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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16563075

what are some numbers for someone who's just starting to get into counting?

Anonymous No. 16563083


Anonymous No. 16563084

what you want to do is use these buttons:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

that'll get you started. certain uses might want a period but be careful where you put it, its not totally meaningless like english. don't worry about anything else right now, just study how those buttons work.

Anonymous No. 16563099

2, 4, 6, and 8 are pretty based imo

Anonymous No. 16563117

69 hehheh

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16563119


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Anonymous No. 16563120


Anonymous No. 16563153

As a beginner it's fine to just learn a list of the most commonly used numbers. However, if you're serious about counting then at some point you're going to have to get to grips with [math] + 1[/math]. Once you master that operation you can genuinely consider yourself a counter. You'll no longer be reliant on rote memorisation; you can just pick any number you know (for example, [math] 8 [/math]) and then just do [math] + 1[/math] to generate more numbers as required.

Anonymous No. 16563173

You've already received a lot of great suggestions from some extremely helpful and generous Anons, but I want to give a hearty shout-out to 103.
I fondly remember my first experience with the three-digit extremes. Ever since learning my 10's tables, I had dreamt of venturing to this shady land of magnitudes. After days of practice and I humbly admit more than a few mis-starts, I gathered up my strength and courage to mount this summit.
I began strong. My earlier trials had paid off. My pace was quick, yet unhurried. Before I noticed, I was past 50 and quickly approaching 60.
At 69, I paused briefly for a hearty chuckle, and then moved on.
I began to get rubbery in my writing hand at 72, stumbled at 84, but then smoothly curved around 98.
At 99, I halted.
The view. The range. The possibilities.
All before me.
I was awestruck. There it was.
"Dad! What come after a'hunnert?" I yelled into the windless abyss.
101 was the reply. Or was it just my own echo telling me what I had always known yet never dared to imagine.
And next was 102.
And finally 103.
I had come far enough. The rest was obvious. I need not continue on to know what I would find.
Later, I would see 437, 1709, and once 854,773,264 on a work trip.
But my time at 103 will never leave me.
That endless, endless view.

Anonymous No. 16563392


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count von count.jpg

Anonymous No. 16563405


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Anonymous No. 16564579

I love you kind stranger

Anonymous No. 16566312

Once you feel familiar with counting. I suggest looking at numbers between zero and one. Delicious.

Anonymous No. 16566664


Anonymous No. 16567080

fucking retard, you are supposed to use median. the left and right tails of the data assuming skewness will obfuscate the middle data you are trying to point out with enough granularity on either side thats why you use median retarded as nigga delete this post

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Anonymous No. 16568236

This post right here everyone. This post wins the internet.