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🗑️ 🧵 Race realism

Anonymous No. 16562847

I have a Master's in human genetics and it's driving me insane that I can't trust my textbooks. Everybody knows that race is real, but the left captured academia and began gaslighting everyone in the name of equality and I can't figure out how to prove water is wet. Go ahead and say the n-word, none of this bullshit matters if we're supposedly all the same with zero differences. Might as well claw out my own eyes since I apparently can't trust them.

Anonymous No. 16562856

Look up the New York Times article "How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’" by David Reich. As you probably know if you have a Masters, this guy is a leading geneticist and is 100% part of the scientific establishment. In the article he is arguing against all the "race is a social construct" bullshit but he does it from the perspective of the left, so people are more likely to listen (the right already agrees anyway).

Anonymous No. 16562869

I know of Reich but this is new, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16562889

What is some good argument you would give somebody, who is for the most part clueless about human genetics, but wants to argue pro race realism?

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Anonymous No. 16562890

>I have a Master's in human genetics
I distrust you so let me verify with a very basic question. What is pic related?

Anonymous No. 16562891


Anonymous No. 16562898

>Everybody knows that race is real
How many races are there?

Anonymous No. 16562900

>chose random African nation to house African Americans
>assume because it's Africa they'll happen to get along with natives
>they don't

How is this a testament about races? Would they not have had a similar result if any other race attempted to colonize?

Anonymous No. 16562904

There are six races: whitey, negroid, jew, asian, brazilian, and arab

Anonymous No. 16562912

How many do you want?

Here's a possible experiment: Make a list of races, you pick the number. Get a large number of test subjects. Ask them what race on your list they belong to. Then test their DNA according to any reasonable algorithm (prinicipal component analysis or whatever). Will the way people categorized themselves based on "social constructs" correlate to clusters in the DNA? I think we all know the answer.

Anonymous No. 16562923

MBTI results would also correlate to clusters in the DNA. Does this mean the MBTI typology is real?

Anonymous No. 16562924

A few centrioles and a golgi.

Anonymous No. 16562926

Yes, it's real. The horoscopes based on the types are usually not.

Anonymous No. 16562929

>How many do you want?
If they're real, shouldn't there be an agreed upon fixed number of races where everyone can be tied to one of those races?

Anonymous No. 16562930

If colours are real, should there be a fixed number of them?

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Anonymous No. 16562935

>MBTI results would also correlate to clusters in the DNA
That is not certain, and if so it would not even remotely as closely as race. Have you seen a principal component plot before (pic related)? Note that the axes were not chosen by hand to be "race" axes, they are just the two most important numbers that can be extracted from a sample of DNA.

>Does this mean the MBTI typology is real?
This is off on a tangent, but of course MBTI typology is real. The test literally asks you questions about your personality. Of course the test results will correlate strongly with your personality.

Anonymous No. 16562936

Yes. Colors literally are not real (in the sense you are using the word real, ie setting aside color perception and shit where they also aren't real). They're a social construct. What colors are called literally varies by society. Some societies have more colors than others. Some societies use the same word to describe different colors.

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Four shades of gr....png

Anonymous No. 16562940

You chose literally the worst possible fucking argument you could have made, oh my fucking god.

Anonymous No. 16562941

>Colors are just a social construct, they have no electromagnetic basis
Do you realize how ridiculous stuff like this makes you sound? At best it is just empty word games.

Anonymous No. 16562942

>Would they not have had a similar result if any other race attempted to colonize?
only if the other races are similarly retarded

Anonymous No. 16562944

>Colors are just a social construct, they have no electromagnetic basis
Aw, he thinks colors refer to wavelengths.

Remind me what wavelength magenta is?

Anonymous No. 16562946


Anonymous No. 16562953

Equality has no basis in genetics. Aside from identical twins, no two people are "created equal."

