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Anonymous No. 16578032

Human intelligence/STEMfags BTFOd. How do you cope with the fact that a program can speedrun your entire career in minutes?

Anonymous No. 16578204

AI is smarter than a pajeet? Thank god now we can send millions of them back to India. The world is healing.

Anonymous No. 16578244

What if they imported all those shitskins into Europe to make europeans agree to another war so they can wipe the shit out and do it legally? Rather than the shit is going to leave once some big shit happens.

Anonymous No. 16578251

It's good at speedrunning undergrad problems, so as >>16578204 said I'm glad it'll wipe out all the chegg pajeets.

It'll get there but as of right now it's a meme for grad level math problems. I subbed to gpt pro for a month.

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Socials, sharing and caring No. 16578255