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đŸ§” Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16573446

Psychologist here
>medcucks really think they can cure mental illness with pills


Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573448

I am experiencing the hallucination of a shifting reality where the face of reality has a low opacic second face in my vision, and parts of this overlaid, second face of reality in my mind will move. To explain further, every object has an overlay of the layer underneath, as a low opacic layer on top of objects that's invisible until it moves. It doesn't leave a hole or gap, the objects are still present but this second face will distort and fall or break away from where it's set, causing the illusion of a moving reality. From time watching reality shift, a visualization of currents of such shifting appeared in my mind from all the inverse operation I conducted whilst seeing the shifting reality; appearing as opaque gold lines that encapsulate my senses (over time I adapted to the shifting and an incarnate visualization of all that movement spawned, currents of such shifting). I feel claustrophobic all the time and a mentally painful and physically straining tightness around my brain which causes fatigue and low motivation; it feels as if I'm being touched perversely by hateful people; because I have to live alongside this hallucination, I have lost interest in life. Things about my every day experience are entirely unreal, and I am in a lot of pain because of the way the hallucination is affecting me me with the feeling of being breached and touched perversely by something unreal. As time went on studying the currents, they began to mess with the sense of my face and my sense of self began to shift as well, as feeling internally being torn or breached; very sick and terrible feelings incur in my daily life.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573449

It has been 15 years. To this date the whole experience has evolved, one of the major changes that evolved over time are the introduction of three, what I have named based on their looks, ‘energy beings’, of whom ride the current and shifting reality, dictating the way it is perceived. They look like small icons with a creature's body and a human’s face that break apart and fit into the visualization. There are 3 of them, a male more bluish one, a female more pinkish one and a third, male, larger, more greenish one. They started about 3 years into the hallucination, beginning peaceful, and began to rotary educate me to learn how to sense around the currents and understand their signs and movements, by moving, and talking, in my mind. I learned sensory tricks and was pavlovian conditioned to react to signal and sign. This made the entire experience more strict and harsh as they could force me to sense and think in certain ways.

In the present day I am tortured by these energy beings, who drag my senses around, and cause me to error mentally, I metaphorically am tripped up mentally into imagining disgusting things or things that cause me mental pain, fear or fatigue. I have been told by them that they are going to burn me with the Sun; another thing that said is that the universe will collapse on me; I have also heard that this life is a torture chamber just for me beginning from the end of world war III. They trap me in the draft of a sense of someone else imagining, and I have to feel like I'm imagining, and see imagery of, a prolonged scene that's often disgusting, all through the tripping up of my thoughts, which negatively impacts me.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573451

They abuse the shifting reality and my shifting sense of self, and I am engulfed by false senses. My subliminal sense locks onto parts of the visualization of currents and is hoisted-up uncomfortably, where I hypothetically bleed on involuntary mental input. One of the beings is always moving up to the left top of my head and my subliminal sense is pinned there, which is disadvantageous because I am easily caught off guard by their sensory attack. They attack hypothetically with whips, in the form of bodily sounds such as clicks and belches slapping against the upper region of my body, equipped with pressure and tightness at any part of my head or body, causing me to enrage and elements of physical pain. While I feel claustrophobic, this can be severely uncomfortable to the point I feel like crying. I can't calm down and am always at the edge of madness and sadness. These energy beings are perverts to me. I'm sure it's a mental attack from someone either on Earth or from a different dimension.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573452

Other attacks I am victim of: inducing flu-like symptoms through the energy beings encircling me with false senses and intense tightening around my brain; causing shortness of breath by pressuring me and pestering with my chest as I breathe, sometimes resulting in panic attacks; heating up of the head to the point it's unbearable; forcing me to forget what I'm trying to remember by restricting my capacity to think in that direction; getting in my way while I'm trying to focus; creating tightness around my brain that is majorly uncomfortable so much so I can't sit still; problem when closing my eyes, my eyes overheat with all the torque from the visualization of currents, meaning for most of the day I need to keep my eyes open until I'm actually tired; feeling of wanting to collapse when stood up, resulting in me spending most of my time in bed and not wanting to do anything; disrupting my ability to communicate to others normally in social circumstances by forcing the presence of one person into my mind who receives all my expression and reacts - and making me unable to create original, or any, speech, spontaneously; involuntary thoughts and squeezing of my hand(I am always squeezing my hand because of disturbance in that area).