Anonymous No. 16562955

Not just that but...
>let's move these African people who we removed from their lands multiple centuries ago
>wiped out their history and native tongues so no one fucking knows where they come from
>put them in some random costal region of West Africa that we previously took over as political footing on the continent
>facilitate proxy level undertones instantly causing hostilities with the native people of Liberia
>surely nothing bad will happen

Reminder they also tried to put African Americans in Panama too. They had no fucking idea what to do with them. Liberia is not a good example to use.

Anonymous No. 16562959

Colours aren't real because different languages name have different words for them?

So, this is the power of anti race realists

Anonymous No. 16562965

It's kind of weird how you can tell that two things aren't the same because they have different colours even though colours isn't real.
>What colors are called literally varies by society
There is no universal language. Literally everything varies by society. Nothing is real.

Anonymous No. 16562968

Why don't they? Don't they know that race isn't real?

Anonymous No. 16562974

first of all, english has distinct words for all of those colors - chartreuse, emerald, navy, cyan, etc.

second, don't constructivists always argue that because our language constructs our reality, english speakers (who allegedly only have the word "blue" and "green") couldn't tell the difference between the the colors there? along the lines of that old myth about amazon tribes only having one word for "red" so they think maroon and orange look identical or whatever?

Anonymous No. 16562976

>Colours aren't real because different languages name have different words for them?
Colors are social constructs because different societies have different colors, yes.

Specific wavelengths of light exist, but a wavelength is not a color. Else you'd be able to tell me which fucking wavelength "blue" is, ass-hat.

>It's kind of weird how you can tell that two things aren't the same because they have different colours even though colours isn't real.

Also, setting aside you being blatantly wrong, I would point out that you are begging the question. That things differ does not make that difference color.

Anonymous No. 16562977

>first of all, english
Fuck you, no. Stopped reading there. You lost and anything you're about to say is too stupid to be worth responding to. Fuck off and die.

Anonymous No. 16562983

Can we all just agree leftists are in a religious cult at this point?
Listen to this guy's vaush-tier arguments.

Anonymous No. 16563035

Don't bother. Your friend/uncle doesn't have any influence over public policy or anything that matters. You'll burn social capital on it and gain nothing.

Anonymous No. 16563042

You think abbos and khoisan are the same races as West Africans?

Don't answer that question - just know that you are not educated enough to be speaking confidently on this topic. If you want to be racist on the internet you need to do better.

Anonymous No. 16563048

I came here to see if any of you had an interesting insight, instead all I see is a retard arguing about colors in the English language. 4cucks being 4cucks...

Anonymous No. 16563088

the genetic distance between an arab and a german is the same as the distance between a Japanese and a thai.
Yet the former is considered race mixing and the latter are not considered race mixing.
and you go further and create 3 races, white, jew and arab who have basically no real distance between them

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Anonymous No. 16563090

leftists barely exist anymore, the overwhelming majority of the entire western world is hard right wing now with the election of trump and elon musk funding only the right wing.

also it's not the leftists that created the idea called genetic distance

Anonymous No. 16563277

>Oh no my heckin social capital
Superficial coward.
You're the kind of person that thinks "is this ok for me to think" instead of "is this true"

Anonymous No. 16563278

>I have nothing of value to add and was looking for reinforcement for my existing beliefs but not finding any I have to seeth at my boogieman

Anonymous No. 16563281

Liberia isn't "Random"
Liberia was created by Lincoln and he sent freed slaves back there.
It is a control group because we have the same genetic lines here in America that were given the keys to the kingdom in Liberia.

If the claim is the slaves brought to the USA would have been just fine in Africa (which is already disingenuous as to how they got here in the first place) than Liberia should be a paradise... and it isn't.

Anonymous No. 16563292

Dude, not at all. I'm racist as fuck and I love lolis, and I talk about these topics openly when it's appropriate. I just know that some battles aren't worth fighting, especially with your low IQ friends, family, and coworkers. And believe me, if they're clueless about genetics in the first place, they're very low IQ.

