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Anonymous No. 16562559

Is drinking cow milk good or is it bad?

Anonymous No. 16562560

We only need water. Everything else can be harmful

Anonymous No. 16562563

good, but only if you drink it from the teats

Anonymous No. 16562568

>only species drinking milk from other animals
>only species to land a rover on Mars
clearly a coincidence right?

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Anonymous No. 16562570

You're talking about human milk, right?

Anonymous No. 16562954

It is bad.
Cow milk contains bovine growth hormone.
Which causes cancer in humans.
Or which is a human carcinogen.

Anonymous No. 16562978

I've seen cats drink cow's milk.

Anonymous No. 16562981

i would drink a glass of any liquid she produces

Anonymous No. 16563016

Is good, don't listen to onions retatds, just make sure is from a good source and not the goyslop that they sell at Walmart.

Anonymous No. 16563038

for mammals it is good
for reptiles it is bad

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Anonymous No. 16563040

Yeah it's

Anonymous No. 16563413

there is a place by my house that sells it before they take the cream out and the creamy chunks taste good but none of my friends agree :(

Anonymous No. 16563451

Varies between individuals.

Anonymous No. 16563464

Is lactose intolerance linked to gut microbiome? Had anybody studied that?

Anonymous No. 16563465

depends, does it have bird flu?

Anonymous No. 16563544

>Is lactose intolerance linked to gut microbiome?
Lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose, is produced by cells in small intestine's lining. It's not really related to the microbiome at all. Lactase production is mostly genetic.

Lactose intolerance isn't even the biggest factor though. It doesn't affect the nutritional value of milk or your overall health really, it just causes diarrhea/bloating/gas because lactose cannot be broken down. The bigger issue is allergy to milk proteins and hormone sensitivity.

Anonymous No. 16563561


Anonymous No. 16563837

>bird flu
There's a vaccine for โ€ฆ ack!

Anonymous No. 16563845

couldn't some kind of bacteria making lactase be produced as a probiotic, in theory at least?

Anonymous No. 16563879

I guess, i think that even exists already, but why bother when we can just enrich milk with lactase? That's what "lactose free" milk is. It still doesn't solve allergies and sensitivity, you'd have a much harder time removing protein and hormones from milk.