My sleep is distracted, I get at maximum 1 hour skits of sleep but I'd be lucky to get 3. This is because the hallucination plays with my eyes and pesters my mind when I attempt to rest, keeping me awake.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573453

The energy beings claim to be torturing me. Though it is not word for word conversation, through sign and stray words I understand what they mean sometimes.

I am tired, uninterested in life, and I'm in a lot of pain and fear I can't handle every day. I'm also very afraid of life and especially the state of the warring world, and what the results of that may hold in store for me. I don't want to do anything apart from stay in bed so I can deal with the pain and actually need to do this or I feel too much pain and fear. I don't do much as I can't get into any media such as games and television, if I try to, I immediately lose interest. I struggle to find motivation to walk or engage in any physical activity, since I would have to take pain and fear all that time. I wish for the visualization of currents to end and my senses return to their normal state but it seems unlikely it will ever return to normal. I have been on many medications but none seem to affect the hallucination.

>Can you help me?

Anonymous No. 16573460

Welp, you think you can cure mental illness with talking.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573464

There needs to be intervention, psychologists need to learn how to remotely intervene or hijack someone's mind.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16573466

Things I'd sacrifice to rid myself of my hallucination:

- my ability to dream
- my ability to become hyperactive
- sometimes I consider my sight but then I think I would miss vision so not my sight but it would be curative to my problem

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Anonymous No. 16573468

>My entire field contributed next to nothing but quotes that allows the medfags next door to cash in with brain scooping with drills and pills.
Fixed it for you.

Anonymous No. 16573474

People don't even trust real doctors after covid, let alone shrinks.

Anonymous No. 16573496

Don't forget trivial and incorrect reduction of serious mental illness into consumable quotes to give extremely unqualified people attention on social media while making them feel as though they're an authority on the issue.

Anonymous No. 16573559

Well OP here's the moment of truth, go ahead try fixing this retarded tripfag with talking lmao

Anonymous No. 16573571

mental illness isnt real

Anonymous No. 16573584

medcucks dont want to cure anything

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Anonymous No. 16573595

Biological psychiatry is literally the only kind that's a real /sci/ence.

Anonymous No. 16573599

Have you ever taken meds?

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Anonymous No. 16573617

You are okay with still being a hack?
If they don't teach you how neurotransmitters are produced naturally and what can cause that production to halt then you are not educated to help people.
>Gut bacteria and mind control (timestamp @ 39:54)

Anonymous No. 16573624

Just human interaction is good enough.
The economy would take a hit if we'd revert to humanity.
The current state of things is not more than 100-200 years old and it has been horrible.

Anonymous No. 16573655

Just look at all those medcucks seething ITT
>NOOOO I'm depressed because of neurotransmitters and not because I have problems
Let me guess, when your wife cheats on you with me you blame her neurotransmitters?

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Anonymous No. 16573674


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Anonymous No. 16573675

There is only one way to cure your mental illness.

raphael No. 16573866

they surpress symptoms its a good way to make an infinite stable amount of money lol

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16574079


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Anonymous No. 16574129

Become a Shaman instead.

Don't try curing craziness, just point it in a positive direction.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16574134

Look. If you can't help me. You might as well kill me.

Anonymous No. 16574194

Tell the schizophrenic to consume more lysine
Tell the patient with adhd to eat more tyrosine
Tell the epileptic to try ketogenic diet
Tell the anxious person to increase their magnesium
Tell the pessimist to drink more milk for tryptophan..

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16574230

You literally need to learn how to hijack or remotely operate people's minds to successfully cure mental illness. Without recognition of what they experience, you cannot reach judgement on what to do - it's all round - about.

Anonymous No. 16574302

Tell the schizophrenic to kill himself
Tell the patient with adhd to kill himself
Tell the epileptic to kill himself
Tell the anxious person to kill himself
Tell the pessimist to kill himself...

Anonymous No. 16574306

Agreed - diagnosis based on behaviour observation alone is inaccurate, also, differing genetics lead the pharmacodynamics of drugs to vary (not just pharmacokinetics)
Though most people over 20 have the self-reflection capabilities to somewhat accurately describe whats causing their issues.

