anonymous No. 16563809

When I rotated OBGYN, all the midwives were nice to me.

Anonymous No. 16564005

I have ob gyn in like 9 weeks, not looking forward to it, but at least I'm closer to the end of med school

Cannot wait to be done with this shit.

Anonymous No. 16564030

To the EM Anon(s), what would you say is the % ratio of lame-to-cool shit in the ED?

Anonymous No. 16564040

Not sure I'm the best authority but I'm applying EM. During my EM experience, it's probably 90:10 dumb bullshit to interesting stuff

Anonymous No. 16564044

Why do you still want to work in EM then?

Anonymous No. 16564045

Shift work, i enjoy high intensity, don't mind dumb stuff, really enjoy resuscitation, procedures etc

Anonymous No. 16564193

boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, or commando?
for me? it's boxer briefs during work and commando in my free time.

Anonymous No. 16564201

You're saying this like the ratio isn't more or less the same in all medicine, if not all jobs or hell life in general. Most of your time is always spent doing routine shit you could eventually fall asleep to. Even 10% being interesting is actually pretty decent.

Anonymous No. 16564204

boxer briefs all day everyday

Anonymous No. 16564376

boxer briefs
minimize scrotal sticking

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p6 - morphine ! O....pdf

Anonymous No. 16564434

before pdf: 1/2 Pharmacology. Morphine is a classical exogenous opioid
(xenobiotic opioid) that produces a well-characterized
analgesia, as well as certain other pharmacological actions, as
a result of its affinity to bind to receptors normally acted upon
by endogenous opioids. Additional examples of exogenous
opi-oids include other opium alkaloids, such as codeine, as
well as semisynthetic opioids (oxymorphone, oxycodone,
hydromor-phone, hydrocodone) and synthetic opioids
(meperidine, methadone, fentanyl, pentazocine)(21-23).
Endogenous opioids are peptides that are the naturally
occurring ligands for opioid receptors, with the term endorphin
(endogenous + morphine) being coined to refer to the
endogenous opioids as a group, although it also refers to a
specific endogenous opioid, β-endorphin. The presence of
opioid receptor binding sites in the brain was demonstrated in
1973 via the use of radioligand (radiolabeled opioid
compounds) binding assays in which saturable binding of
radioligands was observed. The bound radioligands could then be
stereoselectively displaced by nonradiolabled opioid compounds.
The discovery of opioid-receptor multiplicity followed shortly
afterward and the existence of three major types of opioid
receptors [mu (µ), delta (δ), and kappa (κ)] was established
through receptor binding studies and cloning experiments. These
receptors are members of the superfamily of G-protein-coupled
receptors. A fourth type of opioid receptor was cloned in 1994
and name the nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) receptor, Several
major subtypes have been proposed, including the episilon (ε),
lambda (λ), and zeta (ζ) opioid receptors. The Committee on
Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification of the
International Union of Pharmacology adopted the terms MOP,
DOP, and KOP to indicate mu (µ), delta (δ) and kappa (κ)-opioid
receptors, respectively, as well as recommending the use of the
term NOP for the N/OFQ receptor. Opioid receptors are found

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Anonymous No. 16564437

2/2 ... in nerve cells located in the various regions of the brain and
the spinal medulla, as well as in intramural nerve plexuses that
are involved in the regulation of gastrointestinal and
urogenital motility. There are selective agonists and
antagonists to these types, as well as various subtypes.
Radioligand binding assays of brain and other tissues have
been particularly useful in the development of opioid receptor
selective agonists and antagonists (21-23).
Endogenous opioids are peptides found in mammalian
tissue, with three distinct families of classical endogenous
opioid peptides having been characterized. Each of these
families contain unique polypeptide precursors that are encoded
by three corresponding genes, with each family having a
(characteristic distinct) anatomical distribution. These families
include the endorphins, the enkephalins, and the dynorphins. βEndorphin is the major opioid peptide derived from proopiomelanocortin (POMC). Met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin are
derived from proenkephalin, while dynorphin A, dynorphin B,
and neoendorphin are all derived from prodynorphin. The proopioid proteins are synthesized in the nucleus and transported
to nerve cell terminals prior to their release. Active peptides
are subsequently hydrolyzed from large proteins via
processing proteases that recognize double basic amino acid
cont: >>16564434

full doc attached

Anonymous No. 16564517

if someone was low on sugar and electrolytes and had an amulance come out, they would just give them a banana bag IV right?
based on an in-person physical examination
im not giving people medical advice but i think the answer is a banana bag and dont know if that would involve taking them in to the hospital. i think that it woudl

Anonymous No. 16564555

No you would go to the hospital.

Anonymous No. 16564557

good thats what i thought

Anonymous No. 16564558

an at the hospital they would have U&E measured and be given a banana bag IV?

Anonymous No. 16564581

boxer briefs
but the real question is up-tuck or down-tuck?
for me, it's up-tuck

Anonymous No. 16564593

My penis is so small I don't do either :(

Anonymous No. 16564605

up-tuck mandatory
down-tuck too uncomfortable for my massive balls

Anonymous No. 16564606

just depends on how muh dick is feeling that day.

Anonymous No. 16564671

What is the best specialism if I want to make the largest amount of money possible, I’m really smart and I don’t mind talking to people?
Plastics? Derm?
Literally all I care about is money.

Anonymous No. 16564679

>Literally all I care about is money.

Anonymous No. 16564681

Probably family medicine or paeds.

Anonymous No. 16564687

If I wanted to live like a lower middle class, Toyota-driving slave, I would have chosen a different profession.

Anonymous No. 16564697

Is it just me, or is the derm field absolutely full of boomer drugs like finasteride and accutane that probably shouldn't even be on the market anymore?

Anonymous No. 16564738

and what alternatives do you suggest

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Anonymous No. 16564764

Finished nursing school last summer and I'm thinking of going into medschool to become a doctor.

Medschool in my country is 6 years of doctors and 2-6 years of residency.

I have experience in the OR, ICU and Cardiology.

What residency should I pick or what field of medicine is the most interesting/important for the future that I should focus on?