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Anonymous No. 16563436

OP here, I assumed the thread was gonna die quickly after fpbp and bailed. I leave you people unattended for less than a day and loli pornography somehow enters the equation, never change.

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Anonymous No. 16563454

What's there to argue? It's already evident.

Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.

Anonymous No. 16563835

I think the dumb-to-midwit liberal argument isn't that average intelligence *can't* vary between groups, it's just that it doesn't happen to. A liberal with basic education would concede that average intelligence could have varied between groups but believes that this has never convincingly been demonstrated, can't convincingly be demonstrated, or has been demonstrated not to be the case. Even you only use the term "likely" in answer A; you haven't conclusively proven it. They don't know enough about probability or the specifics of population genetics to have any idea how likely or unlikely this is, and don't care. Stranger things have happened.

A smarter liberal would argue that you can't convincingly demonstrate the utility of talking about it at all. They know it's true or probably true, but they believe that withholding certain information from dumb people is a valid strategy for improving society. Most people are so stupid, they're completely incapable of understanding concepts like population averages, as you observe by trying to talk to normies about this topic. So if official sources "allow it to be known" that ethnic groups differ in average intelligence, then the average dumb normie will just go around believing that all black people are dumber than all white people and it will lead to social disorder.

For my part, I actually do believe that a society's intellectual superiors should limit what information "gets out" as a general rule for maintaining or enhancing social order. I know how to make improvised weapons, synthesize drugs, and get away with wire fraud, but I don't think we would be better off if everyone knew. You could say the same about jury nullification, or the falseness of Dominant Religion, or whatever - I guarantee there is at least some example you agree with here. I'm personally on the fence about whether race realism should "get out." I lean towards yes, but there's a fair argument to be made against it.

Anonymous No. 16563876

>Even you only use the term "likely" in answer A; you haven't conclusively proven it. They don't know enough about probability or the specifics of population genetics to have any idea how likely or unlikely this is, and don't care. Stranger things have happened.
True. All reasoning operates on probabilities; whether it’s our understanding of the world, personal beliefs, or even societal principles. To assert anything with certainty, we must consider the probabilities that support our conclusions. Since everything is a function of prior causes and evidence, including the nature of knowledge itself. We assess the likelihood of truth with available data, and our decisions are informed by this probabilistic understanding.

As for the question of "race realism," suppressing such information does not provide a stable foundation for progress ( if you want to see the consequences, look out the window ). To refuse acknowledgment of what is probable -whether agreeable or uncomfortable- ensures we remain entrenched in ignorance. It is only through confronting reality, no matter how inconvenient, that we make genuine progress in both academic and societal discourse. The truth, as it stands, must be engaged with, not hidden away under the pretense of "social order." The refusal to examine such truths perpetuates stagnation, and the implementation of inefficient policies like DEI, equality/equity principles, etc... but, from a pragmatic standpoint -as the last paragraph I've written was more idealistic than realist- it is apparent that the average mind is incapable of acknowledging truth. Nonetheless, I'm still also leaning towards yes. And race realism should be studied, even if done away from the eyes of the public. If there's progress to be made, it will be made.

Anonymous No. 16563915

Yeah, there are absolutely consequences to letting most people believe that all races have the same average capabilities. Affirmative action and enforced equality of outcomes are economically inefficient. But if you allow most people to believe that all blacks are dumber than all whites, which is equally wrong, there are actually very similar consequences. Namely that many blacks would be over-excluded from positions that they actually would be qualified for, which is economically inefficient. And there's a good case to be made that you only get to pick from one of these scenarios or the other, there is no middle ground where you force normies to be able to understand nuance.
>Race realism should be studied, even if done away from the eyes of the public
I think it already is. I mean, scientists studying medicine make note of race for a reason. I assume that the highest-level policymakers know exactly what the deal is and talk about it behind closed doors. They don't tell you because you're "the public"

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Anonymous No. 16563970

>They don't tell you because you're "the public"
Yep, and if they catch you trying to tell "the public," you'll end up like James Watson.