Id say you need some lysine buddy, and a tall wheyfu to drag you away from the goonscreen

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Anonymous No. 16574338

We will be there as soon as we complete the human brain mapping

Anonymous No. 16577132

Hello quack doctor

Anonymous No. 16578516

You can't cure what you can't legally diagnose, shoulder-to-cry-on-for-hire.

Anonymous No. 16579088

there's no such thing as mental illness, they're spiritual maladies that can only be cure by jesus christ himself

Anonymous No. 16579117

the real mental illness is society

raphael No. 16579240

you dont know shit pajeet

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RNA Polymerase Ho....jpg

Anonymous No. 16579260

Good advice, and results can be a lot better when coupled with the Gateway process.

Anonymous No. 16579281

How do I solve my Schizoid personality disorder?

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16579304

You are a female

Anonymous No. 16579331

Describe the symptoms. Either way don't drink alcohol.

Anonymous No. 16579345

Retire early with a shitload of cash and seal yourself off from the world

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16579369


Anonymous No. 16579375


Anonymous No. 16579538

How is that going to help me escape the existential dread of being both disgusted by human contact yet in need for it?

Anonymous No. 16579599

It makes your memory work differently.

Anonymous No. 16579752

daily high dose glycine chop chop
haha you are retarded
you could have been normal
but instead you became retarded (a psychologist)

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Anonymous No. 16579790

>anons still think biological psychiatry is about adding only one chemical
>2,000 & 2.5*10^1

Anonymous No. 16579842

And psychologists think they can help people by doing literally nothing. Imagine if any other aspect of healthcare worked the same way.
>oh, your leg seems to be broken
>fill this survey about depression
>now, tell me about the pain
>when did this pain start?
>tell me about your childhood
>how is your relationship with your parents?
>good session, same time next week

The only people who "benefit" from therapy are the ones who would have gotten better on their own anyway. In fact, that's precisely what therapy is about, supposedly helping patients figure out the solutions themselves because the psychologist sure as hell won't provide any. People with real mental health problems have already tried helping themselves any way they can, which is why they're reaching out for others for help, and literally the only "help" psychologists can provide is to talk about the very real problems that sure as hell won't get better by talking.

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Anonymous No. 16580182

bryan johnson is interesting, but you dont need 5 million pills and nutty pudding to be healthy
go on a carnivore diet, exercise daily and research pic rel.
it is that simple
as for glycine, it's been proven to treat schizophrenia and ketosis will probably also help

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Anonymous No. 16580210

I'm already on most of the supplements in your pic. Not a ketoschizo. Why don't you try intermittent isoleucine restriction instead of those garbage diets?
>Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan

Anonymous No. 16580215

Of a fucking fruit fly... Are you fruit fly?

Anonymous No. 16580218

apparently, because ti turns out to be the ultimate "recomp" diet in humans.
>you just can't find the research on it yet.

Anonymous No. 16580224

carbs make me inflamed and anxious
doing the carnivore diet cured my depression and made me 30 kilos lighter
not everybody has a ronald mcdonald blessed metabolism and food tolerance
anyhow, I need the meat to build muscle now anyway and I disagree with the protein restriction faggotry
I don't want to add more years to my life, I want more life in my years
as for fasting, I do fast occasionally for a couple of days
I noticed I make significant strength gains if I train just before/right after refeeding

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580228

You'll probably die at 50 if you eat too much meat. It's better to eat veg, bread and meat once a week unless you buy fish then you can have meat three times a week.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580235

I am experiencing the hallucination of a shifting reality’s currents with light beings infesting it that makes my mind, sense and nervous system sick.

It began as just a shifting reality, where the face of reality has a low opacic overlay in my vision(like panes of glass on top), and this overlay in my mind will move. To explain further, every object has an overlay of the layer underneath, as a low opacic layer on top of objects that's invisible until it moves. It doesn't leave a hole or gap when it moves, the objects are still present but this second face will distort and fall or break away from where it's set, causing the illusion of a moving reality.

From time watching reality shift, a visualization of currents of such shifting appeared in my mind from all the inverse operation I conducted whilst seeing the shifting reality; appearing as opaque gold lines that encapsulate my senses (over time I adapted to the shifting and an incarnate visualization of all that movement spawned; the currents of such shifting). At first it was peaceful, until a few years later where the experience evolved.