(and by future I do mean in the private clinic sense, saving everyone is a fools game)

Anonymous No. 16564771

Up right always

Anonymous No. 16564878

Yeah man, family med seems right up your alley

Anonymous No. 16565170


this poster is from pol or r9k and isnt a doctor, doesnt want to be a doctor, and is here just to shit up the board like other pol posters. do not take his advice - it is bad advice - because he is not even interested in being in the field
why someone with 0 interest in the field or job is giving advice is because he is an all- self-important narcissist who knows everything and thinks he should know about your life. his advice is bad advice and i urge you not to take it
pol stop giving advice to people which takes 5 years to see returns on and might change the course of their entire future you stupid evil fuck

Anonymous No. 16565257

Hey man we said no psych patients

Jk anon was probably shitposting since those are well known to be relatively low compensation

Anonymous No. 16565278

robbing people of their time is evil and goes against the code. that anon is not a doctor nor does he want to become one

Anonymous No. 16565349

5+ years of your life is a long time to put into uni

Anonymous No. 16565465

any retard knows that FM and paeds is shit for money. learn to take a joke faggot

Anonymous No. 16565699

tourtist herer what is a nursoid?

Anonymous No. 16565722

You know how incels call females femoids? Nursecels call nurses nursoids.

Anonymous No. 16566150

I am a vol nursecel. Imagine getting jacked off by the same hands that wipe patients' asses all day.

Anonymous No. 16566157

Some people would pay extra for that. Especially if it's an ob/gyn nurse.

Anonymous No. 16566440

sorry if the wrong thread but I have 2 questions.

1. why are opioid withdrawals so intense and life threatening? like what's the moa behind it?

2. where's a good place to learn about ocd (not just the symptoms and causes I understand them)

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Anonymous No. 16566554

Im in my early 20s. How over is it on a scale of 1 to 10?

Anonymous No. 16566655

tpa for stroke adoption is a fascinating story
they should make a tv series out of it

Anonymous No. 16566668

1) Opioid withdrawal is generally not life threatening, unlike alcohol, barbiturates, and to a lesser extent benzos. Theyre just being big babies
2) what else do you even want to know? Just Google it.

Anonymous No. 16566853

>the touch of an L&D nurse is sought after
I'm not some 'mama' who 'knows her body'.
Please refrain from peddling such nonsense is this meeting place of medicine.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16566915

bowowowow wowow

Anonymous No. 16567022

hey anon just calling for an admit

we got this guy down in the ED and he's got this whole "your fucking problem" picture. Admit him now.

Anonymous No. 16567028

ok, what makes the other ones life threatening?

Anonymous No. 16567129

>come to check in on thread stuck at 86 replies for a few hours
>It's down to 85

Anonymous No. 16567184

Do your fucking job.

Anonymous No. 16567715

I did. Now do yours. What labs you want me to send so I can get grandma out of my ED?

Anonymous No. 16567717

UA with UCx, RPR, GC/CT/Trich.
I have a high index of clinical suspicion that grandma has been active.

Anonymous No. 16568048

Good to go, labs drawn and I threw in TSH and B12 for you have fun. Thanks medicine.

Anonymous No. 16568053

literally just chemically generated singlet oxygen for both indications; the red light helmets do it and sorts of overpriced topical chemo drugs do it.

Anonymous No. 16568060

>singlet oxygen
Studies? Mechanism of action?

Anonymous No. 16568085

for acne causing bacteria it pretty obviously oxidizes them into oblivious when the concentrations get high enough, which just isn't usually enough with light alone.
Mechanism of action?
see above.

Anonymous No. 16568086


Anonymous No. 16568239

>NOOOOO I am a danger to myself and society but you can't just try to HELP me!!!! I'm suing!!!!
Typical mental patient.

Anonymous No. 16568411

idk my psychiatrists have been mostly good. funnily enough though they tend to give me what I ask for because I research a lot of the meds beforehand and discuss it with them

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Anonymous No. 16568502

Can't access that one, but regardless, it doesn't directly deal with singlet oxygen's effectiveness in treating androgenetic alopecia. Do you have any studies relavant to that?
This does deal with androgenetic alopecia, but onyl concludes that
>red light promoted the proliferation of human hair follicles in the experimental cultured-tissue model
>in the experimental cultured-tissue model
I'm not impressed, this is weak sauce. Fin and min have been tested to death on people.

Anonymous No. 16568505

Pic rel reminds me that I’ve thought about forensic pathology because I like listening to true crime. Can anyone vouch or dissuade if it’s actually fun or not? It’s also a job that won’t risk in accidentally killing anyone since the “patients” are already gone so that’s a relief

Anonymous No. 16568508

People who listen to true crime are npcs.

Anonymous No. 16568513

>Can anyone vouch or dissuade if it’s actually fun or not?
I don't know shit but you will be dealing with lawyers and prosecutors and I do know that is never fun. Other than that it should be basically regular patho work. Do you enjoy sitting on your ass looking through the microscope all day, with an occasional autopsy?
> It’s also a job that won’t risk in accidentally killing anyone since the “patients” are already gone so that’s a relief
That also means shit pay.

Anonymous No. 16568516

Many old derms are going to get shafted by an onslaught of topical steroids lawsuits brewing from all the people who got prescribed shit that disfigured them into flakey reptile people lol

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Anonymous No. 16568545

check out:

red light therapy is weaksauce compared to directly chemically generating singlet oxygen. to my knowledge I'm the first to test it for hair growth, but potassium bromide had really impressive results:

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Anonymous No. 16568554

Can any of you med fags weigh in on whether this is a legit treatment or more homeopathic schizo shit? The white woman behind this post claims that inoculating herself with worms is meant to treat Crohn's disease and that she can "take dewormer at any time".

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Anonymous No. 16568555

She also has dedicated her entire account to worm therapy and has made hundreds of posts discussing said worms living in her body

Anonymous No. 16568632

There apparently is some merit to it, there have been studies.

TL;DR supposedly the presence whipworms can trigger a specific immune response that increases production of mucus, which in turn feeds protective bacteria that compete with inflammatory bacteria.