Anonymous No. 16564260

Yeah, precisely. His crime wasn't the belief itself, it was the failure to keep his mouth shut.

Another obvious example was how we weren't allowed to talk about the Wuhan lab leak theory, despite the fact that everyone in charge knew for a matter of fact that it was true.

Anonymous No. 16564272

If the slaves and natives were White it would have been fine. This just proves racism is right.

Anonymous No. 16564283

but they are right....

races are social constructs

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16564287

Yep. Worse still is even less people accept there's differences within each race. And that the least useful traits of all groups are selected for. We are living in dysgenic times. This will collapse civilization (again).

Anonymous No. 16564290

>they don't
Not my problem.

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Anonymous No. 16564299


Anonymous No. 16564303

>then the average dumb normie will just go around believing that all black people are dumber than all white people and it will lead to social disorder.
Yep. It's frustrating.

Anonymous No. 16564305

>I actually do believe that a society's intellectual superiors should limit what information "gets out" as a general rule for maintaining or enhancing social order.
I believe the total opposite. Allow complete free information flow. Let natural selection do the rest.

Anonymous No. 16564439

race isnt real
clusters are not real
drop a bag of pennies on the floor and you would see there would be some piles more dense in some places. Statistics alone demand that the pennis cant fall in some uniform distribution, as that would be highly ordered and unlikely
All your cluster-data meme graps you have seen are 2D cherrypicked projections of data that can only be represented as points in a space of thousands of dimensions. It can calculated on, it cannot be seen as a 2D drawing

Anonymous No. 16564442

100% of african wars could not physically happen without white and yellow men (such as the finns) providing them with guns and ammunition and radios and electricity for said radios and Toyotas. Left alone africans are unable to mass murder each other like that, to organize armies, to get notions of countries, to do violence on any level above driving some competitor from a coveted pasture

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Anonymous No. 16564448

Hey that's not true.
Tribal wars with bows and arrows happen.

Anonymous No. 16564471

>Tribal wars with bows and arrows happen.
They are not very deadly and these are way harder to organize with electronic communications

Anonymous No. 16564509

What if scientists discovered a technique that allowed you to make a nuclear bomb using household ingredients, and it's physically very easy to do, but it just so happens that the method is so obscure that nobody would ever think of it. Would you want that information to freely proliferate, or would you restrict it to allied state actors, or kill the guy who discovered it

Anonymous No. 16564538

>. Allow complete free information flow. Let natural selection do the rest.
You are a nobody to allow anything to anyone. You have no power and you dont matter

Anonymous No. 16564573

>Wuhan lab leak theory
Wait, what's the evidence for it being true? I know next to nothing on the subject.

Anonymous No. 16564594

they did ans investigation and found out it was true covid came from a wuhan lab

Anonymous No. 16564599

If genetics played any part in intelligence, there wouldn't be such a huge difference towards the attitudes of liberals and conservatives to such an extent that it led the west to its current decline. I've never seen 4chan right wingers address this, why seemingly intelligent white people like cannibalizing their culture. What's the point of intelligence if all human cultures end up cannibalizing themselves like the west. or giving up like japan. Why are you retards so obsessed with intelligence when llms have made it so that it isn't a rare commodity anymore, anyone in the world now has access to intelligence, freely of course going with deepseek's latest release. Seems like something deeply insecure people would focus on. Everyday fucking day, retarded zoomer undergrads talking about iq this iq that, you'd think you are in a middle school classroom or that someone has finally found a way to increase iq, but it's the same old tired coping for the last 10 years.

Anonymous No. 16564608

As usual, Wikipedo frames this as a conspiracy theory. Could you link for me any damning evidence or substantial proof?

