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Anonymous No. 16578156

How much does stress itself dictate negative health outcomes vs how people tend to cope with stress? I had this fat fuck philosophy professor telling us about how diet doesn't really affect health as much as having a chill mentality does.

I'm skinny, neurotic and exercise plenty. Am I really gonna die of a heart attack before some fat retard?

Anonymous No. 16578324

>Am I really gonna die of a heart attack before some fat retard?

if you stress about it maybe
fatty mcprof is coping, obviously but it's still true you need to tolerate eustress and eliminate bad stress

Anonymous No. 16580085

Idk but it wasn't a good combination in my teens even if you don't die you might have some other health issues it's good that you're skinny so just be more chill and don't overdo the exercise too much

Anonymous No. 16580316

>I had this fat fuck philosophy professor telling us about how diet doesn't really affect health as much as having a chill mentality does.
What a cope. I went on the carnivore diet just to get rid of all the food that I possibly don't tolerate and it cured my depression and anxiety.
So from my experience it's total nonsense.
If you think about it our thoughts are self-narration, several experiments on the human brain prove that we make decisions before we form internal thoughts about making those decisions - so that means that the physical condition of the body underpins our thoughts and it makes sense.
All the different mental conditions we know of always end up being related to some genetic or metabolic abnormality.
How would an unhealthy brain produce healthy thoughts? Why is it that health, beauty and happiness seem to go along so often? Certainly thinking about good or bad things doesn't make us beautiful or ugly, although a lot of normies certainly believe that. It's merely justifying one's own biases.
Could it be that being healthy - having low inflammation, no chronic disease, good metabolism, good development, good vascularity and balanced hormones will give your brain the possibility to perform ideally, leading to productive and efficient decision making?
What happens to people if their decisions are bad from being constantly tired or nervous? Maybe it does actually harm their progression through life?
This idea of thoughts having so much power, it's narcissistic, it really does mirror magical thinking in a lot of ways.
Thoughts are there for communication and problem solving, if you want to try influencing your health with that positivity advice, well try, you will find out that it doesn't work really quickly.
Just force yourself to smile right now, tell yourself that everything is great and immediately stop thinking about anything possibly bad and go along with it for a week.
You'll quickly tire of it, feel hollow and realize it doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16580327

By the way, this is how thoughts actually help, by using them to solve problems logically, to find the issue and fix it.
Not by coping about what is happening via what is basically magical thinking and self-delusion. That is maladaptation.
In this case the issue is clearly physical and likely due to diet.
You are stressed - you have high cortisol, get your insulin checked, try fasting and cut back on carbs/don't eat anything in the afternoon, see if it helps with your sleep. Bad quality sleep is likely going to be your issue.
If you bring this up to your professor, tell him that the internet retard says Nietzsche was right about the will to power and that the will to pleasure is for losers who shy away from objective truth out of fear, when you mustn't fear yourself, when you can't be touched by it, when you have to touch it. Tell him to watch his weight. But I guess you'd be afraid of doing that.