Anonymous No. 16568683

Sounds like dumbfuckery to me

Anonymous No. 16568877

good morning, i hate women.

Anonymous No. 16568947

same, why I'm gonna try to fuck the cute derm resident I know. I love ultra smart twinks

Anonymous No. 16568983


Anonymous No. 16569502

what the fuck

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patient position ....png

Anonymous No. 16569620

patient position types
if this is wrong i can delete it from my computer

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Anonymous No. 16569678

what is the red part of his body labelled as?
i saved the image liek this for some reason

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Anonymous No. 16569781

ill know to find this with this filename

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fem anatomy unche....png

Anonymous No. 16569807

didnt find out if this was true either but never found an oppurtunity to "wake up sheeple" post with it

Anonymous No. 16569870


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Anonymous No. 16569871

>yfw patient is trying to describe their symptoms and seems to have not the slightest idea of how the human body works

Anonymous No. 16569882

thank you <3

Anonymous No. 16569885

tfw you are a psychologist (peak okf mt gay retard)

Anonymous No. 16569909


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Anonymous No. 16569985

Anonymous No. 16569989

kill yourself avatar fag
no one here likes you

Anonymous No. 16569995

>no one here likes you
>no one here likes you
>no one here likes you
>no one here likes you

what are you, retarded? go back to /pol/ btw youre the gangstalker and have no interest in medicine or becoming a doctor

Anonymous No. 16570019

Blue-blocking glasses as additive treatment for mania: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
im personally not a big fan of bluelight blockers, but if it will help some of the posters here be free to try it.

Anonymous No. 16570043

both of these are wrong, it's packed way tighter than that

Anonymous No. 16570046

I was thinking about becoming a psych but I only want to work one or two days a week

Anonymous No. 16570059

post picture

Anonymous No. 16570128

It's true. You only shit up the thread.

Anonymous No. 16570190

hold up let me cut open my tummy

Anonymous No. 16570280


Anonymous No. 16570579

not my problem that no one talks about medicine in the /med/icine thread

Anonymous No. 16570587

>black patient comes in
>try not to say nigger
>dont say nigger, dont say nigger, dont say nigger, dont say nigger
>call them a person of African American descent
mission accomplished

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16570671


Anonymous No. 16570781

Good job anon not everyone is capable of that restraint

Would discuss medicine but unfortunately I'm on psychiatry rn and we do not discuss psych because it attracts psych patients who shit up the thread

Anonymous No. 16570824

we have no thread of our own it's not our fault

Anonymous No. 16570840

How do you balance lifting with med school? I'm only a 1st year and have been struggling to maintain working out 5x a week with getting any studying done, much less having a life outside of those 2 things. Fatigue from workouts accumulates throughout the week and leaves me wanting to sleep in my free time instead of study. Might actually consider using gear just because of all the time it would free up

Anonymous No. 16570849

>5x a week
Don't need that frequency if natty and not competing. 3 is sufficent, 4 is a lot, 5 is just overkill, unless it's something like 3x lifting 2x cardio then it's fine. You can even get away with 2 for maintaining for some time.

If you're doing cardio, consider a bicycle for transportation, it saves a lot of time when your commute becomes your exercise for the day.
>much less having a life outside of those 2 things
Workouts shouldn't be more than 60-90 minutes, plus a short commute. It shouldn't cut into your life that much at 3x a week. You can listen to whatever you have to learn while resting if you're desperate. Consider a home gym setup if possible and commute is long.
>Fatigue from workouts accumulates throughout the week and leaves me wanting to sleep in my free time instead of study.
Sounds like you're not getting enough sleep, that will fuck up both your studying and lifting. Fix your sleep if it's fucked, fucked sleep is terrible for managining time well.
>Might actually consider using gear just because of all the time it would free up
If you're a med student considering using gear, you haven't studied enough. The average user can at least justify their ignorance, you'd be plain retarded. It won't save you any time, you will just want to get bigger, there's no person out there that hops on a little gear and stops working out and ends it there. And i don't care if it's just 200 mg test, it will affect your life expectancy, no such thing as a free lunch. Don't be stupid.

Anonymous No. 16570866

Just gear, pussy

Anonymous No. 16570874

I don't know

Anonymous No. 16570878

It's hilarious that I'm a virgin medical student but I'm doing shit like pelvic exams and prostate exams lol. I hope the SPs are getting paid hella bank.

Anonymous No. 16570914

found the boomer ortho, get ecdysterone instead.

>t. deep in the endocrine literature.

Anonymous No. 16570928

>be medical student shadowing the residents
>hemato-onco ward
>4 out of 6 patients being treated by one particular doctor tell us they want to stop all treatment and go into hospice/palliative care
Must have been a real shitty day. Oncology seems like it just sucks the joy out of you.

Anonymous No. 16570973

Yeah, go take some insect steroid because you're a little bitch

Anonymous No. 16571113

First day?
You learn to just not give a shit. If that's what the patient wants, then that's what you do.

Anonymous No. 16571114

enjoy ur chemical castration and leathery-ass RFK Jr. forehead

Anonymous No. 16571131

You can always tell yourself that most of these people earned their cancer with a shitty lifestyle at least. You keep sucking on cancer sticks with cancer pictures on them, hard to feel bad when you get it. Ped hem onco is where the real sadness kicks in.

Anonymous No. 16571172

ped anything is depressing

Anonymous No. 16571190

anki inbetween sets, thats what I did

Anonymous No. 16571287

Watch this


Anonymous No. 16571316

I'm more of Olanzapine gal myself

Anonymous No. 16571559


Anonymous No. 16571615

if I've just had surgery yesterday and there's no pain, should I still bother taking the pain meds they gave me or just switch to acetaminophen and ibuprofen?

Anonymous No. 16571854

Do whatever your doctor tells you and stfu

Anonymous No. 16571907

my medical school can't send any more students or residents to get their badges at our affiliated VA because of Trump's retarded blanket VA hiring freeze
The new batch of emergency medicine interns is supposed to start there on Monday but none of them can get badges so the department is in chaos

We live in a clown country

Anonymous No. 16571914

>The VA, where veterans have a second chance to die for their country.
only the best for our veterans

Anonymous No. 16571941

why would I continue with opioids if there's no pain though?