It has been 15 years; as said before, the first few years were peaceful, but to this date the whole experience has evolved. As time moved on the introduction of three, what I have named based on their looks, ‘light beings’, of whom ride the current and shifting reality, dictating the way it is perceived and commanding my senses. They look like small icons with a creature's body and a human’s face that break apart and fade in and out of view, and fit into the visualization perfectly. There are 3 of them, a male more bluish one, a female more pinkish one and a third, male, larger, more greenish one. They started about 4 years into the hallucination; beginning peacefully, they rotary educated me to learn how to perceive the hallucination in a skillful way, and understand their signs and movements, by moving, and talking, in my mind.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580239

I learned sensory tricks, such as left eye up and right eye down in gesture, and I was pavlovian conditioned to react to signal and sign. This made the entire experience more strict as they could cause me to sense and think in certain ways.

In the present day I am tortured by these light beings, who command my senses around in a hallucination storm, and cause me to have mental errors. I feel claustrophobic all the time and there is a mentally painful and physically straining tightness around my brain which causes fatigue and low motivation; alongside this my mind space feels quite scarce because of the sensory abstraction of the hallucination. It feels as if I'm being touched perversely by hateful people; because I have to live alongside this hallucination, I have lost interest in life. Things about my everyday experience are entirely unreal, and I am in a lot of pain because of the way the hallucination is affecting me. The hallucination now messes with the sense of my face and my sense of self now shifts as well, feeling internally like being torn or breached.

I metaphorically am tripped up mentally into imagining disgusting things or things that cause me mental pain, fear or fatigue. A short term visualization will be forced upon me in the manner of following the currents, which is experienced as pulling imagination from my head, and displaying them in suite around me; this happens after I struggle and have an involuntary thought and it rhymes with my perceptions of such thought.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580241


I have been told by them that they are going to burn me with the Sun; another thing that said is that the universe will collapse on me; I have also heard that this life is a torture chamber just for me beginning from the end of world war III. They trap me in the draft of a sense of someone else imagining, and I have to feel like I'm imagining, and see imagery of, a prolonged scene that's often disgusting.

They abuse the shifting reality and my shifting sense of self, and I am engulfed by false senses.

My subliminal sense locks onto parts of the visualization of currents and is hoisted-up uncomfortably, where I hypothetically bleed on involuntary mental input. One of the beings is always moving up to the left top of my head and my subliminal sense is pinned there, which is disadvantageous because I am easily caught off guard by their sensory attack. They attack hypothetically with whips, in the form of bodily sounds such as clicks and belches slapping against the upper region of my body, equipped with pressure and tightness at any part of my head or body, causing me to enrage and elements of physical pain. While I feel claustrophobic, this can be severely uncomfortable to the point I feel like crying. I can't calm down and am always at the edge of madness and sadness. These light beings are perverts to me. I'm sure it's a mental attack from someone either on Earth or from a different dimension.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580243

Other attacks I am victim of: inducing flu-like symptoms through the light beings encircling me with false senses, heat and pressure, and intense tightening around my brain; causing shortness of breath by pressuring me and pestering with my chest as I breathe and panic, sometimes resulting in panic attacks; heating up of the head to the point it's unbearable and I have to move around; forcing me to forget what I'm trying to remember by restricting my capacity to think in that direction; getting in my way while I'm trying to focus; creating tightness around my brain that is majorly uncomfortable so much so I can't sit still; problem when closing my eyes, my eyes burn out with all the torque from the visualization of currents, meaning for most of the day I need to keep my eyes open until I'm actually tired; feeling of wanting to collapse when stood up, resulting in me spending most of my time in bed and not wanting to do anything; disrupting my ability to communicate to others normally in social circumstances by forcing the presence of one person into my mind who receives all my expression and reacts - and making me unable to create original, or any, speech, spontaneously; involuntary thoughts and squeezing of my hand(I am always squeezing my hand because of disturbance in that area).

My sleep is distracted, I get at maximum 1 hour skits of sleep but I'd be lucky to get 3. This is because the hallucination plays with my eyes and pesters my mind when I attempt to rest, keeping me awake. This results in me sleeping-in, in the mornings, because I'm so tired.