Anonymous No. 16564613

Right this way, chump >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16564614

As expected, an insecure retard who doesn't know how to engage with my arguments because he took an online test. Probably not in a relationship, has no political voice and struggles economically, but his iq is high so it's all right.

Anonymous No. 16564626

Why have big muscles if you spend all day punching yourself in the face. There's intelligence and wisdom. Who has enough wisdom to pull people out of their hole? A lot of computational power used in self destructive ways.

Anonymous No. 16564630

There's no argument to be made. If you want me to take you seriously, present to me substantial and logical evidence that disproves intelligence being genetic.
>muh conservatards, lolberts, and dems
doesn't count. This is /sci/, you fucking fag.

Anonymous No. 16564631

Anything that doesn't fundamentally disprove the theorem, like
>muh politics
isn't science. There is a proper methodology to solving a problem. Either follow it, or back to >>>/pol/ you go

Anonymous No. 16564640

>all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.
considering the sheer spectrum of it even in developed states (and China) I'd say that's the case.

Anonymous No. 16564642

and peopel tend to conflate "access to education and educational pathways+tools" to intelligence. Even using IQ testing is iffy because IQ tests are a tool to devise an IEP with and even sampling different schools with state testing metrics all radically tell different stories even within the context of one region.

Anonymous No. 16564644

>as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,
Not really. Even in the areas that "selected" for it it was not even remotely as close to the degree we put domesticated animals through and no event has occurred where a mass killing of educated people over centuries has taken place.

Anonymous No. 16564646

>no event has occurred where a mass killing of educated people over centuries has taken place.
for the opposite to occur I mean. On top of that literacy rates have been going up globally so it's not like any group is even impacted in a way to the point that they are substantially lacking in any tangible way innately.

Anonymous No. 16564661

>considering the sheer spectrum of it even in developed states (and China) I'd say that's the case.
Considering what about the spectrum? If you're going to write so as to say nothing at all, then please refrain from writing anything to begin with.
>Not really.
Yes really. Provide fundamental evidence to substantiate your claims.
>circumstantial, cherry picked evidence
is not adequate proof. It's proven that intelligence is an evolutionary trait, which makes it genetic.

Anonymous No. 16564664

>Considering what about the spectrum?
scoring and educational attainment anon. Even the Chinese aren't all uniformly smart. Many areas in China have an educational problem in regards to keeping all the school competitive and the graduates work/uni ready at good level.

>Provide fundamental evidence to substantiate your claims.
We can see the progress of educational metrics and jumps among many states that did develop in the past occurring in developing countries.

>It's proven that intelligence is an evolutionary trait, which makes it genetic.
Not to the degree it makes a massive difference. That's what a lot of people who try to shill race science try to do. Exaggerate it and then use that as way to push policy and enforce a hierarchy.

Anonymous No. 16564669

i just showed it to you but you are too stupid to see it, if intelligence was genetic, there would have been ways of mitigating against adversarial behaviours displayed within a single race, genetic to mean some races display it more than others, white people would not be clamoring to destroy their own culture, if they consistently produced superior genetic stock, it's so fucking simple it's surprising you need an explanation

Anonymous No. 16564674

there's no theorem testable or not that says that intelligence is genetic, heck there is no established scientific law that says it either since the definition of intelligence, race and genetics are in dispute, nice try trying to draw me into a strawman argument about intelligence being a mathematical axiom, your scientific argument is no more accurate than my political one

Anonymous No. 16564676

>scoring and educational attainment
Those aren't adequate measures of intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16564677

>the definition of intelligence, race and genetics are in dispute
Not really, they aren't. I'm right.
>your scientific argument is no more accurate than my political one
So all the empirical evidence that shows the contrary to what you said is wrong... and you're right?

Anonymous No. 16564680

my argument was about the futility of any useful allusion to intelligence if you cared enough to read it, but wait you never read it, you just dismissed it as pol because it disagreed with your opinion

Anonymous No. 16564711

>So all the empirical evidence t
there isnt any

Anonymous No. 16564919

What? That doesn’t mean color isn’t real.