Anonymous No. 16571967

>patient cannot interpret "hydrocodone-acetaminophen 5:325mg every 6 hours as needed for pain


If you don't need it, don't take it. If you do, do. Fuck.

Anonymous No. 16571981

>taking medical history
>do you have any medical conditions, diagnoses, or diseases?
>patient is incredibly overweight and female
>ok, are you taking any meds
>yeah i take a lot. let me think on what i take

Anonymous No. 16571984

I mean I'm only in my 20s but my meds have changed so much much during the last 2 years that it would take me a bit to remember them all. there's like 10 of them

Anonymous No. 16572147

>Taking medical history
>Patient doesn't know how to answer properly in order to satisfy their doctor
First time?

Anonymous No. 16572160

>yeah i take a lot. let me think on what i take
Write them down. Write them down. Write them down.
I would rather have patients with twenty item long supplement lists who print out said list than some dude who is speed running vascular dementia who can't be bothered to recall if he takes aspirin.

Anonymous No. 16572216

You wait 1 minute, see what they can remember. If they can't remember, then you just tell the attending that the patient is a poor historian and keep going

Anonymous No. 16572535

no, and it surely wont be the last. it ranges from slight annoyance to slight hilarity depending on how my day is going.
i do wait 1 minute if they think they can recall it. more commonly they say "let me pull up mychart really quick" to which i then cut them off immediately and say we'll do it at the end if there's time (almost never is). i once had a lot of spare time at the end of the exam so i ran an experiment and let one guy try to pull up his mychart. after about 10 minutes, he said he couldn't do it lmao.

Anonymous No. 16572759

why is asprin and vascular dementia a bad combination

Anonymous No. 16572867

thought i would share some ancient keno i just unearthed

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16572890

About to get my ass beat by upcoming exams. Do you guys hate it when you guy can tell the spanking is coming? :(

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Anonymous No. 16572894

About to get my ass beat by upcoming exams. Do you guys hate it when you guy can tell the spanking is coming? :(
>pic related

Anonymous No. 16572928

Maybe study a bit harder?

Anonymous No. 16572944

amphetamine time

Anonymous No. 16572948

I'm about to do some practice questions. I have to embrace my ignorance and learn from my mistakes.
I have occasional bouts of delusions of grandeur. I pretend my studying has a deeper meaning like a fight against dark and evil causes. That is stronger than any amphetamine.

Anonymous No. 16572959

guy in my class is balding at 25 and thinks getting a med degree will save his chances in dating.
is this delusional?

Anonymous No. 16572961

I-is this "guy" you?

Anonymous No. 16572963

answer the fucking question

Anonymous No. 16572964

Entirely depends on your other stats.
But in short, no.
Get on the finasteride and minoxidil. They really do work.

Anonymous No. 16572969

fin/dut + min. it's like come on now

Anonymous No. 16572971

I got an 83% on the practice test. I may not be as fucked as I thought :)

Anonymous No. 16572990

>t. 1997 FDA
Totally mogged by a huge range of plants and research chemicals at this point, 5-ARI type 2 is just scratching the surface of relevant signaling pathways and eriocitrin is actually its final boss, not the boomer drugs.

>t. hair wizard

Anonymous No. 16572991

idk what you're talking about but fin works at least and the risks are minimal

Anonymous No. 16572992

eriocitrin is significantly more potent and doesn't get to your nuts with topical application

>protip: retarded high concentrations are in mint water

Anonymous No. 16573123

>muh eriocitrin
There's like what, one baby's first study that concludes it's a better 5αR2 inhibitor than fin is, through virtual screening and no clinical trials?
Fin has been tested to death on people, come back when eriocitrin is.

Anonymous No. 16573155

I've tested it personally and it make my top 5 hair-growing research chemicals, but the best one isn't even in the literature.

Anonymous No. 16573167

>I've tested it personally
Even if i assumed your methodology was solid and you truly isolated it right (I won't, because i have no evidence and you're a random nobody on a zimbabwean basket weaving website), your anecdote still isn't relevant for anything other than your own experience, because that's all it is, a sample of 1. Do and publish an actual study if you feel strongly about it, make history. Until then, fin+min remains the gold standard. Microneedling also has some decent research, especially combined with min.

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Anonymous No. 16573295

What specialties are most threated by AI?

Anonymous No. 16573435

Anything that is heavy on diagnostics and light on procedures, human interaction amd real time decision making. I'd say radio by far, followed by internal, phato and family, probably in that order.

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Anonymous No. 16573470

The "gold standard" therapy is like 30 years outdated at this point, you should have a decent intuition that the 1997 FDA is actually no longer the ultimate authority on how to grow the most hair, kek.

>t. deep in the trichology journals figuring out the "Rhodium standard" combination therapy.

Anonymous No. 16573523

>The "gold standard" therapy is like 30 years outdated at this point
It could be a thousand years old for all i care, it will still be the gold standard if there's literally zero alternatives with a bunch of clinical studies to back them up. No one cares about screenings alone, that's just a first step. Prove it stops balding by actually stopping a bunch of people from balding.
>t. deep in the trichology journals figuring out the "Rhodium standard" combination therapy.
Does your research involve any clinical studies or is to more jerking off to numbers on a sheet of paper?

Anonymous No. 16573570

If you want alternative stuff that has had human studies, try out hemp oil or onion juice. Neither of them have been widely studied, but have been proven effective in small trials.
>protip: *some chemical* involved in red light therapy can be generated through other means to absolutely mog all the other treatments, and every dermatologist on earth is too stupid to find it.

Anonymous No. 16573576

Post your hairline, faggot.

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Anonymous No. 16573586

>he really thinks the boomer hair drugs are all that works

Anonymous No. 16573615

Yeah, just gonna go out on a limb and say your n = 1 study using mint water is not working.