The energy beings claim to be torturing me. Though it is not word for word conversation, through sign and stray words I understand what they mean sometimes.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580244

Most of the time I'm having involuntary thoughts and mistaken speech(speech that is entirely affected by the hallucination, not what I plan to say), and my senses are being led to sense around the hallucination. This is all through my lack of mind space due to tightness around my brain and marked vision and other marked senses. I'm always under threat from severe attacks which occur randomly, but one unchanging thing is the tightness around my brain making me claustrophobic and tired, as well as causing me physical head and sense pain.

I am tired, uninterested in life, and I'm in a lot of pain and fear I can't handle every day. I'm also very afraid of life and especially the state of the warring world, and what the results of that may hold in store for me. I don't want to do anything apart from stay in bed so I can deal with the pain and actually need to do this or I feel too much pain and fear. I don't do much as I can't get into any media such as games and television, if I try to, I immediately lose interest. I struggle to find motivation to walk or engage in any physical activity, since I would have to take pain and fear all that time. I wish for the visualization of currents to end and my senses return to their normal state but it seems unlikely it will ever return to normal. I have been on many medications but none seem to affect the hallucination.

Satella and Subaru No. 16580247

So when is magic hour?

Anonymous No. 16580249

mental illness is un-curable anybody that tells you they recovered from any kind of mental illness was lying about having it in the first place

Anonymous No. 16580250

Stupid, sexy Acetylcholine...
I am gonna kill some GABAs to show her!

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Satella and Subaru No. 16580253

We vril be making le high chaos magic

Anonymous No. 16580255

Psychologists gave us the tranny menace.

Satella and Subaru No. 16580259

Pyschomancy is dead, divine alchemy chads rose up

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16580260

Spastics detected.

Satella and Subaru No. 16580264

You’re going to die Tanya will kill you

Satella and Subaru No. 16580265

Zoomies made her up ;)

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Satella and Subaru No. 16580269

Uh oh

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Satella and Subaru No. 16580274


Satella and Subaru No. 16580279


Anonymous No. 16580507

I'm bulking on intermittent isoleucine restriction eating 150g/day of protein.mostly from meat. It just gets loaded in a restricted feeding window.

Anonymous No. 16580513

So have you posted any peer-reviewed study demonstrating the existence of a "psyche" yet or has science so far only observed correlations between physiology, storytelling and behavior?

Anonymous No. 16580770

this is a retarded take

Anonymous No. 16580801

A few can be. The rest can't be cured at all, psychology is basically a bunch of quacks trying to scam you into buying their voodoo.

Anonymous No. 16580803

My great-grandfather ate red meat every day and lived to 108. Just get better genetics :^).

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Cult of Passion No. 16580808

>Moreover, it has been argued that vegetarianism and veganism form a part of “trendy” Western consumerist lifestyles – only accessible to privileged “white” people. Vegetarianism that has been prevalent in Western countries has been subject to prejudice, low self-esteem, and low psychological adjustment.
What does this have to do with Nutrition?

Anonymous No. 16580809

im a solipsist and everyone says im mentally ill for believing in it. PROVE THAT ANYONE ELSE IS REAL. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY DO THIS. AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED SOLIPSISM IS TRUE

Anonymous No. 16581016

psych majors ending back up on 4chan is proof enough that it's bullshit

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Cult of Passion No. 16581039

>Psychology majors associating with groups of mentally ill people.
Im as shocked as you are.

Anonymous No. 16581059

nigger you dont think viruses exist, get your retarded ass off this board

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Cult of Passion No. 16581194

>you dont think viruses exist
Ive never said that.
>get your retarded ass off this board
This is where my patients are.
Youre definitely not a scientist, thus you are LARPing to masturbate your ego.

You simply dont want me around so you can say retarded shit and not be called out for it...please, put a patient file name on so I can track your condition.

Anonymous No. 16581204

mark your fucking calender I defend in november hell or high water you faggot

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Cult of Passion No. 16581218

>im sick :(
I know...its my job to know.

>mark your fucking calender I defend in november hell or high water you faggot
Thread, you have no clue how difficult it is to reverse engineer the Cognition of schiobabble...but its possible, and with it found it can be resolved.