Anonymous No. 16564931

>different societies have different colors
This doesn’t mean color isn’t real.

Anonymous No. 16564936

Lmao every East Asian person considers SEA to be a different race.

Anonymous No. 16564938

Social construct != not real.

Anonymous No. 16564954

Not even correct, that's wrong. Chinese consider themselves the same race as the Malaysians. Anyway but in america, they are considered the same race.

Anonymous No. 16564960

But it does mean that trying to describe a beautiful painting to a red-green colourblind would be difficult because he can't process those colour's the same way you do. Hell his lavish praises can even be based on something else entirely like the brush strokes, composition, and other aspects before he may even bring up the colour.

Anonymous No. 16564963

How does this show color isn’t real? Yes, it shows that societies can group them differently.* But everyone can see these 4 shades. They are still “real.” You can even make the analogy with race. Grouping them all together is liking grouping all European people together. Separating them into two groups could be like separating into Eastern European and Western European groups, and then Northern and Southern European to get 4 groups. Want more races? You can get more granular. Just like you can get more granular with colors.

*This is actually a fascinating topic, especially when you add in colors like magenta. But I don’t see how you get “colors aren’t real” out of any of that.

Anonymous No. 16564966

Who cares what we think of them in America? The two groups are different. They consider themselves to be different. And we can measure the difference.

Anonymous No. 16564967


Anonymous No. 16564968


but the cia think its true

they just say that the probability is not high because they want to be diplomatic to the chinese overlords that cuck.america

Anonymous No. 16564974

>Chinese consider themselves the same race as the Malaysians
I don’t believe you.

Anonymous No. 16565193

I looked it up, the report basically says it might have come from a lab but they're not sure. Don't get me wrong, I 100% believe it was but there's still nothing concrete to rub in their faces.

Anonymous No. 16565196

Meant to add, it's a declassified document they had no intention of releasing, they'd have no reason to downplay things.

Anonymous No. 16565208

It's comprised of a combination of wavelengths.

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Anonymous No. 16565211


Anonymous No. 16565213

Here you are.

Anonymous No. 16565224

>B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

Are you assuming that EVERY trait other than intelligence varies among racial populations? This needs much more evidence than "it's just reasonable."

Anonymous No. 16565230

>DIiferent divisions are made along the color spectrum
>Therefore it's unscientific to claim a difference between green and blue

You're so retarded it makes me kinda like you.

Anonymous No. 16565352

What you have just responded to is called a "counterexample". Your image shows that there are not a fixed number of colours, yet colours remain real. What the person you are responding to is suggesting that though there are not a fixed number of races, the concept of race remains real.

Anonymous No. 16565354

/pol/tard thread

Anonymous No. 16565377

Nurture as far more to do with the racial differences than nature. For the most part, there are some races that are actually just flat out retarded. Aboriginals coming to mind, they are not the brightest race but they are also heavily coddled by the government so they have no reason to try and be intelligent.

How people are raised matters far more than what race they are. If the culture you surround yourself with doesn't give a shit about intelligence, thinks it's a victim all the fucking time, or is told is super special and everyone owes you the world then they just aren't going to develop properly. You take a black person out from their black culture and raise them in an asian or white culture and you'll get a far better outcome than the victim mentality that blacks cultivate.

Poverty also plays a huge impact on different races. Indians live in their own shit and garbage, they don't care if they live or die. Their lives are shit. So the vast majority of them are just dumb as fuck while the high caste are just as intelligent as anyone else.

You can say the same thing about white trash. I don't know how to put it in words but they just shoot themselves in the foot and go nowhere. There are tons of really fucking dumb white people but whites are only 8% of the worlds population so there are less dumb whites than every other race.

Anonymous No. 16565398

A lot of the population of Malaysia is chinese and nobody considers them mixed race.