Anonymous No. 16573622

It actually is, with a pretty big reversal of diffuse thinning. Peppermint oil was studied in rats and found to be effective, while it only has a fraction of the eriocitrin:

Anonymous No. 16573633

>Peppermint oil was studied in rats and found to be effective, while it only has a fraction of the eriocitrin
Peppermint oil shouldn't have any eriocitrin or negligible traces, it's made using steam distillation, eriocitrin is not a volatile compound. It's not even listed in the composition table of the "study" you posted.

This isn't even premed, this is high school chem and reading comprehension. Why are you here?

They didn't test it on balding mice. They shaved the mice and compared growth speed. All that can be concluded here is that peppermint oil can possibly speed up growth of active follicles, and that it is not due to eriocitrin. This doesn't translate to activation of dormant follicles or prevention of follicle miniaturization in human androgenetic alopecia, which is what you need for regrowth and prevention respectively.

Anonymous No. 16573638

We've been through the literature on peppermint oil, it indeed has fairly negligible amounts of eriocitrin, but still gets into the high hundred of micrograms to milligrams per milliliter, which is more potent than topical fin *if you believe* the binding simulation.

Anonymous No. 16573775

I scratched inside my ear and I heard a squelching noise
What the fuck was that?

Anonymous No. 16573782

moisture and the airtight seal

Anonymous No. 16573787

I know I know no psych patients. But in addition to quite a few other diagnoses, I am diagnosed as cptsd, autism, and bpd. I know these 3 have a lot of overlap, so what's the chance one of them is a misdiagnosis? I'm female if that matters and got my bpd and cptsd diagnoses before my autism and ADHD diagnoses.

Anonymous No. 16573809

I talked to a resident the other day who couldn't give a clear description of what DNA and RNA are in the context of viruses.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16573820

DNA and RNA in the context of viruses (the answer you might want) may be referring to the mechanisms in which some viral organisms act, where, they are able to incorporate themselves in to the DNA, to be the commands for the body to make whatever proteins the virus wants it to make, after going into the cell or its nucleus, and either producing its own RNA with its own reverse transciptase, or producing DNA directly to then have that effect. another way the virus can spread is by lysis, or by reaching the cell membrane an leaving it as its own bubble

Anonymous No. 16573825

another cell that a virus may attack is bacteria (prokaryotic cells)
maybe ask another therapist about your mental health issues

Anonymous No. 16573831

DNA and RNA in the context of viruses (the answer you might want) may be referring to the mechanisms in which some viral organisms act, where, they are able to incorporate themselves in to the DNA, to be the commands for the body to make whatever proteins the virus wants it to make, after going into the cell or its nucleus, and either producing its own RNA with its own reverse transciptase, or producing DNA directly to then have that effect and is dependant on whether the type of virus has entered the cell or has to enter the nucleus. another way the virus can spread is by lysis, or by reaching the cell membrane an leaving it as its own bubble

Anonymous No. 16573833

my psychologist thinks it's fine and the two psychiatrists I see don't question it. so I guess I'm just unlucky and got them all

Anonymous No. 16573835

guess you should just buck up and learn self development or go to therapy to make those temporary or acute problems

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Anonymous No. 16573843

i dont think(?) this is an inverted Q wave, but what is this S-T double beat called? is this the thing where there is a triple heartbeat? i am calling the first spike the P wave as there is none after T. why is the S wave inverted, can that happen? looks like the S-T segment is delayed. do you think the pericardium is involved with these electrical findings (that there is delay)

Anonymous No. 16573850

I am actually! I'm doing DBT now, I was told it doesn't only help with bpd but also with ADHD, so yeah. also I'm off a few of the meds I used to be on so making progress

Anonymous No. 16573855

maybe a premature ventricular contraction

Anonymous No. 16573865

Thanks chatgpt.

Anonymous No. 16573867

yeah im learning how to answer questions (for my tests) slowly by copying how AI structures its responses. so what. its only because no one in /med/ talks to me. AI talks to me

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16573873

are you proud of me /med/
im the mouse poster

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Anonymous No. 16573875

are you proud of me /med/
im the mouse poster

Anonymous No. 16573906

if you stop avatarfagging, sure

Anonymous No. 16573940

top 50 on the site :)
of course i am not (yet) a doctorr

Anonymous No. 16573951

a while ago i had a "forgetting moment" about whether or not a myocardial event (an infarct) may cause hyperglycaemia in an ER setting, which i read about it happening (i think) on BNF as well as high blood pressure due to the kidneys function from another source. it turns it out can
but i had a reminder to check if it was actually blood loss that causes this (as in the blood loss triangle - acidity (pH), temperature (lowered), coagulopathy), and Google says it can

if this is the case (blood loss causes blood sugar levels to rise) then is it - or why is it not - a method of helping diabetics? understanding that there are two types of diabetes, and that one isnt because of the immune systems response to insulin, if that is the reason why. if their blood sugar levels are low then why not bloodlet them

Anonymous No. 16573990

I'm scared of male med students and young doctors because they're basically incels except they're extroverted and have sex. Blackpilled chads as you would call them.

Anonymous No. 16574006

theyre incels that have sex. right...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574020

post tits.
breast exam is part of regular work up of cptsd, autism and bpd.
can't say otherwise

Anonymous No. 16574023

>thank you for being a medical contributors
good evening sar

Anonymous No. 16574027

I used to design book covers.
I feel it important to mention that I did not design this one.

Anonymous No. 16574133

I hate how badly the word incel has been co-opted.
>t. actual incel about to get Wizard powers

Anonymous No. 16574148

I'll take your virginity

Anonymous No. 16574154

I want Wizard powers.

Anonymous No. 16574164

involcel here
I don't care about sex and relationships but if I cared I wouldn't be able to get them anyway

Anonymous No. 16574195

this is a limited time offer only. your gonna become a dirt wizard

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Anonymous No. 16574251

Is piss heavier than water? I pissed in the toilet an hour ago and then came back, the yellow piss was on the bottom with clear water at the top. I don’t think I’ve noticed this phenomenon before, and I piss every day

…it’s alcoholic liver failure isn’t it. well it’s been a long time coming I suppose

Anonymous No. 16574360

Ended up getting an 88% on my exam. I FEEL LIKE A GOD!