Schizophenia is curable, not treatable, but cured...if the patient allows for it.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581347

Because none have ever been able to tolerate being around you?
>This is where my patients are.

Who are your patients?
You are the one who needs help, please get the help you need.

>Youre definitely not a scientist, thus you are LARPing to masturbate your ego.

You namefag so you can attempt to "masturbate your ego."
Quit larping

>You simply dont want me around so you can say retarded shit and not be called out for it...please, put a patient file name on so I can track your condition

We want you gone because you are an annoying schizophrenic who refuses both help and reason.

>>im sick :(
>I know...its my job to know.

Get help cult, quit pretending to be a doctor when you dropped out of school.

>Thread, you have no clue how difficult it is to reverse engineer the Cognition of schiobabble...but its possible, and with it found it can be resolved.

I hope you are right cult

>Schizophenia is curable, not treatable, but cured...if the patient allows for it.

I hope you are right, I hope someday you can be cured

Anonymous No. 16581365

Still no evidence of a "psyche" in this thread.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581685

[my emotonal state isnt being validated]
Not reading the rest, youre a patient, not an adult man. You think as a collective (we, us) like a woman;

Women collectively lie, like you, but you have a penis, like Eve in the Bible;
Genesis 3:15

This is why society is divided;
>overt lying in the commons has produced a corrupted society

Sociology is just MetaPsychology, which is just Physiological Cognition and Meta Genetics. Simplex behavior, but you the Truth is never found in you, only projections of emotions for positions of power in a dominance hierarchy.

Youre not a Doctor, of any kind, but "pretend" you are on the internet to feel "empowered", like above.

You both lie then use those lies as "evidence", thats a circular digestive system (eating your own shit). In science thats called FRAUD. This is why "fraud" is so pervasive in society, such as USAID, and why the "social contract" has been broken. Literally ALL of society's ills can be reduced to people like both of you having agency in a "capitalist democracy", because you do not produce (food; Truth), you eat your own shit (tell lies then force those lies upon others as facts).

OP is right, drugging to produce desired effects doesnt cure anything, it simple forces "tolerable" behavior while the symptoms still exist...because the Development never too place.

This is why Developmental Psychology has basically made Psychiatry obsolete (Jordan Peterson et al (me).

Anonymous No. 16581713

You're labelling others as liars without providing any criteria to discern truth from falsity.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581728

>We want you gone
>You think as a collective (we, us) like a woman;
I didnt even read past his first line...but was right, as always.

>no evidence of a "psyche" in this thread.
Speaking like theyre looking for "evidence" while clearly not educated in even a tangent field of research (speaking like an expert while totally ignorant on a topic, A LIAR).

>without providing any criteria to discern truth from falsity.
I didnt see it because youre looking for emotional validation, not evidence, which is a lie you told yourself...and you believed it.

Stop lying to yourself youre a "peer" or looking for "truth". Youre not.

Anonymous No. 16581748

Is this one of your episodes again? You have a history of becoming unreasonable to argue with once in a while perhaps because of drugs or a mental disorder. We'll continue the conversation when you sober up again.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581773

What was your thesis in Psychology on?...or are you presenting yourself as a Psychoanalyst to add crrdibility to your emotional projection?
I stated facts, and your response is emotional/ego based highly unsciencitific work, "fellow Doctor"...
Peer reviewing works isnt arguing, perhaps you should show me your credentials so I can adopt your field's lexicon to my report for easier digestion....unless you only eat shit (lies).
>because of drugs
Psychiatrist too?!
>or a mental disorder.
Both?!?! Double Major?!
>sober up
You cant perform Cognitive tests over the internet, ma'am...I can, because its my job to.

>...but...I JUST want to win!
And commiting fraud to win is acceptable to you...this is exactly why you lose; winning (power in a dominance hierarchy) is the only thing you care about.

A woman's perspective of what a man is, dominance devoid of compentency, because she cannot discern truth from power, she only sees power.

Anonymous No. 16581774

You're never going to convince a schizo having an episode that he's having an episode anon. You just have to let him keep posting his deep messianic insight until he gets bored and leaves, unfortunately. This is why other discussion forums have moderators.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581788

>(speaking like an expert while totally ignorant on a topic, A LIAR).

What are you talking about, mate...this place is chock full of Doctors!

We *could* talk about Psychiatry's failures as a field of research...but no, it was never about science, its about {{{feeeling}}} scientific.

Cult of Passion No. 16581797

>existence of a "psyche"
Unless their saying psychE, and not the spoken abreviation of Psychology (Psych(the e being silent)). Not believing is a "psych-e" is like not believing in consciousness, wildly retatded and as out of touch with reality as one could get....I...assumed better of you people.

I shouldnt do that, 4Chan is where my patients are, not my peers.

We moved on to Cognition, get with the times Basedentists;

Anonymous No. 16581799

>We will be there as soon as we complete the human brain mapping
wrong. we'll still need to spend another century reading and understanding that map once it's been made.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581800

Their works are recorded in the anals of time.

Speach police, peer reviewing based emotional power plays.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581801

>Not reading the rest

You never do
You just see somebody responded, then get angry
I don't understand how the irony is invisible to you.

>I didnt even read past his first line...but was right, as always

You claim other people lie to defend their ego, but you never even read what others say, to defend your own ego

I think I have seen you before, it is good to see you again

>I stated facts
>I didnt even read past his first

Technically, stating the fact you did not read anything, is stating facts.
Congrats cult.

Anyways cult, please get help

Cult of Passion No. 16581809

>I think I have seen you before, it is good to see you again
"Im here if you need to talk (valid each other's lies)."

My statistical citation is here;

Read the chart, its....pretty fucking simple, dudette.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581813

Please get help, you have a mental illness

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Cult of Passion No. 16581822

>you have a mental illness
>(speaking like an expert while totally ignorant on a topic, A LIAR)

>Psychologist here
Psychology isnt about "I feel a way about you." Its about interpreting yourself accurately.
Psychiatry isnt about "Solving mental health issues". Its about masking issues to fit into society's maladaptive orientation.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581826

You really need to take meds, holy fuck

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Cult of Passion No. 16581827

Psychiatrist now?!?


Anonymous No. 16581832

>blah blah blah
That's all you ever do
>inb4 some stupid schizobabble.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581836

>(speaking like an expert while totally ignorant on a topic, A LIAR)
Youre not a Psychologist or Linguist, youre LYING to FEEL empowered.

Stop eating your own shit...

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Cult of Passion No. 16581837

disregard that, I suck cocks

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581839

I mean, nowhere near the twelve you gave yourself after they kicked you out of middle school

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581841

It all makes sense now

Anonymous No. 16581852

>Comes out as gay
>Refuses to elaborate


Anonymous No. 16581854

Astrology for Jewish perverts

Anonymous No. 16581862

I finally understand why you are always such a faggot, it's because you literally are one.

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Cult of Passion No. 16581871

[eats it up with glee]

Atypical behavior, they cant stop if they wanted to.

Youre a Jewish golem..."Always do [...] what the Jews say."

Cognition, you've been trained into compliance to be a counter operator, giving the operating validation for power, because theyre being ARE the Jewish trick, dunce.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581900

>Unable to understand that I knew it was a joke, and was going along with them for fun

And you say you are not a retard?

Anonymous No. 16581920

you prove to everyone time and time again just how retarded you actually are lol. Your posts are always a joy for me to read because I know I will always find some gem of pure stupidity within them. I don't even have to dig deep for them, they are just sitting there right on top.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16581955

The sad thing is he has developed some sort of "run and hide" tactics where, when his ego is too bruised and he feels people have called out too much of his bullshit, he limps away, tail between his legs.
He will only return when called out, as he must defend his honor, luckily he will never figure out people know this, as he does not read, or understand

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16582702

He never did come back, it seems his ego was too damaged

Anonymous No. 16583196

Unironically shock yourself with a dosage of Olanzapine if you have any.

If you have had Olanzapine before go 5mg at night, then 2.5mg the next night, beyond that is up to you.
If you haven't had it before then 2.5mg at night followed by maybe 1mg or none the next night.

A licensed doctor would probably tell you to titrate, but I won't because I'm not - it works fine with shock dosages although you'll have to handle some lethargy, I find it's worth it for a couple of weeks of level-headedness.

Anonymous No. 16583444

Nihilist here, you invented mental illness to deflect all problems pointed out by other people and your own subconscious and keep wallowing in your self made pity party because you're a lazy faggot.