Anonymous No. 16574402

You should report your teacher for being a nazi for the lulz.

Anonymous No. 16574528

Anon, people don't know how to draw telemetry or EKG tracings. That's it. They even put nonsense shit onto the sides of ambulances. Nurse bumper stickers are the worst culprit.

Anonymous No. 16574663

>Is piss heavier than water?
The word you're looking for is denser and yes, piss is typically a bit denser than water is, because urea (the main waste product in piss) is quite a bit denser than water.
>I pissed in the toilet an hour ago and then came back, the yellow piss was on the bottom with clear water at the top
Could just be dehydration, the less water in your piss, the higher the urea content, so denser piss. Could also be excessive proteins/glucose, which could point to beetus/kidney disease/UTI/stones.

I wouldn't worry too much about it if it happened once and there's nothing else going on, but if you're worried and have too much money and time, go piss in a cup and get it tested for glucose and proteins.

Anonymous No. 16574799

I find I need to stay over-hydrated compared to the average person otherwise I'll feel like shit and maybe get headaches
For example I have to drink water up until 9-9:30 pm otherwise I'll wake up with some head tension which may turn into a headache
The trade off to doing that is having to wake up 2-4 times a night to piss
Anyone know what it is and could a CSF leak potentially explain these symptoms?

Anonymous No. 16575007

Yep. Your CSF is leaking into your bladder, super uncommon but it happens. Try pelvic floor exercises to close the thecovesicular fistula

Anonymous No. 16575026

Interesting. Why don’t the two liquids just mix homogeneously? Why is the heavy stuff linked to the yellow stuff?

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Anonymous No. 16575049

>mfw almost 2 months into step 1 dedicated
for better or for worse it will all be over soon

Anonymous No. 16575088

went to ER for sever pain in side
they did a CT scan, told me it was my gallbladder, and referred for a HIDA test

is this something I can just deal with?
they billed $7k for the ER visit and I’m not eager to start selling stuff to pay for the scan + potential surgery

Anonymous No. 16575116

American health care is a nightmare jfc

Anonymous No. 16575148

it was me, my bad

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Anonymous No. 16575156

3 weeks into internship.
I still know nothing, but no one has yelled at me yet so I must be doing okay.

Anonymous No. 16575165

If you're in europe, I gurantee that, in total, you paid way over $7k in public healthcare fees that were automatically deduced from your monthly salary. I pay the equivalent of like $500 and I'm from a poor country, so that's just 14 months. I didn't go to the ER in way over 14 months and don't have an american salary, so I'm way worse off than Anon is.

Anonymous No. 16575168

I'm in Australia and yeah my public healthcare costs a decent amount. I've personally used healthcare services a lot though, like easily over $300,000 worth. but it should be paid for by the taxes of some mining company, not by people working a 9 to 5

Anonymous No. 16575171

>Why don’t the two liquids just mix homogeneously?
Because diffusion isn't instant. They would if you gave them enough time.

Anonymous No. 16575260

What do psychiatrists even do?

Anonymous No. 16575267

Diagnose arbitrarily defined disorders by assigning an arbitrarily chosen amount of wrongthink points. Get enough points and you get some half-assed symptom treatment they don't really understand. That's the gist of it.

Anonymous No. 16575275

I've got a pretty bad case of diarrhoea and yesterday I went on a jog, but it actually worsened my condition. Why is that? I thought working out helped with bowel movement

Anonymous No. 16575281

> I thought working out helped with bowel movement
Long term, not when you have diarrhea. Lifting is good for your muscles, doesn't mean you should be attempting a bench PR with a torn pec.

Anonymous No. 16575291

they pay less for equivalent care and doing it through taxes has the advantage of spreading costs over time
which is the point of insurance in the first place, but american health insurance is non-functional

Anonymous No. 16575292

Makes sense I guess

Anonymous No. 16575303

>they pay less for equivalent care
Lmao no, public healthcare is notoriously underfunded, basic and selective. In my country for example it doesn't even cover treatment of all teeth, only front, need a dental filling in a molar? Get fucked lol.

Don't even get me started on wait times, most of the time i pay for private anyways because i can't be fucked to wait half a year.
>doing it through taxes has the advantage of spreading costs over time
This is great when you're a retard that doesn't comprehend the concept of not living month to month, I guess. It doesn't matter when you save money. It's hurting you when you invest money. The american Anon could have invested his 7k before paying for the ER and have a few k of profit left. I can't do shit with my taxes.
>american health insurance is non-functional
I get the feeling Anon didn't have insurance to begin with. Which is fine, he essentialy made a bet (not gonna get sick, so not gonna pay for insurance) and lost it.

Anonymous No. 16575305

put me on Seroquel without actually explaining what it is to me
psychs explain yourself, why was everyone (literally everyone) in the psych ward on Quetiapine?

Anonymous No. 16575360

>psych patients

Anonymous No. 16575457

The more we’re getting through our unit in psychiatry, the more I’m starting to realize/confirm some pretty serious undiagnosed mental disorders that I’ve had for most of my life that I’ve been wading through and masking/bottling up. I know self diagnosis is cringe but I’m half way to being a doc so fuck it

Anonymous No. 16575478

what have you got?

Anonymous No. 16575507

Current treatments against cancer:
>Irradiate the area so that even more cells suffer mutations
>Take cytotoxics so that the entire body dies before the more resilient cancerous cells. Also kill the immune system so that it can't kill neither the tumour nor the occasional mutated cells that appear all the time.
New treatments:
>mrna "vaccįnes" so that (hopefully) your immune system learns how to fight cancerous cells that are essentially indistinguishable from the other normal cells
>Same but with an mrna payload generated by A.I (impossible to know what will it do) and custom-made for a single patient (tested in a population of 0 people)
Medfags explain the rationale behind all this with a straight face.

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Anonymous No. 16575566

>You forgot one treatment my good man, the one that eradicates all maladies... one that hasn't been brought up here for a long time. Allow me the honour of administering it to you personally.

Anonymous No. 16575659

The difference between having a mental illness and just having traits that are characteristic of it is an arbitrary number of them. You could diagnose just about anyone as narc for example. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Anonymous No. 16575661

All this has a remission rate higher than doing nothing. Pretty simple stuff.

Anonymous No. 16575665

Thanks, doc

Anonymous No. 16575701

we don't reply to psych patients anon
He doesn't understand the first thing about the treatments he's critiquing. We do not owe explanations to morons who are not our patients.

Anonymous No. 16575705

i do what i want, you're not my attending

Anonymous No. 16575717

Yes I am, and i'm going to write "student did well" and give you 3/5 across the board on your eval

Anonymous No. 16575737

Can you help me start an IV? Yes i know nurses do them but i'd like to see a professional such as yourself do it.

Anonymous No. 16575748

nice job, anon. hopefully you didnt jinx it and get yelled at today.

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is he dying.png

Anonymous No. 16575837

>have a bad day
>oh boy, tomorrow has to be better
>have a worse day
>this time for sure it has to get better
>hit rock bottom
>haha, it has to get better
>it gets worse

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Anonymous No. 16576101

n. It can be estimated that delivery at 39 weeks EGA would prevent 2 fetal
deaths per 1000 living fetuses. This would translate into the prevention of as many as 6000
intrauterine fetal demises in the United States annually—an impact that far exceeds any other
strategy implemented for stillbirth reduction thus far.
what the fuck who asked

Anonymous No. 16576102

>put a negative spin on something
>put a negative spin on something
>im scared of the future
>im scared of the future

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pizza_bonk 172443....jpg

Anonymous No. 16576239

any med students in their obgyn weeks know if there is anything new that happens for expectant mothers at 39 weeks, like new habits?

Anonymous No. 16576240

or 36-39 weeks

Anonymous No. 16576246

are there UK doctors in this thread?
what questions were you asked on the tests?

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Anonymous No. 16576538

I started smoking halfway through med school

idk why only black people smoke Newports, shits good

Anonymous No. 16576803

Smoking is bad for your health, that's why I smoke

Anonymous No. 16576821

same. I was the type of person who could not force myself to study in high school and undergrad but could still get As without trying. But I'm starting to suspect I've had untreated ADHD for a while. My shit ability to focus is kicking my ass with this sheer amount of work in school right now

Anonymous No. 16576831

the whole left half of my index fingernail has turned brown in the last few months. I've heard it can be melanoma but my family raised me to never worry about health and to always "suck it up". Hopefully it kills me

Anonymous No. 16576836

How did you guys take the MCAT/USMLE if you believe you have ADHD? Those tests are fucking loooong.

Anonymous No. 16576837

just take a pliers and rip it out. Oncologists have enough money

Anonymous No. 16576840

I'm great with seeing something about twice and committing it to memory. I did well on the other 3 parts but I did not even finish the CARS section, just threw in guesses for the last passages. It was still enough to get above 510

Anonymous No. 16576841

>It was still enough to get above 510
Nice. I don't think I have ADHD myself but it really is hard to study long.

Anonymous No. 16576966

nta but I literally didn't study for it, like believe me I tried, but I couldn't sit down and study for more than half an hour at a time, every so often. I just had a lot of science classes done so good baseline knowledge, got a perfect score on CARS which is all skill no study, and got mediocre scores in the other ones, a mid-510s score overall

I wasn't on meds at the time and now I am. The doses I need are on the very high end of the spectrum so I don't think most ADHD types have it quite so bad

Anonymous No. 16577083

>I started smoking halfway through med school
Why'd you start? I'm considering doing it as well. Shit is stressful.

Anonymous No. 16577090

how do i get more consistent in practical skills? i've done some of these skills hundreds of times already, but sometimes i just can't do it without retrying a few times or sometimes i can only do it poorly even after retrying it several times. it's like i can't develop muscle memory.

Anonymous No. 16577152

nta but don't smoke, vape if you have to but don't smoke holy shit

Anonymous No. 16577165

I’m a fucking retard. I started nicotine pouches recently to aid with stress and I did not realize they function via the absorption into the lip bloodstream. I’ve been trying to swallow like gum or a sucker and I’ve been wondering why they don’t work. ADAR (All doctors are retards)

Anonymous No. 16577193

Practice more. Sometimes it is more difficult for certain patients.

Anonymous No. 16577194

blah blah no advice I know
but if anyone is willing to humour me
my testicle is usually positioned with its long axis parallel tosagital plane, frontal pole just slightly higher than the back
after todays nightshift nap I found it aligned almost vertically with frontal pole pointing down, and it just stays in th t position
I dont feel any pain, neither in abdomen nor scrotum
should I see urologist immediately?
I've read that test torsion without pain is practically a non-occurance especially in adults, and I really am not entertined by the tought of some guy fondling my balls and seeing my tiny dick further shrunk by stress and fear

Anonymous No. 16577196

oh and it does rise normally when coughing

Anonymous No. 16577325

when I show up to emergency in the back of an ambulance from a polypharmacy od what do you even do? like I'm guessing narcans been administered for the opioids, but for all the other stuff do I just get intubated and fed charcoal and wait it out?

Anonymous No. 16577380

Have you tried using Ivermectin?
I've heard it's a common medicine and has good results for warts and such.

Anonymous No. 16577392

Any websites recommendations for researching holistic healing?

I have a relative with Parkinsons. I just read that Parkinsons is caused in part due to irritation and inflammation of the brain. And I also read that seed oils cause both irritation and inflammation internally. I'm wondering if there is a healing herb that can be used reverse the damage from Parkinsons.

Anonymous No. 16577398

>sneed oils

Anonymous No. 16577445

Yeah go to a doctor anon

Anonymous No. 16577458

Do whatever makes you happy anon none of that stuff has been shown to do anything but if it makes you feel better for the last 30-40 years of your life then go for it.

Whatever makes the crawl towards rigidity and dementia easier

Anonymous No. 16577561

thanks doc

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Anonymous No. 16577579

I don't do it much. But honestly dude its such a potent stress reliever when you're at your limit. It's... nice. I'm genuinely glad I started. I haven't tried anything like benzos, but I really doubt anything else is as strong.

I honestly think that at a low rate of consumption (less than daily in my case, but up to a couple per day) the mental health benefit outweighs any lung or systemic damage. It's also a very social thing if you smoke with someone (especially if you're overseas), though I usually don't. In general, I just think maybe there are things more important than ekeing out a few more years (maybe) of being an old fart.

Not that I'm about to go recommending to patients that they start smoking. If anything, it's good for smoking cessation - picrel. How many docs out there lecture their patients about smoking, while having never tried it even once? Not my style, personally.
Tell this story to any southerner and they'll have a good laugh
meh. If you smoke 1 cigarette a day for 40 years, that's a whopping 2 pack-years.

Anonymous No. 16577602

>I haven't tried anything like benzos, but I really doubt anything else is as strong.
nta, but it's funny I've never tried smoking but benzos are insane. I go from screaming to being mind numbingly sedated after a benzo. I've usually had them with Olanzapine though but the combo is crazy

Anonymous No. 16577635

Yeah nah smoking is like, if you've ever gotten a massage and had a knot/tension worked out, it's like that but mental/emotional. At least for me. Much less intense than you describe, but I've simply never found anything that works nearly as well

Anonymous No. 16577807

Antipsychotics give me oculogyric crises (involuntary eye movements)

I don't think these meds are worth it

Anonymous No. 16577840

I'm not the guy who wrote that post about cancer treatments

But it's pretty crazy to see docs like you who have utter disdain for psych patients

I don't believe all doctors are like that, but I do believe a significant portion are exactly like that

Anonymous No. 16577873

I don't have sex nigga

Anonymous No. 16577875

Epic went down today and nobody at this hospital keeps paper charts
Downtime chaos all morning until it popped back up right before shift change

Fuck Wisconsin

Anonymous No. 16577890

I own a lot of literal shit. What's that do to me medically?

Anonymous No. 16577914

It's not about psych patients, in general

It's about psych patients shitting up our thread

Anonymous No. 16577941

electronic charting is mega gay. love muh paper.

Anonymous No. 16577992

I know you love to lord it over psych patients (God I know that too well) but on here you're just another lonely cunt just like me

Consider your thread shat in

Anonymous No. 16578071

Fuck you, asshole. You're probably not a virgin like I am. I now know what stolen valor feels like.

Anonymous No. 16578074

they've helped me a lot. Quetiapine gave me a lot of leg spasms tho but Olanzapine was well tolerated. I'm not actually bipolar or schizophrenic so I've stopped taking them after about 2 years but they helped me through crisis

Anonymous No. 16578076

we have literally nowhere else. our threads get deleted

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Anonymous No. 16578126

My medical school runs 4 one-hour lectures back to back. For the people that show up in person do those niggas just absorb everything the first time or something? The slides are dense too...

Anonymous No. 16578129

Maybe find a board where they're not off topic. Perhaps /b/

Anonymous No. 16578145

/b/ is only for porn and you know it wouldn't last given how fast the board is

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Anonymous No. 16578162

Histrionic personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder. Brief psychotic disorder. Bipolar disorder. Any other form of BPD. They're all on your chart now, chud. Let's see here, they all tally up to... oh! Straight to the padded room, buddy!

Anonymous No. 16578176

You probably wouldn't love paper if you had to rewrite all your plans for the day from memory since everything is in the EMR, not to mention remembering exact doses on all the medications

Anonymous No. 16578177

Tbh I think I've only ever met psych residents who are basedsteins
Guess it must useful to be able to suplex aggressive patients

Anonymous No. 16578211

>remembering exact doses
easy. 1gtt qid OU for 2weeks or so :).

Anonymous No. 16578223

ward call is so much better when you don't have to rechart every 3rd patient because the TT are lazy fucks

Anonymous No. 16578236

I'm bpd with psychosis, let's do this

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Anonymous No. 16578259

It's crazy how often medicine harms patients (pic related) and the medical industry just gets away with it, without consequences

"Oh our treatment gave your child a lifelong disability? We don't care"

Anonymous No. 16578267

No one forced you to have the surgery.

Anonymous No. 16578268

me with motor tics after being forced on antipsychotics

Anonymous No. 16578276

>leave home
>get raped
>"no one forced you to leave home"
Watch your back, I will rape you.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16578277


Anonymous No. 16578280

>ahh yes if I hit anon with a completely unrelated allegory I'll definitely win this internet battle!

Anonymous No. 16578282

kys namefag

Anonymous No. 16578296

Nobody has forced me to have surgery no, but I was forcibly given antipsychotics against my will

Exactly. Some medicine is obviously life-saving, but some medicines really fuck people up.

Anonymous No. 16578311

The state made me do it.

Anonymous No. 16578366

yeah let's get her on a cocktail of meds at high doses and keep her in a ward for months at a time. that will surely make her better

Anonymous No. 16578372

Maybe instead of psych patients thread, you can make a thread discussing the scientific validity of antipsychotics in treating acute psychosis, mania, and aggression. Then you can post and read articles that support your view that they have no merit.

Anonymous No. 16578392

>the schizos dont realize that the alternative to rheir antipsychotics is 00 buck

Anonymous No. 16578427

figured it out
I have bell clapper deformity
fucking sucks and sometimes makes me wish I had no balls
>only treatment is scrotum surgery or you're forever at risk of test torsion
double fucking sucks
imagine if every time your scrotum got lose due to heat you were at risk of torsion unless you're willing to put your balls trough surgery

Anonymous No. 16578489

acute psychosis? I was on them for years, but I'm off the meds now
the system needs to change, it's torture at every step

Anonymous No. 16578711

I've taken a low dose of antipsychotic for the last few days and it's fucking me up

Just like I've had before, I'm getting oculogyric crises - involuntary eye movements

I probably should just stop psych meds. I dunno why I keep falling for this bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16578752

My last roommate failed this course but I'm looking to pass it ~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous No. 16578754


Been here for 30 years now. Since I was a baby

Anonymous No. 